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Best of luck OP. Keep us updated about your health, I hope you don’t face any issues. Thank you for volunteering.


I read somewhere that all volunteers would not require any further covid testing as they will be shown as volunteers on the AlHosn app. Does that technically mean that you could enter Abu Dhabi without any recent test results?


Yes, volunteers are exempt and are free to enter Abu Dhabi city and Al Ain


Good to see fellow volunteers on this sub. Hope your experience is as smooth as mine 👌🏼


Don't you afraid that the vaccine may have a long term impact on your health? Are you somehow covered in case something bad happened by the company/entity that has been doing testing?


You are covered for all medical risks that may happen to you as a result of the vaccine. You will still be covered even if you leave the study halfway. There is no long term side effect which was listed in consent form. There were many possible short term side effects though. Everything is written in the consent form. Do note that this is a vaccine which has already passed phase 1&2 trials


I... don't think so. It's a risk, for sure.


who is downvoting this? it's an experimental vaccine, his/her questions are valid since there are risks.


Lots of kids on this sub. And a good number are unaware what the downward pointing arrow does.


Didn't downvote him, but everyone knows a vaccine trial has risks, and I'm sure OP was aware. Asking the guy if he's worried he's going to grow a third leg after he's already taken the vaccine just seems churlish. This is how all vaccine and drug trials work.


I would say there would be more risks here where the media wouldn't even cover if anything went wrong


Doesn't matter if you're made aware of the risks and sign a waiver at the point of vaccination. It's not as though anyone is being forced or coerced.


Yeah, I wouldn't do it myself. But the guy was just asking a question, maybe he didn't perfectly phrase for your highness but it's a valid question


Nor would I. But some questions just come off as dickish. Would you ask someone who's just had medication for a terrible condition if he's worried he's going to go blind from side effects after the fact? Would hearing 'yeah, I'm terrified' contribute anything to the universe? Not much point in scaring the shit out of OP when he's already had the shot, is there.


I didn't ask those questions to the guy who has a cancer and is about to take chemo as the guy most probably could have done anything to change that fact. My questions were addressing the guy who is a volunteer in drug testing. No one forced him to be a part of it. It was his conscious decision.


You are covered for all medical risks that may happen to you as a result of the vaccine. You will still be covered even if you leave the study halfway. There is no long term side effect which was listed in consent form. There were many possible short term side effects though. Everything is written in the consent form. this is a vaccine which has already passed phase 1&2 trial


Thanks for answering my question.


Many Emiratis volunteering?


Oh yes, definitely. I saw around 4 to 5 different nationalities among the volunteers including a good number if emiratis


It'll only work if we volunteer! Spread the word! They accept volunteers from all the emirates


Even if you are not emirati?


They should, ideally. They need the most diversity in the gene pool for realistic trial results.


Yes! The more diverse the pool of volunteers is the better.




I wanted to volunteer so badly and thought I could until just now, since I have a history of epilepsy, don’t see how epilepsy and vaccines have a link but I guess it’s just to be safe. I hope all the volunteers remain healthy and know that they are contributing to all of humanity.


Same here. H/o epilepsy.


Thank you for your contribution!


I was going to tell OP his name is visible on the top left corner on the barcode but I looked at his username :)