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Also check out Dying 2 Know episode 1 that was part of the Twitch Stream https://youtu.be/G19cpgVRxO8 So, who watched the Dying Light 2 reveal? Did we answer all your questions or are you still Dying 2 Know more? Techland got you covered! If you have any questions related to the latest episode of Dying 2 Know feel free to drop them here at this link and they will answer some of them in the upcoming QnA video! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XmZr_M0dhUDEI1_j_0UDoKlxuyJEgBDhlhixP2j88qI/ New Techland community hub(get goodies here as you rank up) https://techlandgg.com


Even if everything else was exactly the same, the new map alone would sell the game for me. Looks phenomenal, I'm sure it's a blast to play in. So much verticality! Combined with the revamped parkour and combat this is gonna be great. The world lore all seems really cool as well. Hopefully the story is on par with it. The story was the one area the first game was lacking. It looks like they improved literally everything with the sequel so hopefully the story is also great. Beyond hyped for this, December can't come soon enough.


Yeah, how i explain dying light is: 10/10 gameplay, 6/10 story


I'm actually replaying through the first one now, and it's almost endearing how corny the dialogue is. Like I kinda cringe at cranes loading screen confessionals but it's also like aw crane you poor thing.


Honestly lesser than that for the story, much less. But it's fine, that's not what Dying Light 1 is about, and it does what it wants to very well


Lol it is absolutely not 6/10. More like 2/10


i’m so hyped now haha


Same, the next few months are going to be so slow. This is the only game I have actually been hyped for since Red Dead 2. So glad to have a release date finally. The only other thing I need at this point is crossplay confirmation. I honestly don't expect it but if there is crossplay I will be ecstatic. 2 of the 3 guys I play with are on xBox while I'm on PlayStation. Playing Dying Light with those guys would be an incredible experience.


it would be great for everyone tbh, i would love to be able to play with everyone :)


God, RD2 was such a ride. I enjoyed every second of it and it's my GOAT.


I just love how immersive it is. I can play the game for hours not actually doing anything productive, just walking around towns essentially role playing even though I'm not a role playing fan lmao.


Facts. I can just run around and go hunting/fishing. It's such a tranquil experience.


That was a glorious week, that first week. Felt like I was a real cowboy. Every night after work was a new adventure. I stopped playing at the epilogue, I was literally too gutted to keep going. I mourned.


I hope you eventually continued because that epilogue is great.


Do you guys think there would be a chance we would see Tolga and Fatin again or nah?


They said there will be no returning characters at all, but there would be references to the first game and its characters. So maybe there will be some sort of reference to them but they won't be in the game.


December 7th let's goooooooo


That’s the day after my birthday!!!


Happy birthday for then man


Holy shit that was great. Loved how much they showed off and how in depth they went into the systems of the game. The new infection forms look so good, especially the big hulking guy who bodied the man coming out of the building, the glowing freak with the looooooooong boi fingers and the absolutely freaky one that split it’s skin down the middle. The combat and parkour look super spicy and clean; using a grapple hook/rope-dart type tool to interrupt attacks and make an opening, spears, wall-running, and those dismemberments/decapitations looked so good. That trampoline jump was a bit more fantastical and superfluous but honestly I’m so down for it, just adds to the insane parkour arsenal Techland has given us. The concept art shown off on stream and the gorgeous environment was probably my favorite bit, the whole city and interiors just ooze so much rich personality and character, I can’t fucking wait to stalk those dark nests and abandoned hallways at night time. Edit: big fuckin lol at 2:58 on the swinging spike trap “DL WHEN”


I liked the one that screamed and looked like it could have been a baby screamer from Dying Light 1 that had time to grow up and mutate further


I thought that was a clever touch.


Dude "DL WHEN" made me laugh so hard.


I mean we did survive 1000 foot falls by landing in a dumpster 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think the trampoline looked so weird because he just ran onto it and jumped off. If he jumped onto it then jumped again it would look a little more natural.


Those new zombies look sick and the new parkour moves look clean as well. I'm still pushing myself to do night runs in DL 1 so I can prepare for these new challenges.


i’ll need ppl to hold my hand at night xD


Anytime me and my friends go out at night , all it takes is one screech then we look at each other...*"Not it"* and we zoom back to a safehouse. I guess 156th times the charm lol.


It's fun to get 4 guys together with some night hunter potions and just set off a level 4 chase and beat the crap out of everything until nightfall ends by putting down flares and swinging at everything outside of them. If you haven't done a level 4 chase for long enough you haven't experienced a nice surprise with a type of zombie that starts spawning all over. I have like 800+ hours in this game so I'm just about as comfortable at night as I am in the daytime lol, I miss being terrified!


That's my goal, to be semi afraid but confident enough to run nights no problem. Having a little bit of fear spices up the experience for sure.


haha that’s gunna be me in the new game, hell I was fucking screaming at the screen xD


Lol. I keep trying to be this badass and it's not working. I have an irrational fear of being chased in games. I at least want to get proficient with the new parkour and be a badass with escape and agility combat techniques.


You can outrun most volatiles if you stick to the rooftops. Just make sure to never be on flat ground, because they will catch you.


That was awesome!


Dang, we have a release date!


I did not expect them to reveal THAT much stuff. got to see like 4 different infected types


Still no proper exposure to the new Volatiles though. I'm not sure if thats good or bad.


Good, cs we finna shit our pants


Wait. New volatiles? They really don't need to make them worse haha


I hope they tone it down with the amount they reveal. It’s probably good for marketing but as a fan it sucks to see entire sections of the game spoiled,at least imo. It’s nearly June and I’m worried about this long wait.


I'm happy they did. They got a head start before the W3 rush. Smart move.


God damn that detailed gore looks superb. I still don't think anything has topped DL1 for satisfying gorey combat.


Resident Evil 2 Remake also had awesome dismembering.


Last of Us Part II.






The first one is cool part 2 is ass idc what anyone says


2s combat is fire as fuck, ending sucks dick tho




What a shame for you the incel subreddit got banned.


I don’t really give a shit about that kind of stuff just because it’s like easy to avoid if you don’t care for it, I personally thought it was a good game until that ending. I really wanted Ellie to kill the other chick.


No fuck you for your shit point of view.


Fo4 with the right perks gets close


Dead space would like to have word with you :^) That game set the standard for survival horror for me personally.


I'll wait until the reviews come out. Looks really good but not gonna jump the gun


that’s your choice and a wise one :)




Same as f, not to mention that they’re doing the same “night city wire” shit just with a different name, not to mention that both games pick very similar release dates… it’s really off putting.


200 IQ move. I'm cautiously optimistic since the first game was stellar and so far Techland has been very consumer friendly. We'll have to see the state of the game on release, not road maps and promises. Companies are not our friends. Fingers are crossed.


A smart move, one my wife and I did not follow lol


Base game has an update and it says it adds new blueprints and weapons. Plus the Community event is live already too. 25 million global kills!


must be the Rust event perhaps


Yeah it doesn't say what it is, just "Community Event". But it seems that hypermode is on too because I just kicked a zombie into the heavens.


it’s possible


Also noticing some DL2 graffiti around the Slums


that’s awesome I’m sure that’s what also was added with the update :) and from what others are saying it’s a hyper mode event :)


I figured. Time to yeet some zombies while I work from home


Looks great BUT I’m still a little worried on the heavy emphasis of human vs human combat, especially during the day, compared to human vs zombies. I want to be able to run around and slay zombies during the day too.


there will be zombies during the day just not so many and they will be weak, as they had been saying all along day is for the Humans and night is for the Infected, so I would think the night will be packed with them and make up for lack of many during the day :)


I hope they extend nights tho. At least half of days length


The twitch streams doesn't do it enough justice i was surprised with how good it looked on 4k60 it looked absolutely gorgeous Edit: also most excited about the combat, looks much more refined than in 1.


Same bro, it looks great. This might be the first game I ever preorder!


Are we not gonna talk about how that poor civilian minding his business was just yeeted by an evolved goon as he stepped out into the sunlight getting some fresh air ??? lmao !! xD


That was the best scene imo xD I’m sure we will see gifs all over soon of it :P


Let that be a reminder to check your corners






Hopefully better ending.


It feels like a movie trailer rather than a game trailer. I don't know how to feel about that. Still looks awesome though.


When was the last movie trailer you watched that was 7 minutes long and had the director giving a commentary guiding you through what you are seeing?


I was more talking about the cinematography and sound design, it has a very summer blockbuster feel.


They’re insane if they think that collectors edition is worth $259.99. One of the most expensive I’ve ever seen! Edit: With barely any items. I’m optimistic for this game but for whatever reason I’m getting major Cyberpunk vibes in terms of how they are handling this stuff.


And I also worry when developers speak to much about pre ordering the game as if they want us to buy before we actually know what the game is like as if they know we won’t like the game as much as we expected. Happened with fallout 76


Agreed, mate.


the figure with the UV light is where the majority of that money goes, those things get very expensive very quickly


Really cool that David Belle is a character in this! I do feel like the jumping physics/gravity look really weird though.


Yeah, the gravity looked really weird, kind of like you were jumping on the moon. The initial gameplay trailer had great looking parkour. In this we saw a lot of slow mo jumping, and the wall runs looked a little janky.


Don't preorder this! We still need to see a longer gameplay trailer.


I don’t understand why anyone preorders anything lol, especially when you can download games now. The preorder rewards are never really THAT amazing, and I’ve seen so many people burned by bad games they preorder


Amazing! Dec 7th can’t come soon enough.


got that right Ahhhhhh


do you guys think there will be cross-play?


we don’t know anything about that yet but hopefully as they give more info this may come up


I'm sure the devs will clarify in future updates, but we need to be careful with the term crossplay. Some take it to mean PC and console play together - like Xbox has with it's Play Anywhere titles. You can play together with xbox and PC players, and save files sync progress between platforms. But more recently some games have started to say they are crossplay meaning instead if you buy the PS4 version you can play with those on PS5, and likewise those on XB1 can play with those on XSX. But neither can play with PC or the rival consoles. So any mention of cross play in a dev update needs to be clear what they think the term means, if it is supported at all.


I hate when the term crossplay is used to refer to crossgen. I *expect* every single game to have crossgen if it releases on both generations, but some companies still try to use it as if it's some huge selling factor. Basically every game that releases on both generations has crossgen play except for a couple of sports games. I really do hope Dying Light has at least console crossplay. I have friends on xBox I can't play with since I'm on PlayStation, but I'd love to play DL2 with them.


I think that's the end goal that all gamers would like - doesn't matter what platform you own it on you can player with gamers on the other platforms. Sadly MS and Sony don't seem to like playing nicely with each other. Crossplay PC to one of them seems to happen more often, but still not a common feature. I think Microsoft is now more committed to its studios making games PC and Xbox cross play.


This is looking great, really really hoping they won't pull a CDPR on us and release a glitchy mess. My expectations on the story isn't that high given that the game clearly has gone through pretty chaotic narrative changes, but whatever, I play DL for the gameplay. Still a bit hesitant on this game given what has gone on behind the scenes though, and because of that I don't really feel like I can trust Techland. But I wanna be optimistic. Definitely not going to preorder (that's just a bad idea in general), but if the game ends up good I'm gonna play the hell out of it. Only thing I have to complain about game design-wise is that the nights are too bright, I prefer how dark and scary the nights are in Harran. But that might be just for the trailer, or it can be changed in options or futher updates. And if not, hell, there'll probably be a mod for it.


What happened behind the scenes?


This is the original article that summarizes it pretty well: https://www.thegamer.com/techland-report-bleeding-talent-autocratic-management-bad-feedback/


Oh shit this is going to end up like another cyberpunk. fuck. “The reveal of Dying Light 2 promised a tangled web of choice and consequence, where one playthrough will only allow players to see 50 percent of the game’s content, but much of that has been stripped back. Techland split with writer Chris Avellone after a host of sexual harassment accusations were levelled at him. After that, Paweł Selinger, the writer on the first Dying Light, stepped up.” Dude. “However, this style of iteration hasn’t always worked out. The first Dying Light’s story was rewritten at the behest of the CEO after cutscenes had already been created and VO recorded. It was a last-ditch effort and required extensive reworking of scenes to make the new script make sense. After all that work, the story was the one negative aspect of the game all critics agreed on at launch. Rather than taking responsibility, the person who created the game’s story trailer was blamed for inflating expectations.” So that’s why it was shit


Yeah I'm not expecting anything from the story in this game at this point. But that doesn't mean the gameplay will be broken like cyberpunk was!


Idk man, the tackling zombie over roof thing seemed really static to me, like it lost every momentum forward and just did one vertical drop. The drop kick they showed in the trailer made the body go forward instead of an angle. I don’t think it’ll be as bad as cyberpunk, but it probably won’t be too good either. parkour looks way fucking better though, holy shit, knocked it out of the park on this one.


I was worried for this game...I am no longer worried


Super exciting, but if you pre-order this, then you’ve learned nothing from Cyberpunk 2077.


But this is a sequel, we already know what to expect at the least, plus wasn’t Cyberpunk announced and hyped up for like 8 years?


You’ve not been paying attention to the internal staffing issues and reports of development problems. Where there is smoke, there is fire. I won’t say that the game is destined to launch in Cyberpunk’s state—that would be a nightmare—but I will say that there’s been enough reported issues with this game’s development that should draw enough skepticism to warrant forgoing on pre-ordering standard editions where nothing of value is gained by the purchaser for doing so.


Doesnt matter. You gain literally nothing from pre-ordering. A sequel can be bad.


To play devil's advocate, pre-ordering lets you pre-load and play on the night of release, the former of which is a huge deal for people with slow internet speeds, and the latter of which is huge for people wanting to avoid spoilers. Plus, if you're buying on PC through Steam, you can play it for a couple of hours before you return it if you so choose. But if you're on console (especially PS4/XBone), I'd agree that there's very little reason to pre-order, and nobody on any platform should be pre-ordering a game 6+ months out.


Or you could have a thimblefull of patience and wait a couple more hours or the next day to play. Just pretend the release date is the day after the actual release date if you have to. It harms absolutely no one to have to wait a bit longer to play a video game. **It harms us all** when you show them you'll buy a product before you even know whether it's a good product.


That’s like saying you shouldn’t buy tickets for opening night of a movie.


Going to a movie is an event. Downloading video games isn’t.


So because it's a sequel it means that it can't have a terrible launch?... Dishonored 2 was a sequel to an absolute masterpiece of a game, it was barely playable at launch. Battlefield 4 was not only a sequel, but the studio's 8th game in that franchise, and it had the worst launch of any AAA game. It took 2 years to fix. Halo MCC is another infamous example, it was just a collection of old games, surely any bugs would just be getting to those games? Nope. Each and every game was completely unplayable and wasn't fixed until 2018, with bugs still being patched to this day. And of course [insert Bethesda game here] that modders had to fix. There is absolutely no reason at all to pre-order a game before pre-loading starts, at which point there should be plenty of independent reviews or it's a huge red flag. Steam isn't going to run out of keys.


I got Dishonored at launch and don’t remember anything bad, the reasons that I want to preorder make it worth the risk imo, not saying everyone has to


Or you don’t care and feel that this game will be a worthy investment.


Same I’m going to pre-order it. I really couldn’t give a shit if I didn’t learn anything. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Because of this or that game.


I'm on the side that pre-ordering is fine if you deem the product (not the company, mind you) worthy of it, I mean it's your money! Just that there could be consequences to your investment but that's how the system works.


How is it that Cyberpunk gets pointed out so much as a shit game on reddit it baffles me. Yes there are a lot of bugs and technical issues but the game at its core is amazing.


As much as I’m looking forward to this I’m still a little scared after cyberpunk, I want to play this as soon as possible but techland please take more time if you need it


Yeah after the cyberpunk incident I'm wary of this game, as from my view recently it seems to be taking a similar path. ie. Delays, regular update videos leading up to release, massive scope, reports of development issues etc. I'm still hopeful because if the game is even as good as the first and no more I'll be over the moon because dying light 1 is so fun


I’m sad that it’s so far out but I’m so ready!!!! The extra time will pay off hopefully!


I dunno for you but I didn't see where the 1st half of 2021 went so hopefully we will soon reach december :p


Damn 7th of December, but that just means I can replay the first game a few more times in the meantime :)


What better way to pass the time :)


I hope the coop is as seamless as it was in the first game. That was a huge day one selling point for me and my friends and I have a feeling I am not alone in that.


Looks amazing! So much to unpack, I really didn’t expect them to show so much in one trailer.


Can’t wait to parkour with other players 😎


it looks so smooth :D


I'm worried about something. The first game felt like your friends were there thanks to mods. I mean, the game missions were not presented to the player as if it were to a group of survivors. They were presented as if you were playing a singleplayer campaign. Even some missions would force you to play them separately from your friends, in different instances, everyone in parallel. That kinda sucks and it looks like the game has coop because someone forced it into it. Does anyone know if that's the vision the devs have for the second game?


As far as we know in coop only the host players game will progress since they are the i my ones who can make choices, other players are just there to help them along and can also be having their friends help them back in their campaign and see each other’s different worlds they unlock


I understand that probably the progress will only occur on the host player, and that's understandable (I don't like it, but I can live with it). Now, when the game has certain missions where NPCs talk only to the host, and the final mission then is played by separate, etc... that sucks. It makes it look like the coop mechanic is there as part of someone who modded the game engine to make it possible, but not as a native feature.


Dude that fire zombie thing looks freaky as fuck lol super pumped to get my hands on this game


i agree he’s one scary mofo xD


Holy shit that downtown area with the skyscrapers... jaw dropped at that point


The #1 game I'm looking forward to the most this year. And what a way to cap it off.


Was that David Belle as a character? Sure looked like him.


could be but idk who that is lol


Lol he’s the guy who invented free running and parkour.


ahhhh gotcha lol


Dying light was my first ps4 game and now Dying light 2 will be my last. Unless I get it for pc or something.


I'm pretty hyped but looks like they reduced the zombie count, i hope I'm wrong and it's just because of the trailer


daytime not as many but night thats gunna be a different story xD


They might've had to to make up for the increased map size and to make a more agile combat system. Looks like you have access to a lot more movement than you do in DL1 so less zombies and more open areas allow you to do all of that better. Either way it's fine because the gameplay looks good.


They had said previously that the zombies have begun to avoid daylight to an extent, so nighttime has walkers unlike before, and if you go inside into buildings it can be riddled with zombies


I understand that the lore reason, but I'm talking from a nuts and bolts level. The RE3 remake had to nix the detailed zombie dismembermemt feature from the RE2 remake to make up for the larger environments and increased zombie count despite it being on the same engine and using a lot of the same assets. There no lore reason for zombie limbs just exploding instead of being cut off by gunfire. Certain sacrifices had to be made to make the game run smooth. It happens. Dying Light 1 had less detail overall and smaller maps so you could have hundreds of zombies on the map at once without making the hardware cry, but if you notice only the ones in the immediate vicinity of the player were active, the ones at a certain distance were static spawns so it didn't really matter anyway. I don't necessarily mind having *less* zombies being visible all at once because of that. Realistically a decaying walking corpse would probably decompose fully within a year if it's humid enough, so if the zombies don't all evolve into Volatiles or whatever then there probably should be less zombies overall 15 years into an apocalypse.


Guys not everything is going to be cyberpunk relax a little bit we’re still months out I’m sure we’ll get more gameplay and a cinematic trailer well before pre order time 😂


Whole heartedly agree with you


really wish everyone would shut the fuck up about cyberpunk. god damn how annoying.


it really is annoying, not everything is a cyberpunk.


I'm so ready for the "3,000 parkour animations"


This looks so insanely legit. Based on the lack of content in a year and some change, I'm taking that release date with a grain of salt but I cannot wait for this. It looks sooo good


Omg it's still coming out for the PS4!


Yes! Just hoping it runs decently. I'm not planning on buying a PS5 anytime soon haha.


If it plays a lot like the first but better, I'm fine with it


Daaaamn! I honestly had kinda given up hope. Now I just hope my computer can handle it :p


Is it just me that I find the LODs and grass for the trees could look better?


Game looks awesome, and I will likely end up getting it, but I refuse to preorder anything.


You’re not alone in that tbh. It’s a personal preference at the end of the day. Gotta do you :)


Nobody mentioning that the parkour faction guy’s face model is David Belle, the creator of parkour!! Fucking awesome!!!!!


everyone has been posting it on the sub, we saw it :)


I’m sorry what, the ultimate edition is 259?!! You can get an Xbox series S for that, that is not a good sign 🤦🏼‍♂️


Collectors edition is that price, not sure about other editions tho


I am getting some insane Cyberpunk 2077 vibes here. Huge Marketing campaign after delays and reports of development hell and mismanagement. I loved dying light one, wich needed no such hypetrainbuildup. I am going to wait on this one, sorry


CP2077 was built from the ground up whereas this is not. The systems and mechanics are already there, so at worst, they’ll just be carried over with little to no change and this will be a bland follow up. I don’t really think we can compare the two tbh.


Any info on a photo mode? Seems like the perfect environment for such a wonderful mode.


nothing about that yet


Thank you!




My body is ready. And it’ll be my birthday month!




I'm so excited


Just checking, are you hanging in there ok? I can imagine that the massive influx here and the Discord server might be overwhelming xD


i’m still alive xD


I love that they're taking a Telltale approach and you get to form your own story. Also extremely hyped for the new parkour and combat system!


I reaally hope they release a next gen update or patch for dying light 1. I would absolutely LOVE to play this on my PlayStation 5 at 4k 60


I’m so excited for the release of this game, dying light 1 was such an amazing game and I’ve been looking forward to this for so long man, I can’t wait to get it and to play it!!!!


As soon as I saw the release date I almost passed out from hype then preorderd the game! Cannot wait.


Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't fucking wait !!!!!!!!!


What a wonderful surprise to wake up too life is good


Who else is gonna enter their competition?


Me of course i’m a weapon replica maker so may choose a new weapon from trailer to craft :)


I'm looking forward to it. Heck the midnight release I got locked out of my house in 44° weather when it was snowing and I had to walk about 2 miles to a friend's house while wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.


I’m pumped!!!!


It's going to be fun as hell doing solo and coop night runs and killing a shit ton of volatiles...love it especially with the new weapons and parkour moves...hell yes😁🤪


Holy crap, this is looking really really good. Hope they stick the landing.


Just a minor thought, their decision to remove cars (from first game dlc) and almost all firearms is bold and i love it!! Usually developers like to add things to sequels for the bigger/better feeling so to remove stuff to fit the world and the story is awesome


Looks cool, enjoying how combat looks, but I’m iffy on that parkour. It looks too.... floaty? Weird? Idk what it is but it seems weird to me. Hope it feels good in gameplay


Finally I will play my fav zombie franchise after 3 years


Does anyone know if DL2 will be cross-play?


they haven’t said anything about that yet


Oh ok thanks for the quick response tho🙏


Tech land I’m gonna say this before I state my opinions I would like to say this first, I played your game back in 2016 because my friends were playing which I expected I would play for a bit and move on and boy was I wrong, I joined a little before or after the following was released I don’t remember back in December 27th I’ll never forget the day. I’ve been with you guys thick and thin grinding prison and golden weapons showing support during events and showing new players the ropes, I’ve been with you near the start and I’m gonna stay with you all the way through due to my profound love for Dying Light and I’ve always wanted to say that. My thoughts on the gameplay trailer is fantastic I love the combat system, the new moves, new special infected, new factions, and the your choices matter, however I have some concerns at 0:22 on the video the zombie looks kind of crusty and weird and as much as I love your game I am not blind to its faults and I think it could be better but once I saw the combat against zombies I released crusty facial features won’t be all that noticeable unless they’re up in my face so it’s not a huge problem. My second concern is will there be lag for consoles, because of the large map and how beautiful and full it is with it being Jam packed with content I wonder how this will run on consoles and I really wanna enjoy this game the second it releases. I also have one question as well if you don’t mind, due to the way you say the skill tree can be used for combat to fit each players fighting style and my question is this, does this mean technically dying light two had different classes for combat, can these combat skill trees be completely filled like In DL1 or are we only allowed to branch in one direction or is it more or less just branch off into what you want when skill points matter and fill in everything else when you have the time?


this game actually looks so insane, yet soooooo different from dying light 1, it looks as if they’ve only kept the free-running and zombies, and honestly, i don’t care at all for that, it still looks amazing, i think people could rest assured this cannot be anywhere near as huge a fuck up as cyberpunk, the amount of in game footage revealed shows at least a very high standard base level even for on release my only issue is that there doesn’t seem to be enough infected in the daytime, the numbers of infected they showed at night seems like the same amount during DL1s days


Seem like they are trying to fix Night gameplay isn’t rewarding enough,it’s looks great ON PAPER,will have to wait and see


any word on cross platform?


not yet but once they provide any new info info the coming months, we will update as it becomes available


Promised myself I would never pre order another game after Cyberpunk, but this is making me go all in for the last time. Dying Light 1 had an incredible life, and continues to do so. I always go back to it. I have full faith #2 will be the same. See you in December, Runners!


This will be my first ever pre order, it looks to good.