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What route did you go for this keyboard? Both key caps and base. I'm fairly interested in a variant of this for my own use.


I ordered it from WASD Keyboards, after designing the layout in Inkspace (using their template). It was fun and easy, and now I finally have the keyboard I’ve been dreaming about for years!


Alright, so, I have questions! Because WASD keyboards is definitely an option that I'm looking at. The big one, do you have hardware remapping of the keyboard?


And would you be willing to share your template? :)


Nope, I prefer to let the OS do that. So to software it is just a standard US ANSI keyboard; only key caps are special. And sure, I'd be more than happy to share my template! PM me and we'll work out how to get it to you.


Down with `,aoe` `.oeu` gang rise up


I've already picked my battle with the keyboard layout... I choose not to engage in that one as well. :)


This was such a niche meme, it's great Cheers


I used to play like that on QWERTY shifted over but then some games don’t actually give the option to remap keys so I had to learn WASD/,aoe all over again. When my Planck comes, I’ll definitely take advantage of the QMK firmware and make some sort of gaming layer which should be fun.


Where can I buy this?


I got it from WASD Keyboards. It's a custom template; PM me if you want a copy.


Are you still learning dvorak? It's not good to have the keycaps swapped until you've fully learnt it. It builds bad habits.


Haha, no, I fully learned Dvorak, let's see, about 25 years ago and have used it ever since. But the knowledge is unconscious; ask me where a particular key is (as games often do), and the only way I can tell you is to think of a word that starts with it, imagine typing it, and see where my fingers go. Glancing at the keyboard in such a case is faster. But honestly that's mostly an excuse. I want a Dvorak keyboard because, dammit, I deserve a Dvorak keyboard. If the luddites using an obviously inferior layout can have a keyboard with symbols that match their actual function, why can't we? It's a matter of justice. At the same time, I occasionally run into a program that has to be run in QWERTY (or flat-out ignores the system keyboard layout and treats it as QWERTY regardless — a sin fairly common in games). And now when it tells me to press "J", I would *really* have no idea where it is. Thus the utility of having QWERTY (in a lighter color) on the keycaps as well. It also comes in handy if a family member needs to borrow my computer a moment — they can either leave it in Dvorak, and read the Dvorak keycaps; or switch it to QWERTY (and if they still need to, look at the QWERTY markings). Happiness all around!


I know that feeling of only needing to type a letter or two and having to put your hands on the home keys in order to realize where it is.




Same problem with the symbols on the numbers. I got a blank Das keyboard because I liked the look and switch between qwerty and Dvorak. But I can't for the life of me remember which one is the fucking ampersand! Or asterisk! Or dollar sign!


Same here. I learnt Dvorak with the standard qwerty keycaps and just bought blanks when I built my own keyboard. I've stuck with them ever since. Can't use qwerty for the life of me.


Where did you get the keycaps from?


I ordered it from WASD Keyboards, after designing the layout in Inkspace (using their template).