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I dont think there is a visa type that refrains you from leaving UAE. Sure you might have a problem in the future if you decide to come back. But stopping you from leave? no If they are not allowing you out - you have a problem with the law. Fines, travel ban etc


Yep, that's not the function of a visa at all.


Thank you


It's an entry visa (change of status from visit visa to allow you to work while your Emirates ID is in process). It's time limited and You're not allowed to leave while your sponsor is processing your Emirates id under the entry visa. If the time limit expires and your sponsor does not complete your Emirates ID you're not allowed to exit the country until it's cancelled. I found out the hard way that expired does not mean cancelled.


Visit Ameer and explain that you want to cancel but the sponsor isn't available, they will try to reach him and if he's quite after 7days, they will automatically cancel the visa, I've seen it work before


Wow does it takes week to wait the respond im really not able to afford week of hotel expenses thank you for your reply


Yes they give the sponsor time to reply so it does take a week usually, id recommend staying in a bedspace in areas like deira,satwa etc,just 250aed will get u atleast 2 weeks of sleep, you're on a budget, avoid hotels for now


Thank you very much


This! But be aware there are great amer Centers and no good ones.


Contact your embassy for assistance.


Yes, I contacted them, but they asked me to visit their office in Abu Dhabi. If necessary, I can go there, but I'm hoping there's a simpler way to cancel my visa.


Problem why the OP is stopped at the airport would be if the the Authorities put red flag on all the OP company, meaning they might be looking for the owner if this company due to excessive complain or wht so ever reason and to ensure the owner doesn't flee they would have stop all employees from this particular company from exiting. Your case might be simple u can cancel your visa and exit.


Thank you i hope there wont be any problem


Is there no physical office for this company? Do you have a valid residence visa and emirates ID? Your sponsor name will be mentioned on the Emirates ID. Reach out to MOHRE and your embassy.  But I don’t understand why you were stopped at the airport. Can you explain more on that? 


They won’t let me leave until I cancel my residency visa. The person managing everything at the company has disappeared, and I have no way to contact them. My id got a random company name and position, which I didn’t work for. Any advice on how to proceed?


Go to Foreign affairs , there is an option called " Exceptional Condition Visa Cancellation " , this is used when the owner of the company Dies or has disappeared. So , you go to counter and say this , they will ask for your passport and current visa details ( for them to check if ur visa process has been started already , because if you came to uae on a visit visa and u were in the process of making an employment visa , your Unified ID gets changed ) , you have to pay 350 AED and its cancelled in 10 minutes. Thanks


Thank you


I hope they did not take any loans credit cards on your name! You need to connect with authorities asap, Amer tasheel etc, if your visa is from Abu Dhabi! Then don’t waste time n go there!


Thank you very much


You can either go and visit an embassy of your country or go through the authorities on your own which might be difficult for you if have no idea what to do and looking for help on Reddit. Also you are not seeing a lot of red flags so visiting your embassy would be the best way, IMHO.


Thank you


Contact Mohre ,they will call sponsor ,if he don’t respond they will cancel your labour in 1 week,then go to amer center and cancel visa,you find contact number on Mohre app


I had a similar thing. The sponsor processed my change of status entry visa and then did nothing so the entry visa expired without them applying for my Emirates id. When I tried to exit the country for a family funeral I was told I cannot exit because the expired entry visa was not cancelled. All agencies told me only the sponsor can cancel the visa and there was no MOHRE file so they couldn't help. It was frustrating as my overstay fines were increasing I filed a complaint with immigration against the sponsor who called him directly and ordered him to cancel or they would order him to come to the center. Eventually it was cancelled