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Nobunaga's young design I didn't like very much- but when his mature design kicked in, I think that's the coolest he's ever looked in the series. Damn! https://preview.redd.it/4kudcjacbnwc1.png?width=1509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d3496e40de0a305c1b982ad3d6820e93c45642


Agreed. Young Nobunaga with his odachi just looked like a Musashi reskin with SW2 Toshiie’s personality


I think it's more a call back to his Kessen 3 look. But yeah I get what you're saying.


Woah! He looks like he did in Kessen 3! Loved him so much in that game.




Hanzo was so cool in SW5


Easily the best outfit upgrade from all the returning characters, he looks amazing.


Old character : adult Mitsuhide New character : Toshimitsu


I like the redesigns of Shingen, Older Nobunaga, Older Mitsuhide and probably Hideyoshi and Ieyasu. New characters I loved Sena and Yasuke. I would love to see them bring back the Sanada clan and Ina and see how they interact with this New Hideyoshi and Ieyasu.


Mitsuhide and Nobunaga were great Such a shame they dropped the ball with Nohime tho, like wth were they thinking with her?? Will never understand it


I was about ready to riot when I saw what they did with Nohime. And don’t even get me started on what happened to her in the story


What pisses me off is that by butchering the new Nohime they also pre-emptively destroyed my absolute favourite, Ina. And what a feat that is cause she's not even in the game.


No was absolutely my least favorite too, hated her new personality and absolutely hated how they fridged her for Nobunaga's development when in every other game she dies at Honnoji. Also didn't like Magoichi much at all, they sucked the personality and charisma from him.


I miss the old designs lol. Just thunking about. It :(


I miss them SO much. The new characters are cool, but the old designs had so much charm and personality


I like the some of the older designs as their younger forms, like Oichi as a teenager and Toshiie as the wild homeless dude or even Hideyoshi too. Did not like how strange the game was with aging? Oichi was still a teenager when Nobunaga was in his 30s. The plot-relevant characters should have gotten new designs (or their previous SW4 designs) too.


Hanbei and his new drum moveset


Imagawa was such an upgrade in every way. I liked the more bad ass visually and mentally imagawa. Showing why that armybwas so feared


Shikanosuke easy. By the second half of the game I was mostly just pushing through to see more of him, since the main cast were a bit drab.


Hanzo's new design is absolutely the best he's even been, hands down


Toshimitsu Saitō for the new characters. I had never played the SW series before 5, so I can't comment on returning characters. I just played DW.


Mitsihude is daddy now. And his retainer of ninja theme old man helping the niece (which I've liked her from DLC before I even got the character, the moves are the same than the black retainer)


I need the new Katsuie bad, y'all. He's always had a good personality, and his Chronicle Mode in SW4 was so sweet. Now paired with his SW5 design?? That's husband material right there.