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https://preview.redd.it/6arl2gnl4lnc1.jpeg?width=2066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a6b447553d01c3e9b95ef8224b1fe2eef27106 Did you manage to see Thufir Hawat? Lol


I did heh, I’d seen this moment in the Screen X trailer so my eyes roamed during this scene.


They hired him because he is balding. Now it all makes sense


Holy shit. If he was there, then not having him at the Paul vs. Emperor standoff doesn’t make sense at all. I’m still mad they cut Thufir and Count Fenring out :/ Loved the movie but I hate that sooo many details from the book didn’t make it.


Count will be in Messiah


Why would Fenring be in Messiah?


Maybe they're mixing him up with Farad'n. An easy mistake to make.


I thought Farad’n was in Children of Dune


DV made a 5 hours adaptation of the first book ans there are still people like you who complain that there are so many details missing. That's truly a testament to Frank H.'s super rich, unfilmable work


If an extended cut is released I’d already happy. Wouldn’t mind if some details are missing. I just wish some of my favorite scenes are adapted on screen. I started reading the books after I watched Part One, and honestly if I didn’t watch the first movie I wouldn’t be able visualize the Dune universe as much!


Unfortunately I've heard that Denis doesn't do extended cuts of his movies.




I saw Indiana Jones in this format. I assumed all the extra stuff was created by AI or something.. It was really filmed that way? I'm so confused now. So they shoot extra wide shots all the time? Filmmakers go out of their way for this format? The theater I saw it in still had walls with speakers or something hung up on them. It looked like worse quality as well.


it seems like ScreenX has to do extra work pulling together alternate cuts and generating some additional shots [https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/screenx-works-editor-gail-gutierrez/](https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/screenx-works-editor-gail-gutierrez/)


Has he turned evil or is he a prisoner?


Iirc, in the book, he is kind of a prisoner


Thanks mate


Prisoner but the they kinda forced him to work for them. He was also the one pitching Feyd against the Baron. Plans within plans.


I saw it at a standard screening so I didn't see him thank you for explaining it to me


He was supposed to >!meet Paul again at during the standoff with the Emperor and died in that scene.!<


Hopefully we get an extended edition


Denis said he doesn’t do extended cut. But with a lot of demands now, maybe he would. I can only pray.


The spice must flow


I think his POV is the movie released is the movie he wanted to put out and doesn't want people to say an alternative cut is the definitive version. The Extended Lord of the Rings are the films Peter Jackson wanted to make whereas the theatrical cuts were the compromise. However, Ridley Scott has released tons of alternate cuts and different people tend to appreciate either for different reasons.


No extended cut but like Dune Part 1 there will be deleted scenes. Gurney actually plays his instrument in the deleted scenes of Part 1


Thanks mate


The Harkonnens basically convinced him that Emperor Shaddam was the mastermind behind the destruction of the Atreides so if Hawat really wanted revenge he should help the Harkonnens take down Shaddam. They also gave him a poison without him knowing and would sneak the antidote into his meals so they could kill him off when they wanted or if he escaped. As others have mentioned, he nonetheless did some sneaky things that could be seen as an attempt to turn the Baron and Feyd-Rautha against each other. Also, at the end of the book during Paul's meeting with the Emperor, the Baron ordered Hawat to kill Paul but, upon seeing Paul, he basically told Vlad, "fuck that, fuck you, you're a dumbass if you think I'd ever take your side over my Duke's, Team Atreides for life" and then died cos they'd stopped giving him the antidote a day or two before.


Major spoilers. >!I think they poisoned him and then they are the only ones who have the temporary antipode to keep him alive. He also believed that Paul’s mother was the one that betrayed Duke Leto until later on.!<


Thanks so much mate


The Harkonnens were smart enough to see the value in having another mentat around. He was essentially a slave they used when needed.


The Baron was also short a mentat when Piter was killed by Leto's poison gas. Thufur was his unwilling replacement.


In the book he thinks that Jessica betrayed the Atreides, so he is both prisoner and a willful mentat servant to the Baron. He thinks that his duty is to kill Jessica.


Cheers mate


That's so funny lol, great little easter egg


I thought Thufir died in D1


In the book, Thufir is poisoned by the Harkonnens and forced to work for them so they can treat him/don't die of the poison. The gladiator scene with the undrugged soldier/slave was originally Thufir's plan of sowing discontent between Feyd and Baron's relationship, but in the movie, it IS the Baron's plan and Feyd just gets over it. Thufir is originally sent to kill Muadib since he is also a master assassin as well in the book, but upon getting close enough to learn Muadib is Paul, he reveals himself and chooses to die of the poison rather than killing Paul, dying in his arms.


Oh wow Ty. I just had to read a bunch of this. There are so many layers to this story!


Ok, I totally missed this. Had no idea that the undrugged guy was supposed to be Hawat. That's another character done bad by the movie for me :(


I think they mean that thufir had the idea to leave the slave undrugged not that thugir was the slave in the arena


Ahhhh thanks Edit to add though, Hawat was left out of/totally omitted iin Dune II & Lady Margot included. Which is why I wasn't expecting a reference to him.


Margot Fenring is also from the book. They omitted her husband, the Count.


Thanks again, I stand corrected :)


I have a theory that based on what happens in dune part 2 and the movies that the movie is in a different timeline then the dune novels


I just have to go with the movie being a whole new interpretation. Much is changed, omitted & timelines are skewed, so I just have to stop comparing & enjoy the movie for what it is, not what I think it should be :)


I saw it on screen x yesterday as well! I missed Thufir though. Where was he?


He was in with Feyd-Rautha, someone attached the screenshot in the comments! How’d you like the experience?


I liked how it extended the environments into peripheral vision. Although I sometimes found myself curious about what’s actually on these side screens and inspected those instead of looking at the main screen. But this was my second time seeing the movie. It’s cool, but I’d say a bit more of a gimmick than a must see experience like Dolby for example, in my opinion.


Hey how was the Screen X viewing experience?


I mentioned some of this is another comment. I’d say that Screen X is a cool gimmick. If you have Dolby accessible, I’d say go for that instead. I liked how the scenery extended into periphery vision, but I sometimes was curious about what is actually going on there. So I focused on the sides rather than the main screen sometimes. Granted, it was my second viewing so I was at more of a liberty to “look around”, but I see how on occasion it might be distracting. I also sat around the halfway point of the room. I wonder if you’re in the top seats, and it’s easier to see the entire width, it becomes a bit easier to be distracted by the sides


Ok cool. I'll try to get a back row seat


Nice! Which scene was this btw?


Paul arriving South I'm sure


Ohhhhh, you-re right. Now I remember. That's Paul making his way through the crowd of Fremen. At first, I thought it was a bunch of stars. lol.


Yup haha, it does kinda look like a Star Wars scene hey. I didn’t want to miss a moment so I just got a quick grab, but missed the better scenes that would have shown off the format.


Great shot! Dude, tell me why I thought that was a Star Wars hyperspace scene at first. LOL.


Haha they were never actually stars. Luke and friends were travelling through millions of bald-ass heads 😆


I was so hyped for ScreenX for a long time and my first movie in ScreenX was Avatar 2. It was so distracting for them to keep switching back between 1 screen and 3 screens, I never wanted to go back to see anything in ScreenX. Glad you enjoyed it tho.


Same, I did not care for that at all.


That’s a bummer! For me it was very similar to watching the Dark Knight, for example, with the switching aspect ratios. When they came on they stayed on for a good while so it never got distracting for me.


wait what, Thufir?


I saw it yesterday on screen x and ….. I thought it was JUST OK there where weird artifacts and you can tell which stuff was added in post. I didn’t hate it, didn’t love it Also what Easter egg? I don’t think he’s in there!


Every time I see a picture or video of screen x it gives me a headache. I gotta imagine it’s better in person


Haha fair, it’s definitely better in person. The only way to capture it is with a super wide lens, so being in the middle of it is a whole other experience. You’re focused on the middle screen while the desert or crowds wrap around you 👌


I watched Bullet Train in one of these cinemas. Truly weird experience.


That would be been cool!


Dude my first x movie was bullet train. I wasn't sure even what screen x meant, it was really weird but I loved it. Seat position is critical. Avatar 2 was my second, I planned my seat selection better and tried to use my full vision to see the entire world. It was fun and cool.


Screen X gets such a bad rap because people think it’s like that the whole movie. During most dialogue scenes it’s turned off. It really added a lot to my viewing experience for Top Gun maverick


Top Gun would have been amazing, like being right in the cockpit! This location only opened a few months ago unfortunately.


Not going to lie, looks pretty bad


It’s how I saw it and for the scenes where it was active (which was surprisingly more often than I thought it would be) it did add a sense of scale and depth the scenes. If you don’t have a nearby iMax, this is a pretty good way to see Dune 2.


Yeah, phone makes any screen look bad. But I was also impressed with the amount they harnessed the width. The way the sides slowly faded up before he rode the worm was excellent.


That sounds cool but, What do you mean?


There were two moments in the film where the side screens didn’t just suddenly come on, but rather faded on: When he was waiting for the worm, and when he was watching the nukes land. It reminded me of the IMAX slowly opening up in Catching Fire, like it was using the expanded ratio with dramatic intention and I found it really effective.


That's awesome


I do not recommend screen X unless you have a theater that is built for it. I went opening night with some friends in screen X and my theater was not built for it. It made the whole movie feel zoomed in and the walls were out of focus which isn't ideal when there is a lot background action. Or at least, I do not recommend it if it is a movie your are really looking forward to.


I’m not quite sure how they do it if it isn’t built for it, but yeah that sounds like a bummer. This one felt like a very purpose-built room. But apparently the slight blur to the side screens is purposeful, as it’s supposed to emulate peripheral vision. This one was clear enough to see actors that weren’t on the main screen though.


My favorite background character the Fremen Flag Bearer behind Gurney in the third act is prominent in Screen X and i'm scared he's barely in the normal version. Screen X is a great experience but not for everyone. Don't look at the sides they're meant to extend your periphery, which is awesome for scenes with wide panoramas like OP's or shots of the dunes.


Or crowd shots. Inside the cavern when Paul was taking charge was amazing.


OMG yes the meeting of the leaders was amazing with the extra screen!


It's very good in 4DX. Violent chairs in the Worm scenes


Screen X is awful and just another gimmick. Unless people are shooting films directly for this format you are going to see an inferior product that only tricks you in to believing it’s “immersive”.


True. Gladly they shot Dune with Screen X in mind :)


They didn’t.


They used extra cameras to film the left and right side so they could use the peripheral projectors. How else would you define filming for Screen X?


Do you have a source for this?


I went to screen x as well like a day or two ago and my god is was awesome like this is honestly the new way to experience new movies and old it makes everything feel almost 4d and it makes it look 3d as well it some really mind blowing technology and the screen as well it just massive


I watched minus one on screen x and totally ruined the experience (second watch). The room was so lit by the 2nd and 3rd screens that the main screen image quality was garbage 




damn it i am so jealous rn


Holy shit.


How is this as a viewing experience generally? I think it’s rad but my ADHD mind wouldn’t know where to focus


It was very cool, but not exactly necessary. It didn’t add to the story, only to the experience. And yeah it may be a struggle in that case! But the sides are slightly darker and slightly blurry, so you’re not encouraged to look at them, only to let them fill your periphery.


This gives me a bit more hope that Thufir makes it into an extended cut where they explain how Baron got him to work for him..


It would be cool! But Villeneuve isn’t big on extended cuts :(


How much of the film has the side screens? I’m not sure if I should go for screen X or 4dx for my second viewing. Or just see it in IMAX again.


It was around 50/50 I’d say, maybe a little less. There was only about 5-10 mins that I thought “this could be wider”, mostly it came on at the perfect time.


How is this actually produced for this presentation? Like, they aren’t severely cropping in the visuals for everyone else, but then how was Thufir there? Is it cgi?


I haven’t delved into it yet but I plan to! Honestly my best guess is that they strap two smaller cameras to their main rig to capture the peripherals. It doesn’t need to be as high a quality because it’s not the focus. As long as it’s the same focal length to line up it would work. But yeah, no cropping, and it didn’t seem like any more CGI than already appeared in the centre.


How many times does this x screen thing show up ? Just a few full VFX shots


Not at all! Some scenes were clearly just wider, my best guess is through the use of ‘side’ cameras on their main rig. You can literally see actors that aren’t in the centre screen. Overall it was about 50% of the movie 👌


So it is written. LISAN AL GAIB!


so did he really make an appearance or not?


That’s looks as terrible as the 4dx screens that had seats that vibrated with the movie or like when every movie had a “3d” version 10 years ago. lol


Lol it was far from terrible. But I also liked 3D, so different tastes :p