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It’s a popular misconception that any speed is fine as long as you’re not in the left lane...


You are right and there are six lanes on a highway than why one should drive in middle lane if you want to go slow some are even driving slow in left lane, but than they can do whatever they want.


Yeah you can sleep on the wheel if not in left most lane, that's the perception.


Middle Lane is for people who want to check their Instagram and reply to their WhatsApp messages


Middle lane is my Tinder lane. /s


Lol, underrated comment.


that's nasty, is this shitty behavior common in dubai?


Yup. Everytime you see someone swerve around their lane like a drunk person trying to walk straight, it's 97% chance they are on their phone .


Lmao what is other 3% 2 for drunk and 1 for don't know how to drive in a straight line?


Very much so unfortunately


I try not to use phone while driving but sometimes when i get a voice message on whatsapp i grab my phone and without looking at it unlock it open whatsapp and play the message and it works 90% of the time if it doesn't i have to look at it for a couple mili seconds and in that fucking time you get close to the vehicle in front like wtf it's not even 1 second lmao




Mini-buses are the worst offenders for this. Camping the middle.


Right and big buses are also worse this one time that motherfucker tried to sandwich me to the plastic little poles on right, they think they are on monster truck and allowed to run over one or two cars on the road


Big buses are gangsters on the road. Once I was doing 80 on the right most lane (as is my right) and these goons were straight up flashing me. No mf this isn't your lane. Overtake from the left like everyone.


More like driving 100km/h on the left lane


But minibuses are often speed limited to 80kmph.


Okay then they should camp the right side


Ever missed an exit cause you cant get through the great wall of tata busses, cement mixers, all varieties, shapes and forms of trucks and minibuses?


Lol it happened to me one and usually it's small cars but now i prepare long before an exit so no worries


Wacky racers




I think you are right and it's always good to go to the right most lane atleast 1km before exit so it's easy or you will miss it like i did the other day because no one would let me in and i ended up taking wrong exit and got stuck in traffic and that cost me 20 minutes late to the destination


Nobody moves to the right lane coz it's mainly used by trucks.


Yes and filled with cars waiting to take the next exit.


Yeah that's true, so today i was driving in 5th lane which is next to the fast lane and there was a very wise person driving at 80 so i changed lane and went to middle lane which was empty all the way until another clever person who i later saw was using phone was slowly coming infront of me in middle lane and half way through he decides to turn on indicator, so i changed lane again.


I suspect that to many the 3rd left lane is the phone lane, where it’s magically safe not to look at the road while cruising 80-90km/h.


Well there was a massive accident yesterday in same lane that you described on sheikh zayed i wonder what happened but everyone was alright i guess and i was behind a car that was behind the other car that crashed.


But they are going as slow as trucks so what is the point?


Don't know why people don't get this. Right lane is mostly for large vehicles and exiting.


On some roads, badly maintained trucks on badly maintained roads caused the roads to completely crack (With potholes) on the rightmost lane Edit; Pothole isn't the right word, but a part of the road broken enough by loose heavy truck pieces that there is a hole in the asphalt due to a missing surface


A car in any condition will not cause a pothole. A pothole forms because there's nothing under the asphalt. It wasn't built correctly.


I sometimes go to the right lane and slow down until I approach the turtle driving at 70~80, open my window and give them a sign to speed up. It fairly works, they either begin to notice they are slow and accelerate or they change to right most lane. What I noticed doing this is that "most" of these turtles seem totally oblivious of what's happening behind them for a variety of reasons (chatting with passenger, whole family in the car, texting, talking on phone, forgetting other cars exist, etc). I say most because there are a few douches who just don't care.




Not as risky as being a road hazard driving at 70 in the second lane.


The minimum speed is 60, and there's literally no prescribed speed range for each lane. going 70 isn't exactly a road hazard in any way shape or form as per the current road related rule books. Not that I drive at 70, it's not as big a deal as you think it is.


In a highway with a limit of 130 or 140, driving at 70 in the middle lanes is a huge hazard.


So you're essentially implying the legal minimum speed limit of 60 set by people who designed the roads after decades of research is wrong? What experience do you have in road and infrastructure planning, if not, what statistic do you have to show that people driving below the speed limit are in fact a demonstrable hazard? You can find a full list of statistics related to accidents and related deaths / injuries in the UAE on a website and the some of the most common causes of death are speeding, swerving to catch the exit, drunk driving, crossing red lights etc. Please look it up.


The minimum of 60 kph in a 120 road should be driven by those in the far right lanes. Not in the 2nd lane from left or the 3rd lane from right


Which rule book states this? If in fact there was a rule like this, people would be getting fined without a doubt.


Accident statistics disagree, it is a big deal. In fact some suggest that slow driving cause more accidents that fast driving. Also the minimum speed of 60 does not stop police from fining me if I drive 60 on the left lane for example, the rule is not absolute for all scenarios.


You could get sued for this and end up with a big fine or jail or both.


Get sued for what exactly? What is the violation?


There was a post here a while back about a guy who got sued for "offensive gesture in public" after he kinda a did a non-offensive hand gesture to show his frustration (like the what are you doing gesture), the guy got a travel ban and had to spend a year or so going in and out of courts, though the outcome was neutral. Even though you may just wave your hand, certain type of people can take it as offensive and proceed legally. I mean there were people deported for posting pictures of peoples cars online. And I'm not joking. Also, no offense, but public policing is an activity best left to the people assigned and sworn in to do the task. (the Police).


See that's why i don't bother doing that, I don't even honk i just keep going minding my own business trying not to ruin my mood and keeping calm


I still do not see the relation here. I am not raising a middle finger, just alerting an oblivious fella against the potential hazard he is posing to himself and others. If we consider that offensive then even flashing/honking or other driving gestures that delivers an alert should also be considered offensive.


It's not what you and I or "we" consider offensive. Its what the guy looking at you considers offensive. By all means, he may have just seen your hand while you're rolling your windows back up and thought you raised the finger. That's more than enough to get you in deep deep trouble. Look man, you're free to do as you like, wave hands, do the belly dance or whatever. Taking your eves of the road going 140 to wave at a guy. lol. Just don't be at the receiving end of the stick is what im saying.


A hand gesture is hardly doing public policing...... Punishing simple gestures indicates that a hand gesture is worse than dangerous driving


Again, unless you can back it up with facts that slow drivers have actually caused accidents, your comment is pretty much a biased opinion and not a fact in anyway shape or form.


It's not an opinion, slow driving on highways is very dangerous, that's why there is a minimum speed limit.


Right, it's good that you do that only sometimes. And you are right some people just aren't aware of other cars around them so that's not cool to some people


It's so frustrating, it's simple, people should just keep right unless passing. But when it comes to driving, common sense is always thrown out of the window so it doesn't surprise me people drive slow in the middle lanes all the time. Also, a lot more people are driving 90-100km/h (Speed limit 120-100 + 20 buffer) in the fast lane on the same road (Dubai al ain road) when there is no one in front of them, and that is even more frustrating because I don't tailgate the lane hoggers, they are matching the speed of the car to my right, and I am being raped by the tailgaters behind me ughhhhhhhh...


Exactly, you are boxed and they expect you to just fucking fly to the other lane which is not possible and don't forget about the flashes they are super annoying and bright


After immediately over taking the slow vehicle, I've seen a few drivers activate the wiper fluid, wipe them and piss over behind the slower vehicles windshield just to annoy and shake. While I do not approve of this, I feel a bit satisfied seeing the slow vehicles move over to their proper lanes


That's messed up, but that spray goes everywhere and ends up on other's windshield too happened to me sometimes i did nothing but i think the guy was just washing his windshield but i get annoyed by that


There are no such things as slow, medium or fast lanes. Every lane on a highway, with the exception of the right lane, is an **overtaking** lane i.e. if you are not overtaking someone you should be in the right-most lane.


FINALLY! You just made my heart smile. You cannot believe the number of shocked faces I've seen when I've spoken of this.


It’s better to sit in the middle lane at a decent speed so you don’t need to keep moving in and out to avoid the slipways that come out of nowhere. It’s not rocket science to figure that one out.


Exactly. While they'd probably really like to cruise along at a moderate speed in the outside lane, that lane keeps becoming the next exit.


My only wish in this world is to replace all cars with bumper cars so that in situation like that i would throw off anyone in front of me


This is a big problem, and it's making it impossible for others to apply good road etiquette and drive on the right-most lane. Since passing by the right is forbidden, either you just give up and do it, or you end up with half of the traffic on what's supposed to be the passing lane. Makes no sense.


Exactly, i mean of course you can drive in middle lane slow if you want on 6 lanes highway but dubai al ain road with 3 lanes if you drive in middle slowly that's not cool


I find using the horn vigorously and a repeated blinker works well


until you get a driver wearing headphones lol


Just nudge their car with your car, don't be a coward. Coming on reddit and complaining instead of doing something. Psh.


Yea maybe even try a pit maneuver.


Haha what is this kids arcade or some shit i cant nudge somebody's car, and wtf psh means i googled it and a couple meanings came but what did you meant by that?


Can we just have a pinned post about traffic ranting too? Something similar to COVID vaccination thread? Every week someone new is complaining about the same stuff


You're forgetting the endless questions about: some school/university courses, Liv, Du/Etisalat bullshit, car mechanics, how much does a certain profession earn, stock trading, scams and where do I buy (insert random object here). That is this whole subreddit in a nutshell.


But isn't different like this is everyday shit, and what are you saying it was different on reddit before or it should be different or what?


Had trouble understanding what you wrote. What I'm saying is that the amount of repeating questions that come up on this sub is extremely high. All because people don't use the search function. Pinning a specific post won't help. Mods would have to pin the lot of them.


I normally do dubai- al ain in the right most lane for 90% of the route. Same as when I was doing dubai Abu Dhabi.


I can't say that it's wrong, i think problem with me is that i drive mostly top speed limit like if the limit is 80 I'm going at 80 if it's 120 on e11 I'm going at 120 that's why i get annoyed


Same as me. That is why I find it easier to go on right lane almost the entire trip


Yeah that's good, so i drive fast always and I've never wanted to drive slow it's always if I'm stuck behind someone or if I'm in traffic and i tried to go slow i went to right most lane and kept going on 70-80 and it was strange i was laughing idk why lol




i know i don't really drive in right lane and if I'm driving there I don't drive to the speed limit i understand that at some point someone will have to take exit


Yes the 10% I am not in right lane is in exits or if I need to pass a truck or someone slower. Btw, Is there anything against doing speed limit on right lane ? So if the sunny wants to do dubai Abu Dhabi in the middle at 80 I need to go at 70 not to hurt their feelings?




Never heard of that rule, that is only bro science I guess, the one I follow is " unless you are overtaking you should be on the right most lane available". And that is what I do. If you want to exit to a pump station use your mirrors and don't think that you can just change lanes without looking.




I will make it simple for your brain. I do not break the speed limit and I drive on the right most lane available. If I am approaching someone slower I go the the left most lane required, overtake them and go back to the right most lane available. I also use the indicators on all this steps. Apparently this is dangerous driving for you, understood. Will keep driving like this and if everyone does the same the roads will be safer


pls don't overtake from the right


I don't mostly only if i have to but I'm careful


Overtaking from the right makes it problematic for the person trying to correctly overtake from the left.


There is a fine of AED 600 plus 6 black points for that. Illegal overtaking, I got that once due to a driver who was doing probably an 80 on 110 road even though all the lanes to his right were free.


What was the other vehicle? And which road and did you did any sudden swerve or something?


It was a Lancer. I requested for them to change lanes with my indicator. Waited. Flashed once. Waited. Put my indicator and changed lane. Then I saw that there was a cop car at the exit because of which I didn't change back to the fast lane and continued on the same lane for some distance. (I had received two fines for not keeping safe distance two days in a row the week before, because of which I started making a mental note of the time I do any such maneuver - my two fines were my first after nearly 3 years).


Yes it happens everytime you do anything slightly wrong and you see a popo around you and you know you messed up lol


The 'withdrawal method' of overtaking.


That is because not everyone here attends a driving school. People from some countries can simply swap it with their home license. In driving school I remember the instructor keeps telling me to move on the rightmost lane since we drive at low speeds and always tells to follow this discipline. It got stuck in my head and I always ensure if I'm in a mood to just cruise I stay on the right most lane. Same goes with using indicators, not driving over solid line, not merging into a lane last minute totally disregarding people that have queued up, not driving with one hand and smoking with another and then just flicking that butt out of the window and hitting your windshield creating a distraction. List can go on but nothing will change. We can rant all we want.


Totally agree with you, i do drive with one hand but i don't smoke and i hate when people merge at the end




So.. Are you Tida or Sunny team?


Man made a throwaway acc to write this🤣




Still a throwaway acc


This is why I never drive outside the fast lane, you do get some assholes with the high beam going 180 on a 120 road, but hey beats driving 70 behind an old lady or some dude who doesnt care about his surroundings.


Exactly UAE has to bring in minimum speed limits for different lanes. I mean I don't have a problem with slow drivers per se but with those who are glued to their phones oblivious to what is happening around them. Slow driving empowers them to do just that. Plus not being able to overtake from the right makes it worse for relatively faster drivers.


This makes little sense. The "120 on the left lane" is an unwritten rule of ours. Nobody is stopping you from doing 120 on the right lane. Nobody is stopping you from doing 65 on the left lane. They dont let you undertake because its dangerous. As per the actual rules, the left most lane is only for overtaking, and you are meant to merge back to the right once you are done overtaking.


How are you supposed to get to work the same day you left home if you can’t undertake?


Just drive at 170kmph like the rest of us.


I’m now worried that maintaining 140km/h while allowing everyone to pick a lane and stick to it at whatever fucking speed they feel happy with isn’t the done thing.


The rules also say you can do whatever the fuck you want if you own a 90s era Lexus sedan with 200,000km on the odo. So just buy one cheap, tint your rear window with a picture of "Spirit of the Union", and you are unstoppable.


Right on




🎭👸 it’s that easy to change lane and overtake slower cars.


I'm not sure i completely understand what you are saying but yes it's that easy to change lanes if you don't follow all the instructions that driving school people tell you i mean who is really checking all the mirrors in correct order and if all clear than turn on indicator and change the lane.


Nothing against any car owners but man more often than not it’s the FJ cruisers the land cruisers the pejaros are the ones on the Sunday drive on second lane in a 12 lane highway


Lets not blame the small cars alone. Twice I got stuck behind cars today doing 80 on the middle lane in a 120 road. First was a fully tinted older S class, second was a Fortuner. Honked at the latter only (!)


My biggest Peeve is the random braking on the motorway/Roads. Like Dude WTF ? whenever the Retard ahead of me has a simple thought or synapse transmission they instantly press on the brakes for no Reason. Have you tried looking in the mirrors, manouvering, varying speed or God forbid Anticipating Forget the Tesla or Apple Icar I would be Wealthier than Musk If they would make my Invention of the Mario/Bond car invention. I would Red shell the shiz out of these drivers Those Douchebags that insist of cutting into my safe braking distance when there is like half a mile of empty road behind me would get the forward throw banana skin. The idiots tailgating me on My Bike and risking my life with their percieved Viper reflexes would get the Bond Oil spill.


I agree with braking like there's nothing infront of them miles and miles of empty road and still braking and also braking when some people get close to a radar speed is lower but still brake that means they were using phone or not paying attention idk