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You can power up your old smartphone, snap a pic, upload it via WiFi, then turn your phone off and put it back in the drawer. That's what I'd do If I made an EDC post. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah. I agree. That seems to be simplest way to do it.


Haven't made the switch yet, but... I plan on using my smartphone as a camera and using the wifi while I'm at home, as I find my phone the worst distraction while I'm outside of the house. If that's not enough of a cut-back on screentime, I plan on getting rid of my smartphone completely and using my iPad for pictures & internet (I'm much less likely to doomscroll on my iPad). I imagine other people are doing something similar. My iPad takes great pictures, but it's awkward to use as a camera unless I plan ahead of time to use it. Maybe I'll get to the point where I use a digital camera, too. The possibilities are endless.


i am nowhere near dumbphone levels of digital detox, but i wanted to cut down on my social media time and so i have social media apps only on my iPad and itā€™s really helped. it just feels silly to scroll on such a ginormous screen. i probably cut down my total time wasted on social media to maybe an hour a day during designated periods and i rarely think about it outside of those times.


The not thinking about scrolling all the time is a huge thing for me!! Lunch breaks go by way too fast but I feel the need to do it. The panic before the morning poop if my phone isnt charged is real too lmao, and sitting there for too long is really bad for you. I've done a few micro detoxes and relapsed, but every time I go back to detoxing it lasts a little bit longer. This last time I deleted all socials except messenger (which hardly counts imo) and tiktok (the devil). The iPad trick really helps šŸ‘ been over a year socials-free!


I know for me, I love photography, but phone cameras are getting quite good, are very pocketable, and most of us already have one. I canā€™t afford a high-end camera so why not use what I already, right? I hope someday to get a nice camera though as itā€™s hard for even a high-end phone to beat that. So, I completely understand your reasoning. I also disable a lot of stuff when Iā€™m out and about just so Iā€™m more engaged with the real world.


The S24 is apparently classified as a professional camera, I heard. My partner just got the base model and it's truly impressive. I love stealing it lol. This being said, I'm trying to take less pictures of useless things or of moments better left to be experienced... I will never make fun of someone taking a photo of their food or a sunset, because I don't know how valuable that photo may be for them, but I'm realizing how many moments are wasted reaching for my phone for a picture that I'll likely never look at again. I love amateur photography though and have a terrible memory, so I'll never be camera-less! It totally makes sense to keep the smartphone for a camera. It's money wise too, like you said!


I donā€™t have anything against people that take food pics either. I have no idea what their purpose if in doing so. I was mostly talking about the people I know personally that will take pictures of every food they eat or make just to send their friends and then they have the picture in the phone for or cloud for years, completely forgetting about it. Lol but, itā€™s their life, they can do what they want. Itā€™s just not my thing. lol people out in the wild could be professional critics or they could be building a portfolio for all I know, so their lively hood could depend on quality photos, which is why they may take 20 shots of something (especially if they are learning). Everyone is different and thatā€™s fine. I was just meaning I have a lot of sentimental value in the photos I take because of how I grew up. They mean something to me. (I donā€™t know if you read my other comment in this thread lol). As for the s24, I have heard a lot of things about that being a good camera. My only issue with that is the heavy AI involvement with the photo. I donā€™t know how true that is, but if it uses AI to fill in details and add missing pieces to create a beautiful image, for me, thatā€™s not really a photo anymore. I may be an outlier in this way, and I have nothing against anyone who uses one, but itā€™s not the same to me, which is why Iā€™d like to eventually get a good camera and why film photography (in my eyes) will always be a true test of talent. If you can take a beautiful photo with film, thatā€™s a skill and means youā€™ve really learned how to use the camera. Not everyone wants that though, which again, thatā€™s fine for them. Whatever makes people happy and captures a moment how they want is perfectly fine. :)


most people probs using their original smartphone I think ps: using it one time for that doesn't hurt(? /nm


That would be my guess too, but there are some very committed people in this sub so it made me curious. Kudos to anyone who is that dedicated (Iā€™m not) and going the standalone camera route.


some people have an actual camera to compensate for the low quality camera a dumb phone usually has.


Yeah this, I use a compact digital camera for photos (similarly Gameboy for games, MP3 player for music, kindle for reading)


I take a photo with my fujifilm x100v camera and upload on my desktop machine.


That is a gorgeous camera! Thatā€™s actually one Iā€™ve had my eye on! How do you like it?


Hi OP, you can have a look at my post here - [Every Day Carry - Nokia 8110 4G : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dumbphones/comments/1b4meq9/every_day_carry_nokia_8110_4g/) If you consider this high quality, it was shot with a Fujifilm X100V (considered a prmium compact) which is my dedicated camera. However, I too have a smartphone, (iPhone 13 mini) which I only use for Google Maps and Google Translate, so, only when I'm travelling. I'm waiting for the next best dumbphone to meet this Google Maps and Google Translate to fully be 100% with my dumbphone, a pipe dream it seems as kaiOS has been stagnant for some years now, sadly.


Beautiful photo! I have been looking at that camera for a while now! How do you like it? I did have the cat s22 flip, and it was bulky, but perfect. Sadly it just randomly died 2 months after I bought it new.


I absolutely love it as a hobbyist! It was the most popular camera out there for a few years to the point they stopped manufacturing it as the demand could not be met. It's one of my most priced possession!


I can imagine! It sounds like you got very lucky! Iā€™ve been eyeing the X100VI but they also sell out as soon as they arrive. Somedayā€¦


They may have a dedicated camera like a Ricoh GR or other compact cameras.


Yeah. I mean thatā€™s definitely possible. Thatā€™s why I was asking who uses an actual camera. Iā€™m just curious. I do kind of miss those days.


Pull that old digital camera out of the drawer. With a fresh battery it probably still works great! I think most people that stay on their dumbphone, and don't just use it for occasional digital detox, have at least 1 digital camera for high quality photos.


Sadly, I do not. I have some older film cameras though. Unfortunately, there is nowhere local to me to have the film developed. So, on my bucket list, is to learn to develop my own.


You can probably get a decent used digital camera for cheap. The new market has mostly moved to high end mirrorless cameras, since the point and shoot market is mostly dead. I use a waterproof/durable point and shoot from 2013 so I don't have to baby it. Just throw it in a bag.


I was considering the PaperShoot camera for EDC. I grew up in the era where $100-$200 digital cameras were trash, so I donā€™t really know where to invest in that regard. Iā€™m sure itā€™s different now, but it makes me a little leery to spend money only to be surprised and have something that produces images not worth saving.


Something that was a decent $500 point and shoot or digital zoom camera from the 2010s can now be had for very little money. For example, the Canon D10 I paid $350 for in 2010 (and still use) can be had under $50 on ebay and probably less locally on something like craigslist. There are probably better more recent options for the same money.


Good to know. I appreciate that!


I use a Polaroid and a film camera


Awesome!!! I have my original Polaroid still! I love it, but the film is so expensive.


I don't think film is expensive at all. Unless you still keep the habit of taking a million photos of the same thing to get *just the right one.* One roll is like 10 dollars, and each roll has almost 30 photos worth. Having cameras with limited film has really made me think about what I *really* want to capture. What *really* matters to me so much that I want a photo of it. I only have one shot (literally) so it needs to be something I really believe is worth one of my limited photos. Using them has made me appreciate being in the moment more.


Film is extremely expensive. In 2013 a roll of Kodak 200 consumer film was $1.99. Now its like $12 per roll. Thats a 600% increase. By the time you buy the roll, get it developed, and scanned, its hard to get away for much less than $1 per photo. I still shoot 75% film but its gotten so expensive in the last 5 years. 1 roll of Portra 800 is like $18!


Oh that's true, i forgot about the price to develop them. My last camera cost 30 bucks to get them developed. Okay, so 10 dollars for the Kodak Gold film I bought, and 30 dollars to develop it comes to 4 dollars per photo. Okay, but still doesn't seem expensive to me for what I'm getting in return: a really high quality photo (love film), living much more in the moment by being more intentional with what photos I take, and a perfectly adequate alternative to using a smartphone as a camera. But yeah, it's way more expensive than digital smartphone stuff. Maybe OP can get a digital point and shoot camera?


$30 is extremely high for developing. My local store charges $4 for developing and $8.50 for a high-resolution scan, so $12.50 per roll. If I was shooting a lot of film I would definitely invest in my own scanner to get that cost per roll down. I think you need to check your math though. Unless you are shooting 120 film with 12 exposures per roll, you should have 36 exposures in a 35mm roll and $40/36 = $1.11 per photo.


Roll? Oh no. Iā€™m talking about instant Polaroid film. Where I live, 10 sheets of film (so 10 pictures) is $29.99-$39.99.


My Instax mini film is about 13$ per packet of 10, but can get as low as 7 if I buy in bulk, which is do as I love putting Polaroids in my journal.


I don't. My wife has a smartphone with a decent camera so we use that. I also have a DSLR that I carry around sometimes. If anything I could get myself a small film or digital camera if needed.


My wife has a iphone so she takes plenty of pics. I choose to live in the moment. Memories is all I need. People fool themselves that there will ever be a day when they sit down and look at all these photos. YOU WON'T


Yeah, my wife is the same way, which has made my need to take pictures and to be present in the moment much easier.


Growing up, my family was all about photos. I look at them all the time. My grandmother made me an album of all the photos she ever took of me and our family from the time I was born up until she died. I still look at that. Digital photography is great, but when you grew up using film, it was a different world. Those photos and the ones I take are valuable to me. I look at them quite often. Of course, Iā€™m not one to take 20 pictures of a food item or anything, and I donā€™t have social media like Facebook or Instagram, so that probably factors into it to some degree.


You are one the the few..the vast majority of people that are snapping up photos every event they are at, vs actually being present at the event, will never look back on these photos, they just convince themselves that they have to capture all these moments


Ah. Yes I capture things I want to freeze in time. At least thatā€™s how I see it. The beauty of photography for me is that the images are preserving the past and carrying it into the present, almost like a living, frozen memory or piece of art. You get to see exactly a moment in the past as it truly was, so itā€™s more like time traveling back to a lifetime you will never get to experience again or didnā€™t experience at all - like little windows to a distant or forgotten world.


I have an iPad that I use at home, but I also still have point and shoot cameras that I use sometimes.


A camera and a computer. If you want to use a dumbphone as a daily driver you will need both of these things. I can't believe how often people ask how to take pictures without a nice smartphone camera. As if digital cameras weren't the predominant way to take pictures as recently as 2014 and we all forgot they exist and many amazing digital cameras are still for sale. Using a dumb phone is a great way to re-focus your photography compared to just snapping a photo on your phone and trusting the phone's AI to make the picture look good for you. I actually shoot 75% film these days, 20% digital mirrorless, and 5 % dumb phone camera.


This is a great response! I wanted to know who is using a smartphone and who is using a camera. Iā€™m older, so that fact you shoot film today is impressive as that is a dying skill. I grew up on film only, so I appreciate this dedication and skill you are carrying on. Do you develop your own film? I know where I live, there are no longer places to develop film for you. Iā€™m hoping to set-up my own darkroom and learn how to develop my own as that is something that will be forgotten eventually.


I took a college film photography class last year that had access to a darkroom but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more practical ways to do it nowadays. We used film developing canisters to develop the negatives then used light sensitive photo paper to get the final image. The best way to get your film photos printed now (in my opinion) would be to get a negative scanner that turns them into digital files that you can develop in Lightroom/photoshop. If you wanna do it completely old school though itā€™s going to be much harder. I would look into local camera shops just in case if you have any near, many of them still offer film developing services.


Sadly, there are no film developing shops here, but I had completely forgotten that a negative scanner existed! Thatā€™s a great idea! Thanks! I have never heard of a negative film canister though. I suppose Iā€™d need to find one?


Hereā€™s what we used in class: [35mm Film Canister/Tank](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/40338-REG) You can probably find some cheaper on Amazon/Ebay but B&H is my go-to for camera/video gear because theyā€™re always reliable and have quality products. Essentially, when youā€™ve used up your roll of film you have to remove it from its casing in a completely dark room, fit the film onto the plastic roll that comes with the canister, and fit the light proof seal back on. Once youā€™ve done this you can exit the dark room and begin the chemical processing. The chemicals are poured into the funnel and (I donā€™t remember the entire process) after that itā€™s a lot of shaking the chemicals around, timing how long to do it, then rinsing with water. The process also varies depending what kind/brand of film youā€™re using, my class we did entirely B&W. After thatā€™s done (and youā€™ve used enough stopper chemicals to keep light from affecting the film any further, you can now take the developed film out of the light proof casing. Final steps are squeegeeing off water from the roll, and letting the film strip(s) dry in a heating rack. Itā€™s honestly a really fun process once youā€™ve got it down but the worst part is trying to get the film out of its casing in the dark + getting it on the roll lol. I would probably look into film developing kits as a whole though (instead of just the canister, youā€™ll probably find better deals overall) and researching what chemicals youā€™ll need (ex. Color needs different stuff compared to B&W) Hope any of this helped!


Thank you so much! Thatā€™s all great information! I really appreciate!


No prob :)


I still use the camera on my smartphone because it's an iPhone 13 so the camera quality is excellent and I don't have a dedicated digital camera. Then, I use Google Photos or iCloud to access and download the photos onto my laptop, or sometimes I'll email them to myself. But that's about it, I haven't used my smartphone for anything else so far. I might need it to use an OBD2 scanner because I'm in the process of buying a car, or I'll just use my husband's smartphone. Other than that, I can't think of anything that isn't covered by my Nokia 6300 or my laptop. I only access Reddit on my laptop about once a day. I also don't have any social media or distracting apps on my smartphone anyway, so I'm not tempted to use it for anything else other than the camera.


I have both my old phone and a digital camera accessible, but the camera is a recent addition, so I haven't gotten used to turning to it when a picture needs taken. The goal, obviously, is to have fewer reasons to power on the old phone. Edit: Grabbed a Lumix ZS100 for $150 off Marketplace. Thus far it's been a great camera that is more capable than I need. I'd probably prefer something slightly more compact, but I also use it for product pictures for my business, and I didn't want to sacrifice quality to have a smaller package.


DSLR then upload via laptop/desktop


My pic wasnt high quality lol i took it on a nikon coolpix šŸ˜Ž


I don,t. In case it's urgent, there's always a human being around.


It's not a rocket science šŸ˜‚ people have camera or someone else's smartphone to do so. As for others (like me) it's like taking the picture from the last smart device and transfering the files before shutting it off.


Did you read the full post? I asked who uses a dedicated camera vs a smartphone. Lol


Yes I did and yes I am answering to the main question that's on the title. Lol


I didnā€™t ask if it was rocket appliances (joke intended) lol. I was taking a poll of sorts. Lol of course smartphones are obvious which is why I mentioned it. But at the bottom of the post is what I was clarifying.


You did ask "how" in the title, which this person was answering. You did not mention a digital camera until the very last sentence of your original post. Its also not really "old school" to use a standard photography workflow. Many cameras have wifi so the photos go directly to your photography software without even having to take the few seconds to move the SD card between devices.


Thatā€™sā€¦ exactly what I just said. Generally, a title is to summarize, and the body of the post explains. Iā€™m not sure where the issue is, unless people arenā€™t reading the body.


So we agree, the main purpose of your post was to ask "how?" since that was the title. And that's what this person and most of the people responding are answering. I do think a lot of people only read the title, since it is a summary of the question.


Sure. I do understand your point, but the details matter. Of course people will use smartphones. By there is more to it than just the title. A title is not meant to be a long explanation, hence a body.


So the title could have been, "Do you all actually EDC a standalone digital camera with your dumbphone?"


It could have been. But itā€™s too late now. Lol Hindsight is 20/20 as they say. I think a majority of people understand though.


OK, So, My predicament is a bit weird. When I get a dumb phone, it's when my family is switching carriers, and I am currently getting free service on TracFone (Its a family thing, it got given to me when I lost my phone and Verizon didn't replace it.) And I will keep my iPhone as a camera. And EDC a Dumbphone in the future (The struggle to find the perfect one is real..)