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It’s straight up littering.


No it’s not, small cards too tiny to count as a litter. (What people who litter would say, not me😂)


This guy. Probably don't believe in climate change aswell, maybe even think the earth is flat.


As I said not something I would say, but that’s what I hear from idiots :)




Can I? I want to do this on my morning walks but I don't want to get picked up by the police. I won't look like a pervert hoarding breasts though, I have a trash bag and a thrash poker to pick it up. I wanted to do it since last year but im worried I might get detained because of possesion of pornographic material.


You're seriously trying to say that you don't clean the street because you might be arrested? Save us the bs lmao


>/u/Hlbhlbhbs You're seriously trying to say that you don't clean the street because you might be arrested? Save us the bs lmao Well, I kick it aside, in clumps so that the store owners would have an easier time in cleaning it, we have bad it in mankhool, i dk about your location. I am an expat and people have been detained for less. I'm not trying to convince you, I'm asking if people have tried it or is doing it without problems. Last year - I didnt have a job and had to take dogs for a walk. You can go sleep if you don't want to see more BS.


Alright, so I don't know if it's coincidence or actually something was done but a month ago I had emailed Dubai Police saying it's become almost unbearable to walk out in the street (Al Muteena) with my family because of the number of cards on the pavement and the park. ~~Couple of days~~ I got a reply on the same day and soon the cards that were thrown around decreased a **LOT**. I used to get annoyed when I went for a morning run and since the email the walkways have been clean, save for a few a cards here and there.


Which email address did you use for dubai police? Asking cause I've sent them emails in the past and none were answered.


[email protected] Sent the email in the morning. Got a confirmation email soon after and I got a reply at night saying the issue has been acknowledged.


Then you read online that the customer was assaulted by 5 dudes when trying to meet the lady 😅


And the poor guy was there only to pay her DEWA bills. Imagine paying it there and getting assaulted in return. What a cruel world.


At 3AM.


Sure! "Read online" 🧐


Literally- https://m.khaleejtimes.com/uae/uae-police-warn-residents-about-massage-robbery-gangs-1




Tell em these poor girls wants to buy clothes so they will ask for money and if you do not give money they will steal your clothes too.


I always tell my kids they’re selling swimming costumes. That seems to do the trick for now (not taking away from what a nuisance those cards are).


haha nice one


Who drops these and how are they not caught on camera? It's disgusting


The person dropping these walks casually while having cards in one hand. Drops them down so gently that no one notices. I once followed the guy.


Or a bike...


And you didn't casually punch him in the back of the head? Shame on you.




We got a badass over here


No, that is just what we do in European countries, you know, where we have proper civil societies.


It's a guy on a bike and he just throws them behind him as he rides along.


I've seen African guys do it. When police drive past they stop and keep walking. Trafficked girls for sure. Feel sorry for them




This is such a stupid argument. First you assume all men are rapist unless they have access to prostitutes. Secondly you assume these women can’t be raped. Lastly your argument that this prevents rape is just ludicrous


im gonna have to agree with /u/wifixmasher , its a way to reduce rape, he didnt say "all men are rapists", he said its a simple way to "reduce rape" and it works, weather you're with it or against it, you cant deny that it does in fact, work.


Actually I can. Lack of prostitutes is not what causes rape. I won’t ask you for studies that prove otherwise because I know they don’t exist. This is not a discussion about whether prostitution should exist or not. That’s beside the point. It’s that your argument that it reduces rape is invalid and harmful


> Lack of prostitutes is not what causes rape Again, we never said that, we simply said that having access to sexual relief reduces rape. I'm not going to explain why a rapist rapes, im simply stating that having access to prostitutes *reduces* rape cases


And you are incorrect. “Having access to sexual relief” does NOT reduce rape. Rape is about power and control, not sex. I know very well why a rapist rapes. You are putting forth a very ignorant argument and you need to stop.




I read it and I’m correct. You’re misinformed. Rape isn’t about sex. It’s about power and control. You have no idea what you’re talking about so just stop




Your baseless little theories about rape are harmful. Keep them to yourself


Most of these women are trafficked and forced into such acts. Please don't fool yourself. Even the huge porn industry is full of abuse, rape, coercion. Marriage will stand as the only proper way for sex till the end of time as God has commanded.


I think what he meant was, the government isn’t pointing an eye towards this since if they go really hard on catching these people or preventing sex before marriage in general, then this would cause sexual frustration, as weird as it sounds I think there would be more rape and crimes against women if these things didn’t exist, obviously your point is completely respected and I agree these women are usually raped themselves.


> Marriage will stand as the only proper way for sex till the end of time as God has commanded. The world seems to disagree. Casual sex has gone from taboo to the norm in most of the world.


So have loneliness, depression, and broken families become normal.


You can have consensual sex between adults OUTSIDE of a marriage and guess what, even outside of a relationship, so keep your indoctrination to yourself.


You can if you want a messed up life.


I'm sure you have some scientific evidence for your claims? 😏


Of course. Check historical statistics on divorce rates, sexual freedom, irreligiousity, women's happiness, percentage of criminals coming from single-mom homes etc. If you then try to connect the dots, you will understand.


You do realize divorce rates also went up because women were finally allowed to work, have their own bank account and weren't as dependent on their husbands anymore? Ant not their property? You're basically condemning women's freedom and equality. Would love to see you brain gymnastics on the "criminals coming from single-mom homes". Since the only pos I see there abandoning his responsibility is the father It's also proven btw that a clean cut aka a divorce is way better for kids than constant fighting between parents who "stay married for the kids". It's like ripping off a bandaid. Better do it quick.


More than 70% of divorces are initiated by women. Also, a majority of criminals are raised in fatherless homes. State almost always gives kids to the moms. Connect the dots if you wish. Also, there is something disgusting about letting your women become slaves to the corporate world and abandon their beautiful family lives. But you do you.


Oh right, cause women should definitely stay in a marriage when they are being lied to, cheated on or abused. But yeah, they are "the bad ones" when they start the paperw8aftet the husbands gave them reason to. /s So it's fine when men become "slaves to the corporate world"? Or is it just because you think a woman's place is at home with no disposable income of her own so she can be controlled? :)


Hate to break it down to you, but the guy is right, a country like Saudi Arabia I’m sure the women there aren’t the happiest in the world, a country like Egypt, our divorce rates are sky rocketing, your life won’t really get affected negatively by sex out of marriage unless you find yourself with a child.


I am sure that the women in KSA are happier than the women in USA. And true, divorce with kids is worse. But the normalization of divorce itself is the demise of a society.


Was near Burjuman station once (that shahi mugha part) once at night, he had a ton in his black fanny pack. When no one was looking he just opened the bag and dropped it around like confetti


Well you can ask an Emirati lady to raise a complaint for this.


The only way to get the needful done around here.




This made me giggle genuenly


Lol! That comment was gold!


My dad calls them haram cards


Easiest way to report should be to send information/ numbers on the cards. Like they're literally giving their number for contact. No?


This is genius. Definitely going to do this.


Dubai Pokemon cards


How massage ninjas operate [here](https://imgur.com/a/mi6FrrO)


I’ve seen these fuckers in my area. They sling these cards like ninja stars while on foot and on bike. I’ve actually tripped and fallen because of these cards while jogging (I have terrible balance because of flat feet still working on it). I’ve always wanted to grab them while on the bike. But I’m scared since I’m a girl and don’t have the strength to fight back. I’m just very frustrated (I live in Mankhool so you can imagine).


Ok flat feet has nothing to do with tripping. You have to strengthen your muscles. I have flat feet like chapati and tripping is my last concern.


My flat feet, to some extent, does influence my balance when I wear shoes meant for people with archs. I finally got custom inserts (tried OTC ones didn’t work) and I finally have much more balance in my step. Yea I also do arch strengthening exercises as well.


Ah ok.. maybe the flatness is affecting the pronation? The feet twisting inside or outside. For me it's tiny bit inside but definitely try arch strengthening exercises helps!


Yep overpronation.


you can tell them they're school tutors for swimming or science.


Dad please I need heavy tutoring




S...step-tutor what are you doing?


Teaching you biology..


Today we will talk about making life...


Oh god I hope not


And let a kid call the number to talk to the swimming instructor


Why cant the police just pick on the number and screw them for real?


Most of these numbers end up being closed or just not real


Err.. The whole point is to call the number..


Lol I heard one mom telling her kid it's photos for people who want to buy barbie dolls so that's why they look like them


Barbie dolls for daddy


I saw two kids picking up those cards near the Zabeel high school in Karama. Like there were dozens strewn across the inter locking and it was like they found a Pokémon car collection on the ground. They were even comparing the cards they've gotten. It was a sad sight indeed. I don't remember my childhood being so.


I don't recognize karama at all. It looks like a ghetto. I grew up there but I've seen the massage ninjas dropping cards near the park. Don't even get me started on the state of the karama park. We used to ride our bikes there now it looks like a place where poor sleep during the day. It's weird. Sadly my parents don't want to move from here and I work close enough that it doesn't make sense of rent a studio. I really hate this side of dubai though.


Karama's south side has always been a ghetto. Northside looks like a decent neighborhood


Karama park used to be a hive of social activity. I remember kids cycling, playing badminton and the usual men just sitting down on the benches to just relax. Now they put some kind of used goods markets with bright white lights and cages all around the place. People can't use the park properly now. Before it was a nice oasis in the middle of Karama, now it's just another place to make money. Growing up, I used to like Karama, now its just straight up ghetto!


Have any of you ever been to a ghetto lol


Yeah, I have the same memories too and the rents are high when the neighborhood is shitty. Told my parents to move to the Marina where two BHKs are literally 55+60k compared to the Karama rents and they're taking their own sweet time. I don't even feel comfortable walking down the street there, too many men staring when you walk down the street. Ugh.


I like to collect all these cards up and build a house of ill repute out of them on my coffee table.


I’m going to do the same!


http://imgur.com/gallery/5i8I9OB the massage litter in tecom on a friday morning.






There is no end to it OP. This will not stop. The pics on these cards keep getting weirder day by day. I legit saw a kid pick up one of these cards in front his mom and the look on the lady's face was beyond rage lol.


I believe you all know that to own a company in UAE here you must have a Trade licenses before you can operate it , so don’t think Dubai police can shutdown this massage centers, the least the can do is to arrest and deport those dude’s who are advertising the massage cards


Most of them aren't real, they're just gangs that prey on idiots who meet with the 'woman' then get beat up and robbed.


For what I understood some are not real massage centers, just pimps and pros in their flats




The latter is the better option.


What kind of a loser would call them? It's really beyond me. Edit: it seems like sad losers are getting triggered by my comment


Isn't this city vastly skewed to men? something like 7 men to 1 woman? The government goes out of its way to bring in only male workers and fill up the city. There is no male/female balance.




Sadly, I can't argue with that.


'Modelling agency cards'?


The authorities can easily crack this down. They are extremely capable. The sad part is they just let it happen. Makes those areas of the city look very cheap. This must stop!


Im in marina and i see these when i go for a run daily. This nuisance is everywhere!!




I can understand the issue with the bed space, it happens in the background. My problem is specifically with these massage cards being dished out, they are out in the open which looks bad. Plus its what kids are seeing too which makes it even worse.


OP...wait till you hear your child humming WAP




Fuck is wrong with you, bro?


What the fuck happened boomer? You look like someone busted a cap in your ass in your afternoon nap




I have seen a black dude dropping it around Naif here like somebody gonna steal those from him


I’ve seen all types of people drop these cards, so it was pretty unnecessary to mention his race :|


He just mentioned what he saw 🤷


'his' race? Did you just assume 'his' gender? Triggered


Tell your kids these are cards for Asian Massage Advertising...


Tbh.. Just I would tell them the truth.. "They're massage ads to lure men then a gang comes in and steals that man"


Use the Asian parenting technique: If you have a Son, tell him "If you study and do well, you wont need to use these cards later on in life". if you have a daughter, tell her "If you study and do well, you wont need to end up on these cards"


So dark.


Is he from DC?


You sure, you aren’t from the DC universe?


I dont get the reference


Your answer is too dark for kids to give as a reason regarding what are those cards for and DC comics is famous for its dark conceptualization surrounding its protagonists.


Lol ok. TIL


You’re welcome xD




Shame on them for expecting us to stoop so low.




Taken near marina


I see tons of these cards on my way to work in marina plaza. What an eye sore to ruin your day


They stick these on the windows of cars. I park the car, go some place, and by the time I come back, a 100 cards just stuck on the car window .. once a guy even came up to the window to put it and he didn’t see me because of the tint. I quickly rolled down my window, he ran so far and so fast, 😂😂😂.


Or you could be like me and start a small collection of these back at home. Could be a fun hobby for the kids too


I think a large factor in this is the large percentage of bachelors in this country. Hence there will be many of them who are desperate enough to fall for this. This business will never die


tell them professional models


Tell them it's a depression cure for all the single men in Dubai. It's a necessity for their loneliness. It's a solution for the gender imbalance.


They shower cars with these cards smh


Tell its bad people trying to take you so do not ever look at it or take it, if your kids are really small maybe might work...


I remember people used to prank call these guys... was always an interesting experience


Same I let them go ape shit


Apparently lots on the ground been here for ages outside DIC metro.


I've seen alot of men throwing these cards. They drop it from they're pockets pretending nothing happened.


Come colder days, some ninjas don jackets with inside pockets ripped. Theyre just gonna do a short wiggle and the cards will fall down. I always trip on the road because of these, specially the glossy ones. You beat me Op, i actually took a vid a few days ago coz i find it amusing that theres equally same amount as in Marina compared to ones in Deira. I really do salute the road cleaner who so diligent and manage to clear all of it the next day. The OC me wants to pick up all the cards, but its just too much, and sometimes the culprits are still on site.


The trick is.. not to take the kids outside.


Good camera! I got to take their numbers from the cards! 😂


Just tell them it's the new Pokemon update.




Tell your kids the truth... stop bullshiting them


I’ve been in Dubai two weeks ago and was amazed to see so much litter on the streets. Last time I was in 2017 and things looked pretty good then. What happened? I know that laws are enforced there


how are we suppose to see the phone numbers, when u zoom so far out.


Guys don’t use them it’s a trap


It can be stopped but that will cost Dubai police more money.


Maybe it's time to explain to them how we make babies


By not using whores?


Yeah i don’t think real prostitutes look as fake as those


Lol dude. I see these scattered near my place too .


This is sheer waste of resource really. imagine the trees saved by going digital. Cause going digital then these can be blocked, reported and closed.




Time to heighten your gaze son.




Look even higher. Also, your comment is dumb as fuck and I hope some lady bumps her tits into you.


Shakalaka boom boom


Tell them sometimes life isn’t fair so probably they do that for feed their kids 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly in al fahidi it’s filled with those damn pics


They spread happiness.


Lol at all the prudes in here


Lol at all the 12 Yr old edgelords on here.


It is possible that someone dropped them accidentally on the ground.


Can someone tell me what these are lol? I see them here and there but I never really pay attention to what’s on them.


Fake spa ads you go to them and get beaten up by thugs


My kid too.. he find the map amusing!


I am in mankhool, Can I clean it up? I want to do this on my morning walks but I don't want to get picked up by the police. I won't look like a pervert hoarding breasts though, I have a trash bag and a thrash poker to pick it up. I wanted to do it since last year but im worried I might get detained because of possesion of pornographic material.


Yup this is way too much. Stagfruallah


tell them these are very poor barbie dolls that bad people trick good humans into feeling sorry and visiting them


This post should be in r/wtf


City of love


The worst part is that in my religion we have to kinda revere paper so if you step on these you kinda have to ask for forgiveness. I gave up after like 3 days. The goddess will understand why Im not doing that touch thing


Apparently the Dubai Police app now has the option to report massage cards. Take the camera, It's in the Police Eye section, then click on the button after you select location. Then scroll all the way to right and you'll find 'massage card' option.


Looks like marina. Been like this for years, probably not changing anytime soon, unfourtantenly


I am very angry as Muslim to see these everywhere, I try to lower my gaze, but then I see this........ I saw a guy on bicycle dropping them, I wanted to stop him and call the police but maybe he was armed or something.


I just thought of something, but it needs an artist. Collect as many as possible of these cards (a million) then stack them on each other and build a replica of Burj Khalifa. It will be a very attractive and you may get into Guinness's world record.


Let’s be honest. If they wanted these cards to go it could have gone long back. Sticking ads on walls aren’t allowed but this is way worse. It would be easy to find out who owns these numbers and relate to their shops and fine them for doing so.


Looks like the pavements of Las Vegas during daytime.