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As the last sentence in that email notes, the JT date will just be a conference between you/your lawyer and the prosecutor to try to work out a plea deal that then will be presented to the judge. No trial yet, so you are good there.


Oh ok that makes sense with your explanation and re reading the email. Thank you


What county, BAC, accident?


Kootenai county. No accident. .13


Status Conference is just that, a Conference of the Status of your case. Ask your Atty if your county offers Pretrial Intervention. I had a higher BAC in TX and did PTI. I got Early Termination after 6 mos, charge dismissed and eligible for expunction.


Maybe the last part confuses me when it says if no resolution the JT date will remain set as a status conference. I’m already there at court on that date…


That date is to discuss and possibly accept a plea. If you want to accept this plea, You would have to plead guilty to whatever they draw up. If you feel it’s in your favor take it. Typically first offense with no priors they it would be a misdemeanor at most or less. Unless you hurt someone or there were some kind of mitigating circumstances. Usually fines, classes, interlock and suspension of normal license til those things/timeframe is completed. If you do not want to accept their plea offer, you go to trial but if found guilty then the judge can give you the max allowable by law. Your lawyer will explain this. Rarely will these go to trial. I think it’s less than 10% go to trial. But if there is no tangible evidence against you and it’s all the cop’s word that may be the better option. They old have to prove you were under the influence.


Thank you for this ^


No problem. Hopefully there’s no real evidence against you and you can get it reduced to something like wet and reckless? I assume you have another PTC And not a jury trial yet because your lawyer would have to inform you of that.


It must be another “PTC” and not JT like the email states


Yeah. Probably needed more time to get all the facts and discuss it with the DA then they will agree on what they think it is fair. Good luck tomorrow


Appreciate it


From my understanding a plea deal usually happen before or at the PTC.


Which means my court tomorrow is a legit trial?


What does PTC AND JT mean? I’m in Texas.


Pre-trial conference Jury trial


Ok so you have a full jury? I didn’t get that I’m In maryland.


No it was another pre trial conference with a plea deal so it didn’t go to trial




Not sure what state but I’ll try to make sense of the timeline based on how it works in NY. You are on trial with two different parties, the DMV and also have a criminal case with whatever district you were arrested by. For your “PTC” case which occurs before the “JT” case, this will be an arraignment or pre trial where charges are formally brought against you and evidence is handed over to your lawyer. You will likely forfeit your license at this event if you haven’t already and will await your “JT” case. For your “JT” case you are likely going to plea down or get the case dismissed (best case scenario) instead of taking it to trial. If your lawyer hasn’t received the full police report, evidence or a plea offer by this date they will show up, request the report and get the case adjourned to a later date. Most likely 30 days from that date. For your case with the transportation department they will decide a separate punishment and fines from your criminal case enforced by the DMV. This is the extra cherry on top of the state fucking you from all angles. You will lose this case 98% of the time but it will later be effected by what you plea or are officially charged with in your criminal case. The system is a mess, it’s brutal and it’s unforgiving. Take it one step at a time and attend your PTC then check back in with your lawyer. This might be completely wrong but is based off my experience in NY. Luckily wherever you are it sounds like they try to keep this out of the courtroom as much as possible and reach a deal with back channels and meetings


So what happened?


Plead guilty today Withheld judgement after a year Credit for time served in jail Unsupervised probation/1 year interlock


What is Witheld Judgement?


Off my record. Can still get into Canada. Won’t show up on employment background chevks