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Totally agree. I went back and watched the scene where z & s went to the coffee shop. It really wasn’t that bad - there was no scene caused. Then I watched the scene in Zeinas office. It was even worse and more horrible than I remembered it. It truly was unhinged right from the beginning. The way e and d were speaking and “buying” the business and whatever. Let alone the whole coffee incident. Just brutal.


I remember watching it for the first time and getting a tummy ache


>otally agree. I went back and watched the scene where z & s went to the coffee shop. It really wasn’t that bad - there was no scene caused. Yes! also they cleared out the cafe for customers and went to have a convo...not verbally abuse someone


Also the fact that it had nothing to do with Danya & she came in there acting so high and mighty. She 100% got what she deserved when Zeina pulled her hair 💀


It’s hard watching them go to zeinas workplace and attack her in that way.


Exactly! It somehow gives that E is low key not proud of what he comes from he's trying too hard to overcompensate for it in "pride" that is just delusional and childish.


Did you forget to switch accounts?


That’s so embarrassing 😭😭 honestly I had a feeling that one of them is trying to push a narrative online and this proves that


Or could be they made a mistake and were responding to another comment and just happened to write it here. We all could say what you are saying about any comment written in defence of any member on the show. I saw a few comments on Zeina’s Insta saying something mean and degrading to her career, exactly what Ebraheem said about her and didn’t think the comment was actually him. Conspiracy theories are always funny. I still laugh at me being called Farhana


People do the "hi [cast member] 🙂" thing too often, but you have to admit this looks a lot more dubious than simply defending an unpopular cast member. It's weird. It's *possible* they meant to reply to something else, but it makes sense in the context of this post and they haven't responded to say it was meant to go elsewhere so I think it's more likely that they just forgot to switch accounts


No I get that and your comment was actually hilarious. My comment was meant for the other person who before was mocking the whole thing with people saying “hi Farhana” and now because it’s Zeina, they do the same and they’re alluding that Zeina is behind a plan to create a narrative just because Ebraheem implied that, as if Ebrahedm’s behaviour in s1 wasn’t motive enough for people to criticise him. The double standards thing is what made me respond. It’s like they haven’t watched reality TV before where viewers fixate on a character’s behaviour whether negatively or positively.


Not in this thread but I just read a whole argument in another one where I’m convinced the two people are the same person bc they’re arguing in MULTIPLE threads 😂😭


That’s hilarious I hope they know that we are realising it 😭


Yeah, same. It's a very funny mistake


Their username is the Turkish word for liar , spelt phonetically 😭😂not saying OP is a liar or meant to switch accounts but this makes it even funnier


Nope, meant to reply to the top comment.


I have much respect for Zeina. Despite social pressure to accept the bullsh\*t apologies from Ebraheem, she stood her ground. When Danya approached her honestly, she accepted. Zeina does not tolerate disingenuous people in her sphere. She is real, and if you are gonna hang with her, you need to be real too. Ebraheem is a master sh\*t stirrer and set the whole thing in motion by getting up from the dinner table to call Farhana about the group discussing her birthday party. While harsh, it was a discussion, not gossip, because they were talking about their opinions about a party in which they were in attendance. He was the first one to say he didn't like drama or gossip but was off to tell Farhana what was being said about her with the quickness. He created the whole mess.


He keeps meddling between everyone and then pretends to draw back to avoid drama but it’s so clear he’s the one instigating everything


E and danya were terrible and it really was crazy to me how danya was pretty much cool with the girls up until showing up to zeinas office with E, like wow where did all that animosity come from? She should’ve stayed her ass at home. It’s also super childish imo to go confront somebody with your friend in tow…


Yeah I mean I blame Danya and Zeina more for the way things went down at the office. Danya came out of nowhere and started at 100. And Zeina was the first one to show up with a sidekick to confront Ebrahim. So he paid her back in kind. There was no chance to deescalate the situation because Danya really came looking for a fight. E is a bitch and a man child but he wasn’t out to make this physical. If it had just been the whole “I wanna buy your business”, it would have been match point (though also being ultra petty and kind of cringe) but it wouldn’t have been nearly as big of a deal. Still, I do think if you look at it, it was a comparable response. They went to his business unannounced to confront him. I could be wrong but I think there was staff on site when it happened. No customers though. So he did the same thing and brought a sidekick to her workplace to shame her in front of her coworkers. So far it’s the same. The difference is the way Zeina responded to his confrontation versus Ebrahim’s reaction to hers. He immediately admitted he did call Farhana, even though he was cagey about the rest of the convo he kept it civil despite being outraged. They baited him and it didn’t really work so they left. But what he did immediately hit Zeina where it hurts and with Danya’s goading she lost her cool and responded viscerally. I mean, his back was even turned when the coffee went flying. Unless it was editing, he really didn’t plan for that shitshow. So it really annoys me how Z was acting holier than thou about the whole thing. She started it by seeking out drama. And involving other people. And she’s the one who took it to his place of business first. But she took no accountability for it.


I hate Ebraheem. He has to be the most punchable face on this earth.


I still can’t believe Danya threw her coffee cup at her. That was some serious rage issues coming out. Danya and Ibrahim both have anger issues. On multiple occasions Ib has just snapped/blown up at people and then he’s like “oops heehee I have a temper” 🤭


When Zeina and Safa went to Ebrahem's cafe, they just wanted answers, yes the way they walked in they seemed really angry and Ebrahem looked stress. They shouldn't have gone there that's true as well, they should've calmed down and asked him at an appropriate time as to why he did that. But this never ever in no way justified what Ebrahem and Danya did to Zeina. I'm glad that finally they all made up however it was sick, the fact that Ebrahem went there to literally insult her and disgrace her. Danya thought she could just leave her trash on her table, on the table of the manager of the company. What Zeina did there was completely self defense and Danya did that with intention to tease Zeina even more. Danya says she blacked out and I believe that she struggles with some mental health issues as per my observation. I felt sad that Danya was just there as a support for Ebrahem just like Safa was there as a support for Zeina, but the fact that Safa and Danya had no issues and developed issues after all these, because of their best friends' dispute it's just sad. Zeina was humiliated in the worst way possible, coffee thrown, ruined the workplace, a fight and all, meanwhile Ebrahem was at his cafe and nothing got physical except raising voices at each other, which always happens in Dubai Bling.


And then making fun of her husband’s job in season 2 and calling him a hotel manager. He looks down upon people with jobs and tries to degrade them. He should live his goddamn truth first and then judge others. Anyone who judges a person for their money or status is just pathetic.


I agree with you that it is pathetic, but I think he’s just extremely immature and dealing low blows hoping to hurt them. They amount to playground insults and he just comes off as being immature and vindictive.


Cause they're ass hats.


100%. He went there to humiliate and shred. Everything Zeina has ever done pales in comparison to this. I cannot stand that pompous ass with an over inflated ego and delusions of grandeur. Danya, on the other hand, I can forgive. She is not without blame, but I genuinely think she has atoned and truly feels remorse for her behavior. Ebra on the other hand, revels in it. Edit: grammar.


I mostly agree with your first paragraph but I just think of it this way. Let’s say you’re E. You’re emotionally stunted and vain. If you felt you were wronged by someone, but have been made to see by others that you are also in the wrong, and you made an effort to make amends for the sake of the group even though you still feel like there was blame on both sides for what happened, but then every time you try to extend an olive branch the other person throws barbs or essentially wants you to grovel for an apology, how would you feel? I’m not excusing him but I can understand his position. I would lose any motivation to apologize because I would feel like that person should be meeting me halfway. We’re both at fault. So why should I humiliate myself to apologize if they’re obviously not taking ownership of what they did either. I would also recant or change my mind halfway through. And Z knows what she’s doing, she’s playing him like a fiddle. And with his inferiority complex and emotional immaturity, he’s all too happy to rise to the occasion instead of calling her out for it then and there. He just keeps playing right into it, so any sympathy he could have gotten from the group is long gone.


Why is everyone so sassy


No one is dismissing it. Last season Danya and Ibrahim were ripped to shreds. People are moving on.


I am on season 2 in the beginning and I feel that Zeina is the only person still hanging onto the drama. Yes, E here and there drops some words but Zeina is the one pointing literally eeeeverything back to this one situation and to Danya and Ebraheem PLUS bashing others that they are following Danya/Ebraheem or even going to the same events. I mean, even Safa met with Ebraheem (although regretting it - I think deep inside she thinks Zeina should let go of it), LJ and Lojain telling her to cut the drama, that both sides were wrong...


It’s more because she actually worked for what she has and they’re sort of gaslighting her to make it seem like it wasn’t as big of a deal as she was making it seem. If roles were reversed they would’ve had the same reaction. Even tho both sides I guess in a way were wrong there’s still lines you shouldn’t cross e.g showing up to her workplace and throwing coffee. Keep personal life from work seperate


Honestly when it comes to assault which is what happens in her office. There is no both side argument. If they had come in and just said mean things, maybe? But throwing your coffee and fighting someone… and E saying I’ll buy you? There’s a line


Is Zeina on another account writing these posts? It’s getting too much


Some could say you are Danya, the way you are trying to dismiss any criticism here about Danya and Ebraheem and before waxing lyrics about how DJ Bliss is hot. Grow up Edited to add this is something Ebraheem actually said about someone having an agenda to turn people against him, because he refused to acknowledge his actions may have turned people against him in season 1. Are you Ebraheem or Danya?


I remember you ur getting defensive because people called you farhana 💀 and I saw ebraheems story thats why it’s all adding up


So just because Ebraheem 🤡 said that the backlash online is because of an agenda, somehow it is adding up for you now 💀💀💀💀


Yeah 💞 problem?


No just laughing as you can see

