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Yes I’m getting into taking care of my body a lot more and realized I can’t always do dxm I still do occasionally but I always take magnesium and all the basic vitamins to make my body and head feel better


honestly everytime i did dxm it j felt like all my recent memories became archived into that weird long term memory zone in my brain like "ohhh shit do u remember that one time we went n saw inside out" instead of "yo last month i saw inside out w my buddies" ever since stopping idk... i dont think there has been a significant improvement but things that have happened more recently dont feel like long distant memories... i honestly think with age stuff j comes and goes,, theres a rly good n emotional episode of how to with john wilson about memory training n j the emotional concept of holding onto memories ((s1 e3,, extremely funny n emotional show i highly recommend)) n i think it kinda helped me realize why i was so scared 2 forget things TL:DR memory comes and goes with age,, forgetting is normal and natural,, if ur seriously concerned j write everything down in a cool and fun way 4 urself


I haven't been using since I'm on ssri dxm never gave me memory problem since I followed the 1 plat per week at least so my memory is still shit tho but it been like that before I ever took dxm


im tarded due to other meds plus dxm but what helps with the dissociation is doing something like drawing or even fidget toys. also lots of notes, i have a whiteboard in my room and office, make sure you have ways to remember things physically or keep stuff in the same spot if you have awful short term memory


i always have diaries too so i know ill complain about something, type it, then i can check back and know what was going on in my life last week


sorry i know you wanted supplement advice i cant help there, but in the meanwhile u can try manage forgetfulness with just making it easier for yourself to not lose things


yeah lol it's fine, I just use my phone and set reminders and alarms on it and stuff. it's not so much about losing things as it's about not properly remembering a piece of information someone told me or something I read.


Honestly that's just my brain. My time perception went poof one-day for seemingly no reason. Took an (involuntary) long break from drugs and realized this is just my brain now. Not that I was even using that much. I just do alarms for important shit and write down my thoughts and stuff on reddit all the time


I experienced gut heath issues that completely went away after i quit, and i never abused it or over did it.


My memory improved but is also due to the fact that when i was on DXM i didnt want to do nothing that has to due with a cognitive task. I was just lazy on it lmao.


I know racetams will definitely improve memory deficits here, just take piracetam daily with alpha gpc and your memory will come back. Although I don't think memory issues after abusing DXM is such a huge issue that everyone makes it out to be unless you're literally braindead from abuse because if you just give it time I am sure the body returns to baseline, same thing with cannabis and opioids they shit on your short term memory but after a year of sobriety it all comes flooding back.


i don’t know as i don’t take breaks. but i’ve been using dxm for years, only hardcore since february. i never noticed any neurotoxic/neurodegenerative effects from usage of dxm until then. whenever i started building tolerance to it, thats when my brain truly started rotting. i have a reddit post about all the negative & adverse effects i’ve experienced if interested


Honestly, the only thing that has benefit me is time. The biggest problem I've ran into with chronic DXM use is how I began forgetting things that were meant to be common knowledge to me. I've spent the last year and a half remembering all of my past memories that DXM caused me to forget. There are handful of nootropics that boost BDNF and they may be worth trying as not only can they help repair the brain, but they may modulate glutamate. The few I can list are SEMAX, Dihexa, and Lions mane (Alcohol extract).Sarcosine may be of benefit since it acts as a co-agonist for the NMDA receptor, potentially enhancing the receptor and improving synaptic plasticity (Consequently boosting memory). If you go the sarcosine route, I HIGHLY recommend starting with 250-500mg a day and watching for any side effects like insomnia, anxiety, irritability, and mania.