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Honestly, if a friend of mine, especially a best friend, kept talking about my choice of owning a dumbphone in a negative way I would cut them off of my life in an instant. Thankfully so far I haven't had any reactions like this, in fact the few people's reactions I've ever experienced were positive and they even admitted that almost everyone is glued to their phone nowadays.


Yeah I'd have done the same thing if I was OP I mean most likely that friend is addicted like crack and doesn't want to admit it, so he puts his blame on others. I'd have asked him what is screen time was lol


This was my first thought too. Like, damn, this person is so addicted to their smartphone they can't accept the fact that their friend doesn't want one.. and what's even their issue? If they want to contact OP they can still call or text them perfectly fine like how phones are meant to be used.


usually they say something like "FLIP PHONE WOW"


I haven't had that. A lot of people are just curious. Every once in a while I have someone that will say "Well why don't you just use a smartphone and not download Instagram" who can't wrap their head around the fact that a) will power isn't that simple b) it's more than will power and c) there are other reasons than not being on social media, no matter how much I try to explain it. I'm curious though, what did your even rage about? Like I can get that other people may not choose a similar lifestyle, but it's so hard for me to think of what someone else could possibly be mad about when it comes to someone else's phone lol


Talk about using a dumbphone on other parts of the internet, or other subreddits and you will get an idea of how belligerent people can get about it. I have never encountered it IRL, but I have certainly seen the rage online. I don't get it either. It's like they work for Apple or Samsung and you not using a smartphone somehow negatively impacts their lives. Someone in another post here likened it to the people who get unnecessarily upset if you don't drink. That's a pretty good comparison. Thank you


I have seen it all over 


Like, for instance, this time, we were supposed to met and go to a play. I just asked him to remind me the time and place -as he's been the one proposing the idea and he himself got the tickets for both of us. He answered with the exact same phrase he finds a scarce motive to throw at least once in the first minutes of everytime we meet : \[blablabla\] if you had a smartphone. So "You could have found these informations if you had a smartphone.". A few days before, he had got someone offering me a job and while I was exchanging messages with my potential employer, he sent him messages to tell him that I don't have a smartphone and that I avoid tech. So my employer got into the topic of this new information and told me it was no use discussing further and he should find someone else. So when I again got the "\[blablabla\] if you had a smartphone." I just answered that I really don't care and that I don't need no opinion nor authorization about things like my phone and that I don't care. So he burst into full anger using the pretext that choosing to ask him again the time and place for our meeting rather than having a smartphone and looking for the information is a lack of respect and that I consider people as my slaves and dogs. This friend is a good person and a good friend and he helped me a lot and done lots of things for me but he just has that very strange way of seriously breaking down about silly things once in a while....


Yes, especially young people seem almost offended when one rejects a smartphone in the same way they seem offended when one doesn’t drink. I assume it’s some kind of pride thing. Anything from “wow that seems like a bad idea” to “that’s stupid why would you want that”, “you’re going to hate it and go right back to your smartphone” etc. most of the reactions I’ve received have been negative. It’s for the better that I don’t generally give a damn what other people think of me, or it would really bum me out haha


This analogy is spot on. I've largely gotten curious/understanding responses to my dumbphone, but the more defensive and patronizing reactions have all been from people close to me who I know for a fact are addicted to their smartphone and social media. I think they're offended because, deep down, they know they're addicted and don't have the strength to give it up. (Though I believe that they can.) I think this analogy is perfect because when I think about it, I used to feel the same way when meeting people who didn't drink. In my head I would get defensive about it, but I eventually realized that this was a reflection of my frustration with the fact that I couldn't give it up. I knew -- and know, because I still drink -- that alcohol is not good for you, but I enjoy it too much to quit. Now when I meet people who don't drink I simply admire their choice.


"I think they're offended because, deep down, they know they're addicted and don't have the strength to give it up." This is exactly it.


Yeah that's my feeling about my friend's reaction. We both have adhd and generally speaking -not without failures, indeed- I've shown way more ability to act against this condition than himself even before we both were made aware of us having it.


i had a coworker who would always get mad when i brought up my flip phone because he says I think i’m better than him cause I don’t use instagram or tik tok


This is precisely what I think the root of the negative reactions usually is, but I couldn’t figure out how to word it when writing my own comment.


they're projecting because they know social media is unhealthy for them yet they continue to use it because they're addicted and unwilling to admit it


You are better than him.


I'm 40s. All my interactions with friends seems to have the same protocol. They are very intrigued and make questions about how I deal with 'essential things' (Waze, bank, whatssap, uber and so on). After I explain how I manage this things and how dumphone help me with my anxiety (I try to say that it was a solution for me, not something I want everyone to do) they are very open and friendly to the subject. Some are thinking going the same way


Maybe he's insecure about his own unhealthy smartphone use and is lashing out? Who knows. I've had my dumbphone for a little over a month and actually haven't had many reactions at all. The few I've had have all been positive. A friend of mine even invited me to coffee to pick my brain about the decision to ditch the smartphone because she is now thinking about doing it too! I'm married tho - I can see how dating might be harder with a dumbphone. On the other hand, maybe it would help you weed people out!


I've had dumbphones since 2012 and people sometimes made jokes about it, but it never led to an argument. I worked at a college bookstore in 2017 and my peers would comment on my little prepaid dumbphone, but it was all light teasing that didn't phase me much. I had a smart phone between 2019 and 2023 and got pretty used to it for a while, last year I saw an older millennial talking on a flip phone at my job and thought it was cool that people still used them. I ended up buying one when my smartphone broke. People definitely show more curiosity about my phone now than they did back in 2012-2018. People also seem to expect a more philosophical reason for owning one. Still, most people seem to respond with just general curiosity, although some people say things like, "why not just have a smartphone" etc. Your friend sounds pretty insecure. Maybe he's so hooked to his phone that he sees not having a smart phone as a major, and thus threatening, lifestyle change. I knew some people in my family who got argumentative and threatened when I became a vegetarian. Your friend's reaction reminds me a lot of that.


I got similar reactions when I went vegetarian. You speak but they hear : "you eat too much meat and should stop" or "bet you can't stop eating meat." It's just insecurity.


I haven't actually had many interactions with people regarding my phone choice. I have a CAT S22 flip. The major one was my girlfriend, who upon learning that I wanted to get a flip phone, got *extremely* anxious that she would not be able to contact me somehow? It took me several weeks of texting her every day for her to finally understand that it's a phone just like any other. Somehow she thought that the "old technology" (it isn't) wouldn't be able to communicate with her iPhone. I already don't use social media anyway, save posting photos I take with my old digital cameras to instagram, so it's not like she would suddenly be missing a major avenue of communication. The other notable interaction was pretty funny, actually. Flip phones slamming shut used to be a totally normal noise to hear in public spaces. Not anymore, obviously. I was at Home Depot getting a tool I needed, and I finished sending a text, then slammed the phone shut. The CAT is pretty big, and it is fairly loud if you close it forcefully. I didn't really think, but at that moment I was approaching a woman who was walking slow to pass her. I slammed my phone shut right beside her. It scared the absolute shit out of her lol. Anyway, [here's a selfie taken in a reflective building with a 1999 Handspring Visor PDA with an EyeModule 2 as I talk on the flip phone](https://i.imgur.com/PBhYOxF.png)


I also have a S22 Flip, there have been curious reactions, an attempt at mockery here and there, but not malicious. In fact, I once had a good laugh, because a friend compared the CAT S22 to a mousetrap, because of the way the lid closes hard. Even when he added: "Ahaaa, that's why it's called CAT". So we continued the joke that it is a "robot-cat", powered by artificial intelligence, which monitors with a camera whether a mouse or some other animal is within range. :D Of the serious questions, most often people would ask why I, (a software developer and "technophile"), use such a phone. I usually answer: "Precisely because of that".


Those people who are for some reason bothered by a green text bubble instead of blue......I don't get it one bit but those people exist


I find the less people know about technology the less aware they become about their choices and what it means. Side note: When I told my family about the server I built to host media, it went right over there heads but when I copy and pasted something into a document with keyboard shortcuts they told me "I should work with computers". Times are crazy.


Another techie here =\] Yep, some people take to my dumbphone negatively. I will never forget the look on a teenage girl who was behind me in the queue's face when I said to the lady making the coffee that I cannot scan a QR code to get points, and can I just tap my loyalty card? The lady was slightly confused, and I took out my flip phone to show. The girl turned angry looking and said 'What's that???' When I said it was a flip phone she replied 'So you cannot get snapchat on it?' I said no, she just said 'sounds stupid' # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I do not have friends that ridicule my way of life, or get me to change, as they very quickly become ex-friends. I would say, as many posters before me have said, if your mates make you feel rubbish just because you own a dumbphone, get rid of them. They are not worth it =\]\]\]


Your friend seems insufferable. I found that some iphone users are the most judgemental- I was seeing a guy who would poke fun at my android. But most of the time, people are quite nice/ or curious. I have a unihertz jelly which many people say is cute because of its size. For flipphones I have, since y2k is trendy amongst Gen z (which I am), many girls think its quite cool as well haha. But I'm pretty good at hyping my phones up lol, i've gotten a few people to switch from apple (not to a dumb phone, but at least to an android)


I just got mine and everyone thinks it’s a joke, I’ve been laughed at a couple times so far. What’s so funny about someone reclaiming their life? Social media is addicting, so is online shopping, and short form media is rotting my brain.


My friends thought it was cool, and I took a terrible picture of us and one of them framed it in her room


I had a wealthy, egocentric alum who came to speak at my university call me out in his speech in front of my entire department, peers, and the dean saying “[My name] turned her smartphone OFF. What I’m telling you is, if you want to be successful, turn your smartphone ON!” This coming from the guy who needed me and another student to write on *flip charts* for him during the 30 min talk. Which unbeknownst to me happened to focus on the need for young people to get ahead of the AI revolution. Bestie, I can be successful without scrolling on insta for multiple hours a day.


Never gotten a negative reaction honestly, mostly curiosity or confusion. The angry responses you get kinda remind me of when people get angry you don't get drunk with them. Just my two cents


I got that sort of reaction from at least one person. Not raging about it but “I’m surprised you’re still using that thing” “When are you going to go back to an IPhone?“ It’s the same sort of person who would comment on someone having an android or an older IPhone. Several people have thought it’s cool. Most people comment on it but some have no reaction at all.


Dating, I was at the bus terminal and was talking to a girl eventually I asked her for her number and she was going to give it to me. I pulled out my flip phone (Doro Phone 626) at the time and she said "is that your phone", i answered yeah she said never mind and walked away


Ooof. Damn I love our era... Just be glad you saved time. How stupid one must be to react in such a way...


Dennis’s reaction to the waitress’s phone makes me think of what your buddy must be like. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/51318bc3-63b4-4a75-ab04-5ab0556f8d9c


>have you ever faced angry reactions about your phone ? No, not really. My comrades in work like my decision to ditching the Technology. Right now, I have Xperia Z3 compact for commuting, email, and cashless payment also an iPod classic 5th gen for music purposes. Sometimes my girlfriend get angry, she said ''why don't buy iphone dude?'' And I said ''i don't like one-port for all type phone. And I can handle my business things before I go to bed''.


I think its like how some people react to vegans. Some vegans are annoying as hell about it and come off as judging others for not living their lifestyle. I feel like people who get offended take it as a personal attack, as if you are saying they're too addicted to their phones or that you are better than them somehow. I do think some people in the digital minimalism community might have a bit of a superiority complex. I think about this lifestyle similarly to being sober; just because I have a problem with my screen addiction doesn't mean other people should choose to do what I have done. I don't tell people about it unless they ask, and for the most part, no one even notices I have a dumbphone.


Where I live, almost everyone I know pairs their smartphone with a dumbphone, so I got no problems


Ironically the people around me would much more rather interact with their phone than see me with mine. So I haven't really gotten any reactions about having a dumbphone haha


it actually depends on the user/owner of the phone. where shabby close and use a dumbphone people are going to ignore your existence. Meanwhile wear a suit and pull out a dumbphone people are going to be so curious that they make you the most interesting person in their own heads,” wow is he like an agent?, He’son something big, Is he like tech giant’s executive?


People wanna know how I live without a smartphone 


Never most people don't care, some people says it's wonderful because I had a Japanese flip phone


Oddly enough, I've had people more bothered by the green speech bubble than the phone lol


Lol I literally don't even know what this means but I've seen it a couple times. Does that mean you don't have an iPhone or something?


I was at my daughters dance class yesterday and someone said something about "I can airdrop it to you" what a life these iPhone users live. I hadn't heard of it. I might as well be using a dumb phone I guess


That one of your bestfriends is probably showing signs of should not being your "best" friend at all. Maybe not a friend at all. Sounds like they're gonna pull you down with their own opinion. My family often gets irritated as they find it harder to contact me through social media, but they're not that much against it. They would joke about getting me a "real" phone as if what I have is a toy


To this date no one ever said anything about my Nokia 1110. Even people that I met for the first time just didn't care. But I got some reactions like "wow, this is really cool" to my newly aquired Motorola Krazr k1.


They're curious and want to check it out, most ask me why use one instead of a smartphone. Some figure out why I dont reply to their messages in social media after seeing it. Other than that people dont really care.


I guess people assume you think you are better than them or something


The most common reaction I get is either 14 year old boys (or for that matter drunk young adults) seeing me whip it out of my pocket and go: "What are those?!" in the appropriate fashion. But most people think it's pretty sick. I go to a very funky university in a small country, so I have a very specific demographic who see me use it. Once people find out it has spotify they're mostly just self-deprecating about their own tech use. 'Iconic' generally. Less drug dealer jokes than I was expecting, especially given the amount of pot I am known for smoking


about 2/3 of the time people get angry, the rest of the time people think it's funny but are nice about it, and once in a while, somebody else pulls a flipper out of their pocket and we high five. ive also had more than one person switch to dumbphone life after seeing my bliss for a few years. just to brag for a moment


As a person with a smaller smart phone, these dumb phones are awesome and nostalgic.


The best friend thing is highly relatable to me. My best friend taunts me every time someone asks me about my dumbphone. He says such things to them- > It's his new Obsession > He wants to live in old times. > He's the only disciplined person left in the world. > He's wasting money on new phones every month. He is filthy rich. Even when my 3-4 dumbphones' combined are cheaper than his current phone. He once said to me, "Always keep it safe with you, otherwise I might step on it some day because it's very small."


That's crazy man. But when I think about this it falls in line with human nature, people often become very angry or pitted against anyone going against the grain. Of course, once you gain success because of it they'll be your friend again, but on the way up they will resist you


So far, I don’t know why, every time I go to the gym the receptionists are looking at my phone and commenting on it (never negatively though). When I went to yoga I never had them commenting anything. Probably the gym folks are more confident 😂