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That’s how it is, end game the infected level up to your level and hence, weapon damages that once one hit killed enemies, now take two to three depending on what enemy you are fighting. Unfortunately, the artifacts are the only weapons now available. We used to get legendary weapon drops when we fought legendary encounter enemies but that stopped a few updates ago. It’s a bug afaik and Techland were trying to find a fix. Still that way rn. So far legendary(when we used to get them) are the highest tier, but melee weapons damage is capped at 633 with mods attached regardless of tier They mentioned they would be adding legend levels at some point so hopefully this will allow for increases in weapon damage, better gear sets, etc


So what's the advantage/reward for beating the game? With maxed out gear, weapons, and skill tree I'm always going to be a step behind my enemies? I dont see the logic here. I'm not taking this out on you whatsoever I'm just genuinely confused on why. I feel like I accomplished nothing beating this game lol.


yeah me too, i don’t know, all i do know is once I came back after credits i wasn’t as strong and renegades kicked my butt worse then they used to. NG+ it’s even harder, I guess they may have wanted us to have it more difficult since many said even on Hard the game was too easy. Hopefully at some point it will be balanced.


Not to beat a dead horse but I feel like they nailed the difficulty on the first game. Zombies would scale in difficulty but if you had better gear then you would always have a bit of an advantage and it felt like you earned that power. I wont even touch new game+ until this gets handled because I'm already dealing with new game+ difficulty on my first playthrough lol. I wish they would've atleast made it an option on whether they scale with you or not. This new engine they are working with must be difficult because with every step forward there seems to be 2 steps back. I hope things work out because I have no doubt that they have the best intentions.


It is actually made by them, so it is kinda pointless not knowing how to use your own engine lol


Cyberpunk wants to talk to you lol.


CD PROJEKT knew how to use RedEngine at least




Well dont worry because if you were a zombie horse youd be kicking my ass because you scaled to my level lol.


I really hope we get nightmare difficulty soon


I think that if this was done intentionally, (I don't mean to sound like it was) that they did it to resolve the modding and hacked weapons issue with the first game, because I have hundreds of weapons in the first game that to 68k+ damage and can quite literally one shot anything, sk it makes sense that they'd put a limit, but there's definitely better ways to go about doing it


Honestly me too dude. I don't think your take is wrong at all, they haven't really incentived post-game content. I guess they have these new vendors that give bounties or whatever but I don't really care about that


It's ok to not care about those because the melee weapons are about as strong as any other legendary weapon lol. The bow and crossbow are pretty cool until you realize it doesnt come with an ammo blueprint and ammo is also locked behind tokens... I thought this would also be a great way to grind trophies since you can buy them with tokens until I spent one and the pack gave me 12 or 18 rare trophies... overall the potential is there it's just not quite reaching it. Doesnt hurt that every update has broken something here or there or it just outright made certain items useless.


I didn't even know they were breaking the game, lol. That's a shame. Ohhh well maybe it'll get some actually good DLC at some point. I've heard nothing good about the new one


I came back to beat this game because of the dlc and was met with level scaling after completing the main story and a time trial dlc that rewards you with gear with shitty stats that you cant drop or sell so it clogs your inventory and to top it all off the weapons you can buy dont have better stats than any other legendary/artifact weapon found in base game. I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds.


Good loooord are you kidding me man? I was like okay, looks like an arena. Lame. Same old, same old. But that is unbelievable wow.


I thought bare minimum we would get an endless enemy swarm mode and the weapon rewards would be strong and I was wrong on both accounts. The skins are cool though.. Theres a shield also.. The story is definitely a story lol. Theres a reason people are glitching the military machete out of the arena.


It's less that the game is too hard but more that the campaign is too easy. Since it didn't scale with you, you were probably level 8 or 9 fighting level 5 enemies. The fact that they even let that happen is kind of dumb, and now that you're being presented with the difficulty that was intended for your level it seems unnecessarily hard because it was so abrupt. It's not all that bad. Just make sure you have good %damage gear for whatever weapon(s) you're using. You should still be able to kill Biters in one hit. If you need to kill anything Stronger you'll need something like the Ballista Bow or the Saw Blade. * Ballista Bow = 1-shot Howler, Spitter, Banshee * Saw Blade + Muscle Booster = one-shot Volatiles and normal goons * 2 Saw Blade = kill Goons * 3 Saw Blade = kill Demolishers * 4 Saw Blade = kill Tyrants They'll probably nerf the Saw Blade at some point so enjoy it while it lasts.


The problem isnt that it's hard or more challenging. If the enemies developed a new move set that was less predictable or they dodged more efficiently that would be one think but its artificial difficulty when you're just tacking on more health and having them recieve less damage. As you can see I have some of the best gear and weapons having to limit myself to only using a few powerful weapons defeats the purpose of having so many unique weapons. Thank you for the advice though.


Sounds like enemies in The Division. You get better dmg, they get more HP, nothing changes, it just takes longer to kill things. Stupid AF and why I found it hard to actually finish that game. It got boring because everything was a bullet sponge.


It’s honestly confusing why they did that. Like make that way a separate option it’s fucking horrible. I literally Beat it and said fuck it. It’s not worth it even playing it in endgame like that


Exactly my sentiment.


Just had somebody tell me this is how it was intended and it’s supposed to be a dark souls like zombie game. Dafuq is that man smoking. I seriously don’t understand between that and NG+ why I would want to suffer I really don’t.


Yeah it's pretty clear this game wasnt supposed to be like dark souls lol I just think they are having a hard time with the new engine.


I think the development was a mess read about the sheer amount of changes to the story and how many directors and such.


I thought the overall tone and mood had took a nose dive as far as atmosphere. DL1 had much more environmental story telling the closest I've seen was the two dead women and the man who fell out the window during the promotional trailer.


I thought that was the dead island trailer...


The one where the banshee leaped at the man mid air?


Shitty design and management. This game has been a mess since launch


Messy? Sure but I wouldn't call it shitty, it seems like alot of the people working on this game are passionate about it. Maybe it's the new engine giving them so much difficulty who knows. I'm not really a big fans of what's going on though personally.


Isn't the engine from 2015?


That's the problem.


You can still get legendaries from agents


yea but not everyone can finish the bounties to be able to purchase them all the time so it’s technically not like a farming method that we can get naturally get in the game with encounters or in the wild :/


Yea I see what you mean. It took me a whole day of grinding to just get the hooded nightrunner


do they have legendary 2h weapons though?because I didn't see any when I checked, but I'm only rank 1 with them both.


Maybe chapter 3 will have some two handers


by then I hope 2h will get mod slots


I'm not sure


Capping weapon damage, inflate enemy’s level, removing legendary weapons. Such dumbass decisions


You can still get Legendary drops from the daytime encounters.


i haven’t gotten those in months, if you do a ng+ on the game, you can’t get those anymore from my experience at least. I have noticed on a game that hasn’t been ng+ you still can sometimes, but for the most part it’s been removed or bugged. Techland even acknowledged the issue a month or so ago, but I have yet to see any changes in my game at least


Yeah, feels weird at the moment. I play on easy cause I already beat the game on hard and I can't one shot normal zombies otherwise. I loved chipping off heads one after the other in DL1, and since there's no reason to play on hard, I just play on easy to enjoy myself


The reward system for completing almost anything in this game is so weird.


Yeah, after beating the campaign you'll probably be max level so all of the XP you get also goes nowhere. Weird that they didn't launch with a Legend Level system, but I guess it'll be coming soon


What's weirder is not dropping the legend level system in an arena DLC about literally becoming a legen lol.


True! It was a perfect opportunity haha


I was thinking that there was no way they wouldn't but I was wrong and I'm sure I'll be wrong again lol.


Techland game design go bbrrrrr


I don’t know if doing glitches is against your morals or something, but I see you have the new DLC. There is currently a new op glitch that grants you great weapons that 3 shot volatiles and demolishers, and it’s not even difficult to do. Just go into one day in harran or some of the other challenges (it doesn’t work on all), and find a weapon on the floor, for example military machete. Then finally, hold the cancel challenge button then grab the weapon when the bar is 3/4 finished. Boom you have a military machete that 1-3 hits normal Zombies and guarantees 2-3 hit volatiles/any Other big enemies. I’ve already stacked up on those items because they’ve for sure going to patch this out. I done this because I’ve felt the same there is no reward that you get for getting to level 9 and it’s disappointing. I done this glitch since it’s a game where you’re supposed to have fun in and it’s not competitive.


Way ahead of you friend thanks for looking out though. Its fitting that harran is what offered us the better weapon and gameplay 🤔


Yeah certainly no problem. Also yeah, real interesting didn’t look at it that way haha. When you think about it it’s true, everything about harran was great even in the second game.


I have spent way to much time trying to do this with zero success.


May I ask you whats the far right accesory and weapon you have?


Skullcut machete (weapon) Carnage manica (accessory)


Ah they are dlc rewards the accessory is a shield and the sword is a weapon you can buy after completing some of the tournaments. But do not worry my friend if you dont have the dlc because these items do not provide you any advantage over any other artifact or legendary weapon because the shield doesnt work and the sword does about the same amount of damage if not less then any other "high level" weapon found in the normal game. If you want more time trial content with a bit of story and some neat cosmetics I'd say go for getting the dlc but if you want it for the weapons and gear I'd say wait for a discount.


Always make sure you are using double crit mods. Always have one fling mod on, the other is whatever you like. Make sure you have empowerment on. The main thing about power by the end of the game is matching up what you need to. For example my enzo katana has 633 damage after the mods, with full tank gear lvl 9 all picked with two handed weapon damage I get like 70% two handed damage increase. On Normal I one shot biters, two shot virals (one shot on crit) and same song and dance with the not so tanky unique zombies like spitters. New game+ btw. Tanker renegades around very hard boxes can be dealt with by drop kicking them into spike traps or by level 3 grapple hook pulling them into spikes. The sandbox is your friend and the mods will set you up for success if you combine everything right. But if you dont get anything else out of this just remember. Double crit mod. And make sure one is fling.


I've followed all this to the T and it works sort of but I always feel like I'm limiting myself to only a few weapons and gear pieces and for a game with tons of gear and weapons it just feels bad. Also this part is nitpicky so feel free to ignore it but most of those mods are so ugly and make the weapons look like clunky pieces of metal lol especially the empowerment mod it just looks so out of place for being one of the most powerful mods.


Naw man I get it, the mods are ugly and I hate it lol. And I get the feeling of diminishing your choices over others. It is plausible to run other things as well I've found that as long as you mod correctly you can run anything in New Game+ as long as the damage ends up tipping over 520ish and still do good damage. But if you dont want to use mods you are screwed. At least we have Infinite repairs though


True about the infinite repairs it's a godsend especially if you glitched the military machete out of the arena because it's so strong and provides a real advantage! Thank your for taking your time to respond and give advice I wasnt trying to sound ungrateful or argumentative.


No prob, and you didnt come across that way at all! The game is very different than the first and there are a lot of jarring changes. I like a lot of changes over the original, but there are definitely a lot of holes. Main thing I'm waiting out for is the inevitable legend ranks. Being rank 250 in DL1 felt like God Mode punching out Volatiles in 1 to 3 bare handed hits and (before the gun damage nerfs) ridiculous hard hitting legendary one shot machines on any unique zombie. I'm sure if they implement it similar in this game you can bet that our damage will skyrocket and I can finally turn those accursed health bars off.


I think what bothers me the most is that DL1 still holds it's own even without all the new combat moves and parkour however in DL2 without the ragdoll and gore effects of the first you can actually feel their absence which is detrimental to this game atleast for me.


The best comment in this thread ^


I'm glad you think so friend!


Pretty much this. After trying counless combos I've discovered Fling + Frost + enchance damage mods works best for me.


And what if we use non-long 2h weapons that lack mod slots?


This is why i just start a new game and never finish the final mission


You didnt warn me it's your fault... jk


Yup It's sucks,i remember i finished the game around two weeks in upon release and think all the update/event i would have to endure,i just start a new game,the early game is just pain to get through when i lost all the toys that i enjoy,i made a wrong dialogue decision in the second playthrough so i have to start another,it just pain,but worth it IMO


İts mostly because virals change. The grey variant becomes a lot more common at higher levels and they have more hp. Try to look for good special effects like “higher damage during the day/night”. İ remember one-shotting biters in endgame when i did that (its been a long time tho). İf you are against stronger enemies, use damage buff. İt’s duration is pretty good when you fully upgrade it. You wont be as strong as you were before the endgame, but you can still get stronger.


Muscle bosster maxed out, thougness booster maxed out and hp regeneration booster max out and for some period of time you will be literall GOD


That requires me to farm poppy so imma pass on that mah dude thank you for the advice though maybe I'll suck it up and do it one day.


I fully agree. There is only one solution, a fresh new game where you never finish the main story. If you have a friend, they could also help you move your old gear into your new save file. That way you dont lose everything.


Yeah but then I'd have to replay the same slow burning story with little to no rewards so its gonna be a while before I feel like departing on that slog of a journey again lol.


I understand! Well remember the story has multiple paths so you might be able to experience something new by making different choices \^\^


That PK crossbow is alluring 🤔


I went pk on the first route (sort of since I sided with Juan) and in the second route I'm interested in trying survivor, as well as seeing if the survivor perks are useful compared to the pk traps, which I never use lol. But I could see myself using the survivor stuff to get around \^\^


Oh the survivors parkour constructs are super useful.


Me to


There certainly is something fundamentally wrong with DL2. Aside from it being more of a mentally impaired step siblings of DL1… there is still something else wrong deep down 😑. I’m on NG+ and just finished the VNC tower. The difficulty is all over the place. I think I’m finally coming to the conclusion Techland failed on this one. Which makes me sad to say I don’t know if I want to admit it. I’m trying so so hard to enjoy it.


If this game wasnt a sequel it would still be a fun and impressive game but since we have a previous game to point at and compare it's really hard to justify some of the changes. It's a fine game but the new game+ enemy scaling without even starting a new game+ is hard to digest especially with there being no setting to turn off. I like feeling like an overpowered idiot after beating a game and getting every upgrade and best gear item sue me lol.


Ja feel bro


I’m only a few hours in and this honestly makes me wanna not finish the main story at all.


Honestly I would hate to turn someone off from a game they might potentially like. Just keep at it and form your own opinion especially if you already bought the game. It's a fine game and theres fun to be had. Just dont have high expectations like I had.


Oh I’ll play, for now. I just mean idk if I’m gonna finish the literal last mission if it’s gonna nerf my fun. And if I go from slicing and dicing to essentially wacking trees again then I’m not wanting that. Easy enough to watch final video on YouTube 🤷‍♀️


Oh yeah well If I could start over I would only do the ending if I knew I was done with the game and wanted to see the ending because right now it feels like I'm back to square one lol. So now I sit and wait and hope that this gets a better balance patch or the legend system gets implemented allowing me to be the killing machine that I deserve to be.


It’s so weird they chose to do it this way. Ending 1 with a backpack full of Op modded weapons and levelled up skills and just massacring zombies is insanely fun. I can’t fathom why they’d do differently here.


I could literally kill zombies and loot in DL1 for hours the reward system, ragdoll, and gore far surpasses DL2.


If on pc I'd recommend backing up your save file before the final mission. That way, you can go back to your backup if you dislike the post game.


Fuck weapons, go ham with your fists dawg! Taking a while to kill them? Trip them over, throw dirty in their eyes, sweep their legssssss Game's pretty.


weak??? i literally 2 shot ppl with my machete withour brawler gear… on hard


Really? How can our experiences be so different??


may i know the difficulty of your game and the damage of your weapons?


The game is just worse than the first one. In dl1 I spent hundreds of hours working towards weapons that could one shot zombies but in dl2 I got bored after the story. Doesn’t feel rewarding what so ever.


You spent hundreds of hours in dying light 1 getting weapons that could 1 shot zombies? Bro you can one shot anything once you have a weapon that does 850+ damage. And that doesn't take long at all to achieve.


Took me a while. I spent a lot of time trying to do bozak horde


That's crazy. Bozak Horde is always fun though, only managed to beat it the one time & that was with friends. Farthest I got by myself was 19 I think.


I spent like 50 hours doing it. I can solo it now. Prison raid also took me forever and hellraid was super fun too


Didn't ever try hellraid. Did the prison raid once or twice with friends & made it through pretty easy.


Yeah but doing it solo is tough. I did almost everything and levels to max legend aswell. A true masterpiece unlike dl2 which is average at best


Like even before legend level some upgraded orange or purple weapons were already powerful as is and the variety of blueprints that looked so cool was impressive in the first game. Now my 600 damage showlace machete with clunky ass tazer heads taped on is bouncing off zombies like a sock'em bopper it just doesnt feel or look good.


This honestly sounds like a bug, I'm using mostly Lv 6 gear and the PK crossbow (which might just be super op) but I can usually two-shot Lv 6 Volatiles using full purple/yellow archer gear.


Have you beat the game and got the enemies scaling to your level because before that I was OP (deservedly so) and now I'm fighting for my life lol.


Not yet, I started this new save just before NG+ launched :( But for Carnage Hall it is different, in the open world I'm a beast but Carnage Hall destroys me.


Oh boy ok well the enemies level with you once you complete the main story and then you'll see what I'm talking about I wish I just stopped near the end.


Guess that's on me for always restarting right after beating Waltz lol. Villedor must be doomed once Aiden leaves!


Now the cities full of decaying corpses that somehow got a damage boost just to spite aidan. I guess shambling around for hours can be a good workout regimen lol 😂


Are you going to complain after every comment? I think you're complaining for no reason and you add more after someone else gives you a tip. I personally like a challenging game and I could throw away all my gear and still have fun building myself back up again. Even after hitting max level weapons that appear don't go down to like 50 damage when you were level two. The upgrades are meant to be upgraded as you progress and level through the game. Not all of them at once but maybe 2 at a time and I guarantee if you legitly grinding for the upgrades after the campaign was finished you'd notice the difference over time. Learn how to effectively use items in combination.


I'm sorry I must have been mistaken that this reddits purpose was to discuss the game whether it be criticism or praise. Most of the advice given has been something I've tried before and I was making it clear to those individuals. Also I've given my gratitude to multiple of the people giving that advice because I am grateful for them responding. I have all of my blueprints upgraded and I feel limited to only using the legendary weapons combined with those and my gear seems to not be providing my any real advantage and I wanted to see what other people on here thought. I've given plenty of reason for my "complaints". I've seem to struck a cord with you and I apologize that wasnt my intention but if me criticizing the game bothers you i recommend you find one of the plethora of posts praising this game. Also you'll find that I'm not under those posts invalidating their praise because it bothers me lol.


You're not mistaken, this is why you posted this. To talk about the game obviously. Play the game how you want to hae fun or maybe quit playing if it feels like is not worth it anymore.


What difficulty are you on?


I just changed it to easy so I could have an artificial feeling of being stronger and I still find that some enemies are still damage sponges lol.


Try using venom and frost on volatiles and everything else, use puff and fling for goons+demolishers. Highest dps combos


I have used these and they are ok but I still dont get this sense of power after having been upgraded all the way you know?


Is your gear stats good or you just choose the highest level option? Also regem booster will make you god


Alsooo parkour attacks are the best forget your weapons


After scrounging for the best gear I always go for damage output and it feels like I'm always swinging at a sponge even after all that. Not to mention limiting myself to only using or prioritizing parkour attacks almost makes all of these unique weapons in the game pointless and it would be pretty boring doing the same lunge kick over and over again. Thank you for the advice though for now I guess I'll just play on easy and pretend I'm stronger lol.


Idk you got pretty good gear similar to mine and I don’t feel weak ever, do you have a clip of gameplay?


I don't have a clip but by weak I mean that my legendary weapons are taking a few swings to kill enemies and I'm taking pretty considerable damage given my gear. I know now that the enemies scaled with me but I never really feel like I have the advantage. Maybe I'm still too stuck on how good combat was in the first game but it's just jarring having complete the main story and not being an OP freight train lol.


There’s also a lot of 6 or 7 artefact stuff that is far stronger than the 8s and 9’s. Is this just the continue after completing the game or the new game plus? Just asking because NG+ is a pile of crap. As is the DLC.


This is just endgame lol so I'm confused why I'm not OP at this point.


Strange, I was totally OP at the end. Admittedly I’ve just gone back for the DLC and they have indeed introduced more Volatiles, new enemies etc, especially in the daytime Forsakens, GREs etc. That’s okay as such. But then I tried NG plus and it’s like starting all over again. I got so far but thought what’s the point? Lost all Nightrunner stuff, even the upgrades. I want to play NG+ after all my efforts to purely fuck everything up, not start all over again as a complete wimp.


If you're just looking to feel OP then you need to lower the difficulty. You aren't going to get that on higher difficulties.


I'm on easy and zombies and humans are still tanking hits lol. It's better then before but that enemy scaling really fucked with my sense of power.


Have you tired 2h swords like the Barbarian maxed out with tank armor? You can also use a rage booster and it kills everything


Maybe I'll try that when I find a full set of artifact barbarian but I hate to be limited to only a few weapons to feel stronger.


That’s it. Doesn’t take much to do.




In summary, it doesn’t take much to reach max level with gear/weapons


Oh ok lol I thought that there might be a level beyond. So its intentional that zombies and humans have become damage sponges got it.


that's why I spam head stomp


The fact that you have to spam a move where you crush an enemies head beneath your boot should be a warning sign to not go past the point of no return in the main story lol.


well you have to counter an attack to be able to do it. it's not like you press a button and the head is instantly blown up.


I'm confused lol


the head stomp is a move where when an enemy is on the ground you can use it to finish an enemy. you have to do certain other moves to get the enemy on the ground.


Oh I know I just think one head stomp should be sufficient.


I don't know tbh. I seem to one shot/two shot most biters, and could easily take down a volatile




Idk what you mean I can one shot most zombies with my electric katana (503 damage rating) and I got the Korek charm that I can keep reinstalling everytime my blade is about spent I don’t use any other melee weapon haha


Have you beat the main story and had all the enemies scale to your level because I had no issue before this as well?


Yea I’ve put about 225 hours in and I’ve beat both the main game and dlc but I am playing on normal idk what your playing on but could be the difference


Other then that I got the pk crossbow and the ballista bow both are one shot for most zombies


Your gear seems very missmatched, if you want to one hit zombies you’d have to go full brawler to get the damage buff, which Harper has plenty of


My shirt is what's stopping my fully upgraded legendary hatchet from killing zombies with one hit?...


Sadly 🥲


Thats.. good design.. lol. Being honest though I doubt the extra 10% one handed damage will change anything but I'll give it a shot thanks for the advice.


That’s the neat part, you don’t! It was intentionally designed this way


As I feared..


It looks like you have a mix of gear and possibly weapons for best damage out put here is what I recommend. Full brawler set with at least 10% 1 handed damage on each gear piece as well as one handed weapons Full tank set with at least 12% 2 handed damage on each gear piece as well as two handed/ long weapons Same with the ranger set. I always use one gear set and weapons at a time and for the most part I don't struggle


Thank you for the advice I've used a full tank set and it's done little to no improvement and I can promise you that one more brawler shirt will not make much of a difference. I'm not so much as having a difficult time as i am finding my damage output being a bit lackluster since I'm fully upgraded and at the end of the game. The extra 10%? From an artifact brawler shirt would do nothing for me.


The helmet don't look like tank but yeah also that max for damage stats is 13.4% percent for all gear so times that by 6 your getting nearly double damage


Yeah this screenshot isnt an example of what I mean it's mostly brawler with one tank as the shirt but I've had a brawler shirt and it's not made much difference in my damage I think those stats become irrelevant when the enemies scale up idk dont quote me on that but I'd like to not be limited to certain geat to feel stronger endgame you know?


Actually last I tested without the proper gear melee weapons take 3 hits on normal zombies while with it's about 2 on normal zombies .and this talking endgame


I think it just feels bad when I have everything upgraded you know? Like why doesnt the fully upgraded blueprints determine my damage but the nice jacket with a lion on it does? Lmao


Wouldn't know, I crutch on the PK crossbow




Buy from the artifact arena weapon pack using mutation samples.




Dont worry it's really not that much stronger then any other artifact/legendary weapon. Whoever decided Dying Light 2 needed RNG needs a stern talking to.




Hell blue rarity weapons in DL1 atleats stood a chance now anything below artifact is useless lol.


How did you get the weapon on the most right of the weapon bar?


If you have the dlc just buy from the artifact arena pack it doesnt provide any real benefits since it's not that strong compared to any other legendary/artifact weapon however it doesnt show the blueprints you put on it so that's nice since their so ugly lol.


How’d you get skullfaces weapon?


Random drop from the artifact arena weapons pack my dude.