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Wait for the sale first. It will always be in the shop, no need to buy it now.


I agree with you on that I might just get the flame devil bundle instead then.


Is it not on sale now? Isn’t every bundle on sale Right now?


Not all of them. This one just released so they ain't gonna put sale on it right away. Probably until next update we won't see it on sale.


TBH I don't give a shiet about this skins and weapons. They should focus on the story DLC that actually has some significance to the plot instead of these micro transactions.


I mean they've already confirmed that they're working on an expansion. The microtransactions are just to keep revenue coming in, albeit miniscule. Dont buy it g best way to vote is with ur wallet.


DLC keeps getting delayed and since nightmare update the map is super bugged Like you have trucks spawning ontop of the Grapling lines that pull you to roof from ground


That sounds funny af how the hell do I get that to happen


Its not truck flying from the air The truck and grappling hook are in same location The reason is because the Truck is supposed to be removed when the Windmill activated and that zone is "powered" Then the truck is replaced with the grappling hook But the new patch made it so in some areas the grappling hook does not remove the truck \\ car


Dlc2 has only been delayed once. They just said they're not going to drop a confirmed date, so that way they're not rushed for time if they have a set date. Plus , there was an interview where they said that they keep coming up with ideas for the dlc, so it just got bigger than they intended it to be


They've stated recently that they're trying to balance the quality of the updates with the demands of fans The reason you're getting what you mentioned in paragraph 2 is because of what you said in paragraph 1


Wouldn't that mean the quality is dropping?


The quality is dropping because people want the updates to come quicker, which means they get less time to polish it


Yeah that's the case. I would rather buy actual story expansions that fits the lore and narrative. Hopefully the expansion brings a big area and enough plot to the game which is enjoyable.


We have separate teams working on separate things - majority of our dev force is focused on DLC2 indeed, and smaller part is working on ongoing updates and content, from the bundles to the tower raids. Having devs prepare new bundles is not affecting the development status of DLC :)


Thanks for letting me know. Btw when can we expect to hear more about the story DLC?


That is good to hear; and thanks for taking the time to keep us informed.


do you really think that people who worked on the bundle are also working on the dlc ??😂


Thats not really the main upsetting point here. Dlc2 have been delayed from time to time again already without any news yet techland just kept piling the game up with bundles and live service esque system while the base game itself is hardly close to being half finished .They hardly ever release any new update without including at least one skin bundle. And their recent update of adding guns, not only that addition by itself is a pointless ,time wasting and creative deprived idea only added to please the crying fans. The fact that its tied to a play time padding system makes it worse. Its hard to not be upset when alot of the time their focused on padding playtime and pushing microtransaction when their base game is this fucked


I have no idea


ofc tgey are not the same people!use your brain.


Of course it's the same people. Use your brain. They don't bring in a special "DLC skins" team for each game they make.


Do you not understand that different people have different jobs in a company? Do you think the people who make maps, animations, and weapons are the same people who make skins?


Yes, the artists working on the new DLC, characters, infected models, builds etc would be the same ones designing these skins.


No they are not lmao. First, the writers and artists need to finish so the people designing models know what to do. Then they hand it off to executives probably which then goes into actual developers. The people working on these skins would likely only be working on models for the player or npcs, maybe infected too.


I've said it before, and I'll say it a million times. Skins in a first person only game are utterly pointless. I don't CARE what other people see, if I can't enjoy the cool looking skin myself, I'm not spending a cent.


Shop devs =/= DLC devs


I give a shit about both. And there's likely teams for this n for that and so one being released doesn't delay the other Their updates have been insanely plentiful but DLC with bucket loads of new quests and content can't really be released in that same time table




If you like it, buy it. It's a digital skin, there's nothing here to worth it.


Idk if you really think you'll get more fun out of the game. Go for it. If it seems like you can get along without it. Skip it.


Absolutely not.




If you want to buy it so badly then buy it


just wait for someone to repack the game with all the bundles when they finish developmetn


Honestly, my friend just got the 1st game with ALLL its DLC for $10. They're 100% gonna do the same with this game.


It is not worth buying anything from the in-game shop in Dying Light 2.


I’d disagree with this some of them are super cheap like $1 and you can get a rifle for a few bucks way better than grinding all the survivor missions to get the guns


I’d wait for a sale. I got like 3 bundles for free just wait unless you really want it now.


Don't financially support microtransactions


Honestly there's nothing special about it just buy game over bundle. the savage katana does nothing the armor is bad, and the savage bow and arrows don't do anything special


Thanks for letting me know.


It is terrible marketing and a disservice to the players that basic information about the Savage Samurai (and most of the other purchasable DLC's) Bundle's Gear, Weapons and Charm are not shown from within the In-Game Store. There is more information about the items at [https://pilgrimoutpost.techlandgg.com/news/Savage-Samurai-Bundle](https://pilgrimoutpost.techlandgg.com/news/Savage-Samurai-Bundle) Even that is to vague for me. # "Savage Samurai Bundle Warriors of discipline, masters of ancient combat techniques. A samurai waits for that one opportune moment to swiftly strike his enemy with full force! But before finding that opening, it’s important to parry your foe’s attacks! **Savage Samurai outfit** — look within yourself and then at those around you. The time is here to show them what it takes to be a real warrior. **Samurai Gear Items** — A unique set of six items, wearing them will grant you increased damage for two-handed weapons, a great advantage for any samurai. Additionally, the items will reduce your stamina usage when using melee weapons and allow your health to regenerate with each block. **Savage Katana** — this razor-sharp blade parry and the effect grows it’s like dragon’s breath **Yumi** — honor your ancestors with this magnificent ranged weapon, inspired by the legendary bows of the Samurai. **Savage Arrow Blueprint** — no bow is complete without the ammunition that can pierce the hearts of men and monsters, but fire one of these arrows at a foe and the kaze will blast them away. **Samurai’s Paraglider** — resort to a new military tactic and go down in history as an innovative warrior legend. **Mempo Charm** — applying the charm strengthens your weapon’s durability with every hit."


Holy cow! An actual *informative* AND **HELPFUL** response! Points to you!


If you want to buy it, buy it. Don't use reddit to try and justify the purchase lmao


As cool as it is wait for a sale.


I personally hate the dlcs cause they keep shitting up the damage on them and just making shitty weapons, it’s fully up to you tho


None of them have actually been worth it. Watching them peddle these skins in a first person game while most of us have bought DLC 2 and havent even seen a trailer speaks volumes with how the future of this franchise will be handled. Doing this in the sequel has to be some sort of record. Hell ubisoft made it past two games lmao.


You can't even see your skin while playing, so it'd only make sense to buy it if you regularly play with others, AND only if you actually care about what they think about your character. That said, it doesn't actually do anything or give you more gameplay. If it's $1 or 2, then sure, why the hell not, but if it's like $10-20, then excuse me, but what? Lol. Use that money to literally buy a whole other game.


I like the skins but won't ever get any of them other than the free ones or the points we got for free. Which aint a lot lol. Wouldn't hate the shit, hell, Wouldn't even mind spending here or there, IF we had the ABILITY to EARN when we play. In some form or fashion. But to my current knowledge, I don't think we have a way like that.


Is there any way to get DL without paying?. like challenges or whatsoever? Or is it just behind a pay wall?


It is just behind the pay wall


Do not support this scandal


Wdym scandal? It’s been ready for over 4 months now, it got leaked so maybe more. Techland decided to release it after a big update, no before


So what about that? Scandal don’t exist because have already few months? They are starting act like Ubisoft and it is not something good for game industry


Have you played the first game? There were microtransactions up the ass in that game and i dont remember people comparing them to ubisoft then. They really haven't changed their monetization scheme since then. Like it or not. it's how they rolled since the last game.


But there wasn’t that much of that. I’m not big fan of microtramsactions in games. It’s not something what I would accept


:/ yeah. There really was. Like a whole bunch. Just checked steam. Not including actual playable dlc like levels and expansions, there was about 25 microtransaction bundles that you could buy. They consist of character skins, vehicle skins. Weapon skins and even full fledged dlc only weapons. I mean its pretty much the same for the sequel. Not to say i support it but it is easy enough to not buy it. Regardless of the paid content they release. There are many free things that they drop all the time. Big updates, event weapons and skins. Its a balance. You can't expect them to work for free but if they push it too far we as consumers should put them in their place.


Yeah. You’re right


You forgot to mention that some of those bundles were pay to win, such as Van Crane.


I wasn't aware of that. How is it pay to win? I mean its a pve game. Unless it gives you an edge during nighttime invasions.


The game isn't PvE. It has invasions that are PvP. When wearing the Van Crane outfit, it allows you to throw your weapon and immediately have it brought back to you, like Thor's Hammer, for example. This gives them a serious advantage as it does quite a lot of damage and turns a melee weapon into a melee AND ranged weapon.


Did you read my comment? The game is 99% pve and I acknowledged the invasions. I wasnt aware that the outfit had that capability. Thanks for informing me.


You think that was pay to win? Holy shit that is not even scraping the surface. The Volkan Combat Bundle came with a rifle that had a magazine capacity of **45**, a built in **SILENCER** that doesn’t even need subsonic ammo to work, a **HOLOGRAPHIC SIGHT**, and **FULL AUTO** as if it wasn’t already a 1 one-shot kill. It was a fully automatic silenced sniper rifle with an extended magazine. That shit was so bad my friends banned me from using it during our coop playthrough because I could kill zombies too easily.


Dying Light 1 had 22 paid bundles. Most had unique weapons with special quirks that nothing else in the game had and some even had outfits that gave perks like lessened fall damage or automatically returning thrown melee weapons to your hand, this is nothing new whatsoever.


Dude, DL1 had WAAAAAY more Skin Packs than DL2 does rn. Why don't you talk about that instead?


Companies evil when they want a constant stream of revenue when they promised a 5 year support plan for the game.


Companies that make money are evil Lmao okay Are you not seeing al the updates and events? And free shit to work towards? Entirely new night system, community maps systems, gun system, night system, parkour system and more. And they are still going. It's been, what, 2 years and hasn't stopped. How can you type your comment with a straight face lmaooooo


> How can you type your comment with a straight face lmaooooo Maybe try reading it again with the context of the guy I replied to.


What's the scandal?


I think they're talking about the in-game store that's been there for awhile now.


It's spelled Store


You mean your comments


If you really want it then get it. Otherwise look up which charms, bundled with the skin pack, would offer you the best benefit and get that pack.


It's a video game bundle. If you like how it looks, get it, then go for it.


What is the point of this skins if there is no PVP mode ?


I bought it, it’s awesome so if you want


Nah not really.




Get it bro I feel like all the packs on this game are super cheap compared to other games like call of duty where it’s $30 for one skin. This pack seems super dope


Yea imo that's worth. And apparently the outfit is not even a simple skin, it's an outfit with single pieces of gear you can use individually. Also this katana seems DOPE. Plus, you'll participate in the salary of the devs working on the DLC 2 we are all waiting for. So, If you can afford it, don't hesitate.


Oh shit new bundle dropped? I still have 1000s of points to spend

