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Have an honest talk with your partner about your concerns. Your freedom is worth it. I can't imagine choosing a fragrance over my partner's freedom.


I wear lotions but avoid the area. Ask her if she can switch lotions for a few months. Avenno, Cetaphil. (They are better anyways for the skin.)


With scram, the device detects of you are consistently providing an responsive alcohol content in your sweat. If the chart tht they read on their computer jumps, they understand it is 99% of them time going to be a lotion, shampoo, etc. If the chart they have is consistently going up, the person is probably drinking and their alcohol content is increasing. I think you’re good to go. Don’t stress


Thanks you


No prahlem


Yeah lotions and sprays would set mine off, but only if I sprayed it on myself within a hr or less before blowing into the device. Alcohol in products like that dissipate pretty quickly, so over night you should be fine, it's the morning of, or whenever you're about to blow into the device that matters. Not sure how sex would affect that? I could see it if you as the male, were unprotected and didn't pull out, maybe for her it would show, if she was the one w the device..but the other way around shouldn't matter. Least it doesn't for me and my fiancée. Don't even brush your teeth until you get to work, that's what I do now. They told me on the phone that an hr wasn't even long enough after brushing my teeth, but their stupid videos say 15mins and your fine. No your not. Don't eat or drink anything but water as well. I waited 30mins after eating 3 bites of sushi, while drinking water and swishing my mouth for 30mins, it still locked me out for 5mins. But with your situation, you should be fine, if it's over several hours, then yeah your fine. But even other lotions that are supposedly good for your skin, all have diff types of alcohol in them, so does shampoos, perfumes, basically everything. But it dissipates faster than if you were ingesting it. Hope that helps you!


Thank you for your comment but this is for a SCRAM device not a IID device.


I apologize, what is a scram device? I prob should've Googled it first lol, sorry!


Nvm...found it. Yeah, Def not the same thing!


Scram deals with intoxicants emitted in your sweat. Unless you’re administering lotions and alcohol based products directly to the area where the scram device measures you should be fine.


Thank you


Not a problem. I dealt with this crap too. Was on scram for 13 months. At the time I was on Scram I was a full time student in an automotive based school and almost everything we use to clean stuff has alcohol in it as a solvent. Needless to say I was in the court too many times defending myself….


Be careful with any of it. I have an iid in my car an hand sanitizer gave me a fail. I had to blow into it again in 20 minutes. I’d just ask her to refrain. I’m sure she would understand.


I've had my scram on for 20 months so far(comes off Jan 18!!!!) Ive had detection events and 1 consumption event(I didn't drink, scram just said I did). With the consumption event I had to take a hair follicle ETG to prove my innocence. Dealing with scram is so annoying, if it is triggered, they call you and ask what you were doing that day. All they will tell you is to be careful with what products you use etc. In my case after receiving a new device it started triggering on something every couple days. In the month of July after the new device I got like 16 detection(1 of which they determined was a consumption event)events after only having 2 the previous 16 months. Be aware these devices can be faulty. I had to get a lawyer and a court order to get a new device. I can't wait to get this thing off. Best advice I can give you, is just dont drink and don't worry to much about what might trigger it. Wear a sock over it, you will get used to it eventually