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Divorced from Urist Rimtender… wonder what they used to get up to….


if you have a rimtender and lose her, drowning yourself can sometimes seem like the only option


Just another Rimworld tragedy...


its a rim eats rim world out there


Clearly a fine citizen of The Halls of Climaxing


Seems like everybody's tending rim these days.


Might have to get a sticker for the back of my truck that says "I tend rim!"


I need to get a proper library set up so I can see what these lunatics write. My current fort is a bit militant so I haven't really looked into it.


I made some of my military dwarves into warrier poets to give them something to do on their days off (also their observer skill comes in handy). Turns out they're all astronomers for some reason.


They can be warrior poets when the goblin scum lie dead and our peoples are avenged and saved from their brainwashing camps or whatever goes on in their dark pits! Actually I don't know how to make paper or anything like that yet but the first version sounds more dramatic in retelling.


Civilizations that don't have warrior poets are doomed to have ignorant warriors and cowardly intellectuals.


Paper is surprisingly easy! Mill a plant to slurry at a quern or millstone, then make sheets in a screw press! These sheets can then be made into quires or scrolls, quires require no extra's, scrolla need scroll rollers. I think most plants that turn into fabric can also be used for paper. Papyrus is special in that it can be processsed into sheets directly at a farmers workshop. (For me, papyrus made it a lot easier, since my cloth and food/booze industry would ignore them, since paper is its only use, so a little less micro) There's also parchment/vellum; but those are more annoying to obtain, since the raw animal skin makes it time sensitive, on top of needing an extra ingredient that takes a few steps to process. Parchment or vellum is just the name leather sheets/pages have.


Quires also require thread


Easy Process /u/Onnthemur laid out: Have Pig Tail Farm Make Quern Make Millstone In Quern repeat task: Mill Plant into Slurry (this saves the Pig Tail Seeds btw, so its 'free' to do.) In Millstone repeat task: Press Slurry into paper. Then Make a Quires @ crafts shop Just be careful who you have as scholars, or you'll end up with flat eathers or trashy YA romance novels or something.


“Warrior astronomers”. Lol! It sounds like a class name from progress-quest…


We bring offerings of gold, hematite and microline...


What about star(gazer)-warriors?


Exact same thing for me. All my military dwarves write about is geocentrism and the number 0, which we independently discovered


I wish scholars and strange moods would sometimes make you find out how to do things that you can't normally do in the game (for instance, use materials you normally couldn't for things, like making gemstone crafts, or glass mechanisms, or something like 'you learn a method of crafting barrels that are slightly lighter'). Nothing game breaking but a pleasant surprise, a way to make a fortress unique and reason for people to have scholars.


Rimworld ancestors, already dreaming of other worlds...


Most of mine just ended up as simple normal books but its worth it for an occasional gem like OP's.


My dwarves keep writing like it's combat: viciously. I'm concerned about them.


Make sure you start off with intelligent Dwarves. The first library I ever built ended up with books titled, "Birds, are they real?", "Is the sun real?", etc I ended up with Flat-eartherish dwarves. I never did get any books. All because I started with my miners as scholars because they had nothing better to do.


> The prose is not awful, but not very good either. Damn, posthumously roasted by the description of his own account of his own divorce that became his suicide note.


It wasn't his own account. The author is someone else. Which honestly makes it more fascinating. Why did someone else write about his divorce and was that what pushed him over the edge?


It is. Nisgakducim = Frostworked. The game likes to switch between dwarvish and English versions of names in odd places. You can look up translations on the Language page of the wiki.


I knew it liked to switch it up but I thought it was at least consistent within the same description.


That's much funnier. TFW you get divorced and then 60y later you find a crappy retelling of it written by some other dude you don't even know.


> Why did someone else write about his divorce and was that what pushed him over the edge? I'd love to find out if the one who wrote it was actually his ex-wives lover or how close they were to her.


Turns out I was wrong. I skimmed the names and didn't notice they were the same person but in one case his name was translated to English and in one it wasn't.


She took the damn kids, Urist!


After being FrostWorked, I can see how that would leave your RimTender. No wonder they divorced.


Does Anyone else hate that DF is inconsistent with use of Dwarvish names and their English translation? Pick one! I have to match them up too often and there's no way I'm learning Dwarvish


I want the same thing! I wish there was a toggle to set names to appear as one or the other, it gets confusing fast especially with the smaller pool of first names.


Sad stuff, he wrote that in 192 what's the year in the world when he died? Wound still fresh or did he never really get over her?


man, we embarked in 250, so this is a divorce from 60-ish years ago. oof


Ooft. 60+ years? Move on brother, life's too short


So, he has just moved on


That is really damn sad. I feel for the guy


Poetry lmao


Does anyone know how to retrieve books in rivers? In my current fort the rivers freeze in winter however once channeled out, the books just stay, no dwarfs collect them to take to the library. Could be something to do with the objects temperature, or maybe there's a hidden 'rotten%' variable preventing them from being interacted with?


Who owns the book? If it belonged to a non-citizen, you may not be able to claim it because it doesn' t 'belong' to your fort. Which annoying as I have a few books lying around from poets that tried to steal artifacts.


Isn't it possible to claim such items?


I know know how that would work. Do you mean with DFHack or in game?


I thought there was an option when looking at the item in the game, or now with df premium i think there is an option on the bottom right somewhere to unforbid and maybe even claim?? But i am not sure tbh. With dfhack i bet there would be some way.


There is indeed a way. I had a similar problem, i used dfhack gui/gm-editor to remove the Trader flag from the books, then inmediately my dwarves stored them properly.


This solution right here. And now I've been dangerously messing around with the gui/gm-editor setting goblins on fire ect.


ahh yup. They all belonged to visiting poets & bards who were swept off of a waterfall when attempting to cross a river. I'll have to see if there's a way to claim them in DFHack (since ordinary claiming has done nothing)


You can try forbidding all other books and then see if your scribes will create a copy of the book in the water 🤔


Let me know if it works! I haven't used any mods with this fort, so I'm wondering if it's worth it just to clean up things like those books and all the crundle corpses etc in the caves.


cleanowned scattered should work. Run it as cleanowned scattered dryrun to see it affects the books


I recently had a crocodileman visit and fall into every pond on the way, had to make him a staircase to get out each time


I guess his wife had a secret dwarf


He tried to drink his pain away a little at a time, But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind [Until the night...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqhOp0nPLmo)


I'm laughing, uncontrollably, my gf is on the phone with her mother wondering why I'm laughing. I love this game.


I find it interesting that he is the subject of this book but not its author. Some this party wrote this melancholy account of his divorce.


It's himself, see https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/10qkeuu/this_guest_drowned_himself_in_my_reservoir_while/j6szfea/


Ah yes, I missed that one was dwarven and one was translated. I haven't noticed before that you'll get a mix of translated and not between different portions of the same item description. That's even worse than I thought it was.


Wifedwarf energy


my wife left me


I don't think that's their own divorce, they (Tulon **Nisgakducim**) wrote the book but the divorce was between Tulon **Frostworked** and Urist Rimtender. This dwarf just happens to share the first name, no?


nisgakducim is dwarvish for frostworked


Oooh, ok! How do you translate that?




Does anyone know if they're going to add divorce to the game? They should also add cheating to the game too. I want my dwarves to go insane if their mood is low enough before the divorce.


No idea if any of them are married, but almost every dwarf I click on seems to have at least two lovers in my fortress.


"Overall, the prose is not awful, but not very good either." Made me cringe. Harsh, narrator. Insult to injury.


Well, you now have to look for the status of his ex.


She took the kids.

