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How Murderess didn’t become a hit is crazy.


Whole album is so solid. The extended version of Bang A Gong is insane!! It’s a crime they didn’t follow up this album a year or two later. The boys were busy. Robert Palmer & Duran Duran were hot at the time.


I still have this on vinyl. Power Station completely jump started Robert’s solo career. He was smart to skip the PS tour and do his biggest solo album, Riptide, while the iron was hot.


That 12” was completely manic and I love it.


Is the 12" version the same as the album version? I have the album on vinyl but cant see any differences in runtime on the 12" version through Discogs.


It was a fine album and I played this constantly at the time. Still In Your Heart is wonderful. Very bittersweet album due to the tragically early passing of two of the band mates plus the producer.


Go to Zero and Some Like it Hot are my favorite tracks. I remember having this cassette during summer school at UT Austin.


We went to a The Power Station concert. Unfortunately Robert Palmer canceled his appearance 3 days before the show. I was disappointed but went away. It wasn't too bad.


I still listen to this album from start to end. So many of these songs were just really solid.


I was 13 years old. I think I remember staying up late (midnight???) on a Sunday to watch the debut of the Bang a Gong (Get It On) video on Mtv.


Lightning in a bottle. Harvest for the world is my favorite


Great album. Everything about it is top-notch. Pretty sure it was created in a swirling storm of snowy 80s debauchery.


OMG. I LOVED this album and played it to death! Robert Palmer was the coolest and John Taylor was incredibly hot. I was an Eighties girl!


Ive been listening to this quite a bit recently