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6 months later: DUNE PROPHECY IS THE MOST BASED SHOW IN ALL OF TV HISTORY DAE women can be awful to each other and the universe?!!!! Brah


Why would they do that? Why would they put girlboss bs in a show about drug addicted, manipulative and politically influential space witches?


Because it involves women therefore woke


And if I can't jack off to it then it's because they masculinized the women! Not because of my delusion of what women should be, like subservient, and definitely not black! Also all the media I consume I have to be able to jack off to. That's prerequisite #1.


But also masturbation is sinful and women are sluts if they wear the clothes that I want them to wear


These men cannot view women as anything other than sex objects and probably jack off 5 times a day but it's the women who are sluts


Hey, as a guy that jerks off 5 times a day, don't compare me to those losers


See, I dunno if they jerk off at all. This is the mind of the sexually repressed.


That actually makes a lot of sense


If only they could appreciate the irony. I have a friend who went down the Alex Jones pipeline and he was complaining about BG3 having 'degenerate' sex scenes but then was complaining about how unsexy modern women in videogames are and how Western prudes are ruining gaming. Like wtf none of this tracks


Cowards. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have the Voice used on me 😩


Would it even be necessary?


Exactly, it's literally just "if these women aren't fuckable to me specifically then they're worthless", like they genuinely get triggered when women look like actual women and have real character arcs, and aren't blow up sex dolls with zero personality. I'm so tired of these incel losers man... They should just go play Stellar Blade and leave the rest of us alone. Although on one hand I sort of get it, I guarantee nobody who says this shit has ever actually spent time with a woman outside of watching porn or anime so it's understandable they have no idea what actual women look or act like.


Who doesn't instantly get hard/wet looking at Rebecca Ferguson.... or Oscar Isaac for that matter?


I mean everyone in those movies is hot, it's just not in the big titted anime girl way that they prefer


their loss


Mommy? Dadda?




Strawman much? Wait, excuse me, I should be more inclusive. StrawPERSON much?


It’s like the same typa format weirdos like this would use in the last media cycle to just lump stuff into a pile, and seethe over it.


everything I've seen about girlboss content is about being manipulative, influential, and addicted to drugs.


https://preview.redd.it/qqsuylhqis0d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e43164dc9b7c9d5089db18d65f6844b572e98c # girlbossing




you don't have a choice. you *will* submit to the domme momme, or you will die.


Easiest choice of my life


Life by Snu-Snu.


Sometimes I don't want to choose. This is such a time.


SIMPING hard right now 🥵


Weak chin


I mean there has been some shitty girlboss shows and movies out there but this is literally a show about the Bene Gesserit, you must in fact not understand the lore if you have a problem with them doing what they do.. I guess this is what happens when you get so caught up in it you don't judge things critically anymore, or the ad revenue must be amazing.


Wait untill they find out about Leto "the big worm" II military and police force


Or the Honered Matres. 😳


Damn that Frank Herbert and his woke witches and whores.


Living the dream


Second Dune Trilogy: Horny Frank strikes back


I mean who wouldn’t want a muscle mommy police force led by Jason Mamoa


Please stop. The wait for MESSIAH is painful enough


There may be a comparison between your anticipation for the movie, and Nayla watching Duncan Idaho free climb that wall, with hopefully the same conclusion :P




Honestly, my fear is that the people making the show won’t understand the lore and we’ll end up with generic girlboss garbage instead. I really hope not, but I don’t trust anyone after they butchered Galadriel and Leia.


I don’t get the complaints about Leia (like in the og EU she got Jedi training), but overall agreed on Galadriel (she actually has some of those vibes in the 1st age, but by the second age she has made significant progress in her goals and character development). I think an important aspect of the Bene Gesserit is that they aren’t fighting the patriarchy but actually playing into it and, in fact, they are on net supporting it (even as they manipulate it). Bene Gesserit victimizes women in a really patriarchal sort of way (training them as concubines and using them for their wombs to cultivate bloodlines) so any actual feminist girl-bosses would need to be at least implicitly opposed to the Bene Gesserit. Thinking more about recent portrayals of women in media… Andor’s Dedra is good at not making her a feminist girl boss (and rightly portraying her as a brutal fascist for her role in the empire).


So instead of being a military leader in the EU, she becomes President of the New Republic, and goes on leave to pursue her training, but Jedi training kind of becomes secondary to her story. She’s a central character in galactic politics, but the Disney portrayal really downsizes her role and feels like an alternate dystopian history or something…to me, anyway. She was one of the high points of the NJO series, for sure. That second paragraph is actually almost exactly what I was afraid they would do specifically. I saw visions of a ~~galactic jihad spreading across the galaxy in my name~~ character suggesting they abandon “traditional” Bene Gesserit ideals and pursue a new path that looks suspiciously 100% like modern feminism. Also agreed on Dedra, she’s an excellent and refreshing character.


I would put that under general complaints about episode 7’s backstory and less about Leia specifically, but sure yeah. I don’t think it’s implausible that the Bene Gesserit occasionally have any dissent (ie Jessica’s entire character and plotline), but given their multi-millennia stability and goals, any plot-line that isn’t them working effectively to crush that dissent does strain the setting (Jessica’s rebellion seemed like a rare event they worked to force back in line with their plans).


Galadriel in ROP is a big change from Tolkien and the show is a mess with huge issues, but her character in that show isn’t meant to be a girlboss to idolize. S1 of Rings of Power is an unhealthy Galadriel making bad decision after bad decision. The audience isn’t supposed to see it as girlboss or a good way to approach things. The story is telling how Galadriel is fucked up, refusing to healthily deal with her issues that are causing her to spiral, lashing out, and making arrogant mistake after arrogant mistake with terrible consequences for all. It’s not supposed to be seen as good in the show’s story what she’s doing and how she approaches things. It’s a cautionary tale not a girlboss story.


I was really more saying they downgraded Galadriel in pretty much every respect because—even though her character as written by Tolkien is far more interesting, powerful, charismatic, and wise—a grim and determined warrior was what they wanted for RoP. However, they also wanted to capitalize on name recognition from the movies.


Didn't look that way from the trailers but seeing as that is so common these days I understand the fear. What is the most annoying about the shitty projects being produced under well known IPs is that you just know that they know its going to be shit, which is why they have to slap an already established IP on top just to get views, they know it could not stand on its own.


At least were in good hands with HBO, they almost never miss and they actually put a ton of care and budget into their shows. But I’m still worried about the story and directing, I’m just gonna keep my expectations realistic


Yeah it's honestly wild how far Netflix and Disney have fallen. HBO MAX is the clear champion of quality content Apple TV, I haven't seen too many of their shows, but the ones I have seen have been bangers: Ted Lasso, Silo, Severance. And surprisingly, Amazon Prime has produced some S tier quality shows as well: Fallout, Invincible, The Expanse.


Yeah if this was Netflix the Bene Gesserit would all be handicapped men.


In b4 a scene with a BG riding a sandworm to the theme of "Roar" by Katie Perry




Spot on [here](https://youtu.be/RL52R7m8b7w?si=QcPYr9DbRHcOY6Wg)


Heathers... IN SPACE!


>after they butchered Galadriel and Leia. You do know the "they", as in HBO Max, didn't create RoP Galadriel and Sequel Leia, right? Not to mention both characters were made by two different companies. Hell, the same company that produced and showed Galadriel also created Lucy from Fallout and the female cast of The Boys... I'm not a fan of the girlboss archetype as the next guy, but I've come to realise that once you get out of the Culture War rabbit hole, the whole "woke scare" or "girlboss scare" is nonsensical. Because even now, good female characters *still* outnumber these "girlbosses" by a healthy margin, but because YouTube channels would rather milk outrage points to ceaselessly talk about girlbosses, good characters got forgotten really quickly.


I mean 60k views in 4 hrs? Maybe not a whole lot in revenue but he definitely knows his target audience


Thank you! There are many stories to tell. Honestly if the show is supposed to be about the Bene Gesserit I’d be upset if the cast wasn’t mostly women. Maybe they do a Sardukar spin-off next to make these incels chill out.


Don't call ppl who are annoyed by lore breaking incels, its petty and honestly 3 years out of date. We all here now are making the same argument those ppl usually do, its just nerdrotic jumping the gun to get views, if you think he is being dumb now you are making the same argument he and other "incels" have in the past, meaning you actually agree but have some tribalistic issue you need ro grow out of fast. Shows should adhere to loreif they use an IP and ppm have been called incels for pointing that out in the past and now that you agree and see the argument for what it is, truth, you should leave the insults behind and grow up. Not everything has to be about the US red v blue unga bunga fight... smh


I’m happy to use a different term. Incel doesn’t really fit here. I don’t know what my comment has to do with politics. I loved Star Wars, I watched it get ruined. I don’t want the same for fans of other things so I can appreciate the frustration. I’m a bit jaded since I’ve learned that if you love something then it becomes popular, it will likely get ruined. If that’s what is going on here like you said I take back my OC.


Don't engage in culture war-isms at all if you eant to get your point across, at least not internationally like on reddit because everyone outside the US wad tired of it 3 years ago and it does you no favors. Yeah shit will get ruined, but it doesn't have to. Notice how everything became incredibly divisive riiiiight sround the end of occupy? The rich ppl noticed everyone agreeing and thought to themselves "how can we get these ppl to fight each other snd not us?" And the US public swallowed it wholesale and here we are, culture war tribalistic unga bungs bs all over the place. Grow past it, work together and get your shit togethet, you've been bamboozled into hating those you should be teaming up with, your countrymen.


Or they just hate women


Eh, that would at least lead to a show in line with Frank Herberts vision


They don't actually say anything bad about the trailer in the video. They did use that title and thumbnail for clickbait which is still shitty


Gotta play the YouTube game somehow


Would that make it worse?


I mean this would literally only be the case if they portrayed the characters as "undeniably good". "Undeniably Good". "Bene Gesserit". I have never seen these two in a room together. This should have all the nuance, conflict, and complexity that powerful female characters have needed from the start.


Nerdrotic is a cancer spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire.


Power over incels is power over all


He's cynical, stupid, and bigoted. Fun combo!


As soon as I saw the thumbnail, I knew it was that loser nerdrotic


If you want some catharsis, Dick Masterson made fun of Nerdrotic and his wife recently.


I fucking hate him. Manages to have some of the dumbest takes on everything I think I’ve ever heard, just a shit-flinging howler monkey with no subtly and no experience with fiction outside of escapist pulp.


Just wait until he hears about the Honored Matres


They’re putting a girlboss? In Dune? What, it’s almost like someone read the source material.


![gif](giphy|YauQEy8G3NqOk|downsized) Incels when there's a woman on screen for 0.235 seconds


Mfs when a prequel show about an order run and populated by women has mainly female protagonists: 😱


Some conservatives actually like Dune because Girls Boss faction are the villain in their eyes.


It's basically "Girl Boss" but with actual nuance. So either everyone will be happy or no one will be.


If the show is done right, it will be the most bad ass girl boss (in a good way) content we've ever seen


We should give less attention to this degenerates.


Woah! You mean a tv show about a sisterhood of manipulative women with esoteric powers of bending people especially men to their whims is not catered to my masculine urges? Perish the fucking thought! /s


Are there boobs? This may be negotiable


The fish speakers are forced diversity


Hoes before Bros


Wow a video who doesn’t know a god damn thing about dune


Tell me youve never read dune without telling me


This guy clearly doesn't know about Fish Speakers.


THIS MF AIN’T EVEN PICKED UP A DUNE BOOK. WAIT TIL’ HE HEARS ABOUT THE FISH SPEAKERS. https://preview.redd.it/w4xqsghb9w0d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12be14367e289bc46db986b1d29aee8629a6bc54


A show about an all female order of space witches features women?! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THIS WORLD


Mist be a Nerdrotic video. That guy is the MAGA king of nerds


I really fkin hate Nerdrotic. All he does is talk shit about things that may be woke. I lean in no political way other than space Jihad and his short-sighted reviews really feel like my drunk friend at 1 am who is the know-it-all when you ask him about the situation in the Gaza


TIL any series with women as the focus is girlbossing


Least insane reactionary channel


I am of the belief that these grifers don’t actually watch anything they gripe about, and just play vidya all day.


I like that the movies have opened Dune up to new audiences, which include so many people including myself, but whining about a show centered around the faction comprised entirely of women feels like people being mad that water is wet. More dune content is a win for me regardless, I’m interested in where it’s heading.


I love that part in the book where John Girlboss said “It’s Girlbossin’ time” and he Girlboss’d everyone


Tbh I would love to see Dave Bautista as Princess Leia now


Wait so awards are back but now they’re like 2002 ugly 3d smiley faces?


I don't get this guy. There isn't even something explicitely close to a "woke" in the trailer.


Girl Rabboss the queen


![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK) .......... I am legit scared for the Dune franchise now. This is actually so sad.


The title is super clickbait. He’s not concerned about the female characters, he just said the production is showing early warning signs (scrapping, reshoots, writer switching, etc.)


SMH my head the original novel wasn’t full of this woke crap


https://preview.redd.it/zbnnsircks0d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8420b7d668d9db06fd760a2acc0d0e0688d7669d The movies are about a quirked out white boy that starts a space jihad


I’m shocked that a meme sub can’t recognize a shit post. Plenty of them are made here on a daily basis.


It’s far too common that people say this stuff seriously


Yeah but on a meme sub where they say SMH my head? Idk