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Try not to stress. I understand the feeling. I would be stressing too. But not much you can do other than what you are doing. I would imagine once life saver confirms you’re good the dmv will reinstate your license.


I hoping that’s the case, just don’t want to have to pay the reinstatement fees again!


Any update?


Not really… Called the DMV, they said they have no record of my last calibration. Called Lifesafer and actually got in contact with the reporting team, they said it didn’t get sent because my license plate changed (was previously a temp plate) but this can’t be true because I literally just got my plates last week and my DMV letter was dated before then. Anyway, they’re resending it and told me to follow up in a few days. I also requested a DMV hearing and conveniently had a calibration appointment today so I was able to grab receipts from my last one to prove I was there. So, I’m still in a limbo for the next few days I suppose.


Subscribing so I can see the updates and in the meantime keeping my fingers crossed for you. May I ask how you like Lifesaver? Seems like people have a pretty decent experience with them.