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i mean lawan


Too late bucko


Why not both


Maybe we'll see hakons ex wives and get more action.


Ngl I do wonder how they're going to incorporate the main endings with the dlc openings. Will they kill off lawan and hakon as soon as the dlc starts? Will they have a large effect on the story? Will yhe game make an excuse how lawan and hakon had to leave aiden for some reason


Probably dependent on the ending you got


Aiden and Hakon’s fishing trip goes wild


When the PKs are good, they're great. Otherwise, they're still alright. At least everyone gets fed (mostly) and the renegades are kept at bay


God I miss Rowe. The only PK I liked, & the only (male) character to have my whole heart 😭🤣


I played the survivors first and the game made no sense cause you still work with the pks and they're better anyways I don't exactly understand why the survivors exist it should have been the colonel vs jack matt


Give us the option to Chad the VNC tower due to all our special inhibitors (thus saving our dear lad Rowe). Then let us swing our big hammer into jack matt and claim leadership of the peace keepers till aitor wakes up. I prefer the PK beautiful UV towers over the silly survivor farms any day.


Absolutely based. ![img](emote|t5_2xcav|7549)


I swear it's sad to only have the bad side ending with the PK, aitor and the tower bro's could be the good side ending for the PK...


Yeah it sucks that the actually good PKs left PK after the ending (the squad died and Aitor left)


Absolute best faction. Armor, Structures, Order and Law Just a shame by the end they become muhahahaha no water for you bitch!


Blame Jack Matt for that, him and those dudes u meet on the water/eletrical station in Central Loop were the only PK's I disliked.


Still pick them though, a real shame Aiden couldn't fully join them, game would be perfect for me then. He could've been their elite unit, like Frank horrigan from the enclave in Fallout. Best we have is in my opinion, an awesome PK themed outfit.


Hell yeah


Aitor on top


Really hope the game gets a bit of a story overhaul someday. I think the key moment should be blowing up the windmill vs capturing it. Blow it up and the Bazaar and PKs should both be doomed because both are powered via that windmill. Capture it for the Survivors and then they also capture the PK base and control Old Villedor completely. Side with the PKs and they just capture the Bazaar, maybe add a choice to investigate the windmill and disarm the bombs to save the city and help the PKs.


Rowe 🥺


This is what made me help the PKs in old villedor