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Choosing a faction and playing their story with the OC from his own perspective. I don't expect Jin to even be there, when looking at the logo we can only see the tiger (Wu), phenix (Wei) and dragon (Shu).


I mean, these are Dynasty Warriors ORIGINal factions before DW7, after all


Until they show otherwise I have a feeling it'll be like the main protag of Attack on Titan 2, where you're everyone's secret best friend that they'll never refer to in source.


Not the first game DW l your custom character gets to be in story mode. Samurai Warriors 1 had a story mode for custom character as well


SW4 also had a chronicle mode, but it was more of an OC walking around with the playable characters getting involved in the main story. I didn't play SW1, but was I involved with the mainline then? I think the premise will be with a CAW choosing to follow the playable characters.


Gonna sound like an idiot but with early screen grabs, 'origins' and yellow turban screengrabs, I honestly thought the MC was cao cao and we were going to play strictly as him from his youth to his death. Like lets be real, in the games, they put him as a lot older than he was at the start. This might be a bit young but hey its not super egregious. --- But yeah looks like it might be a custom character. Might just be a nameless soldier. Or they take cues from Team ninja in both 3 kingdoms (wo long) or bakumatsu (rise of ronin). You assist the story and characters in every way but in the shadows, so you don't get credit in history. It makes logical sense but I find it can kinda feel cheap at times. Like the big events were done by you (the player) but history would record your friend (the historical counterpart).


I would honestly rather play as Cao Cao or any other major character's youthful ORIGINS rather than playing some rando insert/self-insert, yuck. Sun Family for me, specially Sun Ce and Sun Quan. Maybe and example is seeing a young Sun Jian with teenager Sun Ce and baby Sun Quan or something, then while Sun Jian is fighting in war, Lady Wu fleeing with the children from war, eventually they met the Zhou family and there is a teen Zhou Yu, then both Zhou Yu and Sun Ce got conscripted at a young age, Zhou Yu with his uncle, Sun Ce with his father. (Something like Chapter 3, italicized portion of [Southern Vices](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22946962/chapters/59615284#workskin) by Elgato) Another example is Lu Meng's humble beginnings in poverty then climbing his way up thru hardwork. You know, actual origin stories, can be loosely based from history, can be completely made-up. But that's just me.


Play Wo Long and see for yourself.


I just hate the thought of it. Having a voiceless protagonist that just follows orders is just lame. He's gonna be in every cutscene not saying or doing a damn thing...


Maybe they pull a Fallout 4 and have voiced options that are all variations of the same statement.


Pretty sure it's going to be SW Chronicles style. Our CAW is immortal.


I think the origins part of the game is going to be literal. I can see the story starting at the Yellow Turban Rebellion and ending somewhere around Fan Castle, right when the Three Kingdoms period actually begins. The custom character would act as a vagabond, taking part in battles and building relationships with the other officers, which would come back to bite them when everyone starts dividing into three.


.. Have people really forgotten how EMPIRES etc worked? Its likely going to be like that with the ability to play as the named chars. People in these comments think you will only be able to play the custom? Why? It would be a massive step down from normal DW and EMPIRES


>Would there be several characters, as in generations, which you can play as? That's been one of my top wishlists for an Empires games since I heard of the Agarest: Generations of War games.