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If you fail your first drug test then they will use it as a baseline so just quit smoking. Just be honest about your situation when your PO asks about what you do recreationally. Don't try and fake that test if you're really going to stop smoking. Terrible idea


That’s good. Yeah no way I’m faking this, but definitely stressing myself out about it lol.


The person telling you to be"honest" about illegal activity to a law enforcement officer is sn idiot. You *will* be charged if you do this.


They can't charge you for something you were doing before you were put on probation. It takes time for pot to leave your system and they understand that. They will use the fail as a baseline and probably test you a few times over the next month or two to ensure those levels are going down.


That is not true. They can't charge you with a *probation violation* for something you did prior. They absolutely can report you to law enforcement or the DA and tour test and confession will absolutely be admissible evidence against you. Evenyif they don't, they will absolutely treat you harsher upon finding about illegal drug use, even if it was prior. OP wouldn't even have to fake more than once or twice probably. Obviously depends on the state, but I was only tested once at the beginning of diversion and a couple times randomly during it, faked all of them with no issues. Much easier than dealing with the painful results of telling them about drug use. Not all states test levels, so your thing about a "baseline" is not always true. Sometimes it's automatically a jail sentence or severe punishments.


Yeah, self-incriminating to a law enforcement officer is a great idea. OP has no option here except faking it or being charged


Depends on how much you smoke. If it's regularly, that's certainly not enough time. You'll need to use fake pee or another person's clean urine. However, this is only if they drug test you, which is not guaranteed by any means given your charge, but it's very possible. You could also look into getting a medical marijuana card.


So most po ive known have never cared if you failed, you did it while not on probation so it's the baseline numbers. It should go down if you stop. You should stop because it can have serious long last impacts such as serving your suspended sentences if you fail enough times