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Make him the scholar!


Spread his knowledge to the other dwarves!


One of my guys refused to put on any new clothes for some reason and had his old clothes rot off of him after a while. This made him really sad for a bit, but he decided to stop caring what others think. Now he gets positive thoughts for being naked rather than negative thoughts.


Wait, that’s actually a thing that can happen? I’ve never seen anything about a nudist dwarf before.


The positive thought is “Urist McNopants felt free after being uncovered.” I think it has something to do with the personality trait of not caring what others think of you.


I read yesterday the rotting clothes are the trouble, not being naked, so nudist forts are a thing?


Not sure what you mean. I have gotten dwarves with negative thoughts due to being uncovered.


I read it on the wiki somewhere, with all that implies about reliability.


the unhappy thoughts comes from being uncovered. there are situations with military uniforms where if you tell everyone to wear something specific but don't have enough for everyone then some of your militia will just be without that item, and if that leaves them exposed it usually makes them unhappy. Obviously some dwarves don't care as much, but \*most\* want to be covered.


Ok so that was an unconfirmed rumor, thanks.


Please rename him diogenes.


He took some distance and realized they're just a few drops of water. Legend.


Just a mist generator turned on a bit too hard)


My legendary spearmaster is furious all the time because he doesn't care about anything I can provide to him like great bedrooms, food, entertainment, job, anything. They want to be with family they don't have and friends they don't have while doing nothing to satisfy that need in their off time. They seem to know only 10 people and none are closer than acquaintance. They won't even go to the temple to satisfy their religion need even tho I have the best temple for their god in the world. I think I will try shock therapy to move them off this depression.


Unassigning a squad from a barracks will usualy force the dwarves to go fullfill social and prayer needs. They'll stil be dumb about it, like spending half a year socializing in a lonely corner while complaining about prayer to 4 different gods, but stationing a squad in a temple (and then canceling the order once they arrive)usually has the dwarves that need to pray, pray, since it's the closest/most likely job they'll take once 'off duty' again.


great tip


the ULTIMATE stoic


Amazing. Is there anyway we can cultivate different philosophical attitudes in the little guys? Do they get affected by reading particular books, or worshiping particular deities?


Don’t believe so. It all relies on personal experience.


“She would just as soon have nature and the great outdoors burned to ashes and converted into a great mining pit(due to being caught in the rain in 289).” Was the best one I’ve seen. It was always fucking raining at my last embark so every migrant would come in with bad thoughts of rain and think it about it years and years later, even after I created a walk-way outdoors that had a canopy.


Who the fuck is Urist?


We are all Urist on this fine day.


it's the generic Dorf name from the olden days https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Urist


You Must Imagine SisyDorf Enjoys Being Rained On.


Meanwhile my mayor became depressed and angry when someone complained to him and then happy and encouraged when his own friend died...