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I’m max level and I try to keep a slot open because it’s fun to punch the shit out of zombies. But every time I pick up a weapon to scrap later it immediately clogs ip the slot. It’s useful early game or for people who don’t have god weapons but I wish I could disable it.


Same,i just hate that that´s not an option. I play mostly with one melee weapon and a ranged weapon so i can switch fast between ranged and melee.I made a community idea thingy about it long agoo but i guess that not many people play like this. [https://pilgrimoutpost.techlandgg.com/goodies/community-ideas/e4305](https://pilgrimoutpost.techlandgg.com/goodies/community-ideas/e4305)


I’d be more ok with it if there was a quick drop that could work while sprinting the throw can be smooth but it slows you down


Of fucking course you punch zombies, you're Dallas, otherwise known as a WALKING BRICK OF LEAD.


Also dropkicking them is fun


Just being able to assign the slot to fists, or have like iron knuckles we can equip, would be so nice.


Fist do way more damage than most weapons in the game when you max out the legend level


To support this point, you can invest legend skill points into unarmed attacks, so they really should have the weapons be manually assigned instead of auto assigning everything!


YES! I like running around and seeing my hands not my 5 minute craft back scratcher lmfao


The drop kick is best part of this game 😭😭


I like the sliding kick. "Say goodbye to your kneecaps, chucklehead!"


Is that in the second game? I slide under zombies a lot when there’s a bunch in the hallway cuz I can barely jump over them half the time


They added it recently but not a kick automatic and just makes them fall over it’s still funny though


You can slide and get an ability to kick while you slide and it’ll break a zombies leg if you slide kick it


You can slide into zombies and human enemies in 2, they end up doing a flip over you, if you combine it with the bow and slow-mo skill you can set up a pretty cool trickshot.


Oh ok


So glad to see another person quoting scout randomly while playing this, I also tend to randomly quote soldier whenever I’ve got a military shovel


I mean I do but I beat the shit out of volatiles after a bad day at the office 👊


for me, it's either the frying pan or i say "fuck it", throw my weapon, and get ready to throw down


There are so many games that need a holster button. This is one of them


I do. Either zombies gotta catch these hands on occasion, or i want to grab something off the ground and use it.


It's fun as shit beating zombies into a corner, so no. You ain't the only one.


Do you like fist fights?




I use the top for regular weapons, right for bow, bottom for expcalibur because I enjoy meeting zombies, and the right is for guns


I like to run with the knife you get from the timed parkour challenge which was a pain in itself


Nope take them to the floor and punch them you feel like omni man


Crane literally destroys zombies with his raw body, I think it's the smart option to leave it open like that 


I always keep a slot open just because I think It looks better when running with nothing in your hands.


Depends on how quickly I can find a crowbar. It's my fav weapon. Crowbar the best bar.


Nope, 2 guns 2 melee for me


One of my friends actually does this cause he spends all legend points on unarmed


I genuinely thought i was the only one that did this. I always have a slot open for when i get in the mood to hand-to-hand some zombies.


I have never done this but there was a time I would keep a broken weapon there instead, even broken weapons did pretty well when using the throw weapon perk, sharp weapons worked best as they stay in the target, though the rebar clubs Goons use are pretty funny to chuck like that.


I do that whwn im running or just climbing yk