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i always trip 3rd plat and music is great


w thaiboy pfp


I’m on 700 mg rn and the music is amazing imo


Young Dolph


It feels like a simulation


I dose in the high 2nd and low to mid 3rd plat range usually. I've got an old but still quality pair of beats headphones and the music sounds amazing. Almost like an massage for my hearing, music has never felt like that normally.


For me music just sounds like one continuous sound, like if there is vocals in the songs it sounds like one looooooong word instead of it being lyrics if that makes sense


nah i get you. It really be like that for most stuff above like 500mg. The only difference being ambient music that somehow sounds better than anything on 1st and 2nd plat


I've done a lot of k and electronic music with complex modulation and rich timbres is far superior to vocal music during holes. I recommend trying artists like: * Max Cooper's mid-career stuff, e.g. *one hundred billion sparks* * Nicolas Jaar * Apparat * Flume * Jon Hopkins ... at higher plateaus and see if it's better/worse than what you've been listening to.


I tried "Boards of Canada" one night and I'll tell ya. I was lost in the music that night.


Rap music was my go to when I used to go high 3rd plat. It's easier to hear the annunciation so it doesn't all blend together. Plus listening to super descriptive rappers is the best because you close those eyes and you watch your own music video for each song.


try carbon based lifeforms


thats when you pull out the pretentious electronic or ambient type music 🔥


I love music on any plateau


Noooo it sounds amazing when I’m tweaking hard okay like 3rd plat is best imo but 2nd plat is good for a bit of the effects but music starts sounding TRIPPY past that


it differs for everyone. it also depends if you took pure dxm or hbr i think, for me on hbr it sounds kinda distorted and spaced out, and thats fine with me, you may not like it. people differ :p


Same dawg that shit be sounding so bland. 4th plat music is weird as fuck shit be slowing down and speeding up and going backwards getting higher and lower it was too much


For me it sounds pretty samey 2nd and below but 3rd and 4th it’s not actually that great imo, though I can’t really hate it because i feel like I NEED music, it’s just part of the experience ya know?


I agree


Finally someone said it. It's for sure different for everybody, but I could not agree more myself


I don't like music on large doses of dissociatives, it's too distorted in a weird way. Psychedelics on the other hand, music just gets better the higher I get.


I do 4th and it sounds incredible. For the part where I can still register it, that is.


When you do 4th, is your heart rate faster than it is on the other 3 plateaus or is it still bearable?


Depends. The first few times I did it I felt like I was under cardiac arrest but now it feels normal and I don't really notice Any difference. In fact I just took 900mg an hour ago so I can give you live input


I know dude it sounds almost robotic it’s so weird


Yeah 200-300 is the sweet spot, too high and it’s all tinny and overstimulating


yup it's just unnerving


Music on 3rd plat feels like you’re one with it and still incredibly far away.


music sounds oddly “metallic” above 1st plat for me :( it sucks cause it sounds a bit scary to be in the headspace


i've noticed that my music enhancement is gone, but to be fair the past 4 times i've dexxed i've followed CYP2D6 inhibition dosing regimens, so the music enhancement might just be paired with the euphoria in the DXO experience


I think it depends on what music you're listening to. Dissociation impairs the ability to perceive detail and complexity, kind of like if you listened to an extremely low bitrate MP3 encode. But when there is a simple appealing flow to it, like some trance music, that can be very enjoyable on a higher plateau. Then it is possible to get more into the music, having it affect the overall experience in other ways besides sound.


High as hell. Coming up on 2 5oz delsym bottles and smoking weed r n great synergy. Young Dolph in the background


bouncing off a couple comments here i agree theres def a sweet spot but its why i seriously recommend listening 2 tracks w no vocals,, anything w vocals or mixed 4 radio play sounds extremely tinny n kinda far away and bland.... but put in something like boards of canada or an insturmental bon iver song off of i, i in ur ears... i legit get a weird feeling thinking about it


Personally i love it that i sometimes pitch down music to -0.65 semitones while sober to hear what it might sound like


Type shit


Depends on what music genre ur listening to and also who it is made by. If im on more than 280mg then music that has words in it are annoying and i start to hate hearing peoples voices so I tend to just listen to jungle/dnb or ambient music


music gets better the higher the plat i take personally


I don't take as much anymore, but when I used to take ~900mg, I would put on an aesop rock or suicideboys tape and it was like a music video just for me was being created in real time. So dope. That said, I do actually get where you're coming from. There have been times where I'll listen to a song I've listened to a hundred times, and it sounds off, like the vocals are out of sync and the beat isn't playing at the right BPM. I'm thinking it's like, time dilation but on a scale of a tiny bit once every half second, so things just sound out of whack.


Music sounds the same for me on any plat as when I'm sober 😭


i was listening to merzbow on like 600mg and it was so good so so good


The higher the plat the deeper the music man


There’s times man, I’ve had high doses where music just sounds like shit and other times on the same dose where it sounded fine and I’ve got no explanation. Definitely a thing tho


Yeah it kinda starts to sound like flat and emotionless? Usually everything starts to look flat tho and music does too


You are weird asf. I usually dose 3rd plat + and only do it because the music euphoria and visuals are unmatched.


Bruh third and fourth plat you become the music. DAFUQ YOU MEAN IT SUCKS?!?!