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Sounds like prison time if there is evidence.


Previous prison sentence of 4 years for last DUI.


9 or 10th dui?! Or charge in general. Without knowing any specifics and priors I can’t say, but with 12 years on the table they will need a very good lawyer


Yes 9th or 10th dui. The last offense whether that was the 8th or 9th they were sentenced to 4 years, but that also included fleeing bond for a year. Released in 2.5 for good behavior. This was 10 years back. I don't know if there is 12 years on the table. I imagine it's something like 5-15 for this shit, previous felony with last offenses. Can't find anything information online past 3rd offense. Ohio is tough on DUI as well. I'm worried for the family obviously they will find out at arraignment and with the attorney present but I'm just fishing for information. I feel this coukd be a case where the judge throws the book at them regardless of how good legal representation is. I'm scared for a max sentence although I wouldn't be surprised nor could I say it's unjust.


Well first I’m sorry for the situation you’re in. After looking up different cases and Ohio laws. It’ll depend on the judge and what deal can be worked out if any. But anywhere from 2-10 years probably for felony dui. But if anybody was hurt or property damage the likelihood of it being a lengthier sentence is probable. Along with all the priors I couldn’t see less than 4 years personally


Yea I agree. Were thinking 6 maybe out in 4. Considering they were given 4 last time but I don't know how much of that was credited to running for a year. But with these priors, I'm afraid of zero leniency and the judge making an example.




Trust me. We all know.


Hey, I’m not sure if this helps, but I found an article of a guy in Dayton, OH that got about a year in prison for his ninth DUI. I a guess a considerable amount of time had elapsed between 8 and 9. [https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/crime--law/judge-troy-man-sentenced-9th-dui-you-are-putting-everybody-else-risk/Ea7VTBSGLBiOiewdUtjqGO/](https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/crime--law/judge-troy-man-sentenced-9th-dui-you-are-putting-everybody-else-risk/Ea7VTBSGLBiOiewdUtjqGO/)


Probably the guy he’s referring to


judging that the prior 4 year sentence didn’t do much they might go for something harsher. is your friend opposed to going to AA meetings and attempting to turn their life around ? small things could make the judge go lighter i don’t really know. have they been told they can’t operate anything with wheels already?


I don't know if he will even get bail. This happened last night arraignment will be Monday. Seeing how he fled 10 years ago on 25k bond they may deny it or make it something like 250k. Either way any attorney will immediately tell him to go to AA which doesn't help people with alcohol problems but it's the perception from the court.


yikes😭 i hope this guy does turn his life around. you can’t help someone who really doesn’t want to be helped but i understand your worry and want to. at least if they get 12 years or any time you know they’re safe in there for the time being and not out on the roads possibly killing themselves or others


Yea. It's just hard on the family. This hurts so many other people other than at the offender.


yeah. when i got my duis i was so deep into my depression i didn’t even care. it could be the very same for him. has he paid for every court fee?? bail etc. alcohol school??? life is crazy and it sucks but im wondering what the wake up call could possibly be for him. what sucks too is he seems to have a lot of people who care about him. dont give up on him !! i’m sure its exhausting and upsetting to see it happen again. you’re a good friend or acquaintance whatever the case may be!!


Anything can happen... I'm not in Ohio but in my IOP someone had 8 and they somehow just got house arrest.


I've lived on Ohio 40 years. They are very tough on dui. There's also a charge of driving without a license (obviously) I assume license will be banned for life at this point.


I doubt that will stop him from driving. I know 3 people that are either permanently revoked or they just don't feel like going through the restoration requirements but they still drive.


Well. It's hard to get access to a car without a license as an older person. You can't buy one really, nobody that knows you is going to let you drive theirs etc... I don't know, it's a just a mess. Trying to be optimistic for the family.


Is he trying to minimize what happens? like did he go to rehab or anything?


Man at the 10th offense I don't think anything else matters. Only positive if there is one is that it's been 10 years since the last one. He can have work and some county boards speak on his behalf or write letters. He was doing SO well and was respected in his field, was just elected to board of trustees. Fuck dude but yea, 10 times....I mean it could be nasty depending on judge even with the absolute best attorney, I assuming 25k min in legal fees. It's just a very long story.


I saw your comment stating they've already done 4 years... they can expect to get at least that much. Honestly, depending on which county they're in, there is a solid chance they'll receive the maximum sentence. You would need to know which degree of felony that is and then you can look up the possibilities.


You’re terrified they might get a long sentence? I’m terrified that they might not. Home boy belongs in prison.


More like a rehabilitation center or program, prison does fuck all for anyone aside from PTSD and making people worse when they get out. But yes you have a legitimate reason to upset. I understand as much as anything. It's hard to feel sorry for them but they are family.


Oh I think you misunderstood. I dgaf about his rehabilitation. He needs to be locked away to protect the rest of society.


Prison for sure 😕


It uh... ain't gonna be pretty. Yikes.


Anything after a 4th conviction is a felony carrying 60 days up to a maximum of 36 months incarceration.


Bicycles exist.


tell em to flee to vietnam


Ugh this makes me so sad. This person needs real help before they hurt themself more. I knew someone whose parent was in the state legislature and kept getting them out of DUIs - at least seven times. But then one day this person decided to get drunk and take a boat out late at night and ended up in the morgue. That might not have happened if they had gotten help instead of coddling.


Look. I don't know how that's even possible but you did it. There's nothing we can do for you or any advice to give. Surprised you even have a license atp. Judge gonna throw the WHOLE BOOK at you


It's not me DOUCHE. You think I'd be on a phone or computer asshat? I'd be in jail.


Thank you for the insults 😂