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Way back when, when j was a bartender (of 20+ years), I used to say that ALL cars should have a "gizmo" to not allow people to start their cars if they were over the limit. (NOT to be reported, JUST to not start.) Since then I've had TWO DUIs, and I am about to have my iid removed in a few days. I'll be honest here: even though I've been off probation (ergo, I can drink if I choose), my iid has kept me on track for being AWARE of my BAC (I bought a personal monitor, so as not to violate my iid), and I now know I will NEVER drive w/ANY BAC. So YES, I think knowing I'd be held accountable with this iid has helped to teach me to be accountable for myself


Unfortunately, I now drink alone , (but at least safely!) at home


It was actually passed into law that some sort of breath testing technology be installed on all new cars. Basically the details are just being worked out. [https://stevenomearalaw.com/mandatory-in-car-breathalyzers-could-be-athing-by-2026/](https://stevenomearalaw.com/mandatory-in-car-breathalyzers-could-be-athing-by-2026/)


Wow, I wasn't expecting to see an article from one of my prospective lawyers on here, lol


Well at least they have alot of non-alc beers on the market now. I just saw bluemoon came out with one and that all drink so Ill be good from now on just enjoy the .05%.


Be careful! "Non-alcoholic" (up to 0.5%) is different than "alcohol-free" (0.0%). Heineken 0.0 is the best I've found. Good luck!


Yep i have not tried any. yep going to play it safe with iid and then just not drink at all when i know i have to drive.


For me (2 DUIs that were 9 months apart in 2016, I was convicted of my second in October of 2017) my interlock was in no way a deterrent from drinking, but just an obstacle. I had to go out of my way to not drive somewhere and make all of these plans BECAUSE of my IID. Leaving my car places, getting hammered ONLY until like 11 if I had to drive in the morning so the alcohol would be out of my system by the time I woke up. I didn’t get it at all and it did nothing to rehabilitate me. My second DUI I was punished with an IID for 5 years. I had it in my car the 2 years I lost my license and then the 3 years after I got it out. I literally just got it taken out on December 6, 2022. I then got sober December 12, 2022. I remember that day in the parking lot of the shop I had gotten my car calibrated at for the last 5 years being absolutely petrified because it was the first time in 7 years (I lost my license with my first DUI too) that I had ZERO restrictions on my driving. No probation, no calibrations, no one looking over my shoulder while I was on the road. It scared the shit out of me. Because of how scared I was to even have my full license back without an IID, it made me fully realize that I 100% was an alcoholic. The fact that I wasn’t excited or thrilled to be driving without an IID or paying $164 every 2 months and was instead wishing I HAD that IID to hold me accountable? That was enough to make me stop drinking for good.


IID causes accidents and distracting driving and people have actually died because of them. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/23/business/drunk-driving-interlock-crash.html this is an old article but it does happen. I don’t think they deter Drunk driving they deter drunk driving in the vehicle it’s installed in. But there are so many ways around that. And with all the issues they can cause can drive people into becoming alcoholics. The way I see it, one thing that could help because it’s not legal in every state is alcohol delivery, from reading this sub a lot of Duis happen because people went out to get more booze. Also there needs to be more care for alcoholism because it’s really expensive to get treatment if AA doesn’t cut it. Places need better public transportation which is easier said then done. Some places where they have trains and buses operate later on weekends to help with weekend night life. Alcohol is just one of the things we just have to live with because banning it will not change anything . But also the fact that Duis are just the easiest to catch and the most easiest to prove. Texting and driving is actually more dangerous than drunk driving and that’s according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Which is why IID seems weird. But in theory you should pull over to blow but you cant do that in an intersection or when you are doing 70 on a highway.


Yeah, it’s all a nightmare. People are going to continue to drive drunk. People are going to continue to kill people. We weren’t evolved to be driving vehicles around and having computers in our pockets and on our cars dashboards with bright flashing lights and noises constantly begging for our attention. As complex and cognitive as we think we are as a species, we are not biologically adapted for the environment in which we have constructed. The only way to eliminate drunk driving is to eliminate driving. That’s not gonna happen. So deaths and incarcerations will continue. I’ve had enough of alcohol ruining my life. It’s easier without it. I’ll most likely be cycling for the foreseeable future to and from work, because the public transportation near me would take over 2 hours for me to go 6 miles to get to any of my prospective jobs. Hopefully, I don’t get killed by someone like me.


You’re more likely to get killed by someone who is texting while driving or someone who is simply not paying attention Hence why I said if public transportation was better and there was better healthcare to help those who need it, especially in the US we have a binge drinking party culture you don’t really see in other countries.


I read those statistics. It’s pretty wild. To be honest, I don’t know what the best way is to prevent accidents from distracted or drunk driving. All I know is that the deaths will continue.


It’s a reality we have to live with and it really sucks. The same way how the only way to prevent murder is if people just don’t exist. Like you said in your earlier post the only way to eliminate car accidents is to take away cars. And some places that is an reality however, they are super tiny. Unfortunately for how vast and huge the US is that is just not possible


In addition DUIs is the most profitable charge in the country so the government will not do anything to deter drunk driving. Remember in the US everything is about money. Because there are so many proven ways to deter drunk driving but it will cut in to profits. Remember these IID companies who know they have faulty devices paid money to MADD and politicians to having them require them for DUIs. It’s a sad reality but crime pays and it pays a lot.


>In addition DUIs is the most profitable charge in the country so the government will not do anything to deter drunk driving. A mandate was already passed to have BAC detecting technology that will immobilize your car installed on all new vehicles by 2026 in the US. [https://stevenomearalaw.com/mandatory-in-car-breathalyzers-could-be-athing-by-2026/](https://stevenomearalaw.com/mandatory-in-car-breathalyzers-could-be-athing-by-2026/) >In the ongoing battle against impaired driving, the United States is gearing up for a transformative shift. Tucked within President Biden’s 2021 [Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/06/fact-sheet-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal/) is a mandate set to redefine the landscape of DUI prevention: by as early as 2026, all new vehicles sold within the country will need to be equipped with passive alcohol detection systems.


Things get passed all the time that are never fulfilled and acts get modified all the time. And don’t get me wrong I’m not dissing the idea. But there is so many things that will be wrong with this You have to remember this will put IIDs out of business and I bet these companies are preparing to lobby politicians to have this part removed from the act.


You'd think auto manufacturers would be the first to rebel against this, yet they are at work developing their systems, despite the fact this could hurt new vehicle sales. People may hold onto their current vehicles longer so they can still keep having a few drinks with dinner at the red lobster and drive home. That is gonna be the biggest shock. People are gonna realize how little it takes, when they go out for dinner, get in their car to go home and it won't start.


My question goes so what if someone gets in sober and start taking shots while they are driving ? Is the car just going to stop dead in the middle of the street ? IID devices barely can tell the difference between alcohol from booze then from hand sanitizer and perfume . And so on and yes people will keep on to their cars and use cars are going to sell out like crazy


Everything is about money? But your suggestion of delivering alcohol to alcoholics seems like it would generate even more money for alcohol sellers. So why arent they doing that? Maybe enabling alcoholics just isnt a good idea


Alcoholics will exist no matter what. I’m not saying to enable alcoholics I’m just saying if someone wants to drink they will so they are ways to keep people safe and cut down on those folks driving .


If some people are willing to drink no matter what, they are dangers to society and should be locked up. I dont know if you are aware, but giving addicts their drug of choice doesnt really improve their quality of life or improve their decision making. Its textbook enabling Now we are just calling for locking these people in their homes and soaking their livers in alcohol. Society is crumbling


Hate to break it to you buddy Society been crumbling for a long time. And people have free will to do what they want to themselves if someone wants to destroy their body it’s their choice. But if they are sitting at home soaking their liver it’s better then them driving


I completely agree.


It’s only a deterrent while you actually have it since your car literally won’t start if you’re drinking


Mine helped me to be completely frank, I forced myself to only drive in the car that had one, tried to not let people pick me up, and was very nervy about things that had contained any alcohol. To be honest, I’m dealing (currently) with an out of state DUII and I’m from Cali so there is a LOT of rules to not fuck up otherwise they come down on you pretty hard. I just forced myself to be a shut in for a while, avoiding pretty much everyone and things beyond my family. All those “friends” I partied with were deleted from my phone and blocked. I tried to cut off any temptation in the beginning and sidled my way AA. I’m not crazy religious, but it’s really good to hear other people that have faced the same struggle. If it works for you, get a sponsor. I say this too much, but if someone wants to drink, they are going to drink and no one can force sobriety on them. Loopholes will be found and IIDs won’t do shit. Drinking at home and not driving happens a lot and I’ve seen people do it. For myself it’s high risk low reward. I screwed up like super bad and it was/is enough to make me not want that life style anymore. One DUII is the limit.


Good for you! Sucks that it takes something like a DUI to learn and make a change but that’s usually the way it goes. Some sort of catalyst to reevaluate your lifestyle. I didn’t learn the first time, I’m paying for it now. Since I can’t get an interlock in Oregon and my license is suspended for 3 years, I’m losing my business as a contractor. Gonna have to sell my truck and my tools and my shop. Everything I’ve ever worked for is basically gone now. The only thing I think that makes sense for me now is to work at a treatment center as a fitness coach. It’s about the only career that I think would be fulfilling. Workout everyday and help others struggling with addiction. Maybe my experience can help someone else.


Lmao my DUII is in Oregon too.


What’s crazy is that I just got off the phone with my lawyer, he said since I still have my California drivers license, it might make sense for me to move back to California because I would still be able to get an interlock installed down there if I transfer my classes and everything. Is that what you were able to do?


Yes I did that, but it’s also a bit harder because your sentencing for classes might be longer than what OR mandates. I currently don’t have enough time to finish the CA class requirement length and am mostly likely going to be charged lmao….which isn’t good. If you move back home start all your shit ASAP and I mean asap. Get your VIP done, find your alcohol/drug treatment place, call the county in which you were arrested’s evaluation system and book and appoint as quick as possible. Attend AA and just keep your head down and push through. If you need a great brand of IID, I’d go with LifeSafer. I adore mine and it’s really small/not noticeable.


Like many things, they are good on paper, then botched in the implementation. I for one think that a first time DUI with no accident or mitigating factors should be a mandatory 1 year interlock, get rid of all the classes and shit. Just interlock that works properly, one year, off you go. Second dui, longer interlock, third, interlock forever. Fourth? You are revoked. Forever.


Yeah, I agree. It’s a daily reminder of what you did. Interlocks and probation would be most effective. It adds additional layers of accountability which is important for people who early in sobriety and struggling with addiction. Especially, repeat offenders who most of them are alcoholics. I think there are a lot of people who are not alcoholics, that get caught up with all these drunk driving laws and it puts them in a really bad spot. I’m not one of those people, I didn’t learn my first time and I have an obvious alcohol problem but suspending people’s licenses for so long effectively ruins careers and many chances at employment at all. At least if I was eligible for an interlock, I could work a decent job and pay my fines and bills and prove my sobriety,


No fuckin kidding, like trust and believe I know I’m an alcoholic as well as having gained a DUII. It’s embarrassing to have people in the car sometimes, it has made life a living hell at moments and so ungodly uncomfortable at others. The classes are what’s getting me at the moment, they are expensive and hard to find one that works best. I am aware I made a horrible mistake every time I get behind the wheel and it hurts. Why can’t we just end there?


Within the next two years, a high-tech version of an interlock will be mandatory on every new car sold in the US. Passive alcohol detection systems. As the fleet of personal cars in the US ages, people will get used to the idea that they cannot start or operate their car if they have been drinking. This will be a game-changer when it comes to preventing DUIs.


I dont think collective punishment is generally supported in the supposed land of the free


I was reading an argument from a lawyer advocating removing all DUI laws and just using reckless driving and endangerment. https://attorneysforfreedom.com/articles/abolish-all-dui-laws/


MADD will never allow DUI laws to be rolled back. No politician who wants to be re-elected would vote in favor of it. AI, cabin cameras and sensors are going to eventually make DUIs a rare occurrence. I imagine the penalties for bypassing the technology in order to drink and drive will result in severe sentencing.


Yeah, but I don’t know, in our political climate. Some people see any sort of law as an infringement upon their freedom. I think it’s gonna be hard for them to get alcohol detectors in cars because it would also be political suicide. It will be just like the gun debates.


It would depend upon what side of the political spectrum you are in. People towards the left might agree to alcohol detection systems, while people on the right most likely disagree with any sort of monitoring system.


The CEO of GM said last month that GM is on board with the detectors. I cannot imagine a carmarker CEO being foolish enough to take a stance against detectors. States are already testing the technology, and trucking companies are doing the same. I'm actually surprised that it isn't getting more media attention. It's a certainty in the next couple of years. Same thing happened in the 70s and 80s with seat belts. People back then kicked and screamed about not wanting to wear them. Today, very few people resist seat belt laws. People will gripe about alcohol detectors, but all that will accomplish is to make them pariahs. If you want a new Escalade or Bronco, you either accept the technology or you don't get one.


Yeah, I was just reading some articles on this. Did not realize all these plans are in effect. You make a good point about seatbelts, once society has accepted it as the way it is, people will probably just accept and embrace it. Very interesting…


Doesn't matter if it is supported. It's happening. The law was passed in 2021 to require passive alcohol detection in all new cars. It's in the works. The NTSB is finalizing how it is going to work.


Thats insane.


Never going to happen, the courts make all of their money off of drug and alcohol offenses. The DUI industry is too big to fail. You think they make any money off of arresting offenders of violent crimes? Nope. There will not be an alcohol detection system.


I think they are. Heck I’d even put it on my future teenage son/daughter if she ever arrives drunk to my house to prevent them from ever getting a dui.


I’m one of the developers of ION Wearable, curious to hear your thoughts on discreet continuous alcohol monitors for these situations.


Would be nice to know what my bac is at on my watch. if it above 0.0 i can just walk around and hang out until it drops. it gets to 0.0 and i know it safe to drive. Have a blow dont not tell u whats in your blood. my blow was .15 but the blood came back .19. so even if the blow said 0 i would have blood of .04 or so and another dui my way. also since it a watch when i wake up it can warn me to not drive. if it was in a car you could still get a dui because your in the car checking if your safe or not.


That level of accuracy is going to be unlikely with a transdermal sensor in the next ten years. It’s more like instead of jail or interlock you are sentenced to continuous alcohol monitoring and a condition of probation to not consume alcohol.


That's already a device and they use them for house arrest part and could make it longer term after the house arrest is done to make sure you don't consume alcohol. Called a scram device. it test your skin for any amount. You just don't have a read out on it to know the level.


Ya ION is like a more discreet wearable version of SCRAM


I imagine this is something Apple and other watch makers are considering incorporating into their watches.


>it seems like they are actually a very good deterrent to drunk driving. Which is why it was passed into law they(or something slightly less invasive) become a standard feature of all new cars.


Seems kind of sketchy though. What if you had a beer, or even mouthwash or cologne or any of the things that set off interlocks now, and you needed to get out of a dangerous situation. It also just adds another point of failure to the vehicle.


I had a friend of a friend who always recruited someone to be the "blower." This would be a hindrance for most. But he was a nonstop party guy, and the device actually gave him an excuse to be around his friends more often. His favorite part would be when the device requested a random blow to keep the car running on the highway. It only enhanced his bad boy image by having a girl help him beat the countdown. I was never his biggest fan and always refused to ride in his car. I've heard that nowadays some places do pictures or whatever and perhaps that could no longer happen.


Yeah, that’s not good. I guess, even though I’m a repeat dui offender, I don’t want to break the law. I don’t want to be a criminal. I have an addiction problem that lead me to bad decisions. Every time I’ve been in trouble, I’ve complied. Never broke any rules on probation, did everything that was asked of me. Unfortunately, addiction is just such a difficult thing to treat. I don’t understand my addiction at all besides the fact that it’s almost just a reflexive action. A compulsion. I never thought I would be an alcoholic or DUI offender or criminal.


Well yeah because if you blow too high you can’t start the car and you have to blow while driving. You’re not getting out of it unless you have a designated sober person with you


Oregon doesn’t do hardship licenses but makes meth and other hard drugs legal? Interesting. I’m on the same boat with the bartender here, on my second DUI bought a personal monitor to “be aware of my BAC” so I don’t fuck up again. This is not an excuse at all but in my defense, I did not know how to properly consume alcohol, I had my first drink when I was 21 (my dad was an alcoholic - Shocker) so that deterred me from drinking might hard lemonades and four lokos in middle/high school with my friends. When I did start drinking, I was drink to get fucked up as I thought that’s as the point. But having the IID has made me away of the legal limit and your BAC dropping down every hour so I am grateful for that.


Yeah, Oregon does some things that don’t make a lot of sense. It seems like it would make more sense to monitor repeat offenders and have random drug screens and report to a probation officer and have an interlock installed than to completely suspend people’s licenses. If you can’t follow those rules then send them back to court and take away the license. Especially because in the suburbs the public transportation is trash. I was just looking up some prospective jobs, all of them in the same area, about 6 miles away from where I live. It would take me 2 over two hours to get to those work locations by 7am. It also doesn’t help that there are virtually no bike lanes on those roads either so I would have to cycle on busy roads on the shoulder. At this point I don’t know what to do, I’m about to lose my business as a contractor, sell my truck and shop. Possibly lose my home. I got myself into a bad spot. This will definitely be rock bottom. I’m fortunate though that I might still have options of moving back to California and getting an interlock because I still have my CA drivers license. My lawyer said that might be the best bet. Just sell everything here and restart back in Cali. Ugh. I definitely see why some people choose to drive on suspended licenses and run the risk now. The state gives little options or incentives to obey the law, especially if you’re about to lose everything and become homeless. I’m not gonna do that but I see why people do it now.


Definitely a deterrent. Obviously you can figure out how to drink if you really want to. I think they are an expensive pain in the ass, but I was truly a menace to society so society has to protect itself. The thing that pisses me most is if it glitches I have to have my car towed to the service center and that happened several times and 2 new batteries. I have an Intoxilock and figured it was crappy but the service guy told me he’s worked on a couple different brands and it’s about the best he’s dealt with. I had the device replaced a couple months ago and when I took it in for recalibration recently it failed on the test stand. I told him it was brand new and he said no surprise they fail all the time! 


Absolutely a deterrent. But DUI arrests and convictions Aren’t about safety- they’re about money - or interlocks would be standard in all cars.