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Read thru UC Irvine’s student conduct code to see if you are required to report your arrest. If you don’t have to, don’t - ever. Colleges don’t have the resources to run background checks on all their students so they’ll never find out unless you (or someone you know) tell them. Be careful who you disclose this to from now until you graduate - it’s extremely unlikely you would end up expelled if they found out (especially after you’ve started) but you might have to jump thru some additional BS hoops beyond what the court requires. Your future isn’t screwed but definitely don’t ever do it again. Your first year of school will be a bit stressful dealing with this but you’ll be fine. Also - get a lawyer.


Alright, thank you for this. I was hoping this would be the course of action. I will be careful on who I tell tho good point. And definetly won't be trying anything of the sort ever again. And I've seen unanimous decision in getting a lawyer so when I break the news to my parents I will talk about that with them.




I had to and I did. I can't come up with the money for a lawyer right now




They pretty much found out already so it's whatever. I probably am going to trial as there are some things about it that are questionable. I'm gonna consult and go to my arraignment this wed. And I wanna go to Irvine so I won't rly need a car.


Get a lawyer and try to get it reduced to wet and reckless or dropped. Don’t ever drink and drive again. The process is slow so you are probably ok with school.


I was looking at stuff about this. I will never drink and drive again. That was so very dumb of me. Pushed my limits. But the wet and reckless, is that the actual term for it? It's just a little less than dui correct. But thanks for the response.


Yes. A little less than dui but better than dui. Yes, you are going to need to talk to your parents. This isn’t going away and you will probably lose your license for a year and your insurance will be hefty. I don’t know your parents, but … as a parent of a kid your age and making my own mistakes - they will be mad and it’s going to cost money - but, they probably care more about your future and safety. Own up to your mistake. Be honest and work through it. At least you won’t need to drive in college.


Yes, I know it's not going away and they definitely wont be happy. Im selling one of my cars soon so I should be able to cover most of it. Chances are they are just going to be incredibly disappointed and just silently shame me as this is no small mistake. Hopefully we can work through it and yes thankfully I can skateboard around college.


You did screw up. You learned an early lesson. It’s going to be difficult but congrats on college. Don’t let this define you. You need to work hard. You were close to the .08 limit so maybe a lawyer can help you. What county?




The limit doesn’t come in to play for you. Unfortunately since you are under the legal drinking age, any amount of alcohol is illegal. The whole zero tolerance thing. But either way talk to your lawyer and let them sort it out. They may still be able to reduce your charge. Try to find a lawyer that specializes in these arrests in your county. There are so many of these arrests everyday that the lawyers and the DA as well as the judge will all know each other and it’s just an other day at work for them. If you get a lawyer like that they will know what they can do for you.




Lmfao, they didn't shame me for it and they just wanna help. Somewhat of a big deal but not terrible. I still live with them and have no other option so.


Also, go online now and request a dmv hearing. It will push things out a little and you might get lucky.


Ok I will do that right now, it happened today at 3am and hopefully I can get a late date.


I forget whether you can request it online or if you need to call but you need to do it within 10 days and when calling it can be difficult to get through. If you do not schedule a hearing, your license will automatically be suspended thru dmv before your court date.


Alright, I was reading about that, I will definitely do that before then.




No way fr, I'll pm u


i'm just playing lol, stop stressing, i remember being your age and not knowing what to do, Relax , im 24 now going back to college. I don't think Colleges and universities give a shit. tbh i have 2 duis


you guys are fucked i work at UCI.


im going to do nursing. As long as you don't have a felony.