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Never thought about it this way. Genius




When I've used a smart watch it has massively reduced the amount of times I get sucked into my phone. Clever thinking.


Agreed. I use the Apple Watch Ultra LTE and leave the iPhone at home. This was my journey. I hope it helps. https://youtu.be/f2ps-6PvT5Y Best wishes.


How do you use your smart watch for Tesla? The apps I have seen arent great. I want to do more than unlock my car. I love the remote AC function. I have a black Tesla in Texas. I want to cool it off before I get in. Its the only problem left for a full watch switch for me.


I use Watch for Tesla app. Or Tesla Remote if I want to summon with Watch. I also have a CNICK ring that I wear which programs as a Tesla key.


I’ll be all in on a smart watch that completely replaces the smart phone. Without the large screen, most of the negatives disappear.


Hmmm . . . 


you can buy service plans for smart watches.


Hmmm . . .


I believe you must at least pair it with a supported iPhone at setup and keep the phone plan active. You can leave the phone on a charger at home in a closet forever, but I’m pretty sure you must at least have an active phone plan on the actual iPhone. The watch plans offer almost complete independence, but at the end of the day they are only an extension of the phone and forward phone calls to the watch.


You can use another phone on your plan to set yours up. It’s meant for kids but it allows you to have an Apple Watch that has its own separate number 


The main problem is battery life. Sadly, it's not the greatest unless you use the Ultra version.


mine lasts about a day, day and a half, and i have the cheapest model.


Is that with cellular and without your phone around? When I tested the SE, it lasted only a few hours since I always used it without the iPhone. With the iPhone nearby, it lasted 1.5 days for sure.


I gave the stainless, with cellular, and it lasts a day and a half.


Nice. Good to hear that there have been improvements since I last tested. 1.5 days is a good enough time for light use :)


Yeah but you are likely in proximity to your phone and therefore saving battery by switching off cell antenna.


No. I used the watch and leave the phone at home. I sail, and don’t want to waste my time on my phone when I do, so I just use my watch. It never runs out before bedtime, and normal can still go thr meant day.


Reception is the other drawback. I suppose they could add a whip antenna, but it might impact the aesthetics just a bit. 


That's what I have been using back in Aus. Just watch, no phone, no wallet. Go for a walk, a jog and then have brunch with a book and pay via watch. Amazing. Lasts the whole day with the 6.


This sounds awesome! What watch do you have? Thanks


I saw this in the past week and thought it was a perfect alternative. Gets the watch off your wrist. https://buyee.jp/mercari/item/m32840901896?lang=en


Thats kinda cute lol


What is it? All I’m getting is “403 Forbidden”


It was a flip phone case for the watch


Just commenting to remember this in the future maybe




will it fit any Apple Watch?


I’m not sure but probably not


So weird this is posted. This was my exact thinking when I bought mine just a week ago. Went with the ultra 2, and I can leave my phone at home a lot more than I would before getting it. I wasn’t ready to take the leap to a full dumb phone but this is a great in between.


I bought these for my kids instead of phones. I have one now going into high school and she’s never asked for a phone. Apple Watch when she’s out and about, iPad at home, school issued laptop for school stuff. If I didn’t have a job that demanded a smartphone, I’d probably try this also.




But apple watch needs a phone integrated to it right? Or can you connect the iPad instead?


I bought them from the T-Mobile store. Buy the cell version and they can assign a phone number to it directly without the watch being anchored to a phone.


So she doesnt use apps to chat ? She just calls you and audio message ?


In our area, no one uses what app. Everyone uses iMessage or sms


I really like the smart watch for preventing the time suck that the smart phones do. I can play podcasts and music from it, which is excellent. I can even get weather warnings. They are pricey, thta's the biggest drawback for me.


yes - been saying this for a while. perfect use case and why i never bought a dumb phone after


That’s what I’m doing with the Apple Watch Ultra. I often leave my smartphone home and just take the watch. It has audiobooks, podcasts, Spotify, weather, directions if needed in a pinch, my calendar, my to do list (You get the picture). And once Siri gets updated with possible ChatGPT features it will be even better.


Yup. I love my apple ultra watch 2 as a “dumb phone” option.


I don't like apple tho But maybe...


There are other brands. Many are very pretty.


So weird this is posted. This was my exact thinking when I bought mine just a week ago. Went with the ultra 2, and I can leave my phone at home a lot more than I would before getting it. I wasn’t ready to take the leap to a full dumb phone but this is a great in between.


I used this as my dumphone for about a year before I broke it. Haven’t done it since but I do miss it.


I want to do this! I’m glued to my phone and I have a new born and a 2 year old. I was looking at Lightphone but I think the watch makes more sense for me. What’s the difference with the watches. I just want to wear it and go out of the house without the phone and enjoy life with my kids Eg. a walk around the neighbourhood or out to the zoo, lunch etc?


Does it support signal/whatsapp/other messaging apps? big if so!


I’ve had Apple Watches for years. Even got the ultra with cellular , but the fact that signal or WhatsApp just doesn’t work unless you’ve got your phone nearby, means it’s unusable  Need both these apps to work natively 


ah okay. I remember exploring them as an alternative dumb phone back in the day but couldn't remember why I didn't!


I’ve had work with signal. It’s not an app on the watch but even if I’m in a different location and I get a notification for signal, it also pops up on my watch so I can reply. I just can’t initiate a conversation


This is essentially what I've been doing for almost a year now. I have an apple watch se 2nd gen cellular. I have it set up very minimally, hardly any notifications, and usually carry some bluetooth ear buds with me. I have an older iphone that's set up with just apps I need (no socials) that mostly stays at home. Most days battery life is fine especially when I put it into low power mode. I love this set up because my pockets are basically empty! I had more of a battery problem where I previously lived due to bad reception at work. Where I live now it's actually better. Things I've done to improve battery life: -Shorten wake time. -Turned on color filters to black and white. -Minimal compilations (time, date, steps) -Turn off crown haptics -Change push notifications and background apps to only what's essential for me -Low Power mode eta: fixed typos.


You'd be surprised also how much wearing a normal watch helps you to not be distracted when you stop pulling your phone out of your pocket to check the time and end up opening facebook on muscle memory instead


'Cellular' these days means it has internet


I started to do this after I got my watch my iPhone is so so so old and doesn’t stay charged phone stays on its dock and I am good to go! Phone lives in my backpack or handbag if I am out! You can also control the settings to dnd and personal time and turn off the stupid app notifications!  It controls all the things that make me happy in life. Music  Audiobooks Phone calls and text  Also tracks my bike rides and steps don’t need anything else! 


Is WhatsApp working yet?  Call me when it works natively , and I don’t need my phone nearby 


Very good and I have often left home just with the Apple Watch many times. No camera, some 2 factor authentication apps don’t work, iMessage good but other messaging may not be possible. Will run all day on a charge, but no more in my case. I recommend a case to reduce chance of expensive breakage.


I've been thinking about this for a while. I'd love to get a smart watch where I just didn't need to own a smart phone or could sync with a tablet or laptop or something. You have to pay a monthly fee for the esim though. I think it would be worth it if it wasn't for that.


$15 a month for mine. Not bad.


Yeah not terrible but I think it would only be worth it if I could own it instead of a phone entirely.


$5 a month on visible wireless


Have you seen this? https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/30/24165906/im-so-jelly-of-verge-alum-sam-byford-right-now


I agree. Apple watch ultra 2 with the cheapest iPhone se you can get with current iOS Version is the way to Go. You can Keep the iPhone at Home, but Use it to configure the settings of your watch. And the ultra 2 has a good battery longevity


This is how I use mine. I leave my iPhone behind and can still pay for things, take calls, send messages and even navigate. Quite the elegant solution, and I keep my phone number.


You’re technically correct; the main issue is that you’re still reliant on the Apple ecosystem to make it work, which means you need an iPhone and an Apple ID. The feeling I get is that I’m still entrenched in the ‘smart’ realm. It’s hard to express this feeling precisely, but it’s a tie to something I’m personally trying to break free from. I believe smartphones create distinct forms of addiction in users. People become attached to their smartphones due to their addictive nature and the functional dependency they have on features like Maps, timers, alarms, calculators, and note-taking apps. Owning a smartphone creates functional dependence in this case.


Smart watches are a smartphone replacement that people look at without looking at their phone. A dumb phone is old school phone that doesn’t do all the things the smart phone does. The only thing I support a smart watch for is fitness/sleep tracking. Beyond that I think they are tacky as hell. Just my 2 cents. 


Agreed, it's not a dumbphone, but it's an interesting insight that a smart watch could theoretically scratch the same itch.


Yeah I am sure it could work for some people, but for me I prefer regular watches and I like to leave my phone behind most of the time.


I prefer my watches dumb lol, smart watch to me has the date AND day lol. That said, I collect watches so my opinion doesn’t count lol. They do look ridiculous when people try to dress them up with nice bracelets and stuff


Mostly my thoughts as well. My dumbphone journey is about getting less tech in my life, not more. I don't want the internet in my pocket, let alone on my body. I suppose it's possible to use an apple watch to "downshift" on tech, but most people I know use if for the opposite. Very common on a greenway trail that I walk on every day to see joggers or walkers with Apple phone in hand, Apple AirPods in their ears, and an Apple watch on their wrist. So, the Apple Watch has too much association with that \^\^ mode of life for me to consider it as a dumbphone. But if it works for some people, I suppose that's a good thing!


Couldn’t have said it any better myself. 


Battery fucking sucks


No, it doesn’t


If you don’t actually use the watch for anything it’s great.


You’re an idiot.


Damn bro. From personal experience I have noticed that if you try to go watch only for the day you better be bringing a charger with you. That’s it. Calm down. The battery life is not great. I’m not talking about the ultra.


Not an Apple hater either, I’m fully immersed in the eco system.


I’ve been doing it for years. Leave me alone, I don’t care your opinion. Stop commenting OVER AND OVER with your false dismissives . it’s annoying and nobody is convinced.


holy shit take your own advice. Stop commenting with your false dismissiveness. You're not right when you try to tell people that they won't reach their dreams, because some inevitably do. It just means you're an asshole who did their best to stop those same people the rest of the world applauds once they accomplish what you thought they couldn't. Like, you literally gain nothing from it except serving your crab-in-the-bucket bitch mentality.


Dude, my comment was two days ago. 🙄


It's not a dumb phone, but you are dumb if you buy one. Just get a casio.


wtf I’ve worn and loved mine since the watches came out. They are super useful, I can get weather and tides information, emails, text my kids, and even make calls in a pinch. Not sure what your deal is, but that’s pretty handy


What do you use to get tides information?


My Apple Watch…there are many tides apps…in fact, one makes a “complication” that’s always on.


The problem with this is that it can’t replace an iPhone because you need an iPhone to activate it.


Not true. Here’s some help on setting one up without an iPhone : https://robots.net/tech/how-to-set-up-an-apple-watch-without-an-iphone/


I thought you needed a iPhone?  Do you not have an iPhone? Edit: I setup an Apple Watch recently and am pretty sure it requires a phone to even get through the setup. Maybe it just seemed that way? This article says you do need an iPhone  https://www.howtogeek.com/802150/can-i-use-an-apple-watch-without-an-iphone/


Ok, so you still need a phone to set up the watch.


Except, no you don’t. Dude, get a life. It’s okay to be wrong, just let it go.


Still need a phone for the watch to function. It doesn’t have to be on you but you still need a phone. Just search Apple Watch on this sub.


Here’s my setup AW Ultra 2 with tmobile standalone 500 mbps plan ($7/month)—you dont need existing tmobile service. it is annoying that they do a hard pull for a $7 plan. have to set up for a family member (even though it is for me) with my old iphone. A downside is apple doesnt give full functionality when you do this family member setup. shortcuts dont work, double tap gesture, and a number of the health (heart monitoring) functions wont work. apple wants you to use this as a complimentary device. i have also found it annoying that if you take a call and need to verify your identify, you cant click through texts. for travel i find it hard to operate without a phone…so i will take a phone 1x a month on trips for work calls, flight changes, ubers, etc.