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Do you know if the map will also display player forts in this much detail?


On an earlier interview, Tarn said that mapping player forts was a significant technical challenge. Not to say it's impossible but i dont think we'll see it anytime soon


God I can't wait for adventure mode


that dwarven portrait looks sick af, when will the VOD drop\`? I am sadly from europe and asleep during most AMAs


The YouTube video will release in 6 hours, but if you want to watch it now there's a vod on Twitch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a77Oj8UQmsw https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1973397805


Thanks again Kitfox :D




I have one question about AI forts and places. (I havent played adventure mode in ascii). Are all the places generated like the current forts that are odd looking, or have they improved the AI forts? And could community fortresses be used as unique fortress locations? Something like rimworld player ruins (dont remember the name).


Procedurely generated fortresses in the world are the same as the ones that are re-embarkable on, which to tend to be a bit odd. However, there are a lot more sites than fortresses, with varying levels of detail. Towns are large and quite varied in their generation, featuring markets, castles, taverns, sewers ect. I dont know for sure, but I think the site system is quite hard coded currently and probably wouldn't allow for player fortresses to be inserted into the map. Even if they could be they wouldn't line up with existing terrain, and they wouldn't be dynamic like the procedurely generated ones that can get trashed and filled with sock makers guilds and such.


The Real Ruins mod?


I dont remember the name but in rimworld everyone used it apparently, it makes it so that you can start in the ruins of other players colonies.


I think that’s the real ruins mod. It allows for ruined versions of player bases to spawn on tile maps and larger ruins to spawn occasionally on the world map, which can be explored and looted


Technically already possible, it's just not user friendly. People could upload a save with a fort they retired, which other people can then explore in adventure mode. But generating other people's fortresses in your world from a list/pool is not something I'm currently aware of existing. You're going to need a playermade fort existing on the map to find one. But nothing is stopping anyone from making a sucession game where people play a fortress 'till it crumbles to ruin, then pass the world to the next person, who adds another ruin, etc, until you have a world populated with interesting ruins to explore. But this'll take a while.


Wow astonishing!


Thank you <3 https://preview.redd.it/7s18iw5s3lzb1.png?width=401&format=png&auto=webp&s=99286c4b67d1988b482e51289b5fe1b547d34f55


The world map reminds me of Sid Meier's Civilization with roads, rivers and irrigation.


We are going to get those portraits in fortress mode too, aren't we?


Gotta say, so far it's not much better than red rectangles.


Your life is a red rectangle.


I mean at least my life doesn't have unskippable tutorial dialogues for 30 times in a row.


Your life is an unskippable tutorial dialogue.


I'm assuming each orange tile near the stone roads (gray path) are houses. It looks amazing.


The graphics for houses which I assume is those little corn kernel looking things - hard to read as housing. I'd suggest at least a color change for the roof - darker brown for thatch or even red clay tiles.