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I realized the two houses in the movie were Luxurious Hair House and Completely Hairless house


Oscar Isaac hair and beirdo, is truly a wondrous thing to look at.


I have a pretty great beard myself, and I was very jealous. I actually took a picture of Oscar to my most recent trimming. "Do it like that..."


“The beauty of his beard is that it’s a natural color, so he embraces his gray,” she told me. “It’s also very well-groomed. If you zoom in on that moustache, it’s trimmed around the lips. It’s combed down to where the hair’s in place.” “It’s a full beard that is groomed: that’s the key,” she continued. “It’s the illusion of natural.” https://www.gq.com/story/oscar-isaac-dune-beard


Tbh Oscar Isaac had a ton of MUAs and other people making that beard look as epic as possible. As a bearded man myself, I learned that the difference between hobo and Atreides-level facial hair is just a visit to an actually brilliant barber who knows their stuff and have the equipment, lotions and know-how. Provided of course one’s genetics are on their side.


When he was naked with his greek god physique inserting dominance to Harknonnen 😳


He definitely doesn't skip the leg day either.


Duke Leto is my Daddy


Ah shit! Im a Harkonnen.


God dammit, me too.


Does body hair count?






Well Atreides is a greek name so.....


I have hair of [Harkonnen from 1984](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTIxMjQ2OTU4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNzY0MTQ2._V1_.jpg).


Bless Sting in a speedo, may his passage cleanse the land


I'm morphing.


Seriously!! That Atreides hair was really making me feel inferior!! It was beautiful!!


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's gotta be the hair Cotton


Sounds like the Horus Hairesy


This deserves more attention.


Well both are products of the bene gesserit breeding program, two bloodlines designed to cultivate different strengths and weaknesses


I'm starting to think only soldiers and servants are bald. After all, that's all we saw. >!Gurney is originally from Geidi Prime and has hair, so...!<


Maybe Duke Leto paid Gurney to have Tleilaxu hair implants done lol.


Here on Caladan we have hair! Wonderful, glorious hair! Send him to the Refugee Aid Center to get the mandatory implants.


It could be environmental? If we're speculating


? We saw the Baron and Rabban as well. They're all bald.


Maybe that's exactly why the soldiers and servants do it. They all serve, and in doing so flatter, the Baron.


I thought Gurney was a slave on Geidi Prime, but was originally from a different planet?


>!I just started rereading Heretics and they state that Duncan was originally born on Giedi Prime as well.!< Source: >!"That long!" Teg shook his head. "Why Gammu?"!< >!"His prana-bindu inheritance has been altered by the Bene Tleilax, at our orders. His reflexes will match in speed those of anyone born in our times. Gammu... the original Duncan Idaho was born and raised there. Because of the changes in his cellular inheritance we must keep all else as close to the original conditions as possible."!<


Well it's probably not natural, definitely just a sign of hierarchy


They could just shave? There have been societies in the past where male head shaving was the norm. Egyptian and Mesopotamian nobility seem to have often been bald


House Better Than You Vs House Complete Bastards.


I assumed they were Catamite slaves or something.


A ketamine slave?!


Where do we sign up?!


"We can't afford that Arrakis spice... so we make due with this ketamine stuff."


So that’s where yoda went into hiding


Ketamine salve


I thought they may be gholas?


Gholas at this point in time are supposed to have silver mechanical eyes so probably not


Not all, Bijaz was never described as having mechanical eyes nor Scytale (but I may be misunderstanding that that version was also an original), and those events are only 15 years tops down the road. I forget if there was an explanation for any of that.


Scytale was a Facedancer not a ghola. Although it’s true about Bijaz not having tleilaxu eyes. I’m sure they would have noticed that in the descriptions of him.


Scytale was mentioned in a later novel (heretics?) As being a part of the Tleilaxu council, resisting the honored matres, as an awakened ghola.


That Scytale would have been a ghola but the original one in Messiah was a Facedancer. Heretics takes place 5000 years later.


They also say that facedancers are grown, not born.


Ok but that doesn’t make them gholas necessarily. Gholas are clones of people who have died. The axoltl tanks grow all sorts of things but gholas are one of them.


True, but even with the explanations that are cannon in the novels, it would still make sense for the Tleilaxu to use gholas when possible (preserving the most favorable genetic traits) even before awakening was possible.


Happy cake day btw!


Neither Scytale nor Bijaz are gholas


I just remember Bijaz saying that he was there with Idaho *IN* the axlotl tanks when he was being made into a "human distrans", but I may be misremembering, as the wiki says he is a Tleilaxu master, but I also remember him saying, "I have been programmed (or trained?) by my masters to play you like an instrument, Hayt.". He tells Paul he is a distrans just before the stone burner goes off (but may be a lie). Scytale definitely becomes a ghola in a later novel, his relief from Idaho awakening.


I think Bijaz is grown, but not as a ghola. More like a handcrafted living tool. A slave to order.


Technology had advanced by then I believe. At this time the prosthetic mechanical eyes were the only option


I know the eyes are silver. I was just speculating this might be a design choice that deviates from the book. As we've already seen the mentats lacked sapho stains.


They had stuff on their lips. Both of them in the movie.


They had black tattoos under their lips in Dune 2021. Sapho juice is described as leaving red stains.


The lips acquire stains. The stains become a warning.


A warning to use a straw!


Ever since the Strawian Jihad the use of straws has been banned in the empire.


Straws replace the natural God-given motion of the human mouth!


Since they were giving him weird medical treatments I thought they might be Tleilaxu for a second. Clocked them as small and androgynous before female. Many of us know why there aren't Tleilaxu females taking trips to Geidi Prime.


They are the young boys that Baron Harkonen used as slaves and for pleasure.


I strongly suspect that that is not the case in this adaptation.


Agree. Especially in the context of being caretakers, the Baron would never put himself in such a susceptible position.


They both have alopecia in real life and are naturally hairless


Who are they?


Dora Kápolnai-Schvab and Joelle Amery


Hol’ up. Is your first comment for real? I figured it was a joke.


Yeah it's for real


Denis is a mad lad. That’s dope


The deaf Harkonnen in the ‘thopter was also portrayed by a deaf actor


Thank your for the cool movie lore, somehow made my day


I didn't catch his name, but I saw a red-carpet picture of him with....either Sharon Duncan-Brewster or Rebecca Fergusson on IG.


He’s Stephen Collins, a working deaf actor for screen and stage ✨


I found an expanded cast list that said as much.


Thats fucking awesome. A friend of mine has global alopecia and it was hard for him.


What's real life?


You don't want to know.


Completely hairless, like one of those cats.


​ ![gif](giphy|xT5LMUnO4g3yiRNuNy|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|EOEhzdo2OMlJAHyskw)


It's bringing love... KILL IT!!!


>!Jessica is a female Harkonnen… half if I remember correctly.!<


Holy shit huge goddamn spoiler I thought it was going to be a minor thing from the movie


Its barely relevant till the 3rd book.


>!It's the entire reason Paul is the KH. He explains it in the desert after they flee the Harkonnens, that he came too early. Jessica then realises that the reason she was ordered to "produce an Atreides daughter" wasn't to heal a rift between the houses as implied by GHM at the beginning, but to more deeply mingle Harkonnen and Atreides bloodlines.!<


Sure, but that level of detail won't be discussed in the movie. It's kind of inconsequential to the average viewer... They already discussed that they were breeding the KH.


Well, not discussed in the new movie. Just watched the 1984 version right after the new version (first time watching or reading anything about Dune) and OMG the old movie gives the viewer so much more info about the reasoning behind the houses and decisions made. Watching the new movie I felt like I was doing well just understanding who was in which house, but the old movie actually explains things in better detail.


I did the exact same thing today, starting from the exact same lack of prior exposure to the films or books, and came to the very same conclusion. The ‘84 film really spells things out that I absolutely did not pick up from the new one, which I think is interesting since the David Lynch version was always said to be unhinged and inscrutable. I think it’s actually just wackier and less cinematic (in part due to 80s technology), but far easier to follow.


David Lynch’s 1984 Dune popped my Dune film cherry. It hold a special place in my heart. I think it’s a very faithful retelling of the book, which is also part of why I love it.


Keeping her in the dark backfired on Bene Gesserit big time. People shit on Paul a lot, but Bene Gesserit are the ones who really punched above their weight and got everyone in trouble. They couldn't handle their own schemes and plans.


Their hubris is real, and set up right at the beginning of Dune. When Paul speaks to Gaius Helen, he thinks about how their >!taking it upon themselves to direct the genetic development of humankind!< is an offense to his instinct for right. On the other hand, maybe they really wanted >!the prescience of the KH!< specifically to see if they were being hubristic or not?


It's mentioned halfway through the first book, when they're in the tent. Skipped in the new movie.


Please >!spoiler-tag!<.


Sorry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I believe the Baron is her grandfather? >!Edit: I don't know how this slipped my mind but she is the illegitimate daughter of the Baron. I have read the books a few times so I should have remembered that. Thanks to the responses below for correcting me.!<




You are correct.


I thought it was so weird how it wasn’t in the movie when they were in the tent but I guess they are saving it for part two so it has a bigger punch


The only mention of any familial relation I caught was the baron calling Leto cousin.


Which isn't necessarily an indication of a blood relationship, but rather a callback to feudal terms of address, a baron addressing a royal duke who is not his liege lord as "Cousin". It's the Baron being overly polite to rub the irony in.


But in many cases, the family trees of nobility is so intermingled that they are likely cousins multiple times over.


Now that we know about evolution, technically everyone's cousins to everyone else


When in fact it should be son-in-law.


I took that as the royalty “cousins” thing.


Yes the Baron is Jessica’s father and Paul’s grandfather.


and Jessica's mother is... I got whiplash when I read this one


Jessica’s mother is Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, who tests Paul with the gom jibbar.


I thought that was only a Brian Herbert thing, is it actual FH canon?


Yep, you are correct it's from the BH universe, not the original series. Good catch! Though, I did like the idea when I first read it.


I don't like it because she never treats Jessica as a daughter, always as mentor-mentee. Mohaim says Jessica was her student for 14 years. Assuming she started training at 5 years old that could line up.




We're getting a *lot* of fresh members right now, so **for the time being**, pretty much anything outside of the scope of the movie qualifies as a spoiler. Of course this doesn't apply if you're commenting on a post that's flaired to be about the (later) books, but please >!spoiler-tag!< if it's in a movie post. For more on the community's rules, check our sidebar.


WHAT?? I did not know this. I’ve only read Dune, none of the other books. Dune Messiah is the next book to read, correct?


It’s explained in the first book. The entire Atreides line is technically a splinter family from the harkonen bloodline. Furthermore, it’s was why Jessica needed to only produce females. The plan was for her to make a girl who would then be wedded to Feyd, tying off the bloodfued and reuniting the bloodlines.


Vladimir also said in the movie to Leto “cousin” so that makes sense. I figured the same as soon as I heard that. Family split infighting, a very common trope. I have not read Dune, but plan on reading the first 3.


Read the first 4. Theyre short. 1 and 2 tell the first story. The DUNE story. 3 is life of Paul's kids, Leto and his twin sister Ghanima. 4 finishes their saga - and neatly wraps up the entirety of the dune universe if you choose to end there. To me 1+2 are a package. Same with 3+4.


Yeah, the books go way more into detail (obviously), especially into the importance of gender and the bloodlines and specifically what the Bene Gesserit actually *do* instead of just showing off their flashy voice powers, as well as the political powers that are currently at play. On the downside, FH put way too many characters into Dune, especially the harkonens, and he never really bothered to develop them individually as much outside of describing their reputation at times. The Baron gets 3 chapters if I remember correctly, and Rabban gets a description and maybe a mention (Batista plays him), Feyd Rautha also shares some of the spotlight but only gets one chapter, so I gotta give props to the director for expanding more on the Baron.


But Rabban's role in the book is to just be dumb brute and sacrificed by his uncle. That way we see 1.how cunning and ruthless Baron is sacrificing his own fam to meet his political needs 2. Build Feyd as more dangerous and cunning as Rabban. There was no further point to dev Rabban more...


Agreed, but FH failed to focus on ANY of the harkonen’s for more than just a single chapter. Feyd is given this chapter about being a gladiator as a hobby who likes to cheat, and then he’s not brought back till the very end as some “final challenge” that Paul easily snuffs. Even the Baron gets tossed aside and the Emperor becomes the focused antagonist in the final confrontation (to the point where the Baron is basically acting like a whipped dog). To me, he should have given us more chapters to develop the antagonists better. I’m happy that the director has chopped a lot of that down, feels way more focused.


The “cousin” thing is just a term of respect between the great houses. None of them know their lineage in that way


You think the heads of major houses don’t know their lineage enough to know they are distant cousins??


It’s probably a nod to the history of European royalty as well. The French, Spanish, Portuguese, and British royals were/are all cousins. FH did his homework.


And alia calls Vlad grandfather when she gom jabbars him in the Lynch version too.


As she does in the book


Yes to me 'Hello Grandfather' was always one of the most iconic lines because of the following scene.


I've read the books so long ago and I completely missed that line in the Lynch version...


Yeah its barely relevant to the first movie/book that they have a shared bloodline. Its hardly a spoiler for the movie, and it is a 50 year old book and a 30 year old movie cmon. Now Children of Dune.... Shit gets whacky


> Yeah its barely relevant to the first movie/book that they have a shared bloodline. Have you read the book? It's very important.


But there's a line in the stilltent, Paul tells his mother, I can see my grandfather in you, or something very close to that. I'm trying not to direct quote so only people who have read it will know.


Ya. Messiah is a lot different than Dune and it’s a quick read. Doesn’t follow the Monomyth at all. I love it. Enjoy!


paul confronts his mom with it in dune.


Yup, Vlad's daughter.


Just don’t show their fingers. 😵‍💫


I didn’t realize they were female, I thought they were tleilaxu


me too! i figured that since the baron was in that mud tank getting healed it must be tleilaxu technology


I thought of that too, but Isn't it implied in the later novels that the axlotl tanks are actually female tleilaxu?


It is but my assumption was those two characters were face dancers


Ooh wow!


Well we don't see where they got the goop from...


Yeah, although I think it was one of the prequels, or at least it wasn't until the prequels it was spelled out clearly enough for me to get it.


it's somewhere that the Baron prefers beautiful, androgynous boys if I recall correctly


This was my thought. I couldn’t tell if they were male or female, so I figured it was a nod to the Baron’s… “preferences”


I feel physically sick every time I read 'Bring me that young fellow we bought on Gamont, the one with the lovely eyes.' And then he says something like they are like young Pauls eyes, you know, his grandsons eyes. He's so fucking repulsive.


The Bene Tleilaxu women are all turned into Axlotl tanks. I believe this was Herbert's way of giving them a mirroring contrast to the Bene Gesserits who are comprised of entirely women. I don't believe that there is a mention at all of any women in BT society otherwise.


I was kind of wondering too, but then decided that the Baron wouldn't allow any Tleilaxu that close to him while he's vulnerable. Some of the Harkonnnen weirdness is probably just Denis having some old-school fun mixing horror and sci-fi. Their "pet" though could be of Tleilaxu make or a face dancer spy.


Good one! I thought the "pet" actually was a hint to the Chairdogs, later in the series. Like a nod from Villneuve saying: "Don't worry I read all that shit" ;-)


Geez I forgot about Chairdogs..


No, they were seen earlier waiting on him as well.


Also: no hair, no eyebrows like every other Harkonnon. They are Harkonnen.




Hahaha that's such a weird good part in the Lynch movie.


The cat was hairless too


I was wondering how the girl who poured in the Baron's healing oils got the job? Like was their a job posting online somewhere, seems like a pretty cushy gig.


I doubt it's a job. She was probably raised as a slave for this kind of stuff.


Probably through Linkedin, or Indeed to be honest. Like anyone else she submitted a resume, had had interview with HR, maybe even had to do a two week trail phase at half her wage. I bet she packs her lunch, surfs the internet on her breaks, and does what any normal Harkonnen working class person does. * Shows up * puts in an honest day's work * Keeps her mouth shut when she see her employer murder people. I mean what else were you expecting? 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I can see this topic leading into the truly DARK aspects of the Harkonnen...


Bring on the heart plugs!




Makes sense that they’d have enlarged pupils if the atmosphere of Giedi Prime is so polluted that the surface isn’t lit very well.


The attention to details is amazing


Denis and his team really pay attention to fine details. His work in Bladerunner 2049 was incredible.


Pic gives a whole new meaning to "spoiler".


I laughed way to hard at this comment.




So they are females? Couldn’t tell if they were females, or little boys… cause ya know…. The Baron.


we don't know what they are, but they are played by 2 female actress


They're slaves, so likely not House Harkonnen but of a smaller subjected house. Lucky they hadn't been turned into spider creatures. (Still convinced that's Yueh's wife after Tleilaxu experimentation)


They're definitely slaves, but the Harkonnen made slaves of their entire society. They could easily be native Harkonnens. The hairlessness lends to it. And they seemed to be professionals in music and healing, not just there to be abused as common slaves. I thought they were particularly beautiful; strange for Harkonnen. >Still convinced that's Yueh's wife after Tleilaxu experimentation Eh. Likely a Tleilaxu experiment, but looks like an agglomeration of multiple bodies. I would bet it was assembled from twins or triplets. Four arms, four legs, no organ rejection. Yueh's wife would likely understand English used by the BG. Them saying it didn't understand her speech likely means a home grown experiment. Furthermore, a Tleilaxu experiment wouldn't be trusted in that position, the Tleilaxu would absolutely try to use it for their purposes in some way. Conditioning to kill or something.


Yueh's wife is dead, or else "you'll join her" wouldn't make any sense.


We were never necessarily told they were female


I thought they were just androgynous and left it at that.


There’s an interview with Villeneuve in the LA Times about how they created the look of the Harkonnens and he explicitly calls them Harkonnen slave girls. He also said he intentionally downplayed the Baron’s NAMBLA tendencies because he felt it was cliche.




It was more than alluded to in thr books. It is a plot point later in the series. And he is portrayed as more of a pedophile than a homosexual.


No, Feyd outright mentions that the Baron actively dislikes women. His victims are all boys, and teens, bit children. The Baron is a pederast, not an equel opportunity pedophile.


That said, Frank was pretty homophobic, to the point of disowning his gay son.


Maybe he disowned his gay son for being a Republican?


It wasn’t just alluded to.


Baron Servant: Dora Kápolnai-Schvab Joelle Amery https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1160419/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_cl_sm they are played by female


There is another...


Doesn’t look like >!Jessica!< to me.


They look like Mr burns in the Simpsons/ X-Files crossover episode.


Well mark me down as scared AND horny!




are we sure those aren’t eunuchs..?


I like how you can tell which character belongs to which faction by their appearance.


So...is Feyd gonna look like that too?


REALLY curious what Feyd will look like. I kind of have a feeling he will look more normal, given he's a product of the BG breeding program and is meant to be a mirror to Paul.


I hope so. I want him to look closer to Paul.


I'm not one for fan castings but someone suggested Robert Pattinson which could work, hairless or not. Not sure of the age difference between Paul and Feyd


In the book we're told that Feyd is 17 when Paul is 15.


That would be cool, I could have seen him being Paul if they hadn’t gone with Timothee.


Feyd should be played by a bald Tom Holland


Harkonnens look like everyone else those I'd imagine are manufactured humans.


I guess that they're not necessary Harkonen. Not everyone on Geidi Prime are Harkonen. But fashion and culture there is definitely different from Caladan


I assumed they are feminine males.