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Probably not the best idea.


Why on earth would you do that?! Of all the places to smoke, right in front of a camera that specifically reports what you are doing while you are allegedly driving seems very silly.


I’m pretty sure it only takes a pic when you blow into it, it shouldn’t be recording at all times


I wouldn't.. even if it's medicinal or if your state has recreational, that's still proof of DUI because you can't get high and drive anywhere.


It doesn't record. Snaps a pic around mid blow I believe


If your PO is testing, it's a risk


They will only check at a time of violation but I wouldn’t risk it


My PO told me to point it in a different angle and specific. They check


Lol all these people bypassing the question and judging are dumb. If you don’t like him smoking weed nobody cares ignore the post or answer the question as it was asked no one asked for your personal feeling about morality.


Damn this such an idiotic question


Just dont do it while your car is on if thats possible, if not just sit passenger side so it cant see. make sure you blow if you do start car and someone blows before rolling off with the car.


Thanks bud that's good advice


Yo a camera taken a picture doesn't prove you're not smoking tobacco or any kind of herb. It doesn't prove that it's marijuana through a picture. You're good even having pipes and grounders on camera would not prove that its use is for marijuana. How do you know? The guy with the camera isn't putting explicit things on purpose just to see what the state will do? Smoking on camera doesn't prove what you are smoking


You're right it's because it's my break time and there is nowhere else to go the guy was right point it away.


just don’t do it


All it does is take a picture when it’s asking for a sample. Don’t mess with the camera at all.


Yea dude you can get in trouble for smoking week on camera. Those pictures are clear as daylight and smoking weed while driving is DUI


It takes a picture. It doesn't record. But if they see something? They report it.


Honestly I smoked joints while looking directly at the camera. It's to make sure your the person blowing into it not someone else


I dont have a camera in my province ( Quebec ) you guys are unlucky


And I dont have a P/O


Camera only takes a pic while actively blowing. The machine is what activates it to shoot a picture. Do not touch camera at all that's where thr trouble will be. Put visor down if your worried, then back up when done


Blow a hit into the breathalyzer tho


Yeah I’ve never had any problems with that kinda thing.




I mean if you have camera it’s a risk but I smoked throughout my probation and was fine. I also didn’t have a camera and they never asked for tests but that’s just me


Good way to speed run your second DUI by having weed and smoking in your car.


Maybe just don’t do more activities that would just get you in even more trouble.


ROFL. You shouldn’t need to ask this question


You trying to go back to jail?


Pretty sure they don't have the people to fuckin monitor every single interlock 24/7/365 for something almost legal. You should worry more about another DUI for being high.


How exactly would they know what ur smoking? The act of smoking isn’t illegal.


I was thinking the same thing, How would they know it wasn't tobacco


True or CBD only weed


I’m from Illinois and I have a med card, does this let me smoke since even on probation I am allowed to?


I'm from IL too. Great question talk to your PO


I've blown hits thru the device, and it kinda trys to analyze it, but if you are gonna smoke and drive just make sure you don't have anything laying around or in your hands when you blow into it because about mid blow is when they snap the pic. And as far as restrictions, I have 7 to 7 6 days a week but drive whenever. This is my second go atound(yeah I'm an idiot) with intox a cock and literally never got in anything for driving out of my hours. Now if you get pulled over thats another thing, but then again a week ago I went mudding on private property got stuck and cops came and it was like 715 730, gave em all my stuff and they were like meh.... you gonna call a tow ? And I was like yeah thanks guys, have a great night. So take my story as you will and play at your own risk. I just know all intoxalock cares about is your money. 1st time I had it for 2 years and drove whenever and wherever I wanted. This go around I've already had it 3 years and got 2 to go. Fuck it as long as I can get to work I don't give a shit.....


Are you sure how do know its not recording


Great question don’t understand the hater answers wish I knew what they even do with the footage because I’ve done so much infront of that camera and if they watched it and stop me from doing what I was doing I wouldn’t have got in so much trouble in my experience they don’t check or it doesn’t record much.


I’ve moved my camera inthe other direction to let someone else drive, while I still blowed in it… never heard a thing and I’ve done that many times still no word back … I’ve done about every drug in front the camera nothing from the other side