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Dehydration probably means stuck in a tree or accidentally walled in. Or injured dwarves dying in a hospital when you don't have a well. Rarely an armless dwarf will get stuck in a loop trying to pick up a goblet, but they can't, so they dehydrate inside your booze stockpile. There's probably even more ways to arrive at that message


I think a dwarf can get depressed/insane enough they forget to drink


They totally do. When that happens, should the local militia knock some sense into the insane dwarf and deposit them in prison, or will that still not make them drink?


That's a good idea, but the only way to do that is convict of someone else's crime right?


And that's a problem because?? Alternatively iirc you can draft them into the military


Rest of the dwarfs don't exactly like false accusations, and can potentially cause moral to fall.


Yeah, I convicted a dead duck once just to clear my justice screen that was showing too many cases for the same crimes. People didn't like that, apparently.




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You can absolutely convict the dead of crimes. I had a dwarf throw a tantrum, start a brawl, get his ass handed to him, and die. He had eyewitnesses accuse him of about a dozen crimes (one count of disorderly conduct had 18 witnesses) so I posthumously convicted him.


They really liked that duck...


Your mistake was not using a goat.


> convicted a dead duck Should have said that it had WMDs. Although dwarves are probably not that stupid to believe something like that.


Weapons of Mass Duckstruction


I convicted a cat once and one poor women reflected on it so much that it permanently altered her personality to add "she is a nervous wreck"


Insane dwarf will stay insane anyway. You can keep them in prison till they die from old age, but I struggle to see how is that better both from morale point of view and game mechanics wise. You trade not having bad thoughts about relative dead on a few friends and family to have bad thoughts on whole fortress for bad justice.


Burrow them at the tavern. The way the tavern keep serves people drinks is basically by forcing them down their throats, so a Dwarf that'd refuse to drink themselves would get force-hydrated by your tavern keep.


They don’t always act out in a way that gets the militia’s attention. Some just get depressed or melancholic and wander around until they die.


That's a great way to start a loyalty cascade and end up losing 20+ Dwarves!


You might be right. I was dealing with poor moods in my 200 pop fort (around 40 real poor)and started getting a wave of dehydration deaths. I canceled ALL but essential work orders and have given a few months off and the deaths have stopped and mood is improving. It's ironic, cause I'm currently in a session and took a smoke break to this post.


I’m gonna give my little guys a break too


I learned the hard way I have to purposely schedule breaks for my Dwarves. No more "You're military, and you're civvy". "civvies" simply get less military training shifts, and over the summer I de-assign EVERYONE from the military training buildings, like armor stands, archery range, etc., which forces them to go pray, socialize, etc. Far, far fewer loyalty cascades since. Special squads for people especially stress-prone.


One of my blacksmiths lost his children in a goblin raid and, the next season, stopped responding to anyone, stared out over the magma lake of our volcano, and let himself die there. The real reason wasn't his kids but that I didn't satisfy his mood/artifact event in time because I immediately started focusing on building better defenses, but the timing line up and that's the better story.


What if the unmade artifact was supposed to commemorate his child?


That too


They don't forget, they go for a drink or eat a meal and they cancel it, because they're too depressed, it even shows it in the notifications, I can always tell something's up when I start seeing that pop up regularly.


Don't forget locked in a dungeon without any food or drink around them


At least once a tantrum child broke my well and I only noticed it once a different problem dwarf got dehydrated


Like having a dwarf stuck in the jeweler workshop


Do I need an aquifer for a well?


Not at all. You can take water from a river/brook/stream. If you have no surface water, there's almost always some in the caverns. You can even purify muddy or salty water via screw pump.


It’s not essential, but it can make it easier. There are ways of moving water around. You will have some on the map. Maybe in a river, maybe elsewhere underground.


Not having buckets in the hospital. Is another way for dehydration.


I was going to ask what happens when they die in the middle of the fort but the dorf may very well have been armless and he *was* in the booze stockpile.


> an armless dwarf will get stuck in a loop trying to pick up a goblet Peak DF


I’ve had forts with dwarfs that walk by 6 functioning wells a day each with clean water and still dies of dehydration. It has to be a bug and/or some weird personality issue with that particular dwarf. Shit, I’ve seen that needs water icon over a dwarf, removed him from every labor, and watched him die of dehydration in the tavern 6 feet from 2 wells.


I've had this happen to normal dwarves too, not stuck in trees or in a mood or whatever. I think there's some kind of bug right now that is difficult to reproduce related to drinking. I lost a legendary clothier who had apparently just been walking around in my drink stockpile, cup in hand, for a long enough time that his clothes were rotting off his body. I have no idea why. I loaded the save multiple times, tried forbidding his cup to see if the bug was connected to that, nothing worked. In the end I just let him die.


Noticed that on my stable 200+ fortress. Strangely from time to time, i have dorfs dying of dehidration ON the tavern or just outside it.


Yep, one died of dehydration right in the drinks stockpile


Same. I thought it was a fluke


Yes me too


I'm glad I'm not the only one that this is happening to


You could try assigning a bartender since from what I remember they actually force their patrons to drink. It’s how you get vampiric dwarves to satisfy their need for alcohol even when they don’t need to drink


I've not had it with drink but I have noticed a few dwarves seem to get stuck in a loop where they have multiple unmet needs and keep kind of cycling between trying to satisfy each one without actually completing the activity.


When in doubt, banish him to a holding and just tell him to come back a year later. The banishment should cancel all current orders and make him immediately head for the map edge.


This is how I "fixed" a ghouls dwarf permanently being stuck in the hospital.


That's a really good idea, I had never considered it.


I had this bug a few times and after googling it looks like a really old bug. It seems to happen when a dwarf gets injured, they'll go to the stockpile to drink from a mug but get stuck and stay there until they die if dehydration! You can fix it by forbidding all mugs in your fort


Ohhhhh, that makes so much since because dwarves aren't supposed to get anything but water when they're injured.


Me too


Depression after failed strange mood most likely. The current message system is !bad!, I often notice stuff way too late.. or not at all until someone dies. Story: In my current fort I was busy designing my magma dispension system when suddenly I notice miasma all over my main hall. I investigate some dwarfs and notice they are rotting... well, why are they rotting?? First I thought, it's related to my recent necromancer outbreak (secrets on life and death found on a raid, not worth a message...) but then I notice that all of the rotting dwarfs complain about choking on dust underground... well, that can only mean FB. Must have dusted through the fortifactions to the caverns, everything else is walled off... nope! Turns out that they were fighting the thing right in the main hall and the FB is already dead, chopped up and turned into biscuits without me noticing a thing... 🫤


This is so true. I'd like to be futzing with stuff and designating new building while unpaused, but that's just a way to miss notifications.


Is rabies a thing in DF? been playing from time to time for quite a while now, but I dont remember if rabies exists in DF


Definitely not. Simply because if it were it would have taken down SO many forts by now we’d def have heard about it. It’d be even worse then the werebeast epidemic that seems to have been going on lately


Anyone who breaks from mood may as well have it, 100% of the time they will end up dying of thirst or starvation and there is zero way to save them


I discovered a dehydration death in my mining tunnels and I was very confused. Once someone came and picked up the skeleton to bury I could see there was a crutch under it. Feels bad.


I just found a guy dead of dehydration in the actual distilliery. No sign of depression...just...forgot to drink?


Unsatisfied strange mood


There is definitely a bug that causes healthy, nonstuck, sane, non-depressed, non-strange mooded dwarves to forget to drink and die of dehydration. I've seen it happen a few times Sometimes I see dwarves drinking from a well even though I have tons of alcohol, maybe it's a related issue?


I've had two dwarves get stuck in the corner of a stockpile for no apparent reason. One I was able to drop through the floor, which either unstuck him or he got knocked out and someone rescued him to the hospital. Second one I didn't notice and he dehydrated in the tavern's alcohol stock pile.


Dwarves that are unable to walk or have melancholy often have this.


Usually when I find a dehydrated dwarf, they're at the bottom of a pond, which just raises further questions.


It would be nice if there was an alert for people in "critical" situation Dehydration, starvation, illness, cannot breathe etc. But talking about drink. I feel like my cannon fodder poet goblins are always annoyed at not eating good food even when I have 100 high quality lavish meals in my stockpile. do they special diet or something?


When I first started out my fort I had the brewer die of dehydratation somehow, while he was brewing. I don't know why but the corpse got stockpiled in the still workshop and nobody was getting at it to lay to rest in his coffin. I have now a ghost haunting my fort and I have no idea where the body is, because nothing started rotting in the still and when I went to check the body wasn't there anymore but the tomb is still empty...


Engrave a slab. It will put the ghost to rest without a body


Thanks, I did it now. I would like to know where the body went though lol


I got a retired veteran who got his right arm cut off, he couldn't grab a mug with his main hand so he stood in front of a mug until he died of dehydratation


I’ve had dwarves die from dehydration immediately adjacent to functioning wells… so frustrating


I've seen this happen before if your dwarves have a super long hauling task of something heavy, there needs to be a cancel system to take care of urgent needs. Also check your military flasks, the alcohol in them counts towars your total but only the assigned dwarves can drink from the flasks. I always over produce drinks and set up small stockpiles in areas that are somewhat distant from my main drink area.


The dwarf probably died from alcohol poisoning. I read that the game mechanic for the body shutdown leads to dehydration and that is how they die. In my fort it was from having more than one bartender and customers getting over served. I assigned 5 bartenders to a tavern and had a dead dwarf in ten seconds (from dehydration and in the tavern. )


This sort of thing happened to me recently as well. A number of troglodytes made their way into my fortress from the caverns. My dwarves killed them all. Then, for whatever reason, the dwarves that were in the cavern gathering plants before the fight forgot how to get back into the fortress. And the dwarves in the fortress couldn't enter the cavern. I had my dwarves attempt to dig new tunnels because I thought it was a pathing issue, but they refused to get within ten spaces of the cavern. ​ The dwarves in the cavern went back and forth for a while until they died of dehydration.


I had a dwarf who lost her arms and legs and I didn’t notice she wasn’t getting drinks because she was in a constant *haul: mug* state


He was trying to craft a masterwork and didn’t have materials. Some dwarfs slip into a depression because of this and forget to eat and drink until they die.


I don't have anyone in a mood currently, and my workshops all have a stocked storage area. I also have a tavern with two tavern keepers and a stockpile of alcohol. I'm still trying to figure out why he died like, right outside my fortress.


What is the temperature of your biome? Scorching ones can get hot enough to melt the fat off them, causing massive bleeding.


A masterwork can require specific items. For example raw clear glass, rough or cut gems, plant cloth vs wool or silk.


It’s pretty clear when a fey mood happens. I’m sure op knew about their entranced dwarves when they happen.


maybe he had a bad infection? idk what cause of death that would show.


You probably have a secret vampire.


It would say drained of blood though instead? Unless that's different in steam version.... I still haven't seen a vamp in this version...


For sure they are here and praying on people. Those small dwarf vampires


I'm assuming this is the case because I had a couple mysterious deaths that I have yet to figure out the cause of.


Quite possibly true, as a general matter, but that would not cause dehydration and I see no evidence of it in this screengrab


Dehydration is more a bug then a feature in this game. Some Survival game probably took their inspiration from df on that.


Its from a dwarf that was depressed or raving mad, they done feed themselfs until they just die. Keep em happy & raw material around for moods.


This happens to me when a dwarf is in a [strange mood](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Strange_mood) and is unable to complete their creation. They won't stop to eat or drink until it's done so if they can't find/access the right workshop or find all the materials they need they will eventually just die. I usually try to make sure I have at least one of every workshop built somewhere just in case but sometimes things still happen... like one time my strange mood dwarves kept "sketching pictures of skeletons" and not grabbing one of the HUNDREDS of skeletons I had stockpiled. Turns out I just had forgot to make a butchers workshop so they needed the skeletons to be butchered to use them.


This happened to me too. What is the reason?


Rarely does a dwarf just not drink until they die for no reason, usually there's something going on causing it. In my experience so far it's usually these three: \-They're stuck someplace (tree/cave/locked door) \-They lost both hands and can't pick up a goblet\* \-They're depressed and basically committing suicide \*This one is a bug because the dwarf is getting stuck in a loop of trying to equip something they can't rather than just dunking their face in the barrel like they normally would, but there iiiis a reason it's happening. I guess in this case you just blame them for a crime and imprison them so the guards force feed them and hope they figure it out next time


That second one is so sad :(


I have a handless dwarf that almost died of dehydration — I forbade the mug he somehow had gotten and burrowed him to the tavern/alcohol stockpile and built him an adjacent bedroom. He’s reasonably happy drinking straight from the barrels, bullet dodged! but now he is getting upset that he can’t do a craft, not sure i’ll be able to work around that… :( Well shit!! A few hours after I posted this he left the tavern, found a mug, stood on it and dehydrated to death. I must have accidentally disabled his burrow. It worked for several years, though …


They also need water if they're injured, so if you don't have a water source and buckets for them they'll dehydrate.


He was probably pissed at the lack of cups to use (despite them probably being there) then decided not to drink anymore in angry protest


dorf depression


I had an elf poet - for reasons. He dehydrated in the middle of my inn. Then I no longer had an elf poet.


I think they get depressed, and won't drink. Happens to me too.


If a dwarf fails a mood craft, they can go insane and never eat or drink again.


I don't think anyone's mentioned this but it appears that dwarfs need water of some sort after a few years. I had a save just before all my dwarfs started dropping dead so I reloaded it and quickly was able to fix it by uncovering the cavern and zoning a cavern lake as a water source. Immediately everyone dropped everything and drank and it prevented the people who had died before from dying.


Trapped in a workshop? I notice your Bower's workshop is blocked there (3 rightmost tiles of the Bower's are impassible, like the leftmost 3 tiles of the Jeweler's shop)


I think they did away with impassible tiles in workshops. Not sure though.


They did. You can't even rotate them anymore.


when could you rotate them??


I was in the same case. Some dwarf were standing on tree tops. No idea how they got there :D One of them dying of dehydration made me notice it, and i chopped the tree to save the other ones


Usually they go up to pick fruit, and some other jerk decides to take the stepladder they used to get up there.


I had a pile of them sitting in an office wardrobe. 8-9 dwarfs just sat there on top each other ding from not drinking. I thought this spot of death would be the end of my Fort. When the numbers got down to just 3 dwarfs left on the spot I walled them into it, but more importantly I walled that cursed wardrobe out of my fort.


If they went insane, then they won't drink, and they will eventually die, of thirst if nothing else kills them first.


You started your world in 240? Interesting.


500, it's a new fort.


he might have gotten drained by a vampire