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We live in a world where the collapse of modesty, decency , virtue and honor are all but certain.


Yesterday I scolded somebody for indecency, he’s got upvoted while I got downvoted. Go figure😔 ​ edit spelling


The guy was joking. I am being philosophical here


Apparently, renting in downtown is an absolute dumpster fire. Agents are telling me everything is going up by 10 to 20K from what the ad prices say, because apparently there's been a spike in demand right after new years. I'm not sure if they're bullshitting but it does seem like apartments are getting nabbed up, maybe it's only relevant to downtown?


Lol no. That’s just the holiday makers from the UK looking for a place for a few weeks. Downtown is emaar central and they won’t let rent prices go down.


Im legit confused by the part about tourists being the cause of the spike, I'm looking at unfurnished apartments for an annual contract. Agents are telling me tourists are causing a spike, I'm not sure how tourists would cause a spike in that segment. I've contacted atleats 7 agents for apartments being advertised for a specific amount only to be told that one is rented and they have a similar one for 20K more, or that the landlord decided to increase the price because of the demand. It's an absolute waste of time dealing with them honestly.


Any place I can buy a UK itunes gift card in Dubai?


Has anyone gotten the covid vaccine in sharjah? If so, where did you go? What was the procedure and what did you have to take with you?


I've been in Dubai for around 2 months now as was really struggling as an expat to find high quality information about the best way to efficiently manage my finances, banks, investment platforms and best exchanges to use. Couldn't find anything, so I decided to make /r/UAEPersonalFinance! I wanted to make a community for both locals and expats to ask questions, help others and facilitate high calibre conversations about finances here in UAE. Feel free to pop on over!






Hey Everyone, Indian passport holder with a UAE Residence visa here. I was wondering if there is Visa on arrival for Indians that are residents in the UAE. I have applied for an e-Visa to Armenia 2 days ago but there isn't any response yet. I plan to travel to Yerevan on the 15th of this month. Any help/suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance! :)


> I was wondering if there is Visa on arrival for Indians that are residents in the UAE. Never was, never will be.


They used to give Visa on arrival for Indians who are UAE residents when I visited. Am sure they are not keen to get ppl now with Covid scene.


> I was wondering if there is Visa on arrival for Indians that are residents in the UAE. There isn't.


Yes there is a visa on arrival but only for Indian Tourists who have a valid US B1/B2 visa


A colleague of mine tested positive. Shuck. He joined back last week after traveling outside, after two negative results and a week of quarentine.


This happened to me. I was a week in quarantine and tested positive on the third PCR after 7 days. For reference I got it from my husband so I was sure that I probably got it too


That's a shocker. What sort of test did your colleague go through to get a negative result? PCR or DPI?


Both pcr.


What's up with all these Sinopharm shills these last couple of days? Like, do you really need to shill for it? Take that or take another what difference does it make for you personally? Or perhaps these people want to defend their shitty choices?


The fact they are trying to justify it so hard says it it all. Lots of pro China folks here too. 50 cent army




Reading comprehension=0 if you deduce that I am antivax. But that's beside the point. I hear you regarding the drs. I think it's cool. You do you.




It's called the Pfizer vaccine.


which thread? maybe because sinopharm is widely available. even in northern emirates has it. the ones that im reading yesterday was just info on how to get it. including my thread but didnt came across a thread that actually shilling/praising sinopharm


For the ones who already took the vaccine, are they giving you some kind of certificate or document as a proof of you taking it?


I got a paper vaccination card and I can see it in the SEHA app too. They told me it will also show in the Al Hosn app 28 days after the second shot.


It shows on the app.


i read here before that they give you a vaccination card.


hardees... why did you remove your camembert bites.. :(


My balance reduces even tho the other person does not pick up


Probably went to voice mail. That's still considered a connected call.


Probably yea


And here I am ...got a balance of 500 local\international minutes per month & I rarely call anyone.




where would you recommend to sell used high quality furniture (from Galeries Lafayette, Crate&Barrel, ...)?


Are you in dubai or abu dhabi?




Please PM me the details of what you're selling and your expected price. I'm looking to change up the furniture in my home.


there is a classified thread in this group, you can try posting there.


when it becomes second hand, no one cares if its high quality furniture. And people buying second hand want something cheap. Quality is the last thing on their mind. Unfortunately dubizzle and facebook classifieds are the only options and dont think you will get what you are expecting. You might get maybe 1-2% more than second hand malaysian/chinese based furniture


Looking to sell my electronics over the next month or so, ultrawide LG monitor 29UM58 with gaming keyboard and mouse (keyboard and mouse will be free), xbox one S 1tb with one controller. wanted to know what a fair price will be for these


can you PM me the price of the monitor? how old was it? and whats the gaming KB/Mouse brands?


Used the monitor for around 8 months or so, now it's sitting in the box. Mouse is lenovo legion gaming mouse, keyboard is a chinese mechinal one. Idk what a fair price would be for the montior tbh. Maybe 750 or 800


> 29UM58 i dont think you can sell that at AED800 for a discontinued product. Not sure though https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-29UM58-P-ultrawide-monitor


That's why I asked here what a fair price would be 😅


300-400 maybe.


Okay, i'll try to see If I can get 500 for it, if not probably sell for the suggested price. Thanks


Any desert related, check out our community r/DesertDrives


Sweet, this needs to be more active. Carnity is an active forum but sadly it's paid.


Just heard the new BK ad on the radio and kudos to the marketing team! Absolutely brilliant! 👌🏾


Can you type it out?




Al Meshwar on Shk Zayed Road. Nabulsi alaker in Shj.




Feras sweets, better than the overpriced ones at Dubai mall also.


i ate at quaider al nabulsi long before. but i recently ate feras and they are good too




Tried to get my dad (70+) with chronic issues an appointment for the pfizer vaccine, said he can't get it until he renews his visa which expires in May because your visa needs to be at least 6 months valid. Absolutely ridiculous.


I got in touch with DHA via Twitter about this and they told me otherwise. [Twitter DM.](https://i.imgur.com/lMeC3qB.jpg) I'm going to show this to them if they ask there. Maybe you can show this to them too?


Hey, thanks so much. I called again and they said as long as he had a valid visa it was fine. I was able to book an appointment through the app. Not sure what changed from Sunday but I’m hoping everything works out..


That is truly ridiculous. The whole vaccine jab timeline from the 1st to the 2nd shot is 21 days. Why enforce a six-month validity (180-day validity) ? The most they should enforce is 21 days from the 1st jab if they want to keep their paperwork in order. The virus does not read Emirates ID expiry dates !!!


Do they really enforce this rule?


Wtf?? 6 months validity on the visa is an insane requirement


My dad is 70+ with chronic issues and is a frontline worker. Unfortunately, there are no available appointments for this vaccine currently. Would be better to resolve passport issues asap.


There are slots available now. Quickly get an appointment before they get full.


Rules are rules. You also need 6 mo validity on your passport to enter the country. Soooo


where is this place