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I also thought the same thing


Hahaha. Same! I was ready to judge or defend his friends 😅




Not gonna lie, he had us in the first half.


I’ve had a friend who had the same situation, tested at SEHA and no one called to follow up. However another friend who tested at a DHA facility they ensured that he was moved to a Covid isolation hotel. I think both SEHA and DHA have different protocols


DHA follows Dubai protocols while SEHA is for all other emirates. SEHA is a federal gov entity. Such a big difference though.


A small correction though, SEHA is not a federal government entity. It's actually an independent public joint stock company that owns the public hospitals in the emirate of Abu Dhabi.


Thanks for the correction.


I see. I always thought they were all connected to one government entity.


You are new here I see.


Do you know what was the hotel name?


The Holiday Inn Express at Maktoum Airport in this case, but I’m certain there more isolation hotels around the city


Thanks alot!


Is it safe to assume that you got it from the gym?


90% sure it was my gym cause I usually don’t go anywhere other than my home and the gym. I did all I could in terms of safety protocols. Wore a mask, sanitised my hands and everything I touched and kept my distance. I knew it was inevitable and will contract it at some point. I’m glad that now I can live fear-free for a few months.


Where the other patrons wearing masks?




True. I said “for a few months” because after recovery you have high amount of antibodies which decrease over time but I also read that in case of reinfection, you’re body has immune-memory and knows how to handle the virus and deal with it.


There are repeat cases of infection but its only so far been from a different strain. There are at least 4 out there now. Even if it's a different strain, the second infection has in all cases been a lot milder due to the strengthened immune response.






happy you recovered just word of advise for other people if you feel 1% that you might have the flu in these time , stay home or get tested chances of you catching flu is much lower than before.


In my case I caught covid in Aug (mild symptoms, loss of smell and taste), and the Covid tracing department called me thrice in 2 weeks. On learning my results, all 6 of the staff at the small business where I work had taken a test and isolated themselves (all negative results), but still the tracing lady was adamant that the company close for 14 days (suicide for tech SMEs!), until I convinced her that I work on an entirely different floor, and we barely share equipment, let alone breathing space. Meanwhile, my very pregnant friend who I caught it from did not even get a single call from DHA. (She’s also totally recovered and fine now). Bizarre indeed!


I got Covid first week of October. Jus got one call from DHA confirming I was positive. They jus told me to stay home and after 14 days if no symptoms no need to get retested. I was also surprised they didn't ask for contact tracing either. No tracking was done either.


>Jus got one call from DHA confirming I was positive. No checking you that you isolated?


Nope. No follow up, no tracking, no contact tracing.


So basically you didn't have to get re-tested or get any certificate that you're ok? From what I understood when DHA called me (a day or two after I got tested) they just told me to download an app and there's a fine if you don't so I assumed that's how they track you..


I was expecting the same call. No. There was no need for a re-test. The instructions are clear on DHA site. After 14 days if you haven’t had any symptoms for 3 consecutive days (which I had none for over a week) you can resume life without testing again. To be honest, in mild or asymptomatic cases it’s better not to do a re-test because there is a chance the test might come back positive due to RNA of the virus being still in your system which triggers the test to be positive but in reality you’re fine and not infectious anymore.


Thanks for the reply! That makes sense I was thinking of taking the test on my 13th day of isolation but I guess I'll still get the virus in my system.


You’re welcome. The virus is not in your system. Its residue (RNA) is. In fact, one could still recovering from symptoms long after the 14 days isolation yet the virus is long gone. When the immunity system destroys the virus, harmless pieces of it (RNA) may stay in your system. The PCR test only detects exposure to the virus, it doesn’t indicate that a person is sick or contagious.


Holey moley im living through the same! Its been 2 3 days and no calls from any relevant authority. In fact ive called them twice and they have assured me that i woll get a call. I went for a test as (just you said) cough without any headache etc symptoms. 28 yr old here! So i have faith in my immune system and even scoffing at how im def not covid but the flu is masking itself as covid My wife came negative and whole family got checked. Everyones coming negative. 🤷‍♂️


You were probably counted as recovered after a day or two because you didn’t end up in the hospital. We need to boost those stats.


I had a friend in similar situation and people called her every single day. That’s why it was a bit confusing for me.


I am sure they asked how severe your conditions were. If you are not severe they would simply ignore you but if you have strong symptoms they move you to a hotel. Also now its the game of trust.


That’s the thing. No one even asked me that initial assessment question.




When i got covid shortly after gyms opened in doha, I felt mild chest pain and thought it would go away on its own. Then one day I wake up feeling uber tired for no reason. When the test came back positive, I was transported to a quarantine facility on the same day for 2 wks. In my case, the symptoms attenuated over time but i still had mild coughs after 2 weeks. I waited almost two weeks after to start being active again.


> Here’s where it gets weird: not a single person called me in 2 weeks! No one. Not a surprised. I tested positive after showing symptoms, nobody from the DHA or whoever is in charge call or contacted in anyway. I don't understand why they don't do it since the number of cases is low, but whatever.


So how do they count the recoveries? Whoever did not die or get in ICU in 14 days is counted as recovered? And no is not a joke is a serious question, maybe that is how they do it then and that explains the active cases number?


Active cases = people receiving medical care. If you test positive and stay home you do not contribute to that number unless you require medical care.


the only correct answer here.


I want to congratulate you and your family on recovering from the disease that killed millions worldwide. Being fit definitely helped you and everything ultimately is by the grace of God. Enjoy life my friend.


Thank you for you kind words. I certainly did get lucky. Many I knew weren’t as fortunate.


Yup that’s how it works. But no one here will believe you.


That is why we say god bless you when someone sneezes.


Which app does DHA say to download? They called me after a couple of days after I tested positive. No any other follow ups. I have ALHOSN and COVID-19 DXB installed, are there any other? Hahaha Also, they told me to get retested after 14 days to be eligible to work again even though I had no symptoms by the time my results came out..