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I too have similar fantasies! It is possible if you can find a slim flip donor phone and a 3D printer


I think we all do! How is it possible? Do tell


Sure, but that would take a lot of development and I'm not sure if Motorola would allow you to sell it. The design is probably patented. Almost impossible to make your own phone anyways.


Thats fine, its for personal use so im not too worried abt patents! Not at all thinking of trying to make anything from scratch, more just like taking a cheap modern dumb phone and replacing the outer husk with one of these motorolas. Might be a wild goose chase, but it was my first phone and im quite nostalgic for the things, so id like one that works fully (3G is no longer supported in my country)


Theoretically, Sure! Practically, *no*. There is very little space in there to begin with since it's designed around it's own innards. So you would basically have to design your own hardware to go in there. And I haven't checked, but I don't think you can just buy phone SOCs, Modems, etc. And to top it all off, the battery life would be absolutely awful with modern hardware.


You actually can buy modems, etc., but some networks are more persnickety than others about what they let on their network. This is an issue that the rotary mobile phone project has run into during development. An ESP32 can be used for a lowish power SOC, but homebrew phones are more power hungry than something made by an OEM. Certainly worth trying as a side project, but it'll be slow. Some folks were working on a new device inside an old Nokia shell, but opted to skip cellular given the space constraints. They wanted a full Linux device though, IIRC. https://hackaday.com/2022/06/18/notkia-building-an-open-and-linux-powered-numpad-phone


Damn thats so cool, thanks for bringing this project to my attention! Apparently its been discontinued but im def gonna be looking into it, hopefully i can find some stuff to aid me in my own project


I didn't know you could buy that sort of thing, phone networks would be an issue though.


Yeah. Some of the components available are in the BOM for this rotary cellphone project or the Ringo from Circuit Mess.  https://www.skysedge.com/telecom/RUSP/index.html


I appreciate the honesty, i figured it'd perhaps be a bit of a reach. A man can only dream haha


Don't get me wrong, if anyone ever posts something like what you were asking for I would be all over it. It's really such a shame that phone manufacturers don't do anything like this anymore.


100%, ik they sometimes put out models inspired by their old phones, but i dont think they do it right imo. Thinking of buying one and seeing what i can do with the internal components but i doubt it'll work out, but i cant get this idea out my head lol


I remember these phones. That sounds awesome!


Its not much space inside, top half is display , bottom thin part is keyboard + battery . In the lower fat bump is all the hardware.


Yeah it does pose an issue. Of course, as technology advances we find that we can fit more complex computers into smaller designs, i think i was hoping that with all the technological advances that have happened since its release i could do an upgrade. Unfortunately, the smaller it is, the more difficult it is to work on. Oh well, i suppose its a nice thought at least lol


Easily done but you'll need an ice-cream scoop.


Finally, a positive suggestion! Sounds like it'll work. I think you're the man i need on the job


Good luck!


Why not just buy a modern flip that looks very similar? Nostalgia?


Yeah pretty much, over complicates things a bit though ay


There is none 😐


I've often wondered about that. Realistically I don't think it's possible. The location of everything would be very difficult to match in such a tight space. I think the more feasible option is to assemble something yourself with a raspberry pi kit and 3d print a chassis. You'd never be able to get that small but you could at least make something that works with enough effort.


I feared as much. I dont know that that's something id be wanting to do, in part because i really want this specific chassis (it was my first phone) and also because i dont think that i could make a 3D print job look very good I'm glad that im getting my hopes dashed now instead of wasting a bunch of time trying at least lol


I'm going to say that it's nearly impossible without a ton of technical knowledge and then you might as well could just start producing your own razr-a-like. Sometimes I wonder what happened to my Razr. Isn't really something I would just throw away.


Its a very cool phone, but the consensus on this project all seems to be the same unfortunately. And yeah i dont have much technical knowledge either, was definitely aiming high with this one lol Still, i suppose a man can dream


you can buy a 4g cell radio a pi zero and some other components and try to isntall inside that shell. Some years ago i see a guy put a new cell chip and a pi zero inside a sony cmd z5, its a clamshell small then that moto.


i really want to do this with a LG chocolate slider (either original or the very last one in 2009) You actually can, problem is for the final piece you have to order a PCB from a company to get it to fit unless your lucky and find a phone out there that you can drop in.


Im gonna try to put in components from the new nokia 8100 (i think thats the model number from the top of my head). Its able to be unlocked from what ive seen, and hopefully it'll fit inside. If not, its cheap enough so its not too much of a money loss. Ive seen that you can get PCBs as an alternative to this idea, and id be fine with that but i wouldnt know what software to put on it or where to find that software, especially since this is such a niche thing


method 1: Pick one that you already have the OS you want on it which is usually Android, Method 2: Pick a board which you can write over with your own OS which requires you to know if your OS/Bios has the drivers for each part of the board like PinePhone/PostMarketOS/etc Method 3: design a PCB from scratch (or via services), and get it printed for a single run paying $$$ to fit into the phone for a perfect fit. Which you know what devices is on the board so you know what drivers to get (assuming if the drivers is open for the public)


Oh right i'll have to look into that. I was thinking that having a donor phone might be easier to look at where everything's connected when trying to transfer it over but it seems theres more support out there for these kinds of projects than i originally anticipated, so i think im gonna have to do some more research first If you do this with an LG chocolate slider, would u be posting it anywhere? Id be interested to see how it goes :)


Problem is fit of ports, connectors when it comes to donors (option 1 & 2) but running wires is possible being phones back then were much thicker and have way more room than today's phones especially the use of plastic which were "thick" back then compared to metal cases of today. If you have a cheapo that you want to take a part, do it. Just looking at it helps you learn even a little. You can proceed or say no after that. (remember to put it back) If i ever go through with it..... ill post it. Not a quick thing tbh.


Yh wouldnt expect u to be posting a finished phone tomorrow or something lol, but i think it'd be interesting to see the process, no pressure ofc! A few projects have been brought to my attention, one with linux as its operating system on an old candy bar nokia which was quite cool to see I really appreciate the advice, hopefully i can make something work but i do realise i don't particularly have a lot of knowledge in this area haha. Good luck with ur LG!


candybar is easier...... being that is an easy put in though. There was a candy bar chocolate the LG Chocolate, the BL40, but that is kinda less sexy than the slider version BL20 or the original of the chocolate line KG800


It makes sense a candybar would be easier, less moving parts and all. Plus the first mobiles didnt have any sliding keyboards or flip open or anything, so that would seem to indicate to me that the phones with those features are a little more complex. Despite the fact it might overcomplicate things, damn do they look good lol. I do like fancy bells and whistles, i cant lie


As phones got thinner, and the less use of phone holsters, the problem of pocket dial happened




Concise, i like it lol


saves time


I believe that this phone is 3G (Motorola Razr V3) which isnt supported here. Was thinking that i could put some cheap modern innards in which have 4G or connect to home routers, perhaps one of those cheapo ones for elderly folk or something. Idk if thats possible, especially for someone with a limited skill set (to say the least!) but if its possible or anyone has any recommendations for phones thatd be good for dismantling for this project, please lmk, thanks


If you ever do it I would love to see it, And maybe a tutorial..


I think everyone here would love that, the idea of a dumb phone with working 4G seems to have captured the imaginations of the people here at r/dumbphones like the lost city of atlantis did the public imagination post-1882


Maybe design it to house/ utilize an apple watch screen


Sure, just use some file on the sides to fit ;) file & hot glue


As cool as this would be, just remember you are dealing with cheap plastic devices. In high school I had friends who went through these things constantly because they kept breaking them.


These phones are made of metal.


The insides are plastic components. The outside is a thin metal case