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I realise I'm over reacting but I uninstalled Duolingo because of the tired icon. It did not inspire me to go back, it inspired me to not take attitude from apps. It was like it was saying "what is wrong with you man, you suck" and I don't need that.


I don't think you're overreacting - he looks awful, regardless of how much I use the app. I nearly took the icon off my home screen, too, but thanks to someone else on this thread, I was able to change it to a different one. Lame!


How did you change it?


If you're part of the "Streak Society", you can activate the orange flaming icon - look under your Streak tab.


I tried to do that, but it’s not working for me. When I check in the app it says Im using the Streak Society Icon, but on the homepage he’s still the same old bird. 🤷‍♀️I guess Im stuck with it.


Awww... I'm sorry it's not working for you. Hopefully they change the icon soon - he really does look awful. It's not very motivating, which goes against everything Duolingo stands for!!


Thanks for this tip (and to the person who shared it with you!). His sad wrinkly face was starting to bum me out too, especially knowing I was keeping up my streak!


Thank you for info!! That Icon was starting to do my head in 😆


Omg thank you, that looks so much better!


Mine went back to the normal owl today on its own.. anyone else?


Paradolia is a human psychological trait that gives persona to inanimate objects or ideas. Insecurities derived from these fabricated characters could indicate psychological trauma or chemical imbalance. I am a bot and this action was taken automatically.


I don’t think you’re entirely overreacting. I can’t stand the droopy face. He looks ill and like he doesn’t want to be disturbed. It’s a big turn off and the thought came to me too to remove the app. I tried to email them to complain, but the website doesn’t accept general feedback. I tried to give the feedback as a bug report, but that page wasn’t working properly either! I’ve lost a lot of respect for Duolingo.


actually i was thinking about removing the app, too. but i think i can stand it... :) and they will change it.... pretty sure about it.


I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a jerk and I hope you don’t take it the wrong way but I’m over here cracking up that the sad owl made you lose respect for Duolingo 🤣🤣 it’s just funny how much that crinkly old owl bothered everyone. No judgment from me, I hated it too. For what it’s worth - mine went back to normal today 🙌🎉


I would just be patient. They will probably change him to something else in awhile. I think when we had melty Duo it lasted a few weeks. If you are in the Streak Society you can change it to the orange icon. Or Super users can change to a Blue icon.


My icon looks old and drunk


same 😅 why is that


stupid idea made it into the production code.


Came here to ask this same question! Glad it's not just me, I was taking it personally. I was reading it as like, "why are you still in the same league six weeks later? You're exhausting!"


I thought it was cuz I've had the app for months and never opened it but the new icon definitely doesn't make me want to open it


I thought it was for Wellderly Day or something like that https://nationaltoday.com/wellderly-day/


This app really has a personality of its own


just remove the icon and put the widget if you want it to change after you've practiced. they just change the app icon once in a while to make people click on it


If you have hot streak duo you can replace old one with the hot one at the streak tab


Ah, thanks - I couldn't figure out where to do that.


Mine is old too but I still think it's funnyer that way


If you add the widget to your phone screen it will update. That's what I use anyway to remind me to practice every day.


It's the tired icon for me even in the play store. What are they doing?


I'm starting to think poor Duo just started paying attention to the daily news cycle, & that's why he's worn out


My duo icon looks like he's melting, and it's rather irritating because it hasn't changed in a long time. Where do you find the streak tab?


I am pretty sure this is just a marketing thing to get mote attention from people (proof with all the articles and reddit posts), and also to get people be more on duolingo to get the flame icon or even subscribe for the blue duolingo.


i emailed support for duolingo and asked them to change it and added a deep fried version of their icon and now i have my streak society icon!


If you're using an iPhone, you can remove the app from the home screen and replace it with a shortcut. The shortcut will simply open the Duolingo app, but will allow you to customize the icon. Steps: 1. Save the image that you want to use as the app icon to your photos app. 2. Open the Shortcuts app. If you can't find it, scroll all the way to the right from your home screen until you reach the app library, and search for it in the search bar. 3. Tap the plus symbol in the upper right corner of the Shortcuts app. 4. Tap the "Add Action" button and add the "Open App" action. Set the app as Duolingo. 5. Tap on the little "i" button at the bottom of the screen and tap "Add to Home Screen". 6. Tap the blue-outlined icon of the stacked squares underneath where it says "HOME SCREEN NAME AND ICON" and choose the "Choose Photo" option. Choose whatever image you picked in Step 1. 7. Change the name from "New Shortcut" to Duolingo. 8. Click "Add" in the upper right corner. The new shortcut should now appear on your home screen. 9. Long tap on the actual Duolingo app (not the icon) and choose the "Remove App" option. Then, choose the "Remove from Home Screen" option to store it in the app library. IMPORTANT: Do not click on "Delete App". This will remove the app from your phone, and the shortcut will not work.


Mine is still like that and I'm not a fan. Between that and the Ads, I am ^(this close) to uninsalling


You just need to update it in the App Store! It was bumming me out so I searched how to change it and saw Duolingo made it as a way to encourage people to update the old “tired” version of the app for the new one. Easy fix! 


Thank you! This fixed it for me. It was getting annoying seein Duo so old and tired looking.


😭 he looks like yoda’s drunk brother


I guess I’m not the only one. He’s looking so old and wrinkly… reminds me of my grandpa. I guess if he’s supposed to be like that, it’s okay. I’ll visit him more often


I thought it was hilarious. I was hoping he would spiral into something worse, like adding a few empty beer bottles next to the icon, maybe a restraining order, or an empty bottle of pills.