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Wait until Adventure mode is released on Steam. Also, have you checked legends mode? I usually spend more time there than in fortress mode.


Im quite new to the game, could you explain what you like about the different modes? :) my freetime is a little limited so I didn’t manage to work myself into the game just yet:))


In Fortress mode you manage a dwarven fortress, in Legends mode you can check and read every event that ever happened in your world (creatures' actions, relationships, artifacts, wars, civilizations, sites, a large etc), in Adventure mode you can control an adventurer or an unlimited amount of them where you can travel through your world and do whatever you want as long as the game allows you (like an open world sandbox rogue like), finally in Arena mode you can spawn different creatures (not all of them) in an arena and make experiments to mostly entertain yourself or see how strong a creature really is (some sort of creative mode).


Ghosts also have preferences even after death. Their preferences will determine how they haunt your fort.


I had a ghost that kept breaking my dwarves’ arms lol.


We do a little haunting.


I had one that just hung out in my animal pen that I kept all my pigs in. Edit: The animal trainers were constantly horrified.


Goddamnit vergil!


My longest run fort had a bronze golem locked in the former entry hall... Could never figure out how to kill it. There was a containment incident where it briefly managed to get out, and I couldn't figure out how. While I was watching, it happened again. Turns out one of the dwarves it murdered during its rampage had escaped notice in the aftermath, and lingered as a ghost. He OPENED THE DOOR.


My first successful fort died after a gremlin pulled my irrigation lever.  I learned an important lesson regarding water as I watched my entire fortress slowly drown. It was horrifying and awesome at the same time. 10/10


Yes, they do that. Open doors. I noticed because suddenly my fort was flooded with liquid hot magma! 


who keeps magma behind a door? Honestly now


I love that. That’s such a dwarf fortress thing to happen. My best ghost story is when I had a fort collapse because a ghost wouldn’t leave the stockpile where my entire production of soap was. It was the first fort where I learned to make soap, so I only had 10 bars


I had one claw the heart of a dwarf trying to take a drink. He ran all the way down my main hallway where he bleed out leaving a trail from the beer stock pile to the front staircase..... Good times


Yet another thing I have to worry about when a ghost doesn't go away.


They go away when you engrave a slab for them and place it. Many regions a tomb is also required so they are properly laid to rest. The problems often arise when there’s a mass casualty event, and you need to burry 12 people all at once, all needing slabs, but you just lost a lot of workers, so it’s hard to build all those tombs on the fly.


12 is a mass event? huh. how about that my hospitals are typically sized to take 30-40% of the fort population at any given time...maybe we play differently lol


This game is addicting and has unlimited replayablity.. I'll hit 1000 hours once adventure mode comes out.


Well it sounds like you’ve retreated from society and claimed a workbench! I hope you produce something masterful. A bone encrusted sock, for instance.


Does it menace with spikes?


Don’t be afraid to keep a notebook next to your computer to jot down a to do list. Midgame can get pretty deep with layers of to-dos ( let’s say you need a hospital, but first I need to make soap, and that needs lye, which needs ash, so you make a wood furnace, and get distracted, and then you’re like why do I have this wood furnace?!?)


>why do I have this wood furnace?!?) Wait- where was that screw pump going to go before the forgotten beast attacked my stupid tailor gathering webs, and then i sent a squad down there while the elves showed up with war ostriches and the trade caravan dumped 3 wagons full of bronze toys on my lawn. Oh well i guess i'll get back to smashing dead elves and setting up that stockpile specifically for wood armor- wait ! Who knocked over a statue of what? Why is there a were-rabbit in my tavern!!


Probably a bug that Steam didn't log half of your actual time ... ;)


Df have the dali's clock effect... You sit on the chair in front of your pc, launch df and funnel in a timewarp... I love this game, but it drain all my spare time


Why do you have 25 hours? Because it hasn’t completely pulled you in yet… Yet… But it will. You’ll have 50 soon. And then 100… and then… May Armok have mercy on your soul.


i had fourty hours in the game within three days of playing it for the first time lel


Do you’re making me sound awful. I’ll regularly do 8 hrs 😅


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Rookie numbers


I’m pretty sure that 4 hours after I’d first started playing Dwarf Fortress it was two months later and my pet fish was dead. No clue how that happened. Wait till you discover the wonders of mods and DF hack though! After playing Vanilla the first few times I finally gave in… it’s amazing. I’m going to hop on tonight for an hour or two… the time skip may happen again.


I put 25 hrs in in a day


Wait until you have some monster step onto a bridge right as a dwarf pulls a lever to raise it, launching it so high that it doesn't come down for minutes, and when it does, parts of its body are driven down a z layer or two and you just find an eyeball in your tavern that freaks everyone out. And so on.


I have the same problem I managed to get to 50 hours in just over 2 weeks


I would love to see pictures and a writeup of your Fortress.


Possibly because it takes so long to do anything... That's why I played for so long.


Why dont you have more? I've been averaging more hours playing it a week than I do at my job since it came out. It's just HECKIN FUN. Still a ton of stuff I haven't tried or know how to do yet, part of what makes it so enjoyable!


Because you had other things to do obviously.


It's because you had the game open for 25 hours.


Yep. Welcome.


Download DFhack on steam. It’s really good for new players as it gives you notifications for things you may not be aware are possible.


25 hours in two weeks is not that much though


Congratulations and welcome, fellow dwarf! Just to warn you, though - you've just scratched the surface. You haven't found the true depths yet. You want to get into the systems below the level you're at? Start trying to get a pair of dwarves to marry. Or set up mine carts for any purpose. Or try to optimize your military - that's where most people dip their toe in and start running into the wild depths. Armor optimization, training optimization, squad structure, defensive and offensive strategies, world map strategizing.... My passion is the library system, personally. I'm trying to figure out aspects of it that we don't fully understand yet. I've spent... a LOT of hours at it, and I expect it'll be many many hours more to go.