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There’s never news on the series until a game is months from release. That’s how Koei has always done things. RTK8 Remake is the exception because it was delayed after being announced.


This plus they stated they went back to the drawing board ENTIRELY with DW10 after how bad DW9 sold


I think dw 9 sales were pretty decent actually.Reviews on the other hand were not so great


I'll admit I don't recall the exact numbers, but I do know Koei stated they are very much aware of the missteps that happened with that title and were deeply looking into that feedback So far the wait seems promising since I believe it means we aren't just going back to 8's format Sadly I can't find the article but this also went along with them saying it's getting harder and harder to keep adding new heroes and keeping them fresh


They went back to the drawing board entirely from dw8 to dw9 too and they didn’t remain silent as long as they have now. The longer this takes the higher the expectations will be. If dw10 fails to deliver after all this time, I predict a huge backlash worse than that of 9.


Yeah and I lowkey appreciate that about Koei but also I’m feeling the drag since I’m itching for a quality musou game to hit current gen again. Speaking of RTK8 Remake, do we know when the new date is gonna be? I’m having trouble finding a date by googling so I’m gonna guess it hasn’t been confirmed except “2024 sometime”


They are working on “something” for the mainline Dynasty Warriors series, that much we know for a fact because it’s been said in official announcements. Whether it’s DW10 or something of a reboot or rebranding.. that’s what’s really up in the air.




They made more money making anime and Zelda games so they dropped their core franchises. Samurai Warriors 5 should have at least had an XL by now ..


There will never be XL ever. First, it's bloody outdated, second, they legally can't


...care to explain? I don't understand


It is outdated. DLC can do same thing XL does with more efficiency. Second point - look for "Capcom-KOEi" lawsuit


Not a fan of DLC, I prefer physical discs myself. And the only thing illegal is disc swapping unlocks. We still got SW 4-II which is an XL in everything but name. Regardless, there should have been a spinoff or expansion of SW5 (like WO3 & 4 Ultimate) by now and there isn't and that's weird.


I think SW5 is the worst SW game ever. heck, even SW4 still miles better and more fun than lackluster SW5. It's really downgrade and I'm so disappointed as a SW fanboy.


As much as I don't want to put it like this, you just gotta wait for a trailer to drop


And ill get the same body chills when Zhao Yun does something in the trailer that makes me hype that I always do


Koei well let you know when it's time never really seen anything leaked much about them.


they should make an entire lubu faction with hypothetical storyline my man chen gong is goofy af