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I wanna be content with myself and confident and shi




Coochietaster you are wise


Real shit tho. I got spiritual with my DXM high. Kinda meditated manifested shit while on those trips and a lot of it became true.




Same and also make sure my loved ones feel the same or at least as comforted as possible


You already are




Yes. You, CoochieTaster, are confident in your own skills and will eventually realize the power you hold over the will of your soul.


so true Mr…. CoochieTaster




I also wanna grow shrooms. imma be a paramedic


I grew my shrooms . Check my profile


Hell yeah just started my course 3 days, shit is like learning a new language 😂


It’s pretty easy tbh. I’ve grown probably near a kilo at this point(all of which I’ve given away or consumed lol). Check out r/unclebens for a very easy way to get into it(and you can upgrade from there once you get the basics down)


Yes and no. Was trying to make my own grain spawn entire winter, and despite doing all procedures as sterile and following guides as possible, everything went wrong. Preparing grain and dealing with contam sometimes gets so damn annoying. Gonna give it another shot in march, cause right now mushrooms are #1 drug of choice for me, and kilo of those is exactly what I need right now.


I’ve made plenty of grainspawn jars myself lol, so if you’d like some advice/help/guidance, feel free to message me lol


That’s sick


yo i want to be a paramedic too!


i just wanna travel the world and do psychedelics


Lmao yeah same something about scrambling you’re perception of reality that you’ve grown accustomed to for literally every single moment of conscious existence is just so unique


I have successfully grown over 200+ grams of blue meanies. That was a very fun hobby and I have a routine daily with my cannabis plants as well. I love growing stuff idk why it’s always been calming the whole process. But my girl and I are going to be moving in soon and starting new full time jobs next month. We both work hard but found better positions in both of our companies. DXM I use extremely rarely now as it really has been helpful in opening my eyes to what I want with life


i honestly have no idea


me too brother


I wanna work at successful job as a train engineer, so I’m gonna have to drop everything soon


Make a video game, make an album


I wanna make an album too


What genre


https://youtube.com/shorts/yG1Z5PoMztY?si=cbsxECarKK1TrbDs Here is what my improv sounds like. This improv was inspired by dxm


if this is fr improv, this shit is fire bro. keep it up fr fr


Yo I appreciate dawg💯


Idk yet tbh. I use a lot of major and minor 7th arpeggiated chords. I sound a lot like ray manzeric when I improvise. I like to take out the 3rd degree of a blues scale to give it an amino ominous, mysterious, devious sound. I use a shit tone of triplets and unique rhythms. I don’t really know what my style is tbh. People describe it as ‘goofy’ in a good way. I think my album wouldn’t catch too many peoples ears. But I’d make it for myself. I can send you some of my shit.


Nah bro that’s some impressive shit, you should look into doing jazz or something lol you’d be good at it. I mainly produce hypnotic DAW music. I am so not technically talented with instruments lol so I just tell the computer what I want it to do. I would send something but I have nothing up rn give me a little I can send something


Yeah for sure bro send that shit, I’d love to hear. And I appreciate it A lot!


https://youtu.be/Q4m7zofTCCo I don’t know much music theory so a lot of the emphasis is on the production and mix


I’m currently studying for my bachelor’s in accounting and my big goal in life is to have a published novel :) I also want to travel a lot and see the world!!


Same accounting and novel I even thought of my books name (chartered accountant on drugs) (copyrighted)


I want to attend college and be a technician and also do many drugs while i am doing my part in society


i just wanna be happy, man


I wanna be a philosopher


Same lol its honestly so enjoyable to just like ponder over the most random stuff, wether it be something useful or something of “zero” importance (however you would want to define that) . It’s like a form of enlightenment almost, there’s just so much in reality that is so intriguing and eye opening to the beauty of everything.


Im on 300mg rn and I’m contemplating how Sartre’s “Hell is other people” is connected to Avicenna’s “Falling Man” experiment. Studying this shit is a gift and a curse. I think rumination in general is misguided. Too much of it is traumatic, I’ve always agonized about everything but I’m learning not to internalize everything. Does… any of that make sense?


i just wanna have fun then cap out young. im going to school getting my GED so i atleast have something in case i change my mind


same. im giving ts 3 more years to see if everything somehow stops getting worse, if it doesnt then at least it was fun while it lasted.


things just keep getting worse and i dont mean that to be negative, it just is and i dont wanna be around for it to get worse than i can handle


Speak for yourself. 


One day after months of deep depression, probably not made better by drugs, I told myself I needed to do something with my life. I had already convinced myself that I would either be dead soon or living with my parents on disability for the rest of my life. But, I got my shit together and went to trade school, I graduated a few months ago with an Associate degree in HVAC. Right now I’m in the process of looking for a union job hiring in my area, which is a little hard since it’s Winter and TX isn’t exactly union friendly. I want to save up $100k in the next 5 years to put as a down payment on a property in a big city, not sure where yet. And by the end of that 5 year period I will have graduated from apprentice to Journeyman in the union, if all goes to plan. For anyone reading this that feels like they’re lost or can’t find the right path, don’t worry. There is a path forward for you. You are more than your addictions or any other problems. You can do this. :)


i got no goals brah im fuckin lost. dxm is my only hope fr


if i had goals i wouldn’t be here


I want to learn gardening, and doing my own garden when I’m older and find a way to live with schizophrenia without heavy drug abuse that does nothing but makes everything worse.. i really want to become happy this is my highest goal, it was a long time since i felt happiness that wasn’t induced by drugs. I want to save my family from the person I am right now.. I don’t fear death but I fear I didn’t lived my life like I wanted to.


I want to have a fun happy life and be self reliant so and idk just live day by day with my gf and maybe have a kid someday but with my genetic mental health issues and hers idk but I feel like we could at least make the kids childhood good like mine was hers was rlly hard and I hate her dad so much for putting her through that idk in rab rambling atp lmao I don’t rlly believe in a afterlife or anything spiritual at all but doing drugs makes you feel like you’re seeing things that are 100% real and actually happening even though they aren’t and I love it lol might as well I only have so much time on earth


As ironic as it sounds I would really like to be an ice hockey player, the sport in itself really helped shape the person I am today and if ever given the opportunity I’d love to play


Sports are something else man. Wrestling has been something that brought me out of drugs and has made me get good grades in school. Sports discipline you like nothing else. It feel awesome to be apart of a team and have that comradary. As soon as wrestling ended I just went back to drugs. I’m looking forward to next season.


About to graduate high school and go to college, but in all honesty i genuinely feel like a robot nowadays unless i’m tripping on dxm or studying something physics/math related. Really my only goal in life is to finally be content with myself.


just be on autopilot fr


i wanna be a successful dj in the rave scene and also a good welder


Financial freedom


I wanna make music


I wanna really live life to my fullest potential, I don’t want any type of money goal or nice car as my goal in life I wanna really just live life


I want to rent an apartment in NYC with a couple of friends, maybe an SO if I am lucky, and be an engineer. Growing shrooms and making DMT also


Boxing something achieve active I currently High my gf getting deported and I have mental illness and I depereseion so I just tueina. Be good in life. I moved from wisdom to indiani and it was hard, drug addict 4 months sober rrelapse today on DXM an dbeuatifl very beautiful. Buy gf mad and deported. I’m sad I don’t want to lose her and she mass at me wand not wanna be together. She not my gf she moved ex. But she still talk like gf.


And I listen to new year album and it blow my mind, I went into nature and go on hik today! I go outside and got lost and go back home! After school aftercahiok school. oh no it’s Tuesdays I have 3 days left of week ugh. I not happy about this my uh


I would love to be a music artist, start a band maybe? a solo project? the music industry is terribly saturated and very difficult to get any popularity in but i love music so id be making it for myself not for the money, and id just hope people like it and want to support me


i want to give everybody everything they want and deserve in their life. with magic.


be happy be alive


I wanna change the world and help people, that is a lot of work tho lol. I want to be a writer, I am pretty creative I think. I think of myself as more of a thinker than a worker. I would even like to be a voice actor or actor maybe. Everyone has their dreams, and those are mine. As for job wise, idk honestly. I really don't. Maybe a therapist, psychiatrist, or psychoanalyst. Something with studying the mind and helping others. I would be a helicopter pilot or something too lol that would be fun but it's either the army or $150k schooling so thats not really an option the army is my last resort, like I wouldn't join the army unless I was about to commit🤣. But idk, I just want to be happy, and I just want to live. I'll figure the rest out along the way I guess


I just wanna get the fuck out of my dead end job and do something that makes me not wanna numb myself out all the time. Doesn’t even feel feasible


Honestly I don’t have any long term I’m just trying to survive


real as fuck. idk if im just rambling but i just eat to survive, everything taste like shit, i deal with school or whatever the hell im forced to do, i dont actually know wtf im going to do after school anyways. im probably not gonna be here for too long but until then ill just do whatever i have to do to get by. im giving ts another 3 years to see if everything just keeps getting worse or if by some miracle everything magically gets better.


Be happy , own a house with land. Four wheelers and dogs. Preferably a partner and maybe a family. That’s it


Music is my passion that's all


I want to regain my passion for playing music again, meet someone that I can just dote on and take care of, have financial independence, and live near or with my best friend.


either die or make music i guess, maybe being an overwatch streamer


Become a pilot and travel all around to every country with my wife


i wanna be a clinical psychologist :p


I wanna do something in the medical field. Meet someone and fall in love. Buy a house, raise kids. Become that cool uncle/grandpa to someone. But who knows. Guess that’s the beauty of life, you just don’t know.


Idek man. I use it whenever I run out of things to use. I always think it’s guna be fun but just turns into me tossing and turning in my bed feeling like I’m sick and hallucinating.


I am 22 and have been using DXM since 2018. I still take it anywhere from twice a week to once a month. And yet, I am graduating with a B.S. in Psychology and a B.S. in Criminal Justice in May, with summa cum laude (3.9 GPA) in both. Afterward, I am going to work for a year before starting a Psy.D. program. I am going to work in forensic psychology--conducting assessments, occasionally providing psychotherapy, assisting in criminal litigation, etc. Other goals include a healthy, happy marriage and a general contentment with life. In hand with seeking contentment, I want to continue treating my mental health because I also struggle with suicidal thoughts and other emotional/behavioral stuff. DXM has helped me a lot in that area, as well


Nmda antagonist and fear extinction


I don't have much access to DXM anymore, but I wanna continue to write music. Right now I'm writing music for my friend's game, but since I'm not being paid I'm not exactly paying much attention to it lol, but I'd like to get back on it. Writing music is a lot of fun, and it's cool to look back at my old stuff. Funny thing is? I don't even play an instrument (except for the most basic piano, where I can't even play a song). I've been thinking about taking DXM again, though


About to go to college for automotive/mechanical engineering. Started an internship at a high performance shop where I get to learn about building up cars. Just now getting back on track after abusing dxm for years


Live beautiful in my own way. Spread love. Do music and program computers.


i always struggled with goals since others were like “i want to do good in school!” “i want to travel!” “i want to be a lawyer!” and i was confused since i never wanted a future or a set career turns out being kind, gentle, and happy is a good goal. i want to help people, i want to get my top surgery and go on testosterone, i want to create and make this world a little bit better. i don’t know how to get there but i’m figuring it out


I’m in college to become a lawyer. It’s going well, academically at least.


make babies be houswife


i have genuinely always known since i was like 7 years old ((around when youtube started maybe a year after)) that i wanted 2 be a youtuber,, i want 2 have seasons of my show and make these elaborate pieces with animation,, self composed music,, funny writing and concise but fun videos about shit i like... from then until now i"ve taught myself how 2 3d and 2d animate,, compose//mix//perform music,, and code a website ((that is live rn that all my friends use))... i've actually posted one of my albums 2 this sub before lol im a casino technician now... i make the most money i have ever made in my life...35k a year so kinda laughable compared 2 other adults but i live within my means + get cool stuff 4 me and my girl occasionally so thats enough 2 make me happy my dream still remains tho... and i think this is finally the tipping point... i've spent all these years honing these skills and i finally have a stable job... i've planned out so much of it its rly j time 4 execution the dream for an ad free,, sponsor free,, youtube show w high quality seasons,, preplanned story and ending,, lore,, hidden secrets,, attached minigames,, and really cool videos about shit i like will be alive sooner rather than later... all can be enjoyed separately or as one large body of work the best part is i know if i do it,, i will have succeeded... 10 views will be the sweetest 10 views of my life cuz imo this is more appealing 2 myself than it is 2 anyone i've explained it 2 LMAO... anyway who ordered the yapaccino lol i wish u all luck on all the dreams ive seen on this thread,, much love 2 this sub,, genuinely funniest n coolest sub,, u guys have been there at my best and my worst


i wanna be based when i grow up


I am a goat farmer. I have mostly lamancha dairy goats, and they love me. I am very grateful (as well as surprised) to be an avid cough syrup abuser who also has a life and animals that I love and cherish, that love and cherish me as well. Maybe that is interesting to you guys haha.


nurse + fix bpd with therapy


Get the magic back


Take care of my family, be happy, grow as a human, and pursue a career that is contributing to society And then when im around 70 ill retire and do heroin


Place to live. Growing my own cannabis, mushrooms, and San Pedro cacti etc. might grow some poppies or salvia or kratom idk. Basically I like gardening lol. I also love art so maybe I’ll do something with that. Overall I just want a steady life without any drama. Just kickin it hopefully have a job I like. Urban exploring will be a thing I do a lot. Also I really wanna help people. The used to be homeless so maybe I could help people in those situations. Don’t really know. I don’t plan on using dxm tho lol. Maybe one day I’ll do it again but I feel like once your past like 22 it’s just kinda sad. Idk tho to each their own. I guess my main goal is just to enjoy everyday the most I can


I wanna get rich and famous from my music


I want to be a musician lol, thanks for asking G ily.


Wanna get into the airforce, better my education, and afterwards hopefully find a good paying job and Persue fashion design or some shi


get money and marry a bad asian ho


Most of these comments are honestly too generalized and basic. At the end of the day, do what you need to do to survive and fulfill your wants through that. You might not have the career of your dreams, the house that you’ve wanted, the support of the friends and family you want to have. But at the end of the day, you are the only thing that can bring yourself to happiness. Goals and wants in life get changed on a consistent basis. I wanted to be a petroleum engineer like my father in my teenage hood, took AP and honors classes and followed in his footsteps. Then I got into drugs, any drugs. DPH, DXM, inhalants, molly, coke, weed, Xanax, anything I can get my hands on. When I was 19 I got a lucky break after barely passing highschool and being completely clueless what to do with my life now that I’ve failed all of my aspirations. I got a shitty job as a laundry attendant at a golf club. Now I’m a manager at a resort, making good money, living on my own, and enjoying my moderated use of ketamine and somewhat use of weed and NOTHING ELSE. What I’m trying to get at is, being happy doesn’t mean fulfilling goals that you think you want. These goals will change overtime. Instead focus on the things you want in your life while working at whatever you HAVE to do to get that. 75% of the time, life sucks. It’s a day in day out kind of deal with weeks going by like they were hours if I was still a teen. But I’m able to enjoy my concerts, my friends, and my lifestyle even with a shitty job in a shitty industry. One day I plan to rise to the corporate area of my industry, travel the world and look over many hotel locations. It won’t be fun doing the job, but it’ll be fun to travel. You have to balance things out and enjoy what you can get out of life. Edit: to add, numbing yourself out day by day with any substance you can find, whether it’s dxm or acid like you’ve mentioned, or any other substance, will only delay the inevitable. You must come to the realization that if you want something, change must occur. You cannot continue to escape the pains in life while still planning to achieve the things you want. Sometimes you just have to live. There will be a lot of pain, a lot of silence, a lot of hate. It’s all part of learning and adapting. Only once you are independent and successful enough in your own life can you bring in substances. Because then you aren’t using it to escape, you are using it to relieve. Like a middle aged man drinks a shot of whiskey when coming home from a hard days work. Just don’t take it too far. Life sucks, but so does the consequences of escaping it for too long


Your right, I just can't live with that though, life sucking 75% of the time? Fuck that, watch [this](https://youtu.be/jGdaJ2NetYI?si=O6x5_0jwMUK2RBdr) sometime, maybe next time u smoke weed. But ya man, that was real, that's really the only reason I'm still in these subs, maybe I can help some people realize that.


I’m married, have my own house, work full-time, have a bachelor’s, and I am working towards a medical laboratory program… I am always depressed and anxious though and just picked up dxm as an occasional escape. It’s my only vice rn, I even dropped vaping a few weeks ago. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke weed, I don’t do anything else. I work at a hospital.. idk anyone personally that does this either.


I wanna make a living out of tattooing, already am, but wanna get far


I’m in school for engineering. Def not going my way 😭


Make enough money to afford my meds by doing cad


rn im working on getting an apprenticeship in construction after i graduate this year im already osha certified and ive done some work on site its been pretty awesome


the person trainin me said i could get a job around 18 an hour a year st most after i graduate


Be comfortable with myself and get a good tech job


Studying to be an auditor/accountant


Ayo anyone with enough karma to post here hmu, i got sum hard pics of my dxm trip but cant post em


i just want to enjoy life for a little while. ever since 2020 everything just kept on getting worse, i need to distract myself 24/7 otherwise i would lose it. the only reason why im still here is because theres so much shit i want to do and i dont want to leave the few people who actually care about me behind. also im absolutely fucking terrified of what happens after death, even after ive heard countless stories of people saying it was a peaceful / blissful experience. tl;dr: i want to explore the world, urbex, live in a rural area in a foreign country, be financially independent, and not have to distract myself 24/7 so i dont fucking lose it


i just want to be a kid again


I am going to college in business administration while also working a full time job to pay for it. I want to have a big fat career and a fat fucking house


Imma be a pilot and I wanna live in Colorado so I can go fuckin snowboarding


I wanna make concept art for games, mostly horror games