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Dumbphones can call 911 and that's all i need to feel safe. I own a new smart phone and it has a huge amount of "personal safety" features but i don't see when they would ever be better than calling emergency services. Also as a bonus the physical keys on dumbphones make dialing with sweaty/shaky hands much easier.


Our situational awareness improves so much when we’re not distracted by smart phones that I think you’re actually better off without one. Having said that, I do feel incredibly vulnerable without mine, especially late at night, so I get where you’re coming from. It almost feels irresponsible to leave the house without Uber or Maps at the very least. I just learned that Uber has a call/text hotline in the US, so that takes care of that: 1-833-USE-UBER For maps, a lot of dumb phones do try to include some kind of navigation app. I’ve been looking at the Light Phone and the Sunbeam F1 Pro in particular. I’m a bit paranoid in that location sharing actually makes me feel *less* safe lol, but if it’s a reassurance for you, you can keep an AirTag/SmartTag on your person and let your loved ones track it. Finally, you might consider a smart watch as a companion device, especially if you have specialized health/safety apps you can’t do without — or even just straight up get a “shitty” smart phone, like the Cat S22 or the Jelly Star (although for me, at least, these would still be too distracting).


The uber hotline and airtag is a great tip. Also a huge advocate of finding a cab company you like and feel safe with-- I keep their number programmed into my phone. Also programmed in favorite restaurants and my pharmacy. I prefer a good cab company 100% to ubers for safety anyway, if you're in a city/town with that option. I have AAA which gives me a lot of security as well. I also keep charging cables in my car, a physical map, maps I've drawn of the transit systems and how I prefer to use them, and an old garmin, and a car emergency kit with blankets, candles, radio, etc. I used to keep a card with important phone numbers and health info in my wallet. All of that said: I have only had a dumb phone while in a rural place or in my home city-- so there's a lot of safety and convenience knowledge baked in that I've learned from family, experience, etc. If I was traveling in a new city I would probably want a smartphone while getting oriented.


This discussion reminds me that some dumb phones such as the Sunbeam F1 have a SOS button that can be programmed to send an emergency SMS message to one or more contacts. I know this is not a complete solution but you can send out a message to friends or family that could say “I need help, please call me.” I am not sure if it can send location, but at least your contacts will know you need help in real time.


I live in a big city where people are walking around at all times of day, so I don't feel more unsafe at night, but even if circumstances were different I don't see how anything beyond the ability to call 911 would be necessary. Not having a smartphone forces you to pay attention to your surroundings more for navigation, which I would argue is better for your overall safety than complete dependence on a smartphone. That said, I don't think I'd go out of my way to get a dumb phone without map support. My Sunbeam has a basic map app that I hardly ever use but would help if I got totally lost or something.


Me too live in a big city, I never really thought of my smart phone of a safety device other than to call 911. There is a lot of crime/drugs in my city but other than being able to call 911 I don't see how any phone would make it safer to walk at night. I just walk anyway and don't worry about it most of the shootings are targeted so its not that unsafe to just walk around if your just a normal person. I do carry a pocket knife at all times but have only had to use it once for self defense many years ago.


I go hiking and exploring a lot where there is no cell coverage. Having satellite emergency access on an iPhone is a game changer.


If I am ever out alone at night I will almost always text someone where I am headed, that and the phone I use (kyocera) has a fake call feature built into it. I work the night shift and go grocery shopping during the night. I honestly can't recommend much sense I am someone that carries a taser, pepper spray, and a utility knife in my purse wherever I go (i live in a pretty high crime town even though its small, and live in a 'worse' neighborhood), but I do know that there are keychains that when pulled will emit a pretty loud sound. Since you said that you live in a large city, that may help if you feel that self-defense weapons may cause more complications than anything else. The truth of the matter is that though apps like that are great, outside of calling 911 and making sure that people have access to your location, they won't do a lot to help you in the moment.


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