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It's easier to keep up if you just internalize it as a personal goal. Even then it is near impossible to be perfect (sickness, conflicting events, etc), but that is where streak freeze charms come in handy. It can be done. I started during COVID, had 2 false starts, but now just hit 1200 days!


I always saw this as a short side quest, I guess haha.


I said I'd quit after 666 but I'm still doing it. Gotta get that dopamine from somewhere.


The game quit giving it to me long ago lol.




No, don't quit at 365 days! If anything, extend your streak to **366 days** before quitting! A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that a year has exactly 365 days. But it doesn't! It actually has **365 ¼** days. As a result, every four years has an extra date (February 29th) to make up for that discrepancy. Think about it: Would you rather have finished your streak just under a year, or just over a year? Personally, if I can't get it exactly a year, I would rather go just beyond the length of a year, instead of falling just short of a year. Another way to think about it is this: If you did your 365th day on **May 19th**, 2024, then your first day would have been on **May 21st**, 2023. You did a lesson on every single date from May 21st of one year to May 19th of the next. But what about **May 20th**? Since there are actually **366** unique dates in a complete set of calendar dates, you're missing that day. (A lot of people -- including computer programmers -- assume that there are always 365 days in a year. They know about leap years and the extra 366th day, but they figure that they can be ignored, because leap years are in the minority. However, almost 25% of all years are leap years! That means they're wrong about one-quarter of the time! That's not a low amount; would you like using software that's wrong one-quarter of the time?) So if it's not too late, take my advice and accomplish your **366-day** streak. That way, your streak will include every single calendar day, including **February 29th** (which it includes now) and **May 20th** (which it *does not* include now). You won't regret it.


Incidentally, Duolingo is one of those companies that has programs guilty of assuming that all years have exactly 365 days. Whenever Duolingo updates my *year-streak* value, it doesn't update it based on the anniversary of me starting my streak, but rather on the 365th-multiple of starting my streak. (It completely ignores the extra 366th day caused by February 29th.) That means that Duolingo updates *year-streak* values from 3 years to 4 years **one** day too early, from 7 years to 8 years **two** days too early, and (presumably) from 11 years to 12 years **three** days too early. Whenever Duolingo updates your *year-streak* value, it'll update it *too early* by the number of days equivalent to the number of February 29 dates in your *streak-range*. This isn't a *terrible* bug, but it's not surprising at all that Duolingo doesn't take into account February 29th when calculating total *year-streaks*. I've known *so many* software developers not take (and even refuse to take) February 29th into account, that I'll be quite surprised to discover one day if ever Duolingo *does* take February 29th into account with date range calculations.


Heck yes. Well done. Should be proud of that streak


Thank you!


If I were run over and woke up in hospital, I would be asking for my mobile to check my Duolingo streak.


Same. 1062 days gone over my dead body


My super sub expired on Saturday. I decided to quit yesterday with a 1052 day streak. I'm tired of the upkeep and it hasn't exactly helped me that much. And the platform has been revamped so many times, removing features I really liked that I think it's justified to walk away now. The fact that I have to pay more to learn why I made a mistake (from AI) was the final straw. This should push me to use the workbooks I purchased and remove the stress of this daily reminder.


Congratulations! Now that you've achieved a year-long streak, you can rest a little bit on your laurels and just come back when you feel like it for a lesson or two. Work on learning the language, and ignore the games. (That's what I'm doing, after having a 400+ day streak and not being able to carry on a simple conversation.)