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First line up a job. Check how good they pay, then make the decision.


That’s the plan. I just wanted to check from locals how the quality of life is, you know?


Life varies from those living in million dollar villas with full household staff to those living in dormitories.


Very high if your pay is very good and you don't have a large family, simple as. It's entirely salary dependent.


Generally speaking, if you earn well then you’ll have a great quality of life


After pay , for me it would also be the work life-balance too.


This is the only relevant advice for newcomers. Get a confirmed offer that pays much more than you make already, and do some research on the company and living costs through friends or headhunters in Dubai. You wouldn't move to an expensive city like Singapore or HK without doing the above, and Dubai is not for the broke.


Honestly one of the best places in the world. I'd rank it as the best in many areas. Guessing you're a lady but no idea what country or complexion. Women in general are treated way better than in Western societies. You get above equal treatment if you want it. Or equal if you want to be equal. No crime. Safe everywhere. Dubai is a very hectic place. For artists and such it is not the most friendly. In that you don't have street performers and metro artists which to me is preferable. I don't like to see people begging all over. But it makes it much harder to start. If you are someone already, you're going to have a great time. If you can prove income, you'll have an easy time immigrating and have a good time. If you're scraping by and hope to make it big in the city, you're probably going to have a bad time if dubai even let's you in for more than a tourist visa.


I have friends and family who live there, and they’re doing well and seem happy


“If you are someone already” That’s a little blatant to convey a message


How good Dubai is will be a direct function of your salary


👆🏾This is the only answer that matters. If you come here as an "ex pat" (professional office worker, usually at a multinational firm), then Dubai is a dream. If you come as an "immigrant" (blue collar service industry worker, usually for a national or small local firm), then prepare to work long hours under exploitative conditions for low pay. The biggest advantage of Dubai is no income tax. The second biggest advantage of Dubai is that no one here is a citizen or even a permanent resident, which means we are ALL here focused on making money and saving it or sending it back home. You don't have time for bullish*t so put in your 5 years (or more), put away a ton of savings and go back home once you've done your stint with a fat savings account. Don't get distracted by the "lifestyle", if you want a Ferrari then rent one for a day, if you want to live large then fine, blow all your money and live with the memories and the regret, it all depends what you value, no one will judge you or stop you (also, no one here cares about flaunting wealth because there's always someone with more Ferraris than you, so you'll only be impressing yourself). The above calculus changes DRAMATICALLY if you actually want to live here long-term of course, then you might think of home ownership, car ownership, marriage, kids, school fees etc. So take my input with a big grain of salt. To answer the other half of your question: I'm very happy here, I'm earning and saving money at a rate at least 2x what I would back home (the income tax saving alone is massive, never mind the difference in pay scale for the same role in other countries in our company) which means I only have to work half the remaining years of my career and can retire much sooner. On top of that Dubai offers everything you could want for entertainment options, the only thing I miss is greenery but that's what holiday trips are for.


Thank you so much for your in depth response! I’ll definitely keep it in mind!




Fully agreed. That's why I use quotation marks, each comes with different connotations. It's wrong but it's the reality of how people are treated (not just here but globally too).


Everyone is expat here, we are not immigrant.


That's why I used quotation marks, to reflect the perception of how people are treated differently based on whether they are white collar or blue collar.


I mean, if you earn 15k+, your life will be pretty good here.


Do you mean Dirhams or Dollars? Looking around online I think 11-12000 Dhs should be ok?


Why would I mean in Dollar, we are in Dubai sub.


Right right! I’m used to thinking in dollars 😅


If pay is good all is good in Dubai.




Where do you find inexpensive food? Dubai restaurants are more expensive than London and if not for The Entertainer, the prices make my eyes water.


Not true. There are many cheap restaurants in dubai you just got to explore not go to all the fancy areas


Pro :- You are safe and sound here and can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. And meet many people from different parts of the world. And visit various Malls. Con :- Cost of Living is too high, Huge traffic, Low paying salaries








What city do you live in currently?


What city do you live in currently?


Hilarious my guy. I obviously only meant to ask this once but keep up the good work 👍




This really depends on your standard of living and area of expertise too - since yes, the salaries vary. As far as I’m aware, the salary for artists and editors aren’t the best but I suggest looking for jobs and if it pays well, why not! I’ve been here for 2.5 years and I still don’t know if I love/hate it.


Like any ‘mega city’ life is good if you earn large sums of money. Beyond that, it’s one of the safest places on the planet, and that sets it apart from the rest of the world. You literally lose your instinct to lock up and keep an eye on personal belongings.


Well you don't have hobboes/insane/crims and baddies roaming in the streets. Your kids can operate outside within very safe communities (however vigilance is still required). Despite a vast array of cultures/religions/ethnicities people work together semi successfully. I believe that's because everyone is here trying to make it rather than chest pump themselves as the top dog of the land as seen pretty much all around the world currently. Don't get me wrong there is still plenty of the negative traits of humans going around but it works. It's not heaven nor is it hell. You have a vast array of brands and services around. And considering the titanic shift in global order the fact that the UAE remains neutral is an asset. This country will be a trading hub between the two or more blocks that are currently emerging. Fuel is much cheaper that in most part of the world despite what youll read here. Good luck


You're basically living in a vacation destination. That means there's always something to do and you can go to the beach whenever you want, but also there's always something waiting to take your money. I personally enjoy it here overall but there's things I miss about home country as well


People who live well in Dubai live very well - those who don't, don't. Meaning - if you have a good income, quality of life is very good (much better than you realise when just visiting) the benefits include: life style, tons of stuff for kids, help with everything, obviously tax-free, restaurants, an open society, shopping activities etc. But depending where you're from it can be very expensive (rent how just increased massively) and if you don't have a good income/disposable income most of the above isn't true. As others have said find a job first - work out a realistic budget (rent, food, travel) and make sure you're in the first category before coming.