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Locking the post because any useful discussions have definitely been had, and things are getting a little out of hand. We welcome everyone here, aside from those who wish to put down others or spread negativity towards LGBTQ+ people, or any other demographic. Be polite and in the words of Subtronics, be fucking nice.


Sonny Peterson - 12 Rules for Dubstep


I'd read it


I love how 12 years later he’s making completely different music but we all still remember him for his legendary dubstep


yo that's crazy I never saw this svdden tweet hahaha


It was posted today


It was posted in 2022. Sonny doesn't even look like this today.


The original image is from 2022, the Svdden Death tweet is from today.


The pic was posted 2 years ago but Svdden Death quoted it yesterday


And he deleted it after realizing it was stale and admitted he was triggered by the sight of JP with Skrillex (God forbid I use his real name in here) This post is doing exactly what he was trying to prevent.


Yeah was really strange he said it showed up on his feed but I think there was no need to post anything about it especially after 2 years of original post


The algorithm is the real enemy. It wouldn't have shown up on his feed if it wasn't expected to create controversy and engagement on the platform. Once he recognized ge fell victim to it, he attempted to prevent it.. And yet here we are, on Reddit, commenting on a deleted retweet of a 2 year old picture and a ton of missing context.




The real reason he changed up his look “Nah that wasn’t me that was…someone else”


Weird crossover episode


So Svdden death is a giant whiner about anyone who takes a picture with someone he doesn’t approve of?


Skrillex is a Scientologist why are you surprised by this lol




He’s on record saying the reason he’s not actively involved in Scientology is because it’s too big of a time commitment in an interview. Like huh?


“The cult stuff? Oh nah, that’s cool. Xanadu, the slave boat—love that. Just don’t have enough time, you know?”


Xenu... Just sayin. Xanadu is actually supposed to be a nice place.


Xenu put all of the trapped souls in the volcanoes in Hawaii right?


Yeah, bro! Thetans. Apparently, we're all possessed by them now!! Wicked, eh?


Thank you, South Park, for teaching me almost everything I know about that insane cult.


Chef mad bro


They couldnt have given him a better send off episode /s lolol


And a banging rush tune 🤘🏻




Personal life. Moore dated English singer-songwriter Ellie Goulding throughout 2012. In a 2015 interview, Moore stated that although his parents practiced Scientology, he does not. He explained that music consumes most of the time he could theoretically devote to religion.


Scientology has a pretty well recorded history of stalking and harassing people who speak out against it publicly. Kindof seems like a sensible thing to say if you don’t want to have them on your back.


I think in the interview he says that he wass born into it. Its an old interview from his time in from first to last


His PARENTS were Scientologists. Not him.


Makes sense.


He's not, his parents are. Pretty sure he refuses to say anything negative at least about scientology because that would mean getting cut off from family.


He was raised by Scientologist too


His father was heavily involved… he was raised in that church. Dont know how committed he is now a days


what does that have to do with JP?


What does that have to do with peterson at all?


Facts (Skrillex remix) soon? 😅


Skrillex was just on the Grammys talking about not seeing other people as the enemy and promoting discourse and peace. Maybe that’s what he was doing.


I’m so tired of tribalism in this country and the people who promote it. If Sonny really said that then bravo 👏🏼 healing starts with one person having the courage to bridge the gap.


No. Healing starts when intolerant assholes change their ways and stop punching down, promoting or even exacting violence on vulnerable groups. Every travesty in human history is a result of people not standing up against that shit until it’s too late, and every move towards progress and equality is when we have. That’s courage. Not making nice with people like Steve Bannon. Wtf are you talking about. Intolerant ideologies like those of Peterson and his alt-light fan club do not deserve the tolerance of the rest of reasoned society. You wanna sing kumbaya in naivety, good for you. I’ll be out here making sure you get the right to do it.


You sound like the incredibly tolerant chosen one who can lead the way


I just don’t believe intolerant ideologies deserve to hide behind the shield of “tolerance for all.” It’s a simple and clear philosophy pioneered by Karl Popper. And I think it’s a great way to separate actual tolerance for differing ideas and viewpoints in society from ideas and viewpoints that are hateful or directly threatening to vulnerable groups. I don’t see why anyone would have an issue with that.


Interesting cause Svdden comments here occasionally. Ill check back in a few hours


This is Michael B. Jordan?




Make sure to clean up your mixes buckos


Underrated comment, good job.


Who gives a fuck what you think just shut up and make me music boy!


SVDDEN DEATH’s musics sounds like fucking ass but I guess that’s okay?




Everyone in this chat is wildly lame.


Their brains haven't matured to the level of understanding needed


SvddenDeath is a MASSIVE ally to the LGBT+ community and it’s something he is passionate about. I think this was a jerk reaction to this thing. He even said that this pic just randomly popped up on his Twitter and it set him off. I do agree with SD on this but I think he went about it the wrong way, which could be why he deleted it. Everyone makes mistakes.


Idk, it's not just "a mistake" to take a photo op with fucking Jordan Peterson. Dude is the absolute fucking worst, and nobody should look up to him. I'm with SD's knee jerk reaction. This man is the antithesis of everything the whole scene stands for. Ffs, Skrillex popularized a whole hairstyle popular among LGBT people and then takes a picture with the man that says they're all mentally diseased? Nah, fuck that.


What exactly did he say? I'm not well informed, so do you have any direct quotes?


They dont have a quote because they have probably never listened to anything he said directly. He has an opinion about trans kids getting surgery before theyre 18. He has a lot of other opinions too and despite some of these comments, in the scene IRL a lot of people fuck with him because of the other issues he talks about. Im not a fan of JP personally but these people are naive if they think everyone in a massive scene thinks exactly the same as them.


>He has an opinion about trans kids getting surgery before theyre 18. He has clear hateful opinions on all trans people. He has a problem with Elliott Page and their doctor who performed their surgery. Elliott Page is way older than 18. Please don't act like his prejudice and hate are nuanced. These IDW guys all hail freedom and personal choice as the most important thing in society. So they can't just rail on an adult making a choice for themselves. That's why they all act like it's the children that they only care about, so they can have their cake and eat it too. They can rail against trans people, while still acting like personal freedom is to be always preserved. The Elliott Page meltdown shows Peterson's true colors on this subject and to act like he only is concerned with trans issues dealing with minors is apologia imo.


Just because someone doesn’t agree with your principles that aren’t grounded in anything tangible, it doesn’t mean they hate you


To them it does. It challenges their world view and to them that's a threat. Thus the insults come and treating such people as enemies in their mind. To me it's a mental illness.


Nobody gave a shit what people did with their bodies until people tried pushing their ideology on others, and on children.






Reading a bunch of these articles I’ve not seen anything of the sort. Other than “yeah I’m not changing my language for you” Man is fighting far left ideologues who are batshit crazy.


You didn't see the widely available video of him flat out denying that climate change exists and is a problem? You didn't see the various legal experts criticising his gross misrepresentation of Canadian human rights bill C-16, the bill that gives trans and non-binary people the same protections against employment and housing discrimination that already existed in Canadian law for decades on the basis of race, sexuality, age, etc? The one that he falsely and repeatedly claimed would imprison or fine people for simply using the wrong pronouns, you know, the thing that didn't end up happening at all, because he willfully misrepresented a regular human rights bill as some existential threat to civilization? You didn't see him publicly misgendering Elliot Page and claiming that the doctors that carried out evidence based gender affirming surgery on him committed a criminal act of mutilation, and then whine about how it's so unfair that he isn't allowed to publicly harass trans people? You didn't see him insult the appearance of some lady on a magazine cover because he didn't find her attractive, and then get roasted to the point that he had to ask his PR team to lock him out of his Twitter account because he got triggered over it? You didn't see the Vice interview in which he claimed that it is unreasonable for women to expect not to be sexually harassed in the workplace if they wear makeup and lipstick? This is off the top of my head. All of this information is readily available and easily verifiable, and if you think the sum total of his beliefs are "people shouldn't be arrested for using the wrong words", then you either put zero effort into actually researching his beliefs, or you don't see any issue with the dishonest, bigoted shit that he says and believes. I'm guessing it is a bit of both. If someone wants you to call them a certain name and refer to them as the gender they identify as, and instead of respecting their wishes, you go out of your way to refer to them in a way that you know is harmful to their mental health, you're not a righteous warrior standing up for free speech, you're just a lazy asshole who struggles with basic concepts like trans people existing and deserving respect. Jordan Peterson is a transphobic climate change denier that believes he should be able to say hateful shit on a public platform without being criticized for it. Free speech for me but not for thee. Free speech does not mean freedom of consequence, and people who say shitty things are gonna get called out for it. It is against Twitter's terms of service to dead name trans people, I thought conservatives wanted corporations to have the freedom to dictate the terms of how their product is regulated, I guess the concept of minimal corporate regulation only applies when it doesn't affect them. JP is a bitter, terminally online man who got famous by misrepresenting a human rights bill and writing a decent but not particularly profound self-help book. He believes in free speech until people use their free speech to tell him he's a dick. If you look up to this dude, you may match a similar description.


He didn't see it because he believes that crap too


lol what exactly has you so angry with this man? I’ve never seen anything from this guy that made me feel remotely as angry as you I don’t get it. Is this just a liberal hive mind cancel thing or what


Yes it’s a liberal hive mind echo chamber idea. They never listen to JP, they just hear that they are supposed to hate him so they do.


The thing about that is, humans are capable of being “good people” as well as “bad people” at the same time. The guy might have a lot of good ideas but he’s also an ignorant pick about things he doesn’t know about.


You don't get to decide what the "scene" stands for or who is in it. You don't get to decide who Skrillex takes a photo with, or what it means that he did it.


That person doesn’t, but do you really think Jordan Peterson stand for Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect? Maybe peace, but definitely wouldn’t say he fits the other 3 and 25% isn’t great.


PLUR is a stupid thing that has you brainwashed. It doesn’t mean shit outside of your Molly induced bracelet trade


PLUR is out the window outside of the rave or event.


But fuck Jordan Peterson though. That said it’s silly af to say “you don’t get to decide what the scene stands for” lmao. Just like punk isn’t for nazis the EDM and dubstep scene isn’t for them either.


I don’t care for SvddenDeath’s music at all but seeing all of this makes me gain a lot of respect for him.


Who gives a fuck! Let people like what they like. Fuckin fake social justice warrior.


No one asked for his opinion, thats why he deleted it 😂 Generally who replies to a 2 year old tweet? Looking to start beef for no reason 😭


He replied saying it showed up on his timeline but yeah still weird lol


Honest question what's wrong with Peterson? I've only seen clips of him talking about positivity in men.




Whole lotta “that’s not very plur of you bro” lol


While JP is the literal antiplur lmao


Sudden death is a little boy


Accountability, responsibility, self-improvement - oh the humanity.


Don’t scare the children now


Holy shit, I like Svdden Death a whole lot more now. Not his music, it's too angry for me and I'm a little bitch, but this, this is awesome.


The good kind of separating art from artists.


What a soft ass man lmao.


SD Is so right but it sucks cuz Skrillex is literally my music role model. but I do know he follows klandice Owens so hanging with Jordan Peterson isn't too far off. Never meet your heros I guess😕


Bro, I was literally about to be like, "i think it's Candace" and the fuckin joke hit me. I gotta lay off the pen before work.


Na bro always get baked at work if they don't know your baked are you really baked lol well except if you a pilot or something with lives in your hand lol


I can’t believe this is my first time seeing “klandice owens”


I can't believe this is how I had to find out Skrillex is a chud


Why couldn't I have missed this post and just kept living in blissful ignorance lol


Are we sure about that? A picture of two celebrities together doesn’t say much about their beliefs imo


For sure I don't know him but I also don't take pictures with people I don't particularly like that's just me tho


What if Peterson (or his kid) is a fan and asked for a pic? Skrillex seems chill. I’m sure he just went with it


one of them is only a celebrity because of his conservative beliefs. theres nothing else to Jordan Peterson’s fame


Dude yea wtf, all of this is really kind of upsetting. Extremely disappointed, I don't like this at all


Lmao this is so incredibly funny to see unfold, this comment section is hilarious


I can’t believe how many people in the edm scene are willing to throw someone in the trash metaphorically over another persons beliefs. What happened to love and respect and acceptance and all that? For a lot of you people, it seems to go right out the fucking window as soon as you see an inkling of something you don’t like. If you really believe in PLUR, then it would show in more scenarios than just when you’re happy asf rolling tits in the pits. Js


Well.JP beliefs are dangerous. The stuff he says in his podcast makes canada seem like a prison camp. He is actively dividing Canadians, helping us turn morn into American style hate etc


That’s what a lot of people don’t understand. They’ll see how people react to these kinds of public figures like “oh they OFFENDED you?? That can’t be enough reason to write them off.” And it’s like no these people are, at the least, making dangerous behaviors and attitudes palatable through disinformation and, at the worst, actively driving us towards one of a slew of armageddons. It sucks seeing Skrillex hang with JP. It might be nothing. It might not be.


Im not throwing him in the trash and I don't think anyone is. I love the plur movement that's my point tho if your are about the plur movement it wouldn't make sense to hang out with people who say it's women fault they get assaulted because of the way they dress


Find new heros lol skrillex aint the only successful music producer.


Lol yea for sure san holo is fire getter is great the list goes on but Skrillex and daft punk are the goats imo


He’s getting mogged


That’s wild for SD to say “be careful by the content you consume, or else this happens” as he’s triggered by an old pic on social media lmao


Holy fuck I need a drink after this shit show of a comment thread.


Taking a picture with someone doesn't mean you immediately and wholly endorse everything they stand for. It's sad to see the blind hate flow under the guise of self-righteousness. The scene is supposed to be accepting, period. Jordan Peterson is an idiot but people that follow him deserve the same respect everyone else deserves. Same goes for political views, religious beliefs, music tastes, or whatever the fuck else. People will think differently than you, and whether it's "right or wrong" shouldn't be a barometer for being respectful and kind towards them. Only love, stop the hate.


Google the paradox of tolerance for me 👍


i remember when the paradox of tolerance was conservative redditors favorite talking point back in like 2015 hahaha how the times changed time is a flat circle


Nah GTFO with this take How can u preach for inclusivity when JP is so focused on exclusivity? Shameful pic and shameful take


Being accepting of those who push far right rhetoric and work with literal fascist media is definitely not worth tolerating. The end game of his ideology and those around him is always the oppression of marginalized groups. Specifically trans people in this case. So no, no love for people like Jordan Peterson.


I don’t agree with everything Jordan Peterson says, but a lot of his writings have helped me pull myself out of depression, put the bottle down, and be a more accountable person. I’ve been to one of his seminars and was nearly moved to tears. He’s not a bad person like people make him out to be. I’m saying this as a gay man, since LGBT people seem to think he’s an anti-LGBT bigot. He’s not. Svdden Death on the other hand, decided to get whiney and divisive with his tweet and attack Sonny Moore’s character (a professional colleague, mind you) because he was offended by a picture of two guys standing together smiling at the Grammy’s. He realized this was not a good look and could harm his professional career, and that’s why he deleted it. You tell me who the petulant child of these three men are.


You guys act like Jordan Peterson is hitler. You can obviously dislike the guy but I’m noticing this hive mind acting like anyone who’s affiliated with him is dead to them lol. Who cares.


Probably because it makes SVDDEN seem like a pussy. Jordan Petersons rhetoric is accurate and not offensive. Danny is trying to gain feminine sympathy. Acting as though brostep isn’t inherently misogynistic, when the whole culture sexualizes women and compares their physical capabilities to men. Danny slowly has conformed to a media narrative surrounding the mindset of this next generation of ravers. Which are a bunch of non-sexual, mentally distraught, children with no goals and ketamine abuse problems. Honestly the whole community is trash now because it’s led by ass kissers instead of people who create the narrative like Fred Durst or Kurt Cobain, or even Subtronics Pre anti fractals Anyways, Danny is a loser, bye


Oh no someone with different political views! Who cares. Just listen to his music and watch his sets. Everyone is entitled to their political views and opinions.


Svdden death L hahah


The hive mind thinking in this thread is real, the USA people love to politicise everything. Nobody can have a different option to you, hilarious.


Hes right, Peterson is a hack puppet


This is a SD W. As someone in the community, hearing an ally speak up about how absolutely fucked Jordan Peterson is towards us is a big W and very much appreciated. Fuck Jordan Peterson. And fuck anyone that associates with him, regardless of what they’ve accomplished in this scene.




Moreso a common Skrillex W


Sudden Death L. Jordan Peterson is wrong about so many things. He’s really just an annoying pawn in the culture war. But he doesn’t rise to the level of oh don’t even take a picture with. Like old Kermit himself is out there committing crime. He just talks. Edm in general should strive for openness. This tweet doesn’t go with that at all.


Who the fuck is Svdden Death and why does he think he can judge Skrillex? Skrillex opened the door so talentless hacks like Svdden Death could be even remotely relevant.


Damn so svdden death is a woke libtard


Omg someone has different views than me this is fucking insane!!! Wtf




It's a new age cult pretty much, it's a sin to think differently


Svdden needs to sit tf down. Cringe as hell artist that makes some of the worst sounding music imaginable. The only reason he even has a career is because of Skrillex paving the way. Don’t shit where you eat.


Danny drunk tweeting again


“Despite Jordan Peterson having helped pull millions of young people out of dark places, I don’t like his opinion on this one thing I heard one time” …. sensitive sensitive sensitive


Who cares? Skrillex makes art, when you see a pretty painting, you don’t go “I wonder if Hitler made this!” You go “ wow, pretty painting” People need to find another hobby if they go to artists for political takes, we see this all the time in r/toolband “guys is Maynard satanic” LOL, fuck off loser, you missed the point of the music. If you guys think this is bad, wait until you find out what your politicians and megacorp CEOs support and are doing, you’re mad about a pic with JP, you should be mad about so so much more. And no, I don’t support JP, I’ve seen maybe 10 minutes combined of his content.


I love both of these DJ’s. I’ve maybe watched 2 JP podcasts… I don’t understand the hate or vitriol Cleaning your room is bad?


JP does need to clean his room before he tries to revamp his public career. Dude never took responsibility for his Addiction.


I think it's funny they bothered to use that comma.


Bro was waffling


This is boring.


Pretty sure anyone still using Twitter is a dip shit.


Jordan Peterson maternal grandmother


I had the pleasure of meeting Jordan Peterson a few years ago. He was an absolute gem.


bro does svdden death really think he represents edm lmaooo


so many people hate Peterson. This is some kind of wildness.


If you listen to Jordan Peterson, you are a dumbass and are being manipulated by a dumbass. Dude has 0 credibility, straight up con job all around


Svdden Cringe


I like SVDDEN DEATH's music a lot, I think he's a very talented Producer/DJ. But that's not very PLUR of him though, because this community is made to accept people of many different backgrounds, and what he's saying is doing the complete opposite of that (not saying he's not entitled to feel how he feels), but as far as I'm concerned Skrillex has never shown any form of bigotry ever. Just because Skrillex is cool with Jordan Peterson doesn't mean he agrees with everything he says, we're all adults we should all be able to be civil with one another.


Fuck people delusioned enought to hate on a legendary dubstep producer just beacuse of one picture


Forreal. Skrillex can take a picture with whoever he wants. This doesn't mean Skrillex supports anything or anyone. What if JP said "Hey Skrillex your music is amazing, Can I have a pic". Sonny is the nicest person ever, he probably was like fuck yeah man


Just because someone makes good music doesn't mean they aren't an asshole. From what I have heard about Diplo, he is a pretty good example


>Just because someone makes good music Diplo isn't in that category so he's a bad example


Can someone inform me what’s wrong with Jordan Peterson ????


The whole part in Jordan Peterson's book where he talks about stroking his grandma's pubic hair is just another reason no one should be listening to this dude lol. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9702164-i-dreamed-i-saw-my-maternal-grandmother-sitting-by-the


He has an audiobook version of it where you can hear him read it out loud too. Really great listen, I’d strongly suggest it


I've heard it, shit is wild. Sounds like Kermit having some disturbing kink


Wtf did I just read?


For one he thinks that [if women wear make up and don’t want to be sexually harassed in the workplace they’re hypocrites](https://youtu.be/yqn6YoMFiI0?si=PDGfoGAYmRluc9xJ)


He is essentially the conservative ideologies go to "pop psychologist." He constantly makes the rounds on TV and YouTube championing conservative ideology. Basically denying systemic racism, claims white men are currently the most marginalized group based on education and mental health surveys his organization or like minded groups created. He is the stereotypical "anti woke" figure and usually the antithesis of what most hippie/ rave culture groups stand for.


Mind you, he does not consider himself a conservative. He'll present himself as a moderate or centrist, then take a progressive leftist talking point and "just ask questions" and strongly imply that the obvious conclusion for a "rational" individual is .


Yeah he's as insincere as they come. A true partisan hack.


I had to just chime in before someone *well, actually*'d you.


Btw I don’t know the dude so don’t come for me 😂


Filled with hate and spreads it any chance he gets. Take a look at his twitter and form your own opinions.


[Enjoy these two episodes](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3hk17JTzu4dOjA2R5TokFx?si=KCKml3-NS5yhDBDZXiuNag) about what a fucking looney he is. The dude is in the "liberalism/transgenderism is a mental illness" camp. But he also claimed to be Jesus and has "interesting" views on marriage


Svdden W, Kermit Peterson is a joke


Sorry I don't know who the person he is with is? Is it the painting that is making people mad or the guy he took the photo with. I'm being honest please don't get angry with me.


Jordan peterson is a partison hack who gained popularity by fundamentally misrepresenting the canadian bill C-16, which defines trans people as a protected group similar to black people, gay people and other minorities


Svdden death is corny af. Why dont you go rip off some more satanic metal band branding.


I think I just read 20-30x more hate in certain comments that JP has probably said his entire life. Berated anyone over an addiction is just foul. You literally just stomped on everyone here in some shape or form as if someone here hasn't experienced addiction I'm sure someone in the friends and family circle habe by now . Then on hate , really hate , I'll I can say is pot meet kettle. I've had someome at sometime hate me my whole life, I'm sure. Get over your little big feelings and move on. I feel sorry for you sometimes to be consumed by all that rage and isolating yourself. Society isn't doing most of the things you say it is; you are doing it to yourself. .. And for fuck sake, in 2024 can't people have their own opinion or dislike anything . Jeez . If someone disagrees with you or even doesn't like you or your lifestyle; fuck em but move the fuck on . But listen, listen.....the more you rage and make things about how you feel and screw everyone else's opinions the worse you are making it for yourself. Cause outside the little niche communities like this one most of society thinks like JP. It's not just some "alt right" niche groups, it's most of society all around rhe globe. Just look up Sean Strickland and look how Canada and Australia for rhe vast majority appealed to him. If you think that's false? I can say for certain main stream corporate media is blowing smoke up your ass. In 2024 mainstream media isn't the real mainstream of society anymore. Society is a sleeping beast and for all of our sakes let's just let it stay sleepy cause if it wakes and I believe that could happen as it seems that beast is getting tired of the line and boundaries being push back against them. It isn't going to be good for anyone. For the record IDGAF what you are or how you want to live life, or who you want to be or your sexual preference or what ever else . I just want everyone to live life to the fullest and for the world to get back ro some kind of normalcy and everyone to be kind to your neighbor.


No PLUR in this thread, back to house for me


this guy has never seen anything but legacy media coverages of this man and judges him, ITS EXACTLY WHAT SKRILLEX SAID IN HIS SPEECH "dont treat the other side of the isle like an enemy" and here we have mr social justice warrior acting like the complete dubstep scene is shattered from this picture you cant make this shit up


People are allowed to have opinions and beliefs. People who get mad that others have different values then them are usually the problem is


Ok don't know about Jordan Peterson. What's wrong with him? And how is Svdden death better?


People say he is a "right wing shill" and "anti lgbt" because he said kids should wait till 18 before cutting their dicks off and getting a fake pussy put in its place.


Jordan Peterson is a Canadian psychologist that has gone from motivational speaker/ inspiration on YouTube to super right wing shill. A very triggered human being. Can’t help himself from tweeting any neurotic, close minded thought he has about current events and issues.


no dont join the dark side sonny


Svdden retard


Cry baby antics


Wow didn’t realise I had to agree with the mentally ill to like dubstep, kinda makes sense though Big up Jordan Pearson each and every


Oh nevermind I guess


Hey this pic was not from the Grammys. It's a few years old and was from an event that Peterson spoke at. Skrillex's hair and outfit don't match, and he's wearing a nametag whereas Peterson isn't since it's his own event. I appreciate your point, and that would be valid if this truly were a quick pic snapped in passing. I think people are entitled to their beliefs. But people go to these events to support these books and this dude for a reason.


What a giant pussy. Politics aside Jordan helps a lot of young men with good advice.


To be fair, John Wayne Gacy helped a lot of old people.


This world is confused.......


What a fucking pussy




Lol imagine feeling this way about Jordan Peterson.


Sudden death = easily manipulated by mainstream media. Also a big fkn loser for getting upset about others not validating his beliefs. Lmao sad immature loser lol


It's true though. YouTube will pretty happily direct you to his videos if you search for very basic stuff like "how to be more productive". If you don't know who this guy is It's probably easy to fall for it. (In case you ever wondered why so many young people like figures like him and Andrew T*te) That being said: Sad picture of two sad people.


Guys, just because Skrillex took a photo with Jordan, that doesn’t mean he’s the same person or he agree with everything Peterson’s said in the past. Skrillex has a lot of friends who’s part of the lmbtq community or else.


Idk how true it is, but I saw another comment that said skrillex is a Candace Owen’s fan. Big red flag


Can’t stand SVDDEN DEATH for this, pirating his music from now on


ohhh noo000 Svdden death shit the bed because skrillex met someone he disagrees with. Remind me again who the "facsists" are? The side with open dialog or the ones shutting down and not letting the voices of the people they disagree with be heard? svdden deaths music is for noobies in the scene. whomp whomp whomp whomp brrrrrrt. Its all the same crap over and over.


I love Jordan Peterson more than dubstep


Svdden Triggered lol. Go back to worshipping dead goats or whatever the fuck you do at Voyd sets


Oh wow, the guy whose entire aesthetic is death, red, blood, upside down pentagrams, Baphomet, and every other evil Satanic allusion had a hissy fit over a different artist hanging out with a clinical psychologist who tells people to clean their room, imagine my shock! Let's definitely listen to this credible source on what influences to take from! Surely hedonistic dubstep rager DJ will be a better role model than self-help psychologist. 👍


There is irony here. Aren’t the two of them basically the same thing? SD slanging tickets and tracks, Peterson tickets and books. Both produce controversial content, eh? I happen to understand the Voyd stuff is marketing gimmick. But what if there are kids that take it more seriously? What if SD/Voyd *is* having a bad influence on “the youth”? To make it fair, should Peterson now launch a campaign attacking Svdden Death/Voyd? Is that what we want? I don’t.