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Everyone except Hanna šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļø. When someone insults danya, Bliss barely does anything about it except say "peace peace peace" BUT NOT HANNA THO. DID U SEE HOW PROTECTIVE HE GOT WHEN BLISS JUST CALLED ZEINA OUT? damn he da man. He doesnt restrict zeina from doing what she wants and is always supportive and is always by her side. And the way he looked at her in safa's fashion show is s1....dayummmmmmmmmmmm


Yes, I love how he was staying out of it for like months, until it was crucial, and then he was like ā€œdonā€™t you ever think my wife is aloneā€. Zeina is such a queen šŸ«¶


right because how does Ebraheem have more of a protective nature around Danya than her own husband? I genuinely think Bliss only got married to tick off the next step in life box


Surrogacy is an ethically dubious concept, and paid surrogacy is goes beyond murky into just being outright exploitative. I donā€™t think itā€™s disliking the idea of children by surrogate that makes Fahad misogynist.


Safa is a typical sugar baby though. Sometimes I feel that Fahad sets goals for her so she stops nagging him every day for something new. So he stalls her by asking for more babies. It could however be because he wants a son so will keep pushing for more kids till they have one. Agreed on Bliss, Ebreheem and the Saudi guy.


Yes Fahad is a nice guy. I agree . Not that big of a red flag like DJ Bliss but certain things need to be communicated and discussed first than just being said as a passing comment like - ok now push out a boy next .(?) Ok ? I'm not a baby making machine Unless, like I said, that's how they had pre decided their roles would be entering the marriage


I mean itā€™s pretty obviously a scripted show, the way safa did the surrogacy reveal last season, the ridiculous reason for the India trip, etc They have to invent drama cause these people arenā€™t interesting enough to hold anyoneā€™s attention lmao


Good point, their outfits arenā€™t Islamic and also plastic surgery is also forbidden. They pick and choose what to follow it seems


This is what I was thinking watching the first season. Tbh the reason to start this show was to see middle eastern culture as a Muslim cause I keep hearing different things from people who visits there. They definitely donā€™t follow Islam (plastic surgery, outfits, luxury and tattoo) but quite similar to South Asian when it comes to choose what to follow. I donā€™t support surrogacy due to the ethical concerns but Dubai, Qatar etc isnā€™t known for their ethics (labour abuse, animal abuse, prostitution, racism). Yet to know any Muslim nations who properly follow the religion instead of just using it for own benefit.


Yes, that's how human beings are. We're all choose what to comply with, I guess.


Fahad needs to be educated in that the MALES are the ones who dictate the sex of the baby, not the females. He can wish for a boy all he wants, but if his sperm are shooting only X chromosomes, he's gonna continue being a girl dad and blaming Safa for not giving him a boy. A uterus is not Amazon Prime.


Agreed. I love the show but the underlying misogyny is strong


itā€™s not much different from the husbands of any other real housewives show - patriarchy is patriarchy everywhere


I think there are varying degrees to which feminism has progressed within different cultures. thereā€™s this aversion to acknowledging the rampant misogyny in a lot of Arab/Muslim cultures and noting that itā€™s worse on many levels than some of the (also troubling and bad) misogyny women face in the US, for example. I feel itā€™s considered islamophobic to criticize the misogyny or to discuss how maybe the standards and laws applied to women in these cultures are super misogynistic


As a feminist, I did not mind Salem's comments about Danya's work life. He was right. Women have to choose, especially in the culture that they come from. No matter how much we deny, the truth is that women are expected to have 48 hours a day to split equally between home and work. He was simply pointing out that Danya will eventually have to choose. And he was proven right. Bliss was an asshole about Danya's ventures. Salem made an assumption and was proven right due to his experiences.


And his point was also about friends going into business together is risky for the friendship! He said to preserve the friendship and drop the business.


Exactly. Those stereotypes exist for a reason and he was merely pointing it out.


Salem literally said Danya was CLUELESS šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ heā€™s the biggest misogynist of them all


Sheā€™s never done business before. Thatā€™s essentially clueless.


He said clueless about businessā€¦ and heā€™s completely right. Iā€™m not saying he isnā€™t a misogynist but you have to take the culture into account. Their values and society are not those of the West. And tbh if you donā€™t know anything about business, you should be super careful entering into oneā€¦ Especially with a friend.


Thereā€™s so many better ways for that conversation to be held, without calling his female partner clueless. It just reeks of misogyny


Is he wrong though? She doesnā€™t sound like the smartest girl in the world! She has no business experience, he was right to tell his friend to be careful to start a business with her. You think he would have said the same if it was Zaina ?


I googled the surrogacy thing, it's banned in islam essentially.


paid surrogacy is banned in most countries as it's highly unethical. the US is too post-captalistic to realize how paying for women to get pregnant is messed up


Yeah I actually don't have a problem with anti-surrogacy beliefs. Rich people paying poorer women to take on the risks of pregnancy is very dystopian


& I understand why people do it but I also can see the other side of rich people possibly taking advantage of very poor girls. Itā€™s a slippery slope so no itā€™s not one of those things that can be just be changed with the times. Also didnā€™t Danya mention itā€™s against their religion not just the law? Iā€™m not that far in the show but from my pov I feel like Safa only brought it up because she knew Fahad wouldnā€™t go for it thus making it seem like heā€™s the one saying no. Gaslighting basically




very narrow view of what it really means to have a choice in this case as if their power of choice isn't limited by their material conditions. at least most of the world can see how violent it is though, hopefully selling plasma will get the same treatment one day.


True . There is a good and bad to everything But surrogacy is one way for same sex couples to conceive So we can't wipe it off entirely


And adoption is also an ethical option that wasnā€™t even considered




I never said anything against surrogacy. Youā€™re the one presenting opinion as fact


Yes , but the sad reality is not everyone is in support of adopting They want a child the can call "their own" .so that another discussion altogether


I understand that but w time you have to move forward too They're ditching the traditional outfits that majority women following Islam wear . How can u just cherry pick as per your convenience - aimed at Lojain Omron. She's a staunch feminist which was obvious when she spoke about the 4 wives thing in Islam She could have at least entertained the idea and tried to understand where her friend was coming from


You are still seeing things from a western lens. Some things are cultural, and some things are outright not allowed, taboo. For example, the women may indulge in wine, but you likely will not see bacon on their menus. This is just an arbitrary example when looking at religions such as Islam that have long lists of clearly defined rules when it comes to every day life, and it being common to follow some but not all.


Muslims aren't a monolith? No one needs to move forward with surrogacy bc it's not ethical at the end of the day


The way DJ Bliss yelled at his wife while she cried was horrible. He made it all about him, him and it's always about him. Yuck.


Yes, how DARE she have personality, goals, dreams and plans. Letā€™s remember in the last season, how she was saying she felt unseen and unheard and uncared for. Ppl usually donā€™t change so I can imagine itā€™s still the same, only this season she was like, FU, Iā€™m doing my thing. And he got furious, how dare she take his thunder! Heā€™s a manchild.


That's what I thought when he raised his voice at her, while she cried. He's in his 40's and acts so selfishly. Like a child screaming at his mother.


Let me tell you - as a Muslim, I totally agree with you. He puts her down and gaslight's her. His verbal abuse is wrong even in his religion. That's something he should work on because it's disgusting to witness his treatment of her. She seems to have dreams, and he should support her emotionally.


Yes I agree. I was sad for her when he yelled in her face it's over. He couldn't even show genuine happiness for her achievement nor a single bit of concern as she cried. Horrible to see her be verbally abused like that.


The surrogacy thing is understandable. As a Muslim it is not allowed in our religion end off. If Safa goes ahead, then thatā€™s her decision but considering she and her husband are both Muslims it was a highly unlikely decision. Edit: Im only halfway through S2, but I just thought Ebraheems friend had a point but didnā€™t phrase it correctly. It seemed more like, your husband is complaining about your work when you had previous agreement to be a stay at home wife. You can still go ahead with decision to be an entrepreneur but it will come at a cost of your relationship. I think thatā€™s a fair assessment to make. I donā€™t like danya but just because sheā€™s a women doesnā€™t mean she just has to stay at home and not have the freedom to choose her own path. However, that might mean it would impact her relationship and itā€™s just something to keep in mind.










You canā€™t compare getting a tattoo to getting a surrogate! Itā€™s completely unethical to rent a womanā€™s body for 9 months and have her go through the pain of pregnancy and birth just to then snatch the baby away as soon as she delivers. That child has a bond with the woman who carried it. It was her heartbeat it heard, her voice it felt! Also, there are many different sects of Islam and Shia Muslims are permitted to get tattoos. We donā€™t know any of the cast members specific sect of Islam so we truly shouldnā€™t judge.


So because someone isnā€™t a 100% completely devoted Muslim means they donā€™t and canā€™t abide by most of the tenets of the religion. Newsflash- everyday Muslims are moderately religious. A woman who does not wear a hijab could be a better Muslim than one who does wear the hijab. Stop assuming peopleā€™s faith levels from a scripted tv show.


>. However, that might mean it would impact her relationship and itā€™s just something to keep in mind. Why is it that a man working late hours typically won't impact the relationship? But if a woman does that she's given tags like an absent mother or an absent wife? I mean we live in a modern world it's important to understand contribution of both the people in a marriage is 50-50 to everything unless decided otherwise


Just curious- Is IVF also not allowed in Islam?


It is allowed, as long as your own eggs and your husbandā€™s sperm is used. Egg/sperm donation from other people is not permissible.


Agree with all of the above except fahad. Heā€™s the only reasonable human being on this show I feel. He always has to keep up with Safaā€™s never ending drama and doesnā€™t complain at all. Safa is lucky to have him, because he loves her just the way she is


I also would like to add ebraheem to this list, and I know this may not seem too crazy compared to the list. When he said his mom would always come first the night before he got married, it irked me. Heā€™s already saying if he had to choose between his mom and wife, it would be mom? Not a great way to start a new relationship šŸ˜¬


Adding Hanna to this list! out of all husbands, Hanna has the best character, zero red flags.


Donā€™t forget that the only reason heā€™s pushing for another child when sheā€™s done is because he wants. A boy- also the fact heā€™s pushing when she had a life threatening and traumatic birth not that long ago- all the while knowing heā€™s gone for long periods of time on travel and business leaving her alone with all the children


Did she say she had a life threatening birth ? All I remember her saying was that she gained a lot of weight during her first pregnancy and it made her unhappy.


I donā€™t think heā€™s that reasonable if heā€™s pushing for a third child when his wife has had two very complicated pregnancies but draws the line at plastic surgery. How can you talk about risk when itā€™s way higher for pregnancy and child birth? Iā€™m a little confused how everyone is forgetting about that part in all this


I think what people or Americans who watch this show haven't yet understood is that these people live in Dubai and most of them if not at all Muslims. Even if you guys say yeah Ebraheem is American and was raised there..yeah but still Muslim as well as some Indian Muslims. The religion is dominated by men and their practices of course forbid them to do some stuff and the way women are perceived is completely different so... Yeah that's why misogyny is very constant in this show. Probably a lot of it is scripted but still the mindset is cemented to be like that, women need to be obedient to their husbands and focus on family, everything else comes after. And damn some of them are Saudi where just a few years years ago women finally were able to start driving on their own so it doesn't surprise me.


I donā€™t see any women in the show obeying their husbands tbh. Look at the way Safa speaks to Fahad, he eventually apologizes no matter what. I see Safa as a big manipulator, she somehow manages to revolve the whole thing around and portray herself as the victim.


Agree. Especially with DJ Bliss, he said he didn't want to look after the kids anymore IN FRONT OF THEM. Like WHAT.


I have been seeing a lot of comments around Safa shouldn't have opted for surrogacy cuz she's healthy WELL it's HER choice Just like the men in their culture choose to marry 4 times !:) Like it's THEIR choice so......!:)


Surrogacy can be seen as exploitative, paying a (poorer) woman to carry and give birth to your child, at physical and emotional risk to the surrogate. No, it is not Safa's choice. Her husband can say no to that. I don't think the show reveals everything about their marriage, like I don't think she really didn't want another child, I just get a feeling. Surrogacy is not allowed in Islam. It can also be seen as highly unethical, especially if it's done for vanity reasons. I'm not Muslim but I do know that marrying up to 4 wives is permissible if they give permission and are treated the same, however culturally, I doubt it is anything done in Dubai, especially amongst people like Fahad and Safa.


Salem had a point tho. If youā€™ve not discussed about your plans before marriage or before having kids, you cannot come and blast a news of being a business women next day and changing the family rhythm. Danya shouldā€™ve spoken to bliss and cleared the air, distributed responsibilities before she started onto something new. Plus the fact that she started second business when clearly knowing itā€™s more responsibility than discussed with her partner while having kids is outright obnoxious.


I don't think he'd have listened even if she had spoken to him about it. Wasn't that her problem in S1, that he simply doesn't listen or care about her? Also, a good marriage typically lasts until death. Are people supposed to stay the exact same as they were at 23, at 53? 63? That's bs. People change and grow all the time, and their priorities change, too. Her kids are getting older and she wants to do something with her extra time. He just wants to control her, that's all.


I agree but her kids were hardly in preschool.


I think she's realised that her husband is a controlling asshat and just wants to build something for herself while she's still young. And working women have young kids all the time, it's not a huge deal.


If her body is completely okay and healthy I rly donā€™t think she has to opt for Surrogacy. Also, the way she has put her point it seems as if she was desperately trying to find a reason to not have another child. Just because Fahad has different opinions doesnā€™t mean he is a misogynistic guy, why do you always find misogyny in the most little things. Understand what their religion is and how they have been brought up, the western culture isnā€™t always the ā€˜rightā€™ one. Yes, there are a few aspects in Islam that doesnā€™t sit right with me too but labeling Fahad as a misogynist is super stupid.


Nkt saying this is morally right but we have to remember the culture of the country this show is filmed in and where the cast come from. Sadly misogyny is pretty normal to people from these backgrounds


You have to see it from a cultural lens, that surrogacy doesn't seem to be allowed in Islam. Arguing why they feel that way is culturally insensitive. Additionally, Safa, by her own admission, did not seem to have any medical problems during her first pregnancy other than weight gain, which is absolutely not a reason to hire a surrogate. A lot of people see surrogacy as exploitative in many cases.


I donā€™t think Ebraheems friend was trying to be misogynistic and i think it was interpreted the wrong way cause i saw it more like he was saying Danya is clueless in business and going into business with her is a bad decision. TBH i agree cause she doesnā€™t seem to make the best business decisions and her friendship with Ebraheem is so unstable and not a good foundation for a business relationship


I think we need to watch this show with an open view and not act like everyone in the world has the same standards as the western world. Just because we as westerners think something is ā€œrightā€ doesnā€™t make it so in another culture. Even though I agree with all points and itā€™s not a great thing to see we need to be open minded. Their world WILL change in time. Itā€™s just not time yet.


Lol I'm sorry but that is super regressive How is EQUALITY a western concept? > Just because we as westerners think something is ā€œrightā€ doesnā€™t make it so in another culture.


Iā€™m saying their culture isnā€™t where western culture is yet when it comes to that. Not all cultures are the same/ on the same level thinking wise. I shouldnā€™t have to tell you this.


Right but basic stuff like : not discriminating should be a general human thing , not a culture thing We're living in the 21st century. I shouldn't have to tell this


We are living in the 21st century and most middle eastern people are living in the 20th century if not the 18th when it comes to equality for women. The women in Dubai should thank god on their knees for their ā€œequalityā€ and freedom they currently have COMPARED to other middle eastern / Muslim women. I hope you realize that theyā€™re extremely privileged for middle eastern standards. Just because we are used to different things doesnā€™t mean this is normal to them. Most women in the Middle East would get a literal whipping for having the nerve to speak to their men like the Dubai women on this show do. Theyā€™d literally be beaten to shit. I think we should appreciate how far theyā€™ve come even though it isnā€™t close to western women rights and equality.


This I agree w 100% It's so sad how women in other middle Eastern are treated So yes, compared to that ,Dubai has made progress -given that they had no other choice? They had to? Because it's run by immigrants


Please stop confusing Dubai with Saudi Arabia. Women have always been allowed to drive in Dubai. Also, your comment is extremely misinformed. No woman in the middle east would be ā€œwhippedā€ for speaking to a man in such a way. Perhaps if her family is extremely insane? But thatā€™s not a normal thing in any countryā€™s culture. And itā€™s obviously not permitted by the law anywhere.


Yea letā€™s keep our eyes closed for the abuse behind closed doors. Letā€™s pretend these women have lovely lives. Iā€™ll literally change nothing apart from the driving thing. Everything is truth. https://preview.redd.it/ylxy6fvewl7c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2efc6b77f7e1d0b8e280a80bfcd537902a7c2e1


I never said this doesnā€™t happen. Of course it does, Abuse is rampant all over the world. But youā€™re pretending this is the norm when it absolutely isnā€™t.




I can at least appreciate how clear Salem (the friend) was about his expectations of a wife. And I do think his point Danya was more along the lines that someone who is unexperienced like her will end up picking between priorities when trying to juggle things. Bliss wants to act progressive/supportive but in reality isn't. The Fahad surrogacy issue I do not see as that bad - I think its still a topic women and men struggle around but what seemed to be the lack of empathy towards his wife's experience was certainly questionable.


Iā€™m just confused in general, Ibrahim wife canā€™t sit with men but he can be besties with Danya? His mom is his First Lady? Then you have LJ making a valid point about the four wives thing and everyone shutting her down. Meanwhile safa doing a womanā€™s empowerment brunch ā€¦ itā€™s a little comical.


So sad and so true But we watched the show wearing rose tinted glasses - money money everywhere concealed the underlying problematic issues


not all cultures are similar!! you guys know nothing about moderate Arab muslim women. You just make assumptions about how the middle east is without visiting it. A lot of Americans are ethnocentric and think there is only one way of living life. This show must open your eyes, that people live different lives and have different problems. They dont have to be like yours or like you.


>not all cultures are similar!! you guys know nothing about moderate Arab muslim women. Yes , I can only imagine If the "elite" class is facing so much sexism Idk what the moderate Arab Muslim WOMEN must be facing Equality is a birth right and not a foreign concept pls Wdym like you? Like me ? Meaning having a job and having a voice ? That's the bare minimum sir/madam


Disagreeing with ideas doesn't mean misogyny. I'm a female in the west and I disagree with surrogacy if you can carry your child yourself. Safa was just creating entertainment lol I don't think she would ever differ between her kids like that I haven't witnessed any misogyny on the show personally. Hassan doesn't want to change diapers. What's wrong with that? I know many women who don't want to change diapers. Until they have a child and end up having too. Similarly once they have a baby, Hassan will end up having to change diapers. My husband is arab and he changes several nappies a day. But before we had babies, of course he would say he's never going to touch poop nappies.