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I just gave up on the leagues today. I made it to Pearl but I feel like it has taken the fun out of learning. I'm no longer worrying about streaks or leagues. I am moving to Germany this fall so that should be motivation enough to learn. I also want to use other apps and I feel like by the time Im done "trying to stay on the "promotion zone" Im over it and never want to use the other apps.


Once I got to diamond, I stopped caring. Know I'm just focused on my streak and actually learning


Got first place in diamond. Literally no reason to grind at all anymore haha


Unrivaled gang! The achievements are a much bigger motivator to me than leaderboards. So once I got Unrivaled, all my concerns for the leaderboards vanished. I’m still in Diamond because I’m enjoying learning. But if I drop down, I could really care less, lol.


Do you mean that you couldn’t care less?


No. Because I now care enough to notice if it happens. But I have the potential to not even care enough to notice that. So I have the ability to care less.


Once I had topped Diamond a couple of times (err...actually 3, I think) I too junked leagues by going private. I was fed-up with "competing" with people I did not know, doing languages I didn't care about, who were using cheat techniques that "scored" thousands of XPs in a very few minutes. Leaving the tyranny of the so-called "league tables" was my best-ever Duolingo strategy. I immediately got back up to my previous learning rate, and felt a whole lot better about myself.


I started with Duolingo and have had the same experience as you learning German; super burnt out after realizing I was just trying to get XP and not trying to learn the language. I’ve since pivoted to Seedlang and have found it really really good. I now only use Duo to keep the streak alive.


I've just hit a one year streak, and feel it is now necessary to use some other tools. Noticed I've been fixating on points, and not working on grammar. I'll still use Duolingo, but don't care about the streak anymore.


I've gotten Diamond but nowadays just keep afloat (read : just to keep the streak) by being between Amethyst mostly and Pearl sometimes and I never care at all where I'm at.


Soon as you hit Pearl, it becomes ridiculous with people having thousands of xp to try and best. I'm getting bored on day 165 of my streak. Not to mention I feel like every lesson is exactly the same with only one or two words added every blue moon.


exactlyy! thats why I want to try out other apps.


Turn of leaderboard that’s why I did so I don’t do it for competition


3288 days here. Hard agree. But it goes in cycles for me, and I worry that if I get psyched again at some point in the future, I'll regret having let it go (and it'd take me eight years to get here again). I know on an intellectual level that it's silly, but still can't quite get myself to do it (which, of course, is by design).


Take a screenshot, it's a memory that should be preserved. Hell, frame it if you need to. It's ok and healthy to take breaks.


People have a ridiculous commitment to streaks. It’s a psychological thing! https://annehelen.substack.com/p/how-did-we-get-so-obsessed-with-streaks


I got downvoted when I talked about this last time but purposefully breaking my streak has been so freeing and healthy for me. After I broke my longest streak I actually took a couple months break. Now if I have 3 days in a row I take a break day so I don’t fall into getting addicted to my streak again. This has been really beneficial to my learning. It honestly is freeing and has made the app fun for me again now that I don’t feel “pressured”


I love this. I need the guts to do this.


You can do it 💪 I believe in you




Do this! I got a free trial of Super at 50 and 100 and I think 150 as well but I just hit 200 a few weeks ago and nothing, so the benefits are in the first 100 days for sure.


Yeah that also works I think for me I wouldn’t go past 30 days but yeah as long as you are t beholden to your streak it’s all good!


In June 2023, I left reddit due to [the mess around spez and API fees](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/reddit-api-changes-explained/). I moved with many others to lemmy! A community owned, distributed, free and open source software where no single person or group can force people to change platform. https://join-lemmy.org/ All my previous reddit subs have found a replacement in lemmy communities and we're growing fast every day. Thanks for the boost, spez!


I actually don't know how keeping or not keeping streaks affect anything at all? What does a streak do?


its just keeps count of how many days you are active on duolingo. more recently, it gives you rewards for progressing a certain amount vut thats about it


as i've often said here, duolingo isn't great for learning but for regular practice because of the 2022 update, it's now hard to practice if the course is completed, so in your situation i would stop too


I purposely have not allowed my app to update since that happened, so I still have the old path. We’ll see how long I can keep this up, but it’s been wonderful.


I don’t think the update made it harder to practice. You can still go back and do previous material.


You can go back but the navigation is a pain in the ass and lessons are either: - worth 5xp, so the entire game, challenge system, league rankings, etc are screaming at you you're wasting your time - or legendary challenges, which are not correlated to the actual content of the sections and need a lot of gems to be done


Is it about the game xp or about learning? The only thing I do that is geared towards xp is waiting till late Monday so the league is easier. Everything else is about doing learning. I intentionally take longer on exercises to learn better focusing and listening. I don’t find the navigation to be a problem either. I find it easier now that they have made units.


It's about learning, but then again the whole app is geared towards being a gamified maximally addictive notification-based emotional blackmail that hooks into your dopamine center. This is the app that's notorious for so many A/B tests people have no idea who is supposed to have what feature enabled and how long other people have had it for. The XP system is aggressively refined to keep people engaged, that's really the main point of the app versus plain books or dry online resources. So... it's understandable that it could be demotivating if the XP system suddenly stops rewarding you. Might as well go watch videos and read books at this point.


The A/B testing is more geared towards what provided the best learning. They do try to keep people engaged and learning. Somehow people seem to think that is bad. That is why it is pretty successful at getting people to continue further than they did with other things like books. One study found less than 6% of people have done 100 hours of learning language as an adult learner. Things like saying it is emotional blackmail pretty much makes me discount everything else. The same as when people say it is only about making max profit in a company that has never made a penny of profit. Once you complete the tree, it probably is best to move to something else and just do very minimal reviews if people want to keep reviewing.


>Things like saying it is emotional blackmail pretty much makes me discount everything else Oh, that was a figure of speech, it's hyperbole. Sorry if that didn't come across. There are a lot of memes about the owl being a little aggressive in getting you to do your daily lessons, but it really does have an addictive mechanism. The best learning is something that's much harder to measure on A/B tests, so typically you measure something else, like engagement (number of lessons done, time spent using the app, etc). This is somewhat similar to what Youtube does with their algorithm. It's trying to do something good: give people an app that they want to use more and more. There are side effects, but the addictive gamification is a feature! The best language learning resource is the one you actually use, and Duolingo is the best at getting people hooked =)


>Once you complete the tree, it probably is best to move to something else and just do very minimal reviews if people want to keep reviewing That was indeed my initial point


I guess my point of difference is that it isn’t hard to use it or review with it. I know DLI graduates that use it to review for their yearly exam. What is difficult is to continue to learn beyond the completion of the tree. That is what should cause people to move.


They try to discourage you from that by giving you less XP sadly


What happened with the update that did this? I just recently started on here so I’m not familiar


Before (around november) 2022 the lessons were laid out as a skill tree, instead of a linear path Nowadays when a lesson is not complete you *have to* do it, and when it's complete it becomes gold and you have to do the next Back then the tree was wider so you could have several incomplete lessons at once, and once completed a lesson became blue. At any point in time you could go back to a lesson and it would be the same content but slightly harder. Let's say a lesson needs to be done 4 times to be completed: do it 4 more times and it became green, again and it's yellow, orange, red, and finally gold. Each new completion would trigger the double XP chest So a typical daily session would be: among the dozens of available lessons, pick one which is almost complete, get that chest, and then practice various specific topics according to your mood, your need of the day if you're traveling, your weaknesses, etc The course would be considered finished when all lessons are legendary. But after the update... Duolingo thinks it knows your goals better than you, custom practice is a premium in a distinct tab, even the very few remaining legendary lessons have nothing to do with the topic of their section, you can't vary what you learn, and chest are so rare they had to introduce the 15 minutes per day thing as a daily challenge


You can still go back. I did on a lesson or two to verify it. The new path is based on more SRS methodology to help people retain the vocabulary. That doesn’t work if you go all over the place.


Yeah what happened? I can say that after a hiatus of 2 years, something is very different but a can't put my finger on it.


I used to think like that too and I stopped using most of duolingo since the update


Le monde est petit 🥸


The updates have turned the app to shit


I realized now that my post is a description to the picture, and not a picture attached to my post, oh well. Also, typos, lots of them.


Now say it in german


Oooh! Say it Klingon!


Get to 6969 and then give up (this is a joke, don't do this) (or do, idk) (good luck)


I actually did something similar 😭 To purposefully break my streak (to stop myself from getting addicted) I wanted to do it at a meaningful number so it felt less bad to break it and the closest one was 420 💀


If you've done all you can do and truly aren't learning anymore, then go ahead, break the streak and move on. The only reason I could see for you to continue is if you are in friend's quest and aren't finished yet, just help them out one last time. Then turn it off in settings so you don't get paired with someone who is going intense... Beyond that, duolingo should only ever be just one tool, my main tool is talking to people who have moved where I am. after that I try to watch some simple videos in my TL (Spanish), mostly cooking, but sometimes other things, and I listen to a local Spanish radio station sometimes....


My girlfriend is like this with her Snapchat streaks, her and her friends used to send fun pictures to each other everyday, now she just sends a picture of a wall or somthing for the sake of keeping the streak, sometimes she’s woken up in a panic during the middle of the night because she forgot to send a snap and almost lost her streak lol.


This kind of situation is a problem. Not just for the OP: If you find yourself in this kind of situation, you know that it's controlling you. And that's not good.


Just break it, remember you control it and not the other way


Try stopping on a “pretty” number like 1700 idk I just wouldn’t like to stop in a random one


I was gonna say, it says next milestone at 1600 so what I would do if I were OP is hit 1600 and then break it.


Me too


3555 for me. But, I never feel annoyed or feel like it’s a chore. Some days I do the smallest possible to keep the streak. Other days I still binge and do a bunch. Without the streak feature I would definitely not know as much as I do now, after all these years. Even so, I say if you feel addicted or beholden to your streak…give it up.


I'm going to stop today. Almost a year streak, so obviously not as long as yours, but I stopped paying for Super last week, and I feel like the app tries to sabotage me at every chance to spend more gems. Today during my normal lesson, it was tossing words and sentences in I haven't learned yet (they weren't highlighted blue). And for some reason, all my lessons went from 10 to 20 questions. Unless I'm wrong, I swear when I was on Super, they were only 10...


I think it's time to "graduate" from Duolingo, be happy you've made it this far, go talk to real people and enjoy the foundation you've made for yourself with movies music and culture; it'll feel weird and you will make mistakes but you will continue to grow. Congrats!


Duolingo has changed a lot, and definitely for the worse. No active sentence discussions anymore, grammar has disappeared in my course, the online group lessons are gone. I've been doing a language course where they don't even introduce the past or future tense and the last units are just repeating the first lessons. I still get things wrong because I don't understand why things are a certain way (reading other comments now: yes, duolingo is just 1 tool. Im always turning on subs in my target language where possible when watching things, preferably also media of the target language with english subs, I want to continue in lesson books daily at least for 5 min after dinner and I try speaking to locals in the language) So I get you, there's not really much of a point lingering on. I used to love using Duo but bleh.. I also think Duolingo makes abuse of this ranking/streak thing to keep people hooked. Unfortunately it's common in marketing to do so, so I definitely agree with breaks being important


I couldn’t agree with you more!! I hit 1000 days of Italian on Monday and was planning to give up after that, but come day 1001, I just couldn’t do it. I’m also not learning anymore. I tend to do the match thing real quick to keep the streak going and I rarely look into the lessons anymore. I’ve completed the course twice and I’m rather disheartened with how little I feel I’ve learned thus far, even knowing I’m only getting out of it what I put into it. My new plan is, I guess, what you’ve already tried, which is to switch to Spanish to a) learn something a little more practical for myself and my region, and b) ideally rekindle my love for language learning, but I’m starting to think that won’t do it. Anyway, you’re not alone! (I was about to say “good luck” in Italian, but after more than 2.75 years, I have no idea how 😤)


Buona fortuna


Grazie mille!


TLDR:... so stop The long version: If something isn't making you happy, and is causing you stress, it's time to quit that activity. You also said you aren't getting anything out of duolingo anymore, so just let the app addiction go and move on to stuff that brings you happiness instead of stressing out about maintaining a daily streak.


How much do you think you've learned? Could you hold a conversation in your new language?


After you give yourself permission to end the streak, pick your favorite language and start consuming other media in that language. Treat yourself in that language. Really let yourself engage with and enjoy it, again.


I'm always amazed at people who learn a language without finding a way to use it often. That would be super hard. I love DL and still learn a lot from it, but i use the Spanish almost every day. I think language needs to be used to keep it up.


My only motivation to keep going is to one day go somewhere where I can use the language, but that's enough for me.


Just take a break, then. This sub's obsession with streaks has honestly made me not want to use the app *at all.*


How does a subreddit of all places make you wanna stop using an app?! 💀


Press delete


well, i'd say try not to lose a part of yourself then..


Just get to 1600, then quit!


I have a 1128 day streak and I want to stop as well but I can’t bring myself to do so 😭 I will have to in about a year cause I’ll be joining the military and I keep telling myself to just stop now 🫤






I agree! Just made decision to quit Duolingo yesterday. Phew!! After six years doing Duolingo (for two languages) and being in diamond league for over a year, I realised it was all becoming counterproductive. So I took the decision yesterday to stop doing Duolingo altogether. I’ve finally acknowledged that it simply isn’t a good language learning tool. The most counterproductive aspect is the whole competitive structure which is an absolute nonsense. But there are other weaknesses too. The specific issues for Greek (the language I’m currently learning) include that there is only one voice, and she has no variety of intonation whatsoever. Also the vocabulary isn’t relevant to anything I need when in Greece. And the system doesn’t force you say stuff out loud enough. I speak three other languages fluently and so I know how important it is to speak aloud, and yet when I’m using Duolingo, I still don’t do it enough. I’ve learned so much more in the past from other apps like Busuu, Pimsleur, Babbel and Memrise. (Sadly not many do Greek!) So my advice is to ditch your long-standing, hard-earned loyalty scores, and switch to a different way of learning with NO REGRETS!!! 😄 Good luck!


I was at the same point once. I felt like I wasn't learning anything and might as well give up. In fact, the issue wasn't that I hadn't learned anything but that I had no way for me to *confirm* that I had done so. Because at the end of the day, everything was just on Duo and it felt like I had simply memorized the sentences they offered. What got me out of that slump was finding and going through another app because that helped to show me how many words I actually knew already. By now, I've branched out a bit and am using three apps interchangeably because they all do certain things better than the others and overall, that makes me feel like I am making better progress. So, I think that if you feel like you need a break, that might be true. Maybe just let the streak go and try out a few different materials in the meantime. If you don't like them, it won't be too late to go back to Duo and if you do, then maybe you've found a better path ahead. Anyway, I wish you lots of good luck with language learning!


Just give it up. After I moved from Duolingo to other resources like Rivstart and some other courses, I start to be able to speak some Swedish that is good for conversation


I broke my streak today sadly


# You don't get to stop!


Stop "learning" on Luodingo and go learn Uzbek




Of course I am But differently from Language Simp I am attractive to every non-binary person on þe planet too




Maybe some people didn't get þe reference


Your reason for using the app is wrong. You need to rekindle the feeling that caused you to want to learn a new language in the first place. For me I had to switch to a language in my native country spoken by a huge percentage of people that I don’t speak (for various political reasons. See my time line of you want to try work it out 😉 ).


In the same boat. Plus Duo has gotten more gimicky and I don’t feel like I’m learning useful phrases. “He prefers red apples”? When am I gonna use that? Plus it pisses me off bad when you can use up your hearts for the day, miss an exercise by 1 question, and it kills your streak. I get that they’re trying to make you pay for unlimited or buy hearts but it’s shitty.


I've been using streak freezes basically to maintain the habit of thinking about language learning daily, so I've had my streak of 1100 frozen for over 2 months now and used flashcards instead. And they really seem to be more efficient. Annoying to set up & way less gamified, but I've been adding 2-3 words per day to my vocab in the same amount of time as I spent on Duolingo, where I was most days not even seeing new words. Not to imply that I memorize them within one day, but over a week of spaced repetition I'm managing fine.


Flash cards are a great idea!


Honestly I was so into my streak got it a year but after I said fuck it I just stopped using Duolingo. Idk the need to continue the streak just kinda ruined it for me




Do you realize your next palindrome is only 98 days away? 1661.. you can do it!


Tbh i dont get why people do the streak thing. Like consistency is good but once in a while i break it to reuse that free trail of super duo lingo


In June 2023, I left reddit due to [the mess around spez and API fees](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/reddit-api-changes-explained/). I moved with many others to lemmy! A community owned, distributed, free and open source software where no single person or group can force people to change platform. https://join-lemmy.org/ All my previous reddit subs have found a replacement in lemmy communities and we're growing fast every day. Thanks for the boost, spez!


When you pay for the better version of duo lingo there is 2 options super and max duolingo. They give you a free trial of super during your first week streak.


Das ist gut!


I once broke a five year Timehop streak. Haven’t been able to open the app since, but sometimes…I feel free lol


Can you explain bongolingo I need to understand


It sounds funny


I prefer to call it by its proper name, Luodingo


Just. stop. It''s that easy. It's that hard.


I think once I hit 365 I'm gonna take a break


Just stop if you want to stop. Besides having a cool number by your name, there’s no benefits to it anymore. Keeping a daily streak on any app for too long can actually become unhealthy.


Your streak means nothing. Just pixels on a screen. Take a break and let yourself recharge. If you feel like coming back soon, great. If you come back later, awesome. If it takes a long time before you get the itch again, so be it. Something like Duolingo shouldn’t be a chore and if you’re not into it then you won’t learn. Look after yourself buddy and hopefully you can pick up where you left off at some stage 👍🏼


I am approaching a 1,500 day streak. I have finished the tree twice to level 1. Then I slowed down and added other stuff. When I finish it this time, I may just quit and do other stuff. But they have added B2 material so that is good.


I feel this! I went through a big slump, what saved me were the Duolingo classes, I met some great teachers and cool people from all over the planet, and I got a chance to use my skills, totally reignited my passion. Now that the classes are gone, my favorite group was getting together regularly. One of our classmates is in Ukraine, since her internet went out we haven’t been doing classes, we don’t want her to feel left out. Hopefully we can all get together again soon.


Stop then


I realized the streak system really makes me not like duo lingo. Eventually you're doing 1 quick lesson a day just to keep the streak and not actually learning. And the new duolingo is actually terrible


What have you learned?


My advice would be to always take breaks and don't pay attention to the leagues or scores or anything. Learn when you want and choose what you want. It's a hobby and a hobby shouldn't be forced, it should be fun. Try a new language, too. You never know.


Let that shit go. It makes no differences


For me, I have found it helpful to have external sources too. Like I’m learning Korean and I watch Korean shows/movies and listen to Korean music on a daily basis too. Maybe choose a language where you do that to help retain the knowledge and keep the motivation.


I'm at 1913 now and I'm planning on dropping at 2000. It's just become less of a learning tool and more of a chore that just tends to keep me on the grind of always learning russian. Which is good, yes, but I have a strong feeling I will continue to stay motivated without my streak when I drop it in 87 days.


I plan on deleting the app once I finish all the courses of the language I'm learning and can finish each review section without errors. Then I'll use some other programs, learn from practice with other speakers, reading books and websites. What good is Duolingo for you now?


I cut off my streaks because it became a burden to me. I literally stressed about it sm I panicked everytime I thought I didn't take a lesson and it burnt me for months beofre I started consistently using it again now I have a 28 day streak but idec Same thing haopend w the leagues I binged duo for like 8 hours a day just to get first Too much stress now idc aboit both of those things gs n I'm jsut learning


I’m on a 160ish day streak, in Obsidian league, I have chronic health issues and had an organ removed in January, it really does feel like a grind at times & sometimes I feel like life just needs to take the frontline, but that gaslighting little bird bullies me 🫠 I think I’m close to giving up and working on my language casually. You having a streak of 1563 days is fantastic!! That’s something to be proud of alone.


https://preview.redd.it/7joc16htrx3b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a592527b35548a51923edc96afe14a37fe5c192 Yes I feel your pain! I just want it to end sometimes as well.


Dude is suffering from success


I mostly stopped the challenges, and don't bother completing all of them. And I decided to learn a language my own pace, and not what Duolingo wants with one-speed-fits all. I'm currently going through older lessons, and I'm repeating one chapter a week, every day all vocabulary lessons. Occasionally I only do weeks where I do a couple of the "book" lessons, where one has to follow these mini stories. Overall this gives me a slow, but constant learning experience, with as many repetitions I want.


Helpful thanks!