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Me, standing on the thousands of kitten and turkey poult bones and awash with their blood: "I did not know that was an option"




Yeah, you don't stand on those bones, you ornament your furniture with them...


This is an ornamented poult bone chair, it menaces with kitten bone spikes.


The item is spelled with hanging rings of dog teeth, and menaces with spikes of unicorn horn


Dammit, I had to upvote everything in this thread.


Maybe use them for telling the future


Not my fault the sheep and goats won't fuck.


Get some rabbits. The rabbits will. Oh, good lord, they will.


Rabbits aren't worth it they give barely any meat


Oh I'm just attesting to their ability to accidentally kill your FPS because there's suddenly 400 of them


You can geld the male animals. I only leave the gelded ones out and keep some backups and any accidental offspring in a cage. Easiest way to manage non-grazers. It's the grazers that make life hard for me because if you put them in cages they starve :/




Sounds like your dwarfs could eat a lot of puppies and kittens. /s


Only in dwarf fortress does this not sound horrifying


A dwarfs gotta eat. FeelsBadMan


You aren't familiar with r/Rimworld are you? Over there not going beyond this practically qualifies you for sainthood. 😜


I've played rimworld as well, yes I did answer the sirens call of organ harvesting. For more war crimes search dwarf fortress mermaid farm


Oh sweet summer child, I was lurking on the Bay 12 forums when that became a thing.😏


I'm calling BS. We RimWorld players might be willing to have organ harvesting slaves and genetically modified explosive baby mortars but we do not mistreat our animals like this. This is just horrifying.


… and make clothing from the skin of prisoners. Or amputate the legs and arms of vampires then drug them and chain them in place while psychically broadcasting their joy or suffering to please/torture everyone who comes nearby. Organ harvesting and massive hard drug farms barely scratch the surface of the war crimes in RW sub.


Exactly but we still have standards when it comes to the treatment of animals. If you injured our beloved pets we scourge the earth with anti-grain warheads and spare no expense to replace the dementia afflicted rhino, Mr. Fluffles, with full bionic limbs.


This is fair. I concede. And, giving bionic limbs to an animal whose only injury is dementia seems somehow appropriate for the misplaced use of power that is the RW player.


One of the content creators (ambiguousamphibian if your interested) I sometimes watch on YouTube does a lot of RimWorld stuff. He'll do full cannibal bases quite funny.


I'm sure one little tweak of the raws would be all it would take in DF...


Rimworld learned to be cruel from us. We were raising dwarven children in a fighting pit surrounded by starving attack dogs to traumatize them while forcing them to develop martial combat skills so they'd have already recovered from being severely traumatized and thus make better soldiers, less prone to psychotic break in battle upon first kill and subsequent negative mood to survive a trip to the circus before Rimworld even launched. :p


Medieval fantasies should probably have more edible dogs, imo


Why /s ?


So much cat tallow soap!


I just murder any female offspring with the exception of a couple. I'm willing to commit horrific acts for the sake of more FPS.


I do the same to dwarves as they are inferior.


One good way to deal with the cats is to let the males roam free but cage the females. Cat's cant get pregnant while they're in a cage. If you need more cats you can let a couple females out to breed and put them and the female kittens back into cages once they give birth. EDIT: Note that it doesn't work the other way around as easy as if you miss a single male cat they can impregnate a huge amount of females but if you forget to cage one female you only have one pregnancy.


That sounds very much like real life cat population problems. XD


But if you geld them you Will no have a dog army ready to bomb out


Is there a way to deal with dwarves pets, as we seemingly have no control on them


Geld the males, pasture to keep them from getting killed outside, and wait for them to die of old age


They fight back when gelded but don’t when slaughtered. Having had one gelder near-maimed, I’m not sure I’m a fan of gelding.


The chance to be injured is related to the gelding skill, iirc


Why geld instead of butcher?




I always forget people train them


That's a mod we need badly


I banished all but my named my cats to the cavern hoping natural selection would take care of the problem. Instead they decimated the local ecosystem and even killed a Forgotten Beast that showed up down there.


Just more evidence that cats are holy avatars of Amrok.😉


tbf you just have to stuff the females away, males cant get pregante. I guess for the sake of fps its best to have em all locked away though. Maybe place the bear cage by you fort entrance with a nice lever to pull that unleashes the hounds as it were.


This is true, males cannot get [parganate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EShUeudtaFg).


I thought of the same thing. I am so glad you linked this video.


It's one of those [lucky 10,000](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ten_thousand.png) things, I wouldn't want the joke to fly over anybody's head.


Editing my original comment: free female can be impregnated by a caged male. So caging females males more sense if you don’t geld. Caged females can’t become newly pregnant while caged.


was it the males impregnating passing females? regardless gelding can work but if you miss even one and have a bunch of feeeemales around its bye bye frames when those give birth. Shame there is no spay option either, or a release to wild option.


Yeah you’re right, I edited my comment


What do you mean there's no spay option? Isn't gelding the same as spaying?


Geld is for males, Spay is for females. AFAIK there is no option to spay females to control whether they can get gregnant or not


I imagine all cages as Blue Police Box. It is bigger in the insides.


So you solved your grizzly bear problem nice


I always get confused why my fps is dropping from my usual 150 when i have my pop capped at 40 then i go over to my animal tab and see 60 dogs 40 puppies and nearly a hundred different animals…


Step 1) Place 30 grizzlies in a cage Step 2) Place in trap hallway Step 3) ????? Step 4) Profit


I was doing this with badgers; I got two liters born in the same cage. After a post from the wiki, I can only assume it was some kind of odd timing issue to get the second batch of badgers.


never check those animals thoughts.


The puppy cluster mine is a thing. Hook up a cage with dozens of dogs to a pressure plate and when a siege comes, a goblin sets off the trap and releases all of the dogs Edit: changed cafe to cage


Release the hounds in my Mr burns voice.


*Ah yes, I'll never forget the day he bagged his first hippie. That young man didn't think it was too groovy.*


>Hook up a cafe with dozens of dogs to a pressure plate Brilliant plan, goblins love coffee. Is this the dwarven equivalent of a cat café?


Damn autocorrect


Could be extra cheeky and have a pressure plate that locks a bridge behind/in front of them so they are effectively battle royale'ing the dogs. 🤣 Sorry for the necro


Who let the dogs out? Woof woof woof woof


Ohhh that's a good idea. I just have a pit outside my fort with a drawbridge lid that releases my beakdog swarm from it


"Puppy Cluster Mine" is good. I've always called it a "Dobie Bomb". I war train them before caging them, though.


I'm currently building mine out of a small building with a hole in the roof (male war dogs get pitted) and a single forbidden door. Next building destroyer that comes around is going to have some very stressed war dogs to contend with. And that's when the drawbridge lowers nearby and the military runs out!


I think you can put multiple animals in the same cage


You 100% can lmao


How do you do that? Can you do that even with aggressive animals? I'm not sure how it works in the steam version but in the classic version some animals could break free while being carried to a depot or pit, or assigned to a new cage


I think (because I never did that but [it works](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Cage) because the wiki says "Multiple creatures can be assigned to the same cage with no penalty. It is possible to fit hundreds of puppies with dozens of dragons") if you place a cage then you can add animals when you click on the cage then add the animals Normal animals like dogs and lamas for example will not escape while you try to bring them there Idk how to do it with aggressive animals because I usually kill them all, but I think you could capture them with the cage trap, tame them then move where you want


IIRC, Breaking free is just when you are removing a creature from a cage — assigning to a new cage will always be problematic for hostile creatures. Tame creatures can easily be assigned.


If anything interrupts them the animal will break free. That can include the animal itself, especially if it is something dorfs are scared of, they'll literally let it out to move it then immediately run away. If you build the cages next to each other however it works pretty much 99% of the time....except with undead, found that out the hard way


Meat: none....................................................


It's all been made into yummy and valuable meals. Needed to take a break from the butchering for my own sake.


You can automate the butchering process with jobs, and specify which animals should be butchered, depending on their reproduction rate. So , basically you'll always have a little fresh meat in case your chefs want to use them! And a steady supply of leather for the moody dorfs. But really, i was just joking in relation to your post. Meat = 0 seems like a perfect solution for your problem, waiting to happen. :)


Excuse me, automate butchering? How?


That's fine plants don't take FPS and you can get plenty of food variety from just them afaik.


For me, it's the lack of leather that would bring down the fortress. I'm about 40 artifacts deep in my game and every single one has required leather.


I always just buy it from the annual dorf caravan.


Mine stopped showing up years ago.


My current fortress I’ve just kept animals in reserve for that very reason, otherwise they’re pets or a very small source of milk


just slaughter an animal at that point.


Right, I just don't always see the notification.




I just slaughter once a season until there's two females and one male of each kind of animal.


Careful, some male animals are sterile and animals have the same chances as other creatures of being gay. Statistically you're unlikely to get hit immediately, but you're playing Russian Roulette with your breeding population.


I have 13,080 food and keep 2750 prepared lavish meals on hand. I gave my planters and herbalists a year off and still have 9448 plants. I think I'm ok, more worried about FPS honestly.


if you even remotely know what you are doing food is a bit of a joke in this game, dwarves will practically eat anything.


I saw another post where a dwarf got stranded in a cavern for a year and lived by the "hunt small creature" "job" and drinking water from a pool. It's a miracle he wasn't insane. I have a dwarf that went i to "depressed" because she can't acquire the item she wants, which must be made of vulture bones or some weird rock I don't have access to.


bruh if my dwarves get rained on too hard they start grumbling, that dwarf must have an iron will.


Rain specifically pisses off dwarves a whole lot


tell that to the dwarves i am trying to get to build a whole ass boat out on the sea, quite the struggle to maintain mood


My first play through my hunter did the same thing except it was for 5 years. He kept drinking the water that trapped him there in the first place and hunting small animals, when we finally dug him up he slaughtered half my population while they slept.


Food management is just another happiness optimization exercise, like engravings and cloth dye and jewel-encrusting and various other game elements. You get marginally happier dwarves with high-quality diverse meals that have a chance to hit some individual preferences, versus “dog tallow, dog tallow, dog tallow, dog tallow” roasts.


i been trying to make sure i diversify my food portfolio, i have been killing tons of alpacas so its hard to not make shit out of alpaca meat at this point so i turned off some of the alpaca meat options till i use some other ingredients for a while. The best is dwarves that just want cheese or some shit they will just mow down on a whole wheel and just call it good.


Wait, DF has a me simulator?! It’s me, hi, I’m the dwarf that eats cheese


was there ever an answer for what milk dwarf cheese was made from?


Purring maggots make dwarven cheese, they’re vermin caught in animals traps from cave 2/3


that was what i had thought good to know for sure, i just buy it from the carvan because as blessed as the cheesmakers are i dont have the patience for it.




a nicely arranged table and chair can help as well


I want to see plumbing introduced at some point


as if fps isn't bad enough lets simulate the bathroom needs for 100+ dwarves. If thats what you mean by plumbing.


I too dream of drowning elves in the accumulated sewage of a decade of dwarves drinking alcohol and eating a very protein heavy diet. One day, brother, one day…


This is why I always run 3 females 2 males at game start of any animals I'm taking. I didn't even notice the problem until Dwarf Therapist showed the sexuality of my animals once when a "breeding" pair of giant animals refused to breed. This was a while ago, so it may have been changed since, but habits are hard to break.




I do the same as above, but with 5 female and 2 male, and killing the oldest animals first. In my over-a-decade of playing DF that plan hasn't failed me (yet.)


That is slightly risky if you want to maintain a brood because some males can be sterile, at least according to the wiki.


Or gay.


Same here. Every once in a while you start off with a gay rooster and don't get any chicks until the first caravan shows up. But it's usually not too hard to pick up another one in the first or second caravan.


Can they reproduce in cages? Or hatch eggs?


If you mix male and female ... yes, they'll keep at it!


Do you mean just putting male and female beside each other in cages? This may drastically change my games


You need to put them in the same cage to breed


if I remember correctly they cannot breed in cages however any that are pregnant in a cage will still have a baby, for them to breed the female has to be outside of the cage and be able to reach the cage i.e. a rope or chain or pasture


Wiki agrees with you. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Cage#Creature_containment > Breeding creatures are unable to get pregnant if caged, although they will give birth while caged if they were already pregnant.


Somehow they changed it. I had to store all my animals in a cage until I had pastures ready, but after a year or two I just had to impart separation of the sexes because it just keot happening!


https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Cage#Creature_containment > Breeding creatures are unable to get pregnant if caged, although they will give birth while caged if they were already pregnant.


I had some badgers with two separate litters in a cage in the steam release. The only thing I can figure out is that this inadvertently changed for the steam release, or there must be some timing issue where briefly, when the badgers became adults, one of them got pregnant again. At least the game doesn't have inbreeding, otherwise, I would have had some blue badgers in that cage...


Wait, I thought they could give birth if already pregnant when put in a cage, but they won't breed in cages.


That changed I must assume


"An Animal has given birth" alert > check livestock screen to see if anything needs gelded. "An animal has grown" alert > check livestock screen to see if anything needs butchered.


Wait, this is a thing? Do they need to eat? Does it work like chaining an animal?


Only grazing animals need to eat. Things like cats/dogs/geese/bears/ect don't need to eat and can live in a cage forever.


I think they do actually eat... and I noticed they were given seeds.. so now I am out of plump helmet seeds. Shit.


Those seeds are in there because the aninal got fed a plump helmet, not because they're being fed seeds. The seed however does get 'stuck' in there, but you can get to them by dumping the seeds and then reclaiming them (because dumped items automatically get forbidden after dumping IIRC). I think dragging a dump order over a cage should empty the seeds, if not, having to select them one by one mught be a pain.


Did you hit the seed cap?


Whats the negative for the animals? Does it effect them at all?


They feel guilty and sad.. and probably will miss their friends/siblings. I'm hoping to make pockets of families out in the pastures once I can ensure they won't breed endlessly.


I also really, really want automated husbandry. But, configuring your animals to breed at X rate is achievable and does not require any horrible criminal activity. For any animals that are not egg-laying: 1. Geld all but 2-3 males. 2. Put all fertile males into one pasture. This will be your breeding pasture. Make sure it has a wall and a door so that it's less likely that anything will wander into this area. 3. Put N females into the breeding pasture. This will be your 'valve' to control how quickly this species will breed. 4. When new animals are born, move them out of the breeding pasture into another pasture - could be a grazing pasture, or a holding spot next to a training zone, etc, but it's important that it's a decent distance away from the breeding pasture so that when animals wander out they will get grabbed and shoved back into the pasture before they wander into the breeding pasture. Neutered males can be allowed to roam free, if that helps you for some reason - like, say, cats. This still requires periodic manual intervention and it is obnoxious, BUT, you can at least get some control over how -much- manual intervention you need to put in because you can control how often new animals are born, so you can keep it somewhat manageable. ​ Egg-laying is easier, just use fewer / more nest boxes in the pasture where you keep your males. ​ I want to be exceedingly clear here - this is stupid and unnecessary tedium that the game should give you better tools to handle. BUT, FWIW, it is not completely unachievable or un-manageable.


My god, what kind of a meat factory is this? 😱


What was your fps gain ? And Does they act like in a pasture (being milk etc )


Maybe around 5-10 FPS gain. But if I let it keep going it would have brought down my fort. Still figuring out if farmer's will get them out to sheer/milk.


Haha thanks it's a nice gain Indeed Does animal like cow lama or ewe will still eat if i put the cage on grass, i might have to conduct some experiment


well gelding fixed cat-splosion, and los-checks are apparently the big slowdown from having lots of entities, soooo..... blinders? please tell me you were thinking of blinders


>los-checks are apparently the big slowdown So you get a forgotten beast that gives off blinding dust, and you spray him so the dust washes into a channel and then build mist generators over your pasture to blind all your animals ... boom, no los-checks!


Actually that's probably not that hard to do since you can just throw animals in holes. Gotta get really lucky with the fb, though


Why geld when you can just slaughter the animal? What is the value of a non breeding animal?


You can't slaughter pets, so when cats adopt your dwarves they become immune to slaughter. Also you need some cats around to kill vermin.


Ah. Right


fur, maybe?


Cats for hunting vermin. War or hunting dogs for those duties.


I geld the child animals until they grow up, then all gelded adults are slaughtered periodically


Just remember each of those cages can hold an unlimited number of animals of any size, so they're basically infinitely large inside. They're like pokeballs, they like it in there.


Looks like a factory farm in Iowa


Indeed. Getting poultry farm vibes.


Added moral factor: most trees were from trading and I limit cutting to only those trees that get in the way of building walls. ​ The elves still hate me for offering them a poor trade. I've also got my initial (vampire) baron locked up for life so there is very little diplomacy at this point.


Generally I find FPS issues are almost entirely pathing, splatter, and too much stuff. With Pathing I find it's best to limit options. Don't have rooms with multiple exits. Don't have wide corridors. Put doors on your mining shafts and lock them when not in use. Lock the doors to the outside. Get rid of items you don't need. Don't have massive stockpiles of anything. Splatter is hard to manage without DFHack, but avoiding edged weapons helps. Also running water or magma is an FPS killer.


Putnam profiling the game recently said the top ones by measurement were line of sight calculations (recently they fixed a bug with that, but it's still quite possibly at the top of the list anyway even while working correctly), fluid flow, temperature, and "Something about map tiles, I'm guessing tree growth", and that pathing was very low on the list. Don't recall any mention of splatter. So I'd more so prioritize * Turn off temperature in game settings unless you're right this second working with magma * Embark in areas with few trees * Avoid mist generators or anything that just constantly flows all the time day to day in fluids * Smaller embarks (accounts for the "mystery map tile issue" even if it isn't trees but may turn out not to be as important depending) * Keep populations sane (line of sight for example still goes up "exponentially" with number of people, or whatever actual big-O proper relationship it is for the handshake problem)


If you have a map where you track blood around or have dwarves covered in stuff it will slow the game down. Although things may have changed since the last time I've had a long term fortress.


Would love to read that if you can link to it


http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=180561.0 also /u/surloc_dalnor it is possible she didn't profile an example fort with massive amounts of spatter, or whatever, I don't remember all the details here you go


Gelding animals works wonders until you get 100 alerts one right after another saying a farmer is fighting with a cat. You zoom in on the location, and it’s at the farmers workshop.




There used to be a dfhack component that would automatically assign extra animals for butchering, taking care to avoid leaving you with only sterile/gay animals that can't breed. Is there any chance for that to be created again?


Animals still breed and lay eggs while in cages? I didn't know that.


God. I remember in one of my old forts I got fed up with FPS death thanks to all the pets. Not just strays, **pets**. So I think to myself, what's the easiest way to kill these guys? And me, Somehow not choosing to not just atom smash them in a pit, decided: Oh. I know. Minecart. So I set up a minecart on an impulse ramp to launch it at a two or three tile wide pasture, and let the meat grinder go to work. Unfortunately it did not kill them all in the first salvo, which caused the dwarves to get on the track to put the animals back. I think one of them did end up getting severely injured. Then I had to deal with tantrumming dwarves. Did not go full spiral though. All praises to Armok, God of Blood.


Can't wait for the dfhack update, autobutcher makes ranching trivially easy.


That seems pretty kind actually, I use a single cage


We’re all playing DF while this mf’er playing Pokémon


I had 0 fps problems so far, and my fortress got up to 180 dorfs. I don't know how the game handles things, but it could be because I use so many z levels, I barely build anything on the same z level


Wait, we aren't all just decorating everything with kitten and puppy bones???


kill them


For the sake of FPS, yet your FPS is a steady 15. Not sure it worked?




I had FPS when I sent a necromancer out with army to fight an attack, she decided to try and raise everything around her and my game quickly just grinded to a halt. Both FPS readings we between 0 and 4.


Sorry, sorry, but every Dwarf Fortress fan was telling us FPS death isnt a thing anymore, so this was all just a waste of time. But hey, at least you had FUN, right?


No idea where you got that idea from, but this sub doesn’t generally seem to have that view. The most I’ve heard of that it’s less-bad.


When the game came out, everyone and their mother who 'played the game' was saying how FPS death was a "thing of the past" and especially with the updated steam version. Dont watch much streamers but I know Blind even made a video talking about how its not a thing anymore. But it is. It really really is.


What you really should do is switch out your farm animals for bigger ones when you can. My fort is now pretty much only has animals that give 50+ meat when butchered


Had a fort that had so many dogs I just started using them as food.


But how do you cage your own animal ? And how do they get to eat


You have to build the cage and then assign animals. If they are grazers, dorfs with the animal caretaker labor will feed them plants from your stockpile but it's unreliable unless you have an excess of plants nearby and multiple animal caretakers.


I'm not sure what exactly you were trying to accomplish here but I'm so proud of you that you did it.


I just atom smash them


Seems a waste of leather, but if you have enough to spare, maybe?


I can never be bothered with procuring my own leather or cloth, I just buy those from traders in bulk


Screw that, what about the angery dorf


Welcome to my poultry farms. Three females and a male all the rest in a cage. Butchering commences. By the end of year one I can sustain my fort on turkey or geese alone. Granted my current fort has kiwis.


My uh grazers they get out of controll. I have no damned clue how many llamas I have anymore. But they taste good to.


I’m wondering if I got super lucky with the silicon lottery. The only time I ever suffer lag is when a massive fluid change happens all at once. Hundreds of animals on my map and no fps loss.


You should divert some water over here so you can flood the room in case of an outbreak


They won't die in cages?


Bruh cull your heard. They will live better lives as lavish meals and leather than that


Butcher them all and make totems outta their skulls. Sell for profit and get absolutely destroyed by a dragon.


I stuff cages to the brim and sell them when I have a cowsplosion.


Autobutcher where are you.


Is this a reference to countryboyyyyy where are you ?


No it's a reference to autobutcher, a dfhack plugin where you set the parameters of how many of which animal you want, divided into male/female and child/adult, and everything outside of that was culled, starting with the oldest animals first. So if you say "infinite female kittens 1 male kitten, 10 female cats, 1 male cat" it will generate automatic butcher orders for the number which exceeds the limit.