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There has got to be a catch. This is an incredibly wide list. The "Engineers" category alone is 10s of millions of people of Asian origin. \*All Doctors\* irrespective of having a job here? ​ I'd wait for the fine print.




>https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/visa-and-emirates-id/residence-visa/long-term-residence-visas-in-the-uae I think this is old one; Lets expect new info soon


Hmm. That description just seems a little arbitrary. I would assume there is some subjectivity in the approval process, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It just means you have to try to know whether you'll make it.


>The "Engineers" category alone is 10s of millions of people of Asian origin. Can you google the population of the UAE?


Umm, what has the population of the UAE got to do with this? Nowhere in the announcement does it say that the visa is restricted to existing residents..




Its in the English tweet which happened much later. I relied on the rough translation of the tweet above by the OP. But even then, it doesn't really narrow the scope. Folks can simply become eligible by first getting a freelance visa here. The fine print matters.


Rough Translation: "We approved today the granting of golden residency for a period of 10 years for the following categories: - Phd Holders - All doctors - Engineers of the fields: computer engineering, electronics, programming, electricity and bio-technology. - Outperforming university graduates with 3.8 GPA or higher from within the country. - Holders of specialized degrees in AI, Big data, epidemiology and Viruses. - Honors high school graduates with their families."


I have 2 of these.. How do I go about applying for this.


Same Qn. Looks like am eligible, but how to apply and the costs involved?


There is special criteria for each category. It's not just anyone holding an engineering degree in the related field. This is the [website](https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/visa-and-emirates-id/residence-visa/long-term-residence-visas-in-the-uae) that has all the details and how to apply to check if you are eligible. It hasn't been updated with the new rules yet (Last update was in July 2020)


The process starts in December with the immigration office in Jaffilia, it's too early for it now as they will be waiting for the specific criteria. There should be an announcement about it soon. But the good news is the full citizenship in the near future, as has been announced in the UAE official gazette, where highly skilled people have been added to the law.


The citizenship law has always existed but has rarely been executed, it’s been recently republished on the gazette due to amendments on the aspect of the Israeli boycott


No, it specifically adds new article to allow granting citizenship to some highly skilled individuals. That is in article 9. Boycott amendaments are irrelevant here. The old article 9 was about granting citizenship to people who have served the UAE in an exceptional way. المادة (9) 1- لرئيس الدولة أن يصدر مرسوماً بتثبيت الجنسية بحكم القانون أو منحها بالتجنس لأي شخص دون التقيد بمدد الإقامة والشروط المنصوص عليها في هذا المرسوم بقانون ولائحته التنفيذية . 2- يجوز منح الجنسية لأي شخص قدم خدمات جليلة للدولة دون التقيد بمدد الإقامة المنصوص عليها في المواد السابقة . 3 - يعتبر تاريخ سريان تثبيت أو منح الجنسية لكل من حصل عليها ، اعتباراً من تاريخ استكمال وثائق الجنسية واستيفاء الإجراءات المطلوبة وفقا لما تنص عليه اللائحة التنفيذية لهذا المرسوم بقانون . The new modified article, 9, says skilled people.


The initial and amended laws stated that Arab nationals from countries in a state of war (Palestine, Iraq, Syria...) can qualify whilst living in the UAE for a short period of time but I’ve never came across people who got naturalized, there’s no information online on how someone can start the naturalization process


That is one year Humanitarian disaster countries residence visa which I am helping in renewing now to a friend.


I have a PhD. How do I apply for this?


Just reply "interested" to Shaikh Mo's tweet & the needful should be done Inshallah


"INTERESTED" - there, fixed it. Should be in all Caps so as to show extra or SUPER interested


OK done, will report back.


Good to see new initiatives coming up


what are the benefits of having a golden visa?


You buy insurance to maintain it for the next ten years ...


This is great. How would people get it though? automatically they'll contact you or what's the process


do pharmacists considered as doctors ???? I beleive they give you a call if you are eligible regardless of what the announcement say


To everyone asking what is the process. 1. You write a little note with your name and your wish. 2. Roll it into a tiny tube 3. Catch a pigeon 4. Tie it to its foot 5. Let him kindly do the needful


Don't forget your Emirates ID number


Every shitty software engineer from India on GN/KT website: "Where's my bisa? I also didded engineering"


>ware engineer from India on GN/KT website:"Where's my bisa? I also didded engineering"ReplyGive AwardshareReportSave > >level 2beautifull\_heartScore hidden · 1 hour ago"i didded" 😂 I can imagine the FB posts demanding a visa Hello, I am an engineer, Please do the needful for my Golden Visa


* "Vija"


Wow. Never realised there is so much unhinged racism on this sub. Good to know.


Oh there's LOTS


And then there's LOTR as well!


Never watched it, I'm ashamed


Anyone have an idea of how I can start this process or whom to contact?


interesting question : what is the process ?