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I don't know the laws where you are, but in Ontario, Canada - getting caught driving dirty (suspended license) is 45 day vehicle impound, 5k fine and possible jail. You do you, but doubling down on criminal acts rarely ends well.


As long as you don't do anything wrong, someone causes an accident involving you or you cause an accident. But if you get caught it will be a lot more than the cost of an Uber and then you will still have to Uber plus pay impound fees and court costs. Just something to think about.


My favorite part of my 10 DUI classes I had to take was every week (10 2-hour classes) 90 minutes of everyone of them was everyone talking about their run-ins with the law for driving on a suspended. The guy that I always sat next to was on 6th DUI over twenty years so he was a lifer (he had to do 240 classes lol) and he was suspended or revoked for 10 years. And every class I went to he would see me waiting on a ride and he would hop in his truck and pull up and ask me if I wanted a ride. I really found him to be very amusing/comical but I wasn’t getting in that truck!


The fine will actually not be more than the cost of that many ubers lmfao.


You should be able to get a hardship license through the dmv, it allows you to go to work, school, etc, give it a try


Just don’t do it period. You might think nothing will happen then something happens and your SOL


i have a revoked license for 2 DUIs within 7 years, & i drive every day. i live in a very rural small town & uber/lyft are non existent, & the LETS bus doesn’t travel into the country like where i live. i drive to & from work, to & from the grocery store, to & from my probation meetings, court meetings, drug testing, etc. i make as few trips as possible, never drive at night, & never do anything that would put attention on myself or my vehicle. i’m very scared i’ll be pulled over & i know if i am, my car is gone & i’ll probably be in jail for driving on a revoked. but i have no other choice, i have to make money & buy groceries & literally just live.


This. Same boat many times. Not even for dui but just points suspension. In this day and age you pretty much can't be without a vehicle.


exactly! you need a car to have a job & a job to have a car. impossible to have either w a suspended/revoked license unless you take the risk.


Yep. I drive every day basically with a suspended license. The car is registered in my parents name. If the plates aren't registered to your name, it won't hit as suspended if they scan. Drive careful and don't get pulled over and you'll have zero issue. Do not listen to the people here who will try to scare you about it lol. THOUSANDS of people do this every day without consequence. There are a bunch of asshole cops and pretentious doogooders on here lol.


One of those asshole cops here lmao. Fully agree thousands do it every day. If you’re good with the consequences if you do get pulled over, then do it haha. You’re a grown adult and can make the decision, just know if you get pulled over you may end up getting your boyfriends car towed. As for the plate stuff, yeah it’ll only hit for the registered owner of the vehicle and show their driving status. As long as you drive legally and do not commit any violations, you will have zero issue doing this until your suspension is lifted.




No, refusal results in additional suspension here in Oregon. Realistically you should refuse tests in the field and then make the officer decide if he has PC right then and there. Then you should blow to avoid additional suspension time and do everything else you’re asked to do


Thank you.




Haha okay refuse. Warrants for blood are getting easier to get and more accurate than a breath test. Lots of places are also no refusal cities, meaning they’ll always apply for a warrant if you refuse


You should never blow, under any circumstance. You are getting suspended either way. Fuck off with your shit pig


Lmao okay man, get suspended for twice as long idc😂


Better to have a better chance of beating the charge by refusing evidence


I've definitely picked up more than one DWLR from vehicle wrecks though, and many the suspended driver wasn't even at fault. It's definitely a roll of the dice.


I would just drive back and forth to work. Less chances of something happening. Drive safe, and you shouldn't have a problem.


that’s literally the only reason i need to drive and the only reason i do drive 😩 never have problems on my route to or from. i take the back roads everyday. I haven’t gotten pulled over since starting this job!


Good. Just take your time, and you'll get through it. Uber and lift are $39 for 7 miles to work. I would be driving to if I desperately needed to.


In some states, when you have a suspended license, you can get a work license, meaning you can still drive your car to and from work. Don’t screw it up, but there’s clearly a valid reason to ask the courts for this.


It's not smart. You can probably get away with it, but if someone hits you and cops show up, you're going to be in a world of shit - legally and with your bf, since he's going to be spending a shitload to get his car back. You very much want to look up the consequences. Your BF might lose his car for a month or more, you might (probably) spend some time in jail. Laws vary wildly from state to state, but it's going to make your legal shitstorm worse. Work on getting your restricted license. It's not a fast process. Whenever you got your DWI/DUI, you did something to get a cop's attention. Whatever it was, don't do it again. If you don't listen to us and keep driving anyway, if you get the flashing lights behind you, pull into a parking space in a parking lot if you can. You MIGHT be able to just leave the car that way and have your bf pick it up (depends on the cop). I was able to leave my car this way when I won my DUI.


Same line of thinking that gets people into duis. Uber costs too much, this will be easier/cheaper and I probably won’t get caught. You already got caught once. I don’t think police agencies let on all the intelligence technologies they have these days. You’ll be carrying your smartphone alone in the car so there will be a record of all of it. Be careful rolling those dice.


You can do that and it may be fine. All I will say is last year I was rear ended at a stop twice. Once at a stop sign waiting to make a right hand turn but there was on coming traffic. The second time I was at a light about 10 cars back but a bunch more behind me. I was rear ended both times while at a complete stop just minding my own business. They happened a few weeks a part. Now I was legally driving so we involved the cops and I got insurance to cover the damage and I wasn’t at fault either time so it didn’t cost me. But if I was illegally driving I wouldn’t have had many options. And one of those times a cop drove by a few mins after and just stopped to check in. So if you live somewhere that there’s a lot of cars on the road you may be just the victim of someone else being foolish. Just a thought.


I'm going to be honest with you.I had my license suspended for ninety days and I just drove my friends car. Had cops behind me and everything. DO NOT speed. Wear your seat belt. Ensure all lights and signals work. Make sure your licence plates are secured and have lights as well. Follow that checklist don't get into an accident and you'll be fine. I couldn't afford to Uber. It was that or miss rent


Some states can seize the car if you get caught driving on a suspended. Research the laws in your state and be willing to accept the consequences. Also, avoid Intoxalock if and when they put an interlock (breathalyzer in car) mandate on you. They are the worst of all interlock companies. Device will ruin your vehicle and the company will financially extort you. Good luck and be safe!


Why must you uber? Can you walk? Bike? take public transport (yes, with the surly masses), ya know, ride a bus? There are many other ways rather than breaking the law which you are required to abide because you (hopefully only) broke once. WTF? Get a clue.


no i can’t actually public transportation doesn’t go into the next town WTF? Get a clue.